Profil komandéra ItsJustToe > Deník

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Členem od:
27. 12. 2024
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854 933 266 Cr
Making a name for myself.

I decided that I was going to make a name for myself. I was going to go out and get Elite in Exploration. I was already 68% through Pioneer, how hard could it be?

It turned out very hard. I took a quick 3000-mile excursion out and then came back. I thought that would get me either there or very close. Nope. It got me 1%. So I decided to go further. I went to the Crescent Nebula. When I was there, I found Medusa Rock, a space station inside an asteroid. I had heard about them, but this was my first time in one. So I sold my data in there. I also sold my biologicals that I had found on the way.

Selling the data raised me by 3%, so I am now at 73% through Pioneer. With the biologicals though, I made more money than I had had. Most money I have had in one go, has been about 350m credits. Handing over that, I made 640m credits in bonus and skipped two ranks. I went there as Mostly Aimless in Exobio and came out as Cataloguer skipping Collector in the process.

I have decided to strike out randomly and see where that lands me. So far, I have amassed just under 460m worth of exo bio due to first footfalls. Hopefully, by the time I reach the bubble, I will have made over a billion and scanned enough planets to make Elite I.

We shall see