Komunitní Cíl

  • 2. února 2023
  • Dokončeno

    Enhanced AX Project: AX Missile Rack Fixed

    Lokace: Kappa Reticuli / Schirra Dock | Přispěvatelé: 3 102 | Konec: 2. 2. 2023

    Two leading engineers have revealed designs to improve the stock anti-xeno weaponry available to pilots.

    Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo have provided module modifications for many years, specialising in explosive and kinetic weapons respectively. Over the past year they have collaborated privately on the AX weapon designs introduce by Aegis in 3303, seeking to improve the efficiency of delivering a compound, hazardous to Thargoid vessels, which tips AX ammunition.

    Ryder explained to The Imperial Herald:

    "Zack and I share a passion for weapon upgrades, and have often used this project as a way to unwind after a long week's work. But when the Taranis signal arrived and the Thargoid forces started taking control of systems, we knew we had to reveal the designs to the public. We're going to need help from independent pilots to finish off the prototypes and get a manufacturing base set up."

    This campaign is for a fixed-mount enhanced AX Missile Rack, to be made available in both Medium and Large sizes. Liberals of Kappa Reticuli has agreed to process deliveries, with Liz Ryder vouching for the faction's commitment to the anti-xeno project despite concerns over their reputation.

    The project will run for eight weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately and the fixed-mount enhanced AX Missile Rack will be made available at all rescue megaships shortly afterwards.

  • Dokončeno

    AX-Projekt: Verbessertes feststehendes AX-Mehrfachgeschütz

    Lokace: Ru Shil / Bok Orbital | Přispěvatelé: 3 351 | Konec: 2. 2. 2023

    Two leading engineers have revealed designs to improve the stock anti-xeno weaponry available to pilots.

    Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo have provided module modifications for many years, specialising in explosive and kinetic weapons respectively. Over the past year they have collaborated privately on the AX weapon designs introduced by Aegis in 3303, seeking to improve the efficiency of delivering a compound, hazardous to Thargoid vessels, which tips AX ammunition.

    Ryder explained to The Imperial Herald:

    "Zack and I share a passion for weapon upgrades, and have often used this project as a way to unwind after a long week's work. But when the Taranis signal arrived and the Thargoid forces started taking control of systems, we knew we had to reveal the designs to the public. We're going to need help from independent pilots to finish off the prototypes and get a manufacturing base set up."

    This campaign is for a fixed-mount enhanced AX Multi-Cannon, to be made available in both Medium and Large sizes. Ru Shil Empire Party has agreed to process deliveries, with Liz Ryder vouching for the faction's commitment to the anti-xeno project despite concerns over their reputation.

    The project will run for eight weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately and the fixed-mount enhanced AX Multi-Cannon will be made available at all rescue megaships shortly afterwards.

  • Dokončeno

    Enhanced AX Project: AX Missile Rack Turreted

    Lokace: Eurybia / Awyra Flirble | Přispěvatelé: 3 407 | Konec: 2. 2. 2023

    Two leading engineers have revealed designs to improve the stock anti-xeno weaponry available to pilots.

    Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo have provided module modifications for many years, specialising in explosive and kinetic weapons respectively. Over the past year they have collaborated privately on the AX weapon designs introduced by Aegis in 3303, seeking to improve the efficiency of delivering a compound, hazardous to Thargoid vessels, which tips AX ammunition.

    Ryder explained to The Imperial Herald:

    "Zack and I share a passion for weapon upgrades, and have often used this project as a way to unwind after a long week's work. But when the Taranis signal arrived and the Thargoid forces started taking control of systems, we knew we had to reveal the designs to the public. We're going to need help from independent pilots to finish off the prototypes and get a manufacturing base set up."

    This campaign is for a turret-mount enhanced AX Missile Rack, to be made available in both Medium and Large sizes. Eurybia Blue Mafia has agreed to process deliveries, with Liz Ryder vouching for the faction's commitment to the anti-xeno project despite concerns over their reputation.

    The project will run for eight weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately and the turret-mount enhanced AX Missile Rack will be made available at all rescue megaships shortly afterwards.

  • Dokončeno

    Enhanced AX Project: AX Multi-Cannon Turreted

    Lokace: Murato / Tietjen Ring | Přispěvatelé: 3 595 | Konec: 2. 2. 2023

    Two leading engineers have revealed designs to improve the stock anti-xeno weaponry available to pilots.

    Liz Ryder and Zachariah Nemo have provided module modifications for many years, specialising in explosive and kinetic weapons respectively. Over the past year they have collaborated privately on the AX weapon designs introduced by Aegis in 3303, seeking to improve the efficiency of delivering a compound, hazardous to Thargoid vessels, which tips AX ammunition.

    Ryder explained to The Imperial Herald:

    "Zach and I share a passion for weapon upgrades, and have often used this project as a way to unwind after a long week's work. But when the Taranis signal arrived and the Thargoid forces started taking control of systems, we knew we had to reveal the designs to the public. We're going to need help from independent pilots to finish off the prototypes and get a manufacturing base set up."

    This campaign is for a turret-mount enhanced AX multi-cannon, to be made available in both Medium and Large sizes. Aisling's Angels has agreed to process deliveries, with Liz Ryder vouching for the faction's commitment to the anti-xeno project despite concerns over their reputation.

    The project will run for eight weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately and the turret-mount enhanced AX multi-cannon will be made available at all rescue megaships the following Thursday.

  • 22. listopadu 2022
  • Dokončeno

    Lokace: Andavandul / Blenkinsop Hub | Přispěvatelé: 3 064 | Konec: 22. 11. 2022

    The Kingfisher megaship has requested supplies for its planned journey to greet the first rogue signal source.

    Shipments of basic medicines, fruit and vegetables are required for the Kingfisher's crew, who will be joined by over 3,000 supporters of the Thargoid Advocacy Project. Muon Imagers and semiconductors have also been requested to establish the mission's communications arrays, which are being designed to initiate contact with the Thargoids.

    Congressman Dalton Chase gave a press statement regarding the initiative:

    "Now that we know the approaching anomalies are Thargoid, many are concerned that hostilities between our species will escalate. However, a brave group of volunteers see this as an opportunity to prove that diplomacy can work. An alien race has sent emissaries toward humanity's space, and it is our duty to meet them with words rather than weapons."

    "The first of the anomalies, which we have named Taranis, is predicted to pass through Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1. Using the high-level protocols available to Congress, I have successfully obtained a temporary access restriction that grants an exclusive permit to the Kingfisher. A range of broadcasts using multiple techniques will try to attract the Thargoids' attention. Hopefully, the entity will slow down long enough to give some acknowledgement of these attempts."

    The delivery initiative in the Andavandul system is being managed by Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar.

    If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.