Galactic News

  • December 27, 3308
  • The Time for Aegis?

    Professor Alba Tesreau has again called for the anti-xeno initiative Aegis to be reformed by the superpowers.

    “The arrival of the Maelstroms has escalated the Second Thargoid War beyond anything we have experienced before. The Thargoids are relentlessly attacking every human settlement within reach. And that reach is steadily expanding on eight fronts, spreading deeper into the core systems.”

    “In these dire circumstances, the decision to shut down Aegis seems to be a grave mistake. Now, more than ever, superpower-level resources are needed to establish large-scale research and defence projects. This is the surely the time for Aegis to be revived with as much funding and resources as possible.”

    “My symposium in October proved that there is an increasing appetite for collaboration. Many Allied and Federal military leaders have already discussed working together. Shadow President Winters recently suggested helping those beyond Federal borders, and Deputy Prime Minister Corcoran has championed the prospect of coalition in the Alliance.”

    “Sadly, the Empire’s current isolationist policy means that Aegis would necessitate a return as a dual-superpower initiative. But even that would be an improvement on the fractured, uncoordinated response to the Thargoid conquests.”

    There has been no official response to Professor Tesreau from the Alliance or Federation, but several individual congressmen and council members have repeated their support for the reformation of Aegis.

    In the Empire, only the Citizens’ Chronicle newsfeed reported on Tesreau’s ongoing campaign, commenting: “Even among the Imperial nobility, few dare to question the Emperor’s decree. But those few are growing bolder.”

  • December 26, 3308
  • Winters: ‘Federation Must Protect Independents’

    Shadow President Felicia Winters has called for the Federal Navy to help defend independent systems being invaded by the Thargoids.

    She outlined her viewpoint during an interview with the Federal Free Press:

    “The Thargoid fleets emerging from the Maelstroms have inflicted anguish and loss on millions. Our military forces have responded magnificently, and continue to fight hard against appalling odds. But while they are saving lives in Federal-aligned systems, independent systems are left to suffer.”

    “Surely this cannot be right? These are our neighbours, our trading partners, our historic cousins. Their populations cry out for help, and the mighty Federal Navy chooses to ignore them, claiming orders to prioritise saving our own. Is that who we are now? No better than the Empire?”

    “I have argued in Congress that we have a duty of responsibility to protect any independent systems lacking the ability to defend themselves from Thargoid attacks. The Federal Navy’s resources are finite, I understand that. But we are fighting to determine the future of the human race. We lack proof that the Thargoids have any concept of our politics, borders or allegiances. Why would they care which systems claim allegiance to whom? Every one of us is a target.”

    “And for those whose hearts are hardened to the suffering of others, think on this: the threat is moving closer each day. Leaving non-Federal factions to fend for themselves – and most likely become conquered – will only hasten the Thargoids’ advance. Before long, nowhere within the Federation will be safe. We will all pay the price for such callousness.”

  • December 16, 3308
  • Final Maelstroms Advance Thargoid Occupation

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A further 13 systems have fallen under Thargoid control as the last of the Maelstroms materialise.

    The three rogue signal sources – designated Thor, Raijin and Hadad – entered human-occupied space yesterday. As with the previous five anomalies, they manifested as colossal clouds of corrosive gas over 100 kilometres in diameter.

    Pilots who attempt to investigate the Maelstroms have been warned that the highly caustic nature of the clouds can disable and destroy ships. Xenologists have speculated that the cloud is a defensive asset, maintained by the huge numbers of caustic generators clustered within.

    All eight Maelstroms are now established at their destinations, positioned in a broad semi-circle along the fringe of the core systems. Each of these entities has become the centre of an expanding Thargoid sphere of influence. Populated systems in the surrounding regions have been dominated by extremely hostile Thargoid vessels, causing enormous casualties and catastrophic damage. Many more inhabited systems are at risk of invasion.

    Eleven rescue megaships have entered service at key locations to aid and process the millions of refugees fleeing these attacks. These ships also act as hubs for defence operations to support those systems struggling to resist the Thargoid fleets.

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have deployed capital ships equipped with anti-xeno weaponry to defend their respective territories. As yet there appears to be no technology or strategy capable of engaging the ominous power of the Maelstroms directly.

  • December 15, 3308
  • Corrs Toy Emporium Calls for Help

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Sandra Corrs, CEO of the largest manufacturer of children’s toys in the core systems, has requested help this holiday season.

    Many parents will be familiar with Sandra’s Workshop, recognising the company logo stamped across countless datapads, interactive suites and tactile play sets designed for youngsters. But the joy of this year’s festive season is at risk, with the recent Thargoid invasion impacting the Workshop’s distribution chain.

    In an interview with Vox Galactica, Corrs explained:

    “We typically use a fleet of transports provided by our partner company, Dolph’s Routes, to deliver presents to good children all across the bubble. But those transports have been assigned to provide evacuation support to 63 Tauri. Entirely understandable, and I applaud the company for its brave work. But it does leave many presents without a sleigh, as my grandfather used to say!”

    “I’m hoping that independent pilots will fill the vacancy left to deliver festive gifts to the children in time for the upcoming holidays. Arrangements will be made to provide a variety of wonderful rewards for those pilots who help keep youthful spirits high in these troubling times.”

    Pilots willing to help Sandra’s Workshop can collect festive gifts from the Frost Dock outpost in the Njambalba system. A beacon outside Frost Dock will distribute delivery information when scanned.

  • Enhanced AX Weapon Update

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The continued project to provide enhanced AX weaponry for all ships has announced its latest progress update.

    Independent pilots have been tasked with establishing a manufacturing base at select locations in the core systems. Thanks to these focused efforts, the following weapons are now available for purchase:

    Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Turreted)

    Enhanced AX Missile Rack (Turreted)

    Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Fixed)

    These modules are offered at all rescue megaships, which can be found using the Galaxy Map filter. Ships looking to engage Thargoid forces are advised to equip these weapons, particularly in Maelstrom systems where Guardian-based technology has proven ineffective.

    Work continues on the other enhanced weapons, based on designs by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo which improve the original Aegis models. A further update will be provided next Thursday, unless no additional modules have been established during the week.

  • Enhanced AX Weapon Project

    <p>Pilots’ Federation ALERT The continued project to provide enhanced AX weaponry for all ships has announced its latest progress update. Independent pilots have been tasked with establishing a manufacturing base at select locations in the core systems. Thanks to these focused efforts, the following weapons are now available for purchase: Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Turreted) Enhanced AX Missile Rack (Turreted) Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Fixed) These modules are offered at all rescue megaships, which can be found using the Galaxy Map filter. Ships looking to engage Thargoid forces are advised to equip these weapons, particularly in Maelstrom systems where Guardian-based technology has proven ineffective. Work continues on the other enhanced weapons, based on designs by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo which improve the original Aegis models. A further update will be provided next Thursday, unless no additional modules have been established during the week.</p>

  • December 8, 3308
  • Carnage Wrought by Further Maelstroms

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The rogue signal sources Cocijo and Oya have arrived at their estimated destinations.

    Their impact mirrored that of the Taranis, Indra and Leigong Maelstroms. A total of 16 neighbouring systems were immediately overwhelmed by Thargoid fleets, which launched devastating bombardments against orbital starports and planetary infrastructure.

    Other inhabited systems in the vicinity are resisting occupation. Superpower capital ships and independent pilots are currently battling to protect the local populations.

    Five rogue signal sources have now manifested as Maelstroms, with three more approaching at faster-than-light speed. Many systems have completely fallen to the Thargoids in the vicinity of each Maelstrom. Safeguard Interstellar reported that millions of refugees are threatening to overwhelm emergency services and rescue teams. Military forces are also struggling to contain the enormous numbers of Thargoid vessels.

    Professor Alba Tesreau is one of many xenologists and other specialists trying to learn more about the mysterious Maelstroms. She gave a brief update to Vox Galactica:

    “Full-scale war with the Thargoids has always been my greatest fear. It is now a reality. It’s more crucial than ever that we obtain an understanding of this species, particularly these powerful new entities deployed against humanity.”

    “Seo Jin-ae, who possesses a base comprehension of Thargoid intent via her neural implants, believes these are focused, systematic strikes rather than a frenzied assault. She feels that the Thargoids are working toward a specific goal, but cannot yet identify its nature.”

    “The one advantage given to us by the arrival of further Maelstroms is the potential that Thargoid forces will be distributed more evenly across systems. With an expanded front line, defensive efforts may gain additional traction when defending or recapturing systems from the aliens.”

    In related news, Azimuth Biotech’s new anti-xeno megaship has entered service in the T Tauri system. Eternal Vigilance was commissioned following an initiative in November, which was challenged by a counter-campaign aiming to prevent the corporation’s resurgence.

  • December 1, 3308
  • New Maelstroms Increase Thargoid Conquests

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Two more rogue signal sources have reached human space, wreaking similar destruction to the Taranis Maelstrom.

    The Indra anomaly arrived in the HIP 20567 system, with the Leigong anomaly slowing to a halt in HIP 8887. The Maelstroms, as these entities have been classified, both manifested as enormous gaseous clouds. These are known to be extremely hazardous to any ship venturing too close, but the nature of what lies within remains unknown.

    As with Taranis, each new Maelstrom pre-empted staggering numbers of Thargoid vessels flooding nearby populated systems. Recent reports indicate that the alien fleets have completely dominated 9 systems in proximity to HIP 20567 and none close to HIP 8887. Starports, settlements and outposts have all been devastated or abandoned, with the total number of casualties unknown but feared considerable.

    A total of 16 systems are currently facing active Thargoid invasions and are transmitting emergency calls for assistance. Rescue megaships have been designated as the gateway destination for refugees. The superpowers have also positioned anti-xeno capital ships to defend Allied, Federal and Imperial territories that have been invaded.

    Public media channels have expressed grave concerns about the remaining rogue signal sources, which are en route to the core systems. It is expected that these will establish five more Maelstroms, each generating a new wave of Thargoid forces. With the combined death toll rapidly climbing, civil and military authorities alike are scrambling to implement a suitable response.

  • November 30, 3308
  • Havoc as Thargoids Overrun Multiple Systems

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Nine systems have called for help against massive Thargoid attacks intent on wiping out civilian populations.

    Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported:

    “The arrival of what military scientists have labelled the ‘Taranis Maelstrom’ has brought terror and carnage to millions. As soon as the rogue signal source arrived, local inhabited systems became flooded with enormous numbers of Thargoid vessels. Six populated systems close to Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 were rapidly overwhelmed, while another nine systems in the region are currently facing full-scale invasions.”

    “I’ve travelled between several of these systems, and seen for myself the horrific loss of life. Starports are ablaze and covered with corrosive enzymes. Planetary infrastructure is crumbling under the Thargoids’ tremendous firepower. Passing ships are being wrenched out of hyperspace. These attacks seem more merciless than ever before, as if the aliens are determined to eliminate every human population structure they detect.”

    “Rescue megaships have been established at a safe distance from the invasion’s current front line, facilitating mass evacuation of civilians. These vessels will also stock anti-xeno weaponry for independent pilots seeking to assist the defence efforts or protect themselves while transporting refugees.”

    “Both President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon have declared a major emergency, ordering Federal and Allied capital ships to engage the Thargoids. Senator Patreus has dispatched an Imperial Navy force to the Modigi system to defend its territory from Thargoid attack.”

    “The Taranis Maelstrom itself is the target of intense study, although patrolling Thargoids in the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system make scientific analysis hazardous. Professor Palin and Ram Tah have both warned that this enormous entity appears to have a protective ‘cloud’ of unknown composition, which is proving dangerous to ships that approach it.”

    “With the other seven rogue signal sources racing toward the core systems, militaries and security forces are preparing for the worst. Will the other seven rogue signal sources bring similar terror? And is humanity capable of withstanding an onslaught of this magnitude?”

  • November 29, 3308
  • Vista Genomics Boosts Biodata Payouts

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The exobiology company Vista Genomics has increased payments for genetic data collected by independent pilots.

    Dr Klaus-Peter Sonnek , one of the corporation’s research directors, outlined the changes in a press release:

    “Public and corporate interest in xenology-related fields remains high, but recent Thargoid aggression has increased the risk in collecting of such data. Vista Genomics is well-placed to incentivise the continued collection of samples. Therefore, we can officially confirm that substantially improved financial rewards will be offered for all genetic data submitted via our outlets.”

    “We are also aware of many civil and military projects focusing on the Thargoids, a species that makes extensive use of biomechanical technology. There is enormous value in gathering as much exobiology data as possible to provide comparative baselines for anti-xeno research efforts.”

    Commanders can use the Genetic Sampler tool to acquire genetic data from various species of alien flora found on planetary surfaces. This can be sold on the concourses of ports, megaships and fleet carriers which have an active Vista Genomics vendor.

    In other news, Sirius Corporation has announced that its popular modified heatsinks and anti-xeno missile rack have been made available to pilots via its company tech brokers. Active Sirius Corporation megaships – Chariot of Rhea, El Centinela Cadejo, Kumiho Sky, Spirit of Laelaps and The Witness Odysseus – now host Sirius tech brokers on board.

  • Taranis Unleashes Thargoid Invasion Fleets

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Taranis anomaly has arrived in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, triggering a ferocious wave of Thargoid attacks in the region.

    Multiple inhabited systems are experiencing wide-scale invasions by countless numbers of Thargoid vessels, with casualties expected to number millions in the coming days. Several systems have already reported a complete loss of human control, with ports abandoned amid heavy losses.

    The Alliance Defence Force and Federal Navy have responded by sending capital ships, which will support independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons. Neither superpower has entered the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system, from which the Thargoid fleets seem to be emanating.

    There have been conflicting descriptions of the rogue signal source itself, which finally slowed to a halt after weeks of faster-than-light travel. Dr Remy Leroux, a xenologist working for Professor Palin, transmitted a garbled report describing Taranis as “not a single object but a colossal swirling maelstrom of some kind”, before all contact was lost.

    These initial reports have not been verified, and many authorities consider them to be unreliable or exaggerated. However, warnings have been issued that the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

    Speaking to The Alliance Tribune, Admiral Rachel Ziegler remarked: “Our focus at present is on defending the populated systems from swarms of highly aggressive Thargoids. Whatever this ‘maelstrom’ actually is, it’s clearly been sent with the purpose of eradicating human influence in the region.”

  • November 24, 3308
  • Kingfisher Megaship Vanishes

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Contact has been lost with the Kingfisher megaship in the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system, just over a day since its arrival.

    The Kingfisher was equipped to transmit signals to the interstellar anomaly named Taranis, with the goal of opening communications with it should such a possibility exist. Over 3,000 supporters of the xeno-peace movement were aboard the megaship when it departed the Andavandul system.

    Rani Zaman , a spokesperson for the Thargoid Advocacy Project team monitoring long-range comms with the megaship, issued a statement to the media:

    “I regret to say that all attempts to raise the Kingfisher on any frequency have failed. The last message we received was highly distorted, but seemed to be a distress call. We are asking for immediate assistance to locate the megaship and provide whatever support may be needed.”

    The Federation responded by cancelling the temporary permit restriction to the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system for all vessels except fleet carriers. This permit was arranged at the request of Congressman Dalton Chase, who played a key role in procuring the Kingfisher megaship for use by TAP volunteers. With access to the system reinstated, Federal investigators have been despatched to assess the situation.

    Observers have confirmed that the Taranis anomaly passed through Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 at faster-than-light speed. As with the other rogue signal sources, Taranis continues to move towards the core systems.

  • November 22, 3308
  • Kingfisher Megaship Makes Final Preparations

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Kingfisher megaship has received commodities in advance of its mission to communicate with the first rogue signal source.

    The Thargoid Advocacy Project reported that the shipments of semiconductors and Muon Imagers will contribute to the communications array aboard the megaship. The deliveries of basic medicines, fruit and vegetables will be made available to its crew and passengers, which include thousands of pro-peace supporters.

    Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar has announced that contributors can now collect payment from Blenkinsop Hub in the Andavandul system. This includes bounty voucher reimbursements for all pilots who eliminated criminal vessels threatening deliveries during the initiative.

    The Kingfisher will tomorrow make the journey from Andavandul to the permit-locked Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system. The first of the rogue signal sources, which has been named Taranis, will travel through the system within the next 48 hours. The precise nature of these faster-than-light anomalies remains unknown, but it is now accepted that they are of Thargoid origin.

    Scheduling conflicts have prevented Congressman Dalton Chase from leading the diplomatic mission, despite his prominent role in organising the Kingfisher’s construction. The Sovereign’s deputy editor Heimar Borichev, another vocal supporter of the xeno-peace has announced plans to report from on board the megaship.

  • November 17, 3308
  • The Kingfisher Xeno-Peace Mission

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Kingfisher megaship has requested supplies for its planned journey to greet the first rogue signal source.

    Shipments of basic medicines, fruit and vegetables are required for the Kingfisher’s crew, who will be joined by over 3,000 supporters of the Thargoid Advocacy Project. Semiconductors and Muon Imagers have also been requested to establish the mission’s communications arrays, which are being designed to initiate contact with the Thargoids.

    Congressman Dalton Chase gave a press statement regarding the initiative:

    “Now that we know the approaching anomalies are Thargoid, many are concerned that hostilities between our species will escalate. However, a brave group of volunteers see this as an opportunity to prove that diplomacy can work. An alien race has sent emissaries toward humanity’s space, and it is our duty to meet them with words rather than weapons.”

    “The first of the anomalies, which we have named Taranis, is predicted to pass through Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1. Using the high-level protocols available to Congress, I have successfully obtained a temporary access restriction that grants an exclusive permit to the Kingfisher. A range of broadcasts using multiple techniques will try to attract the Thargoids’ attention. Hopefully, the entity will slow down long enough to give some acknowledgement of these attempts.”

    The delivery initiative in the Andavandul system is being managed by Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar. In order to protect deliveries to Blenkinsop Hub, the faction is offering increased payouts on bounty voucher redemptions.

  • November 14, 3308
  • Xeno-Peacers Reject Prediction of War

    A claim that the rogue signal sources form part of a potential Thargoid offensive has been disputed by many in the pro-peace movement.

    A joint statement by respected xenologists Professor Alba Tesreau, Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah concluded that the approaching anomalies are a reaction to events in HIP 22460, and may have dire consequences for humanity. The eight signal sources are projected to arrive in the core systems within weeks.

    Advocates for the Thargoid Advocacy Project and similar xeno-peace groups have rejected the idea that increased hostilities with the Thargoids is inevitable. As community liaison Bernadette Wells said on the Joy Senne ICE-cast:

    “Despite this ominous claim from three respected scientists, they have offered no hard evidence to support the assumption that the anomalies are hostile. I’m sorry, I know Seo Jin-ae has suffered enormously as part of Salvation’s unrelenting obsession with the Thargoids, but I don’t think we should be using her vague instincts to inform official policy regarding this alien species.”

    Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign newsfeed, claimed:

    “With all the talk of the superpowers forming a grand fleet, why are we not demanding they form a grand diplomatic effort? Many in the Assembly, Congress and Senate agree with this sentiment, but are too scared to risk their careers. We need a concerted campaign, pressuring elected officials to stop listening to the vultures who stand to benefit from continued conflict with the Thargoids.”

    Congressman Dalton Chase is one of the few politicians to openly agree with this argument. In an interview with the Federal Free Press, he said:

    “The Kingfisher megaship was established to lead a mission of peace with the Thargoids. But imagine how much greater our chances of success would be with official support. I call upon my colleagues in the Federation, and like-minded leaders everywhere, to promote peaceful coexistence as a valid strategy.”

  • November 11, 3308
  • Further FSS Scanner Upgrade Released

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A version of the FSS scanning software used to track the Thargoid anomalies has been made available to the Pilots’ Federation.

    Commanders should experience reduced interference when using the full spectrum system (FSS) scanner to focus on the anomalies. The team leading the development of the software, however, warned that the resultant clarity has done little to ease the concerns of Professor Palin, Ram Tah and other leading scientists.

    Lori Jameson, an engineer contributing to the FSS scanner's software calibration, commented:

    “We’re pleased with the update and are happy to share it with Commanders, who have provided much of the data used by the institutions researching the rogue signal sources. Representatives of Canonn Interstellar Research Group, Orion University and Universal Cartographics have also helped greatly. I just wish the results generated a more promising picture.”

    “I understand the calls for peace that we’ve been hearing more of. But judging by the feedback these signals are emitting, they’re… well, I’m trying not to push my opinions on others. I urge Commanders to take a look with the FSS scanner for themselves.”

    The update has been delivered to all registered Pilots’ Federation vessels free of charge.

  • January 17, 3308
  • Xeno-Peace Champion Elected to Congress

    Dalton Chase, the former governor of Andavandul 1, has become a Federal congressman following victory in the recent special election.

    Despite his relative youth and inexperience, many voters within the congressional district were influenced by Chase’s charm and positive campaign message. His enthusiasm for opening diplomatic relations with the Thargoids resonated with younger voters. The Liberal Party also ran a creative PR campaign across social channels, which was amplified by many counter-cultural ICE-casters.

    After formally swearing in and taking his oath of office, Congressman Chase proclaimed:

    “I’m conscious that some view me as unorthodox or contrarian, perhaps even ‘soft on Thargoids’. But I take the security of the Federation as seriously as any of my honourable colleagues. Achieving peace with another species, and thereby saving the lives of countless Federal citizens, would be considered the great moral victory of our generation.”

    Congratulations were offered by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who referred to Chase as a “spirited addition to our ranks”. Political analysts observed that she made no mention of his affiliation with the xeno-peace movement. Although some in the Liberal Party have expressed sympathy with its intentions, the majority consider it too radical to ever be officially endorsed.

    Key members of the Thargoid Advocacy Project have thanked Congressman Chase for helping to establish the pro-peace megaship, Kingfisher. This is currently being outfitted with specialist technology designed to transmit signals of various types, in the hope of being able to effect two-way communication with the Thargoids.

  • January 14, 3308
  • Destination: Humanity

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    It has been confirmed that the mysterious anomalies known as rogue signal sources are all converging on the core systems.

    Professor Yaro Kenyatta , a noted academic in astronomy-related fields, has been collaborating with Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah on analysing the unexplained objects. He published a summary of their work in the scientific journal The Empirical:

    “The first of these distant objects was detected on the 31st of August 3308, but several more have since been identified. It was quickly apparent that they were travelling through interstellar space at faster-than-light speed. Full spectrum system (FSS) scanners were upgraded to allow more pilots to detect their electromagnetic emissions.”

    “Data on these phenomena has been analysed by many respected organisations such as Canonn Interstellar Research Group, Orion University and Universal Cartographics. Their consensus is that the rogue signal sources are all approaching the core systems, home to the vast majority of the human population.”

    “As yet, we cannot determine when and where they will arrive with complete certainty. But it now seems unlikely that these are naturally occurring stellar bodies. It follows that eight distinct anomalies converging upon our small region of the galaxy cannot be pure chance. Human space is their intended destination.”

    “What will happen when they arrive? Judging by their astonishing energy output, they may be devastating to inhabited systems. Each signal could be an energy projectile or a navigation beacon for some unknown force. More fanciful suggestions include celestial beings beyond our comprehension, or interstellar technology we have never witnessed. Our intention is to narrow down the more probable options soon.”

    “Alternatively, if these are hyperspace distortions caused by non-human vessels, it’s possible they may decelerate as they draw near. But one conclusion can be made: whatever they are, they must know we are here.”

  • November 2, 3308
  • Peace with the Thargoids?

    The rise of the xeno-peace movement has caused a number of public figures to discuss coexisting peacefully with the Thargoid race.

    With military options currently under discussion in the political capitals of all three superpowers, calls for diplomacy have sought to keep pace. Professor Shamus Madigan, Head of Xenology at Olympus Village University, is one of several figures to have weighed in on the matter:

    “The ancient records of the Guardians, as deciphered by Ram Tah, describe how they learned enough of the Thargoids’ language to make peaceful overtures. These were rejected in favour of total war. Though millions of years have passed, it seems improbable that the Thargoids will view humanity any differently - particularly since we actively deploy Guardian-based weaponry against them.”

    Federal Governor Dalton Chase:

    “Assuming the communications barrier can be broken, I see no reason why we cannot have non-violent relations with these obviously intelligent beings. The recently consigned pro-peace megaship will help demonstrate to the Thargoids that we are not a single-minded warlike race, but a fellow advanced civilisation.”

    Jaya Chaudhary , host of historical ICE-cast ‘Ghastly Pasts’:

    “Human-Thargoid diplomacy might have been possible when our two species first encountered each other. But since then we have made two attempts to eradicate them, first with the mycoid compound and then with the Proteus Wave superweapon. Let’s be honest: would we want to talk to an alien race that did that to us?”

    Ambassador Jasmina Halsey, former president of the Federation:

    “We have discovered a little about the Thargoids’ history, behaviour and technologies. But their thought processes and reasoning may be utterly different to our own. I have no idea if they even comprehend what diplomacy is, let alone whether we could find common ground. But I do know that we must try, if only to prove to ourselves that we can do better.”

  • October 31, 3308
  • Empire Dismisses Calls for Aegis Return

    The Imperial Senate has debated contributing to anti-xeno activities such as Aegis or a unified superpower fleet.

    Senator Caspian Leopold initiated the discussions among his colleagues, stating:

    “One would never criticise Her Majesty’s priority to defend the Empire above all else. Nevertheless, we face an adversary that how shown no sign of understanding humanity’s many political, social or cultural distinctions. To them there is no Empire. Our citizens are simply more humans for the Thargoids to destroy.”

    “If we were to share our research and resources with a reformed Aegis, might we not end the Second Thargoid War sooner?”

    Imperial Admiral of the Fleet, Denton Patreus, responded:

    “Let me be clear: Aegis has been consigned to history. Likewise, the idea of unifying all three superpower fleets is a completely impractical fantasy. We can best serve the Empire by reinforcing the Imperial Navy and other military forces serving the Emperor.”

    “I assure you, senators, that we are closely monitoring Thargoid activity and the threat is currently contained. The anomalous signals moving towards the core systems are being tracked. But should any xeno force encroach upon Imperial territory, we are more than ready.”

    The issue was laid to rest Chancellor Anders Blaine:

    “Esteemed colleagues, there is great honour in exploring how best to protect our people from the alien foe. But I must remind you: a decree from the Emperor cannot be overruled, not even by this august chamber. The Empire will abstain from collaborating with the Alliance, Federation or any other foreign nation until Her Majesty wishes otherwise.”