Profil komandéra Novaseta > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
R.A.V. Sparrowhawk [RR-008]
(Viper Mk III)
Členem od:
11. 9. 2017
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
21 901
Systémů objevených jako první:
6 801
1 005 927 093 Cr
General Log

Commanders Log, September 29, 3306 14:47

I spent the last couple of months in the bubble, training up two new pilots. Mentoring takes a bit of patience, and structure, but the results are two pilots who are where I was a year after getting my sidewinder in such a short time.

Meanwhile, I have been hitting the belts, to roll in some credits. Income is good, but I have a ways to go before I can get me one of those new carriers.

General Log

Commanders Log: May 6, 3304 11:45

Wolf 363, Pirsan Station R.A.V. Selan

Downtime. The Selan is a top of the line ship now. Thanks to the last trip I was able to purchase the rest of the gear needed to outfit the selan for any circumstance.

I've spent a couple days running bounties, and missions for the Station. I was promoted to Chief Petty Officer in the Federation, granting me a couple of permits and access to the Core Dynamics Federal Assault Ship... I must admit I am tempted to load one out for bounty hunting, but I need to watch my funds.

To be honest bounty hunting is growing a bit old for me, and I would rather not get too dedicated to deep space exploration at the moment... The Thargoids are right at our door step... so I think I will be outfitting the Selan to get involved there. I will need to do some research.

Mission Log: 3 Point Passenger Mission 4/27/3304 17:40

Commanders Log: April 27, 3304 17:40

Wolf 363, Pirsan Station R.A.V. Selan

enter image description here

I signed on three passenger contracts today that should rack in at minimum 117,296,280 credits. Not including any bonuses, or exploration credit. After a few days back, I did some bounty hunting in the Selan, as well as a few missions and made a hefty sum, but the sky still calls to me, and after purchasing a wealth of upgrades I find the coffers to be a bit too dry for my taste. Sadly I did sell the Unbound... She was a good ship... But with the money I make from this I could rebuy her several times over. I have 21 passengers aboard, acclimating to the ship.

enter image description here

Our journey will take us to three primary destinations, starting with the furthest out, Kyloalks DL-Y G17, then a quick stop at Colonia, and finally a run to Dryua Aoscs IR-W E1-3926. I have broken the trip up by about 10000 Light years per day, give or take, and our first checkpoint will take us to Flyiedge SG-W 834-6. Day 2 will take us as far as Boeph UB-J D10-2156, and Day 3 should see us hitting all three destinations, and coming to rest at E1-3926, the last destination. From there I will plot our return course which should only take another couple of days. If I stay focused the trip should only take about 5 days, however I am certain we will be making one or two stops along the way, to chart systems, so I wouldn't hold my breath... We'll be lucky to make a week but we'll see. In either event the passengers have given me a month, so there is plenty of time...

enter image description here

Though I have had the Selan for some time now, I have much anticipated outfitting her for trips like this... All the planning has lead up to this. While fitted for passenger travel with an extra fuel tank to break up fuel scooping, She'll get about 41LY per jump, and once we get underway I will be able to get some statistics for her actual LYPS and see how I can tweak her. This will be a good Shake down cruise for her. We'll depart, the day after tomorrow.

The Selan Deep Space Transport/Explorer Outfit

enter image description here

Commanders Log: April 29, 3304 13:42

Wolf 363, Pirsan Station R.A.V. Selan

Late start today on account of an old storyteller who caught a fish this big...

We're only a little behind but worst case I will be able to make up the jumps tomorrow. Course is plotted for Flyiedge SG-W B34-6 After sneaking out of the station we hope for smooth sailing.

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 29, 3304 17:44

Flyiedge SG-W b34-6 R.A.V. Selan

We made it to the first checkpoint in good time. The Selan is a fast ship! I rated her at about .9 Light years per second, which is better than the unbound. The extra fuel tank while reducing a minor amount of jump range, makes up for it well by offsetting the amount of time I spend making maneuvers for fuel scooping. Unfortunetly I had a bit of a mishap leaving Pirsan Station... Despite appearing to have clearance somehow I still managed to scrape the bottom, while silent running. The up side to this was that my passengers didn't seem to notice, and it gave me a chance to test out these new repair limpets. We arrived a little over the mark at out first checkpoint, but there were several delays on the way... Tomorrow we'll resume course for the next checkpoint.

Commanders Log: May 1, 3304 08:06

Boeph UB-J d10-2156 R.A.V. Selan

We made checkpoint in good time yesterday thanks to the Selan's Frame Shift Profile. I spent some time making up a data sheet while making measurements of her speed. I rate her at about .87 LY/s on paper, while a few piloting tricks here and there have bumped her up to .9. We'll be heading out today, and hitting all three Destinations. The crew is in good spirits. I'll be putting in at Jacques to pick up some booze, and then we'll be heading back. I suspect we'll be back by Wednesday.

Commanders Log Supplemental: May 1, 3304 17:26

Kyloalks DL-Y g17 R.A.V. Selan

We made it to the first destination after a couple hours of jumping. Had some minor trouble on the way when we jumped in between two stars. The Selan hit 103 before I could get off a heat sink, and there was some minor damage to the power distributor and discovery scanner, so after a brief stop for some repairs we got back underway. We arrived at out final destination to see G17 4 "The Mighty". A very high gravity non atmospheric planet, at 9.9G. enter image description here

After this commander gets himself some coffee, we'll be back on the road, this time to Colonia. Once there we'll restock the heat sinks, and get some minor hull integrity mainatainence, and head to our last stop before finally setting a course home. Estimated time to Colonia, with no interuptions is One hour.

Commanders Log Supplemental: May 1, 3304 20:22

Dryuae Aoscs IR-W e1-3926 R.A.V. Selan

Made the final two destinations in great time... While at Jacques I turned in exploration data to the tune of about 20 mil credits, made some repairs to the Selan, and picked up some Distillers. I managed to get in and out unnoticed... The repairs I made their were however in vein, as I hadn't realized that I would jump directly into the Great "Hole in the sky"... In any event, there was only some minor damage to systems from the emergency drop out. It was however worth it... The approach to this planetary nebula (Dryuae Aoscs IR-W e1-3926) was awe inspiring. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

The black hole, with such a back drop... simply amazing... After getting in danger close a few times, and then doing some tricky maneuvers to give my passengers a good stellar refraction show, I've brought the Selan to rest just about 15Ls out from the black hole. I'll be charting my course home... I might make a few jumps away from here... Just because black holes have a tendency to skeeve me out... enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Course is plotted for home. My best estimate puts the trip time at about 7 Hours. I might hit it all tomorrow, or I might stretch it over the course of the next couple days. For now, I need to rest.

Commanders Log: May 2, 3304 13:00

Dryuae Aoscs IR-W e1-3926 R.A.V. Selan

All rested up and ready to head home. We have 493 jumps to the first point which is only a couple hundred out from home. 19,957.8 Lightyears to Col359 Sector AE-E B14-0. Expected travel time without interruption, is 6 Hours and 25 minutes, but allowing for brief rests on the way, I figure 7 hours and 30 minutes tops.

Commanders Log: May 3, 3304 03:30

Wolf 363, Pirsan Station R.A.V. Selan

We made it back to the station at about 03:15. Though some delays put us well beyond our expected hour of return, I am pleased to say that the data sheet I compiled was fairly accurate in estimating travel times. The passengers disembarked, in good spirits and thanked me for their voyage. This was a very profitable mission, with the contracts rewarding upwards of 197 million and another 35 million in exploration credit. I'm eager to get back to bounty hunting, though I must admit the Thargoid crisis has me a bit worried. Until now I have chosen to remain detached from the situation, as I cannot help but wonder if we are the aggressors in this situation, or if maybe a peace is possible... But the Thargoids are very close to Sol now... In any event, that's one more mission complete... And my account is looking good.

Personal Log

Commanders Log: April 25, 3304 19:02

63 Chi Leonis BC 8 B R.A.V. Selan, SRV 1

Rolling around the hills of BC 8 B looking for materials. After my Colonia mission I decided to take it easy for a couple days. I have spent most of my time running the odd job here and there around Wolf 363. I did a little bit of bounty hunting as well as a couple of scan jobs, and now I am trying to stock up on sysnthesis materials. I'm not sure when I will get out to the black again. While I was able to get the Selan her new Hull, I still need a fuel scoop, and they ain't cheap. I may sell the unbound but it won't quite be enough. It may take one more deep space passenger trip before the Selan is ready for the great unknown. enter image description here

Mission Log: Colonia Transport and Exploration. 04/15/3304

Commanders Log: April 17, 3304 06:55

Drojeae WG-G b58-7 R.A.V. Unbound

The Unbound is en-route to Colonia, to deliver 7 Explorers to the Jacques Visitor Beacon. The contract gives me a little under a month for completion, so with such ample time, I will be stopping here and there along the way to chart some systems. I have charted two so far, nothing majorly intersting, however the first leg of this trip will end in a nebula. There I will treat my passengers to the stunning views of a stellar nursery, and then perhaps I will spend some time charting planets. For the moment I am Anchored in orbit around Drojeae WG-G b58-7, on break from flying. The unbound will resume flight for the first leg of the trip at approximetly 12:00, and then hopefully after a good days jumping at 2235 Light years per hour, we will make it a good part of the way to our destination.

Commanders log Supplemental: April 17, 3304 23:07

Prua Phoe ZQ-X B33-19 R.A.V. Unbound

After a lengthy series of jumps, the Unbound has arrived at the Prua Phoe AA-A H9 Nebula, completing the first leg of our trip to Colonia. Aside from some minor control issues, the trip is going smoothly. Ship and crew in perfect working order. I charted ZQ-X B33-19 to cap off todays travels, and discovered a couple of binary planets that were quite breath taking. Tomorrow we will set sail for Colonia, which will take just a little over 4 hours. Binary Pair Prua Phoe AA-A H9

Commanders Log: April 18, 3304 13:30

Prua Phoe ZQ-X b33-19 R.A.V. Unbound

We're resuming course for Colonia. With 9386.63 Light Years to go, I estimate a dedicated jumping time of just over four hours, and factoring breaks I estimate an arrival time somewhere between 17:30 and 19:00. Ship and passengers in good condition.

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 18, 3304 17:06

Boeph BJ-T b20-29 R.A.V. Unbound

A little over one hundred jumps to go, I am making good progress towards Colonia. I have stopped at System Boeph BJ-T b20-29, an uncharted system of 3 Stars, 4 Gas giants and 32 other smaller bodies, many of them landable. Though I am still charting, I took a moment to gather some images of A 1, the closest Gas giant, and A 1 A its closest moon. A 1 is a Class 1 Jovian Giant, mostly greyish white in color, with prominent purplish black bands across its center. A 1 A is an ice world, cut with deep and branching canyons, and is quite a site from orbit.

System Survey

A 2 is another gas giant, this one with pristine rocky and icy rings. A 2 C, it's third moon has some interesting greenish coloration around mountainous areas, however all three worlds are ice worlds, of little interest. A 2 appears to share a barycentric orbit with its gas giant neighbor A 3.

A 3 is another ringed giant, purple in color, with pristine metallic rings, and two ice body moons.

A 4 is another purple giant, this one with no rings. A 3 B is particularly beautiful, an icy world with blue canyons, and purple mountains. A 3 F is also interesting with its red canyons and blue lands. G and H share a barycentric orbit around eachother. enter image description here

Much of the system is uninteresting however B 4 is a prospect for Terraforming. enter image description here

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 18, 3304 19:19

Boeph BJ-T b20-29 R.A.V. Unbound

Having finished my survey of b20-29, I am resuming my course to Colonia. With 4112 light years to go I estimate the trip to take a little under 2 hours.

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 18, 3304 23:30

Colonia R.A.V. Unbound

The Unbound is docked at Jacques Station, after visiting the mission target (Jacques visitor beacon). Brought her in carefully in silent running, to protect the privacy of my passengers. After turning in the exploration data, I made about 20 million credits, and will probably make a similar amount on the way back... 80 Million for a trip isn't bad.

We may stay here for a couple of days, or start heading back tomorrow, but I picked up some rare commodities, that hopefully will be worth a pretty penny, by the time I get back to Wolf 363.

Commanders Log: April 19, 3304 18:58

Colonia R.A.V. Unbound

I'll be sneaking us out of Jacques Station, and then setting route back to the Prua Phoe Nebula. This course should take us along a different route than before, allowing for some new exploration opportunities. Estimated trip time about 5 and a half hours.

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 19 3304 22:04

Eoch Flyuae JH-U d3-939 R.A.V. Unbound

I stopped at a large system to do a survey.

System Survey

enter image description here

d3-939 is a 1334 million year old, Class A Main Sequence Star about 1.4805 SM in mass, and 1.4055 SR in size. Surface temperature is about 8065 Kelvin.

d3-939 is orbited by 63 bodies. This includes 5 Class III Gas giants, 1 High Metal Content world, interstinglt, with pristine metal rings, a Class Y brown dwarf, 2 Class 2 Giants, 1 Water giant, and most interesingly, a Gas Giant with signs of water based life! To my knowledge this will be the first life I have personally discovered. 53 of the bodies in the systems are moons, mostly Rocky worlds with one icy world, and one icy rock world. 39 of the bodies in this system are landable, including the High metal world with rings.

Objects of interest:

Several of the moons have some deep fresh craters on them. enter image description here enter image description here

D3-939 2 Is a high metal content world, 67.1% Rock, and 32.9% Metal. It has iron magma volcanism, and no atmosphere. Materials include 20.9% Iron, 15.8% Nickel, 14.8% Sulphur, 12.5% Carbon, 9.4% Chromium, 8.6% Manganese, 8.0% Phosphurus, 5.7% Zinc, 1.6% Cadmium, 1.4% Niobium, and 1.2% Yttrium. The planet has a single ring system, metal rich, and pristine. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

D3-939 6 is a Gas Giant, with a radius of 56,689 Kilometers, a gravity of about 1.46G, and a surface temperature of about 213 Kelvin. The planet consists of 72.4% Hydrogen, and 27.6% Helium. Its ring is rocky. Of most interest is slightly below the surface of the planet. A water cloud layer houses life, indicated by large amounts of oxygen and carbon, accounting for the interesting surface coloration. The life consists primarily of Radioplankton, which sustains itself off of the planets radiation. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Commanders Log Supplemental April 19, 3304 23:26

Eoch Flyuae JH-U d3-939 6 R.A.V. Unbound

I've brought the Unbound to rest in orbit around the sole living planet in D3-939. I made a rookie mistake while bringing the Unbound down on D3-939 2... I failed to account for the higher gravity of the world. Had I not thought quick and diverted power to the shields, the Unbound might be salvage for some far off scavenger right now. After exiting glide, I began to bring her down and then stopped about a kilometer over the surface. Before I knew it the unbound began a flat decline to the surface. I tried to compensate with thrusters but I was too late. I diverted power to the shields and tried to deploy the gears to absorb the impact. Shields went down completely and the hull took about 10% in damage, but thankfully no other systems were damaged in the crash. I checked to see if there were any stations nearby that I could repair at but unfortunately, there is nothing on route. Either way, only the outer hull took damage, and all other systems are at 100% so as long as I am careful I should be able to get us back to Wolf 363 with no problems. The crew is un-phased and happy, seemingly applauding my quick save of the ship, but honestly it was my own complacency that could have cost us.

It's easy to make a simple mistake out here in the void, and a simple mistake can cost you everything... I need to be more careful.

We'll resume course for Wolf 363 tomorrow.

Commanders Log April 21 12:39

Eoch Flyuae PI-Q c6-37 R.A.V. Unbound

Discover life with 7 explorers on board your ship, and you probably won't be going anywhere soon. We rested in orbit of D3-939 6 while the explorers took scans of the planet. After a day of rest, We are now in route for Wolf 363.

Commanders Log April 21 17:35

Stuelou SD-R d5-764 R.A.V. Unbound

En route to Wolf 363 The Unbound came across a system of a large trinary star system. I am fairly exicted to report a system teaming with life, including water based, ammonia based, and Water-Carbon based life.

System Survey enter image description here

The system is trinary with class L, M and F class stars.

Objects of interest:

D5-764 A 1 is a high metal content world, who's volcanism is extremely visible from space. enter image description here

A 3 has a striking divide in its rings, nestling a rocky moon, clearly formed by the rings themselves. It appears that the moon has actually gobbled up the rings rocky masses, while the metallic rings are spared, further out from the giant. enter image description here enter image description here

A 3 B is a Terrestrial water world with carbon-water based life and rings! enter image description here

BC 1 is a gas giant with ammonia based life. enter image description here

BC 4 Is a gas giant with water based life. enter image description here

BC 5 is another gas giant with ammonia based life and has one of the most beautiful collection of rings I have seen. enter image description here

all of the systems Gas giants have moons.

Systems like this, are why I am out here.

End Survey

The unbound will rest in this system until tomorrow when I will resume course for Wolf 363. We made a little progress today, but there are still about 6-7 hours of jumps ahead of us.

Commanders Log: April 22, 3304 13:12

Stuelou SD-R d5-764 R.A.V. Unbound

Resuming course for Wolf 363. 15,218.29 Light years, at 524 jumps to go. Expected travelling time with no delays, 7.4 Hours. That will probably be stretched over the course of the next couple of days.

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 22, 3304 17:07

Skaude PK-M d8-192 R.A.V. Unbound

Didn't get as far as I would have hoped today, but I did make a little dent in my trip. I estimate that we will be back to Wolf 363 no later than 4/24 at my current rate, though if I stay focused, I could be there probably by 17:30 tomorrow. When I get back I will have made enough money to workout some upgrades on the Selan, but I am not sure if I will do that just yet. These long trips are fun but the eventually make me long for a good days bounty hunting. When i get back I will also need to see what is in line for trading. I have been checking the boards for good runs, and nothing spectacular so far, but when I get back, maybe I will get lucky.

Commanders Log: April 23, 3304 13:32

Skaude PK-M d8-192 R.A.V. Unbound

Resuming course for Wolf 363. 386 Jumps to go, estimating 5 and a half hours left in pure flight time, but we'll only be jumping for a little under 4 hours, so we'll make as big a dent as possible, and definitely be back tomorrow.

Commanders Log Supplemental: April 23, 3304 17:42

Drojeae DB-U d4-20 R.A.V. Unbound

We made good progress at 259 jumps today. With only another 127 to go, I estimate we'll be back to Pirsan station around 14:30. Passengers are all in good spirits, and no further damage or problems since the other days little rough landing. I almost needed a change of pants however, when I jumped in, between these two... enter image description here

Commanders Log: April 24, 3304 14:29

Drojeae DB-U d4-20 R.A.V. Unbound

127 Jumps to go, at about an hour and 45 minutes. No time to waste! Homeward bound!

Commanders Final Mission Log: April 24, 3304 17:04

Wolf 363, Pirsan Station R.A.V. Unbound

The Unbound made it home safely. I was able to sneak back into Pirsan without being scanned. The passengers were very pleased with the trip and nearly doubled their pay for the trip. After all is said and done, (repairs, universal cartographic, and contract fulfillment) I made 109,145,287 credits, just for this run. I am pleased to report first discoveries on over a hundred objects, and lastly, I have received the honor, of holding the title "Elite" in exploration. I received my permit to the founders world. I had intended to go bounty hunting, however... I think I know where I am going next... It was a long trip, and I am pleased to say, End Log.

Opening Log: Commander Novaseta

Commanders Log: April 17, 3304 06:28

It's a big galaxy, though perhaps not big enough. These are troubling times in the Milky Way. Humans have encountered life, that isn't so into us. A war rages between our forces, and theirs and no one really understands why. Personally I think this is a whole lot of mess over nothing.

I am a freelancer. I currently own four ships, two specialized for bounty hunting, one dedicated to exploration and transport, and the pride of my little fleet, The R.A.V. Selan. Anaconda class, she's a work in progress. Currently she is outfitted for combat but over the course of the last month I have been working hard to provide a variety of components to rig her for whatever I need.

Once she is outfitted she will be a deep space explorer. I intend to explore the furthest reaches of our galaxy, and maybe even make a few important discoveries.

I work out of Pirsan Station, in Wolf 363. From there I hunt in the rings of Wolf 363 4, as well as run the occasional mission for the Wolf 363 Progressive Party. I also ship passengers into deep space, and chart unexplored systems. I have logged countless hours behind the glass of a cockpit, but it was only just the beginning. What awaits out there is the unknown... and that is what makes it worth finding.