Komunitní Cíl
20. července 2023
Maintain Security in Xi Wangda
Lokace: Xi Wangda / Cartier City | Přispěvatelé: 2 253 | Konec: 20. 7. 2023
Azimuth Biotech has requested shipments of rare commodities to Xi Wangda, as luxury supplies for its business convention.
Torben Rademaker, CEO of the anti-xeno corporation, announced the initiative via public channels:
"We expect this prestigious gathering to be attended by many representatives from research groups, manufacturing companies and military forces.
"The cornerstone of this event will be the commercial launch of Azimuth's newly modified ship-mounted weapon: the Auto Loader Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon. Our proprietary redesign will make a significant contribution when engaging Thargoid vessels in combat."
Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, who coordinates the Alliance's involvement with Aegis, remarked on Azimuth's campaign during an interview for the Old Worlds Gazette:
"Anything that increases survivability against the Thargoids is surely welcome. But it does grind a little when it comes from the same organisation that escalated the war so significantly."
"Furthermore, Mr Rademaker is placing a positive spin on Azimuth's connections with third parties, rather than admit that it is a necessity. Activist groups such as Operation Wych Hunt have diminished the corporation's stellar influence in recent months. Their actions might have forced Azimuth to rely on external support in order to compete with Aegis."
Azimuth Biotech has acknowledged that transporting these valuable items increases the likelihood of being targeted by pirate forces. The corporation will therefore offer a further reward for redeeming bounty vouchers handed into Cartier City starport on wanted ships in the system, in order to maintain local security.
As an additional incentive, Azimuth is offering their newly pre-engineered Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon to participants. The weapon combines Auto Loader functionality with increased Armour Piercing, at the cost of increased Distributor Draw and Thermal Load.
The top 75% will receive 1 pre-engineered Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon with Auto Loader (Medium) The top 50% will receive 2 pre-engineered Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannons with Auto Loader (Medium) The top 25% will receive 2 Medium and 1 Large Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannons with Auto Loader
The campaign begins on 13th July and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Deliver Rarities for Azimuth Event
Lokace: Xi Wangda / Musashi | Přispěvatelé: 1 315 | Konec: 20. 7. 2023
Azimuth Biotech has requested shipments of rare commodities to Xi Wangda, as luxury supplies for its business convention.
Torben Rademaker, CEO of the anti-xeno corporation, announced the initiative via public channels:
"We expect this prestigious gathering to be attended by many representatives from research groups, manufacturing companies and military forces. To ensure that our esteemed guests are made welcome, we will pay handsomely for shipments of Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat, Gilya Signature Weapons and Harma Silver Sea Rum."
"The cornerstone of this event will be the commercial launch of Azimuth's newly modified ship-mounted weapon: the Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon with Auto Loader. Our proprietary redesign will make a significant contribution when engaging Thargoid vessels in combat. Those who contribute the greatest number of rare goods will be rewarded with these revolutionary modules."
Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, who coordinates the Alliance's involvement with Aegis, remarked on Azimuth's campaign during an interview for the Old Worlds Gazette:
"Anything that increases survivability against the Thargoids is surely welcome. But it does grind a little when it comes from the same organisation that escalated the war so significantly."
"Furthermore, Mr Rademaker is placing a positive spin on Azimuth's connections with third parties, rather than admit that it is a necessity. Activist groups such as Operation Wych Hunt have diminished the corporation's stellar influence in recent months. Their actions might have forced Azimuth to rely on external support in order to compete with Aegis."
Pilots can make their deliveries to Musashi in the Xi Wangda system.
As an additional incentive, Azimuth is offering their newly pre-engineered Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon to participants. The weapon combines Auto Loader functionality with increased Armour Piercing, at the cost of increased Distributor Draw and Thermal Load.
The top 75% will receive 1 pre-engineered Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon with Auto Loader (Medium) The top 50% will receive 2 pre-engineered Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannons with Auto Loader (Medium) The top 25% will receive 2 Medium and 1 Large Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannons with Auto Loader
The campaign begins on the 13th July and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
6. července 2023
Kokoller Limited Mineral Acquisition
Lokace: Kokoller / Utley Hub | Přispěvatelé: 804 | Konec: 6. 7. 2023
A campaign to attract deep space mining pilots has been launched by the Federal corporation Kokoller Limited.
With the Federation diverting considerable resources toward sustaining its anti-xeno countermeasures, some systems are looking to alternative options for sustaining stocks of raw materials. Kokoller Limited is seeking to take advantage of a strong position in its home system, by running a campaign to procure additional resources for the local economy.
Spokesperson Paul Dyson had the following to say:
"I believe that continued support of the Federal Navy's efforts to protect us is an obligation of all stellar factions. It would be in poor taste to complain or seek sympathy for the impact on our business operations while our brave military personnel risk their lives to keep us safe."
"That said, while the galactic economy continues to function, it falls on us to maintain high incomes to fund the war via taxes and charitable contributions. One could say that maximising profits is our moral duty. Therefore, raw materials are requested to keep our refineries churning out resources."
Kokoller Limited has invited all asteroid miners to bring shipments of bertrandite, coltan and praseodymium to Utley Hub in the Kokoller system.
The campaign begins on the 29th of June and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
22. června 2023
Aegis Appeal for Titan Tissue Samples
Lokace: Kioskurber / Wiberg Station | Přispěvatelé: 615 | Konec: 22. 6. 2023
Requests for tissue samples obtained from the Thargoid Titans has been made by Aegis.
Leon Banerjee, science correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported on the rival initiatives:
"The Titans offer a tremendous opportunity for xenological research, but carry equally significant risks. These involve passing through the Maelstroms' caustic clouds and energy barriers, avoiding Thargoid patrols, and escaping with tissue samples intact. Only the most determined pilots would undertake such missions, and the two leading anti-xeno organisations seek to attract these individuals with considerable payouts."
"There are numerous unique materials identified so far. In this campaign, Aegis is looking to acquire a large stock of tissue samples. These are recovered using research limpets at various points on the Titan's architecture, acquired from minor flaws in the Titan's highly protective outer layers."
"Ships outfitted with a pulse wave xeno scanner and research limpet controller – or a suitable multi-limpet controller - can collect these materials. Aegis has developed its caustic sink launcher and Thargoid pulse neutraliser to pass through the Maelstrom, and will look to use further xenological resources in additional advancements."
Pilots signed up to the Aegis initiative can deliver any Titan tissue samples to Wiberg Station in the Kioskurber system.
If Tier 1 of the campaign is reached, the top 75% of contributors will receive the following paint jobs:
- Alliance Crusader Aegis Garrison - Federal Gunship Aegis Garrison - Imperial Clipper Aegis Garrison
The campaign begins on the 15th of June and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Azimuth bittet um Titan-Gewebeproben
Lokace: Djeriman / Stebler City | Přispěvatelé: 427 | Konec: 22. 6. 2023
Requests for tissue samples obtained from the Thargoid Titans have been made by Azimuth Biotech.
Leon Banerjee, science correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported on the rival initiatives:
"The Titans offer a tremendous opportunity for xenological research, but carry equally significant risks. These involve passing through the Maelstroms' caustic clouds and energy barriers, avoiding Thargoid patrols, and escaping with tissue samples intact. Only the most determined pilots would undertake such missions, and the two leading anti-xeno organisations seek to attract these individuals with considerable payouts."
"There are numerous unique materials identified so far. In this campaign, Azimuth Biotech is looking to acquire a large stock of tissue samples. These are recovered using research limpets at various points on the Titan's architecture, acquired from minor flaws in the Titan's highly protective outer layers."
"Ships outfitted with a pulse wave xeno scanner and research limpet controller – or a suitable multi-limpet controller - can collect these materials. Azimuth Biotech has vowed to use samples to develop 'cutting-edge military countermeasures to Thargoid aggression'."
Pilots signed up to the Azimuth initiative can deliver any Titan tissue samples to Stebler City in the Djeriman system.
If Tier 1 of the campaign is reached, the top 75% of contributors will receive the following paint jobs:
- Eagle Azimuth Callous - Fer-de-Lance Azimuth Callous - Krait Mk II Azimuth Callous
The campaign begins on the 15th of June and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.