Kunuvii [#2690536966491]

KBV-3VF [#3701654528]
Fleet Carrier
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123 ls

Státní zřízení
Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics

Narcotics, Beer, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Performance Enhancers, Progenitor Cells, Slaves, Tobacco, Wine
Poslední aktualizace: 13.11.22 21:02

Utility Mount

Xeno Scanner Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Xeno Scanner Scanner that can passively understand non-Human vessels, and analyse their structural make-up and internal modules. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW 365 698 CR
Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Shutdown Field Neutraliser Counters current xeno shutdown technology when used within proximity. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW ??

Weapon Hardpoint

Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
2F AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 t 0,46 MW ??
2E AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 t 0,46 MW ??
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 t 1,2 MW 540 900 CR
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 t 1,2 MW 2 022 700 CR
3E AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 t 0,64 MW ??
3C AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 t 0,64 MW ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 t 1,62 MW ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 t 1,75 MW ??