Galactic News

  • June 26, 3309
  • Presidential Candidates Hold Live Debate

    Vice President Jerome Archer, Shadow President Felicia Winters, and entrepreneur Zachary Rackham have exchanged political views in a live debate.

    The Republican, Liberal and independent candidates came together for an event that was broadcast across all Federal media networks. The event provided a platform to outline each candidate’s manifestos for voters, and engage in discourse on key issues.

    The debate began smoothly, but did not continue in that vein as the three strong personalities clashed just a few questions in. Shortly after the broadcast, ICE channels began circulating a particularly popular segment in response to a question about Federal policy on public safety:

    Archer: “Vigilance will be our watchword, and I aim to continue President Hudson’s excellent record on security.”

    Rackham: “Oh, is that a fact? Lost any megaships recently, Jerome?”

    Archer: “It’s hardly appropriate for me to comment on an ongoing FIA investigation. Although I realise that ‘appropriate’ may not be part of Mr Rackham’s vocabulary.”

    Winters: “Perhaps it is appropriate, Mr Vice President, when the Dedicant situation is a direct result of your party’s repressive policies on religious expression.”

    Rackham: “Woah there, ma’am! Is it any less repressive than all the tax hikes your fanciful friends will bring in?”

    Winters: “Our marginal increases in taxation, mostly aimed at interstellar corporations, will result in significant reinvestment – ”

    Rackham: “Listen, hear me out. What our people need – what they deserve – is to pay zero civil taxes. That’s right, no tax at all! What’s more, I’ll make sure the government co-funds every single business enterprise, large or small.”

    Winters: “And after the economy collapses, how will you achieve that? By selling off the treasure you stole during your pirate days?”

    Rackham: “Now that’s cold even for you, Ms Winters! Firing off ICE rumours is not a good look on an elected official.”

    Despite impressive viewing figures, many political commentators considered it to be ‘unnecessarily personal’ and ‘portraying the Federation in a poor light’. A second debate is being scheduled, which promises to address these criticisms through close moderation.

  • June 22, 3309
  • Aegis Receives Titan Materials for Xeno-Research

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis and Azimuth Biotech have concluded rival campaigns to deliver tissue samples harvested from the Thargoid Titans.

    Titan tissue samples were obtained from the surfaces of the Thargoid capital ships using research limpets and brought back to human space by daring pilots.

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Allied scientific liaison to Aegis, delivered a congratulatory message:

    “It takes a special kind of pilot to travel through the Maelstroms and fly across the surfaces of these enormous motherships, but it seems such courage is not in short supply. The samples we received will undergo scientific testing by Allied, Federal and Imperial specialists. We are confident that they will shed light on the Titans’ capabilities and the technologies used in their construction.”

    A parallel campaign by Azimuth Biotech also received deliveries of Titan-based materials, but the number of shipments were notably fewer than those provided to Aegis. Observers have labelled this outcome as encouraging for Aegis’s reputation, with the tri-superpower initiative failing to attract contributors away from private corporate interests in the past.

    Pilots who contributed on behalf of Aegis can collect their rewards from Wiberg Station in the Kioskurber system. Supporters of Azimuth Biotech can do likewise from Stebler City in the Djeriman system.

  • June 15, 3309
  • Aegis and Azimuth Compete for Titan Samples

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Requests for tissue samples obtained from the Thargoid Titans have been made by Aegis and Azimuth Biotech.

    Leon Banerjee, science correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported on the rival initiatives:

    “The Titans offer a tremendous opportunity for xenological research, but carry equally significant risks. These involve passing through the Maelstroms’ caustic clouds and energy barriers, avoiding Thargoid patrols, and escaping with tissue samples intact. Only the most determined pilots would undertake such missions, and the two leading anti-xeno organisations seek to attract these individuals with considerable payouts.”

    “There are numerous unique materials identified so far. In this campaign, both Aegis and Azimuth Biotech are looking to acquire a large stock of tissue samples. These are recovered using research limpets at various points on the Titan’s architecture, acquired from minor flaws in the Titan’s highly protective outer layers.”

    “Ships outfitted with a pulse wave xeno scanner and research limpet controller – or a suitable multi-limpet controller - can collect these materials. Aegis has developed its caustic sink launcher and Thargoid pulse neutraliser to pass through the Maelstrom, and will look to use further xenological resources in additional advancements. Azimuth Biotech, meanwhile, has vowed to use samples to develop ‘cutting-edge military countermeasures to Thargoid aggression’.”

    Pilots signed up to the Aegis initiative can deliver any Titan tissue samples to Wiberg Station in the Kioskurber system. Meanwhile, Azimuth supporters can deliver samples to Stebler City in the Djeriman system.

  • June 12, 3309
  • Far God Deportation Programme Approved

    The Federation has agreed to the expulsion of all adherents of the Order of the Far God to the Alliance.

    President Zachary Hudson issued a statement alongside the government decision:

    “Any ideology that worships the Thargoids is destructive and treasonous, especially now we are at war with that species. I believe that rather than waste taxpayers’ money keeping these deluded individuals incarcerated, the Federation is better off without them.”

    “This morning I accepted Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal. All former citizens known to have pledged themselves to this toxic religion will be transported beyond our borders and into the care of the Alliance.”

    Security services have prioritised the True Chapters cultists currently imprisoned in the Popontia system, labelling them as high-risk compared to orthodox Far God followers. They will be escorted to Alliance space aboard the Dedicant, having agreed to provide full access to the megaship’s databanks and the Order’s sacred texts for Federal assessment. The Dedicant will then collect cultists held in other Federal penal facilities, ferrying them to Allied systems.

    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino wrote an opinion piece for The Federal Times:

    “Could there be an ulterior motive to this unexpected decision by the President? Perhaps Hudson is mindful of his legacy, with his term of office approaching its end. By tempering his ‘strong man’ reputation with a degree of leniency, he can better portray himself as a firm but fair leader in the Federation’s history books.”

  • June 8, 3309
  • Alliance Offers Amnesty for Far God Cultists

    The Alliance Assembly has submitted an appeal for clemency to Federal Congress for followers of the Order of the Far God.

    The Thargoid-worshipping faith was outlawed by the Federation in October 3308, after a failed initiative in the Popontia system to outfit a megaship named the Dedicant. Every member of the ‘True Chapters’ sect on board was arrested and stripped of citizenship, with FIA agents rounding up known collaborators in subsequent days. This was in accordance with the Federal constitution which forbids supporting enemies of the state, which the Thargoids are legally classified as.

    As part of the request, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon stated:

    “The Alliance upholds the principles of religious tolerance, and our systems are free to develop their own laws regarding faith. This means we have always welcomed the Order of the Far God, regardless of its controversial nature. While many disagree with the Order’s message, their members are typically pacifists who have never sought to inflict harm on others.”

    “Therefore, we propose that the Federation deports all Far God worshippers to Alliance space rather than imprison them. This could be quickly negotiated as a limited extension of existing extradition treaties.”

    “As a security measure, adherents of the True Chapters and other Far God sects would be routinely checked for evidence of illegal activity. But they would otherwise be free to settle on Allied worlds and establish new communities.”

    Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

    “In the midst of the Thargoid war, some will view this offer as bordering on traitorous. But Mahon is grasping a high-profile opportunity to distinguish the libertarian Alliance from an increasingly authoritarian Federation. If this gesture helps convince independent systems to seek Allied membership, the political gain could far outweigh the potential risk.”

  • June 5, 3309
  • The Emperor’s Ire

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has responded to criticism from Hadrian Duval regarding her decision to contribute to Aegis.

    During a public address at the opening of a naval research and development complex on Achenar, the Emperor stated:

    “For the avoidance of doubt, my decree to halt interaction with the Alliance and the Federation remains in effect. Whatever advancements in weaponry or defence are made at these impressive facilities, they will be used exclusively by the Imperial Navy to protect Imperial citizens.”

    “Aegis’s status as an independent agency makes it a legal exception under the Cornelius-Lasky Convention. Only a small fraction of the Empire’s military expenditure is being devoted to Aegis’s anti-xeno forces.”

    “As for Hadrian Duval, some may recall when his Nova Imperium extremists once threatened to trigger widescale civil unrest. I chose to spare him from the fate of his co-conspirators, something Princess Aisling argued for with the same passion as she showed for the Aegis project. Unless Hadrian wishes to test my ‘weak spirit’ further, I strongly advise him to keep such thoughts private in future.”

    The altercation between Duvals triggered some debate in the Senate, with Senator Petra Torval arguing that the Emperor clearly viewed Hadrian Duval as an ‘enemy of the Empire’. The matter was settled by a statement from Chancellor Anders Blaine:

    “The Treaty of Paresa binds all former members of Nova Imperium as subjects of the throne. Her Majesty has delivered a reminder that Hadrian Duval is not officially a prince of the royal family, but is nevertheless considered a loyal ally for as long as it pleases the Emperor.”

  • June 1, 3309
  • Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner Now Available

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    An initiative in Rabh has enabled Aegis to begin manufacturing a module that gathers data about the Titans.

    Deliveries of ceramic composites, polymers, gallium and indium were immediately put to use mass-producing the pulse wave xeno scanner. Distribution is underway and rescue ships have already begun stocking the module.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, released a statement:

    “The Thargoid Titans represent not only the greatest threat to humanity, but also the greatest scientific opportunity in a generation. Learning more about these enormous constructs could be crucial to our understanding of the Thargoid species, which I still believe is the only path to ending the war.”

    “A coalition of Allied, Federal and Imperial technicians worked around the clock to modify Professor Palin’s xeno scanner using pulse wave technology. Thanks to the dedication of independent pilots in providing resources, the new module has been made available in excellent time.”

    “Aegis has a keen interest in all information that can be gleaned about the Titans. I sincerely hope that the data we acquire will add to our scant knowledge about the Thargoids and lead to further discoveries.”

    Rewards are now available at Muller Terminal in the Rabh system for all those who transported supplies for this project.

  • May 30, 3309
  • Hadrian Duval Remarks on ‘Weak Emperor’

    An interview with Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused ripples in Imperial society for his direct criticism of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

    Speaking to Paresa News Network, the former Nova Imperium leader discussed the Empire’s commitment to Aegis:

    “I have always known that the Empire is stronger alone, especially when protecting our people from the Thargoid hordes. Supposedly, Emperor Arissa felt the same – until a visit from Princess Aisling turned her head. Suddenly her principles were cast aside, and our valuable resources pledged to more foreign military projects.”

    “I can only wonder when the Emperor became so easily swayed. Was it during her year in captivity? Did all that time in suspended animation drain her resolve? We cannot afford to allow the Empire to be governed by someone with a weak spirit. Our citizens deserve a strong, determined ruler.”

    Gudrun Vestergaard, royal correspondent for The Imperial Herald, commented:

    “The anticipated friction between the Duval cousins has now become a reality. Hadrian clearly took great offence at how swiftly Aisling engineered an exception to the Empire’s isolationist policies. But openly denigrating Her Majesty is a dangerous game, especially from the young revolutionary who once attempted to usurp her throne.”

    “Meanwhile, Princess Aisling has thrown herself into the role of overseeing the Imperial contribution to Aegis. Court insiders claim that she spends much of her time with military experts, absorbing information about the Thargoid conflict. Regularly communications with her opposite numbers in the Alliance and Federation have become part of the daily routine. Some still see this as a high-profile PR exercise on her part, but others wonder if Aisling might become the wartime leader the Empire needs. Skeptics who believe she lacks the strategic talents necessary to succeed may yet find themselves surprised by her apparent enthusiasm for Aegis’s work.”

  • May 25, 3309
  • Materials Needed for Titan Research Project

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Deliveries to the Rabh system will help mass-produce a pulse wave xeno scanner which can analyse Thargoid Titans.

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Allied scientific liaison to Aegis, outlined the initiative:

    “The Thargoid capital ships, now designated as Titans, are the top priority for both military and scientific study. Reaching these gargantuan objects is hazardous since it involves travelling through the Maelstroms’ corrosive environment, avoiding hostile Thargoid vessels along the way. But even at close range, ship sensors have been unable to obtain meaningful data on their composition.”

    “In response, Aegis has fast-tracked a project to modify the xeno scanner originally developed by Professor Ishmael Palin. This adaption utilises the electromagnetic technology found in pulse wave analysers, casting the scanner’s range over a much broader area.”

    “Simulated tests show that the pulse wave xeno scanner should be able to identify points of interest on a Titan’s hull. But the research effort requires as many pilots as possible to verify our findings out in the field. We are therefore gathering the supplies needed to manufacture the module in large quantities.”

    Aegis will reward pilots who transport shipments of ceramic composites, polymers, gallium and indium to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. These will be used to establish manufacturing centres for pulse wave xeno scanners, which will then be rapidly distributed to all rescue megaships. A secondary campaign will reward pilots for protecting deliveries from pirates.

  • May 22, 3309
  • Presidential Campaigns Target Federal Voters

    Jerome Archer, Felicia Winters and Zachary Rackham are lobbying for public support as the Federation prepares to elect a new president in August.

    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino covered the race for The Federal Times:

    “With Zachary Hudson’s eight-year term approaching its end, citizens must decide who will be the president of the Federation by the year’s end. The electoral machines for all three candidates are in full swing, with campaign slogans appearing at all Federal starports.”

    “The Republican Party has pinned its hopes on current Vice President Jerome Archer, who hopes to reassure Hudson loyalists with his similar leadership style and focus on interstellar security. Shadow President Felicia Winters, head of the Liberal Party, is promising a more humanitarian approach to government policy. And the wild card is independent candidate Zachary Rackham, whose wealth and notoriety afford him a fighting chance against the political heavyweights.”

    “Congress has confirmed that, with many government procedures impacted by the Thargoid war, election day has been delayed until later in the year. President Hudson is expected to remain in office for the interim period before the victor's official inauguration.”

    Vox Galactica reporter Patricia Chen analysed the media coverage:

    “Typically, Federal newsfeeds focus more on character than policies. The Federal Free Press obtained in-depth interviews with Winters and Isolde Rochester, while Sol Today published souvenir editions celebrating Hudson’s presidency as a ‘golden age’. On the fringes are those such as ICE-caster Sura Oyekan, who promotes voting for Rackham as a way to revolutionise society.”

    “What is not typical is that this election is being held during wartime. The ongoing Thargoid conflict has cast a shadow over voters’ optimism for the future. Some are even wondering if this might be the last president they ever elect, should the alien invasion of the core systems prove unstoppable.”

  • May 18, 3309
  • Thargoid ‘Hunter’ Vessel Class Confirmed

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A new type of Thargoid vessel, first encountered within the Maelstroms, is interdicting ships in Thargoid controlled systems.

    Aegis highlighted the threat as part of its research into the Thargoid capital ships. Commodore Emil Varga, the Allied military liaison, gave this statement:

    “The first explorers to breach the Maelstroms’ inner regions encountered a previously unseen Thargoid vessel, larger than a scout but smaller than an interceptor. These medium-sized craft have been categorised as hunters, with this specific class designated the ‘Glaive’ due to its blade-like protrusions.”

    “The Glaives operated close to the motherships, so it was initially believed they acted as sentries. But in recent days they have appeared within systems under Thargoid control. Pilots lucky enough to survive these encounters report being forced out of supercruise by Glaives and aggressively attacked.”

    “Personally, I believe that our newfound ability to penetrate the Maelstroms caught the Thargoids by surprise. In response, they have redeployed the mothership’s defenders to a more offensive role. Such rapid tactical adaptation is not typical of this species, which is a good indicator that we have them worried.”

    Aden Tanner provided more details following a research mission:

    “The Glaive is extremely aggressive and attacks any human ship within range. Its high-intensity energy weapons take the form of lightning bolts, similar to a Thargoid interceptor, but this vessel is faster and more manoeuvrable.”

    “Anti-xeno pilots should be advised that Glaives are also capable of disabling Guardian-based weaponry. This only became apparent when encountering them outside of the Maelstrom systems, where the Thargoids’ anti-Guardian field is permanently present.”

  • May 16, 3309
  • Thargoid Motherships Discovered Within Maelstroms

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Exploration of the inner regions of the Maelstroms has revealed the existence of colossal Thargoid constructs.

    Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, published a summary on behalf of the tri-superpower initiative:

    “Our pathfinder missions have verified reports by the first manned ships that used the Thargoid pulse neutraliser. We know that the core environments of all eight Maelstroms are consistent in layout and extremely dangerous.”

    “Once past the energy wave, the initial hazard is an asteroid field that must be navigated. We cannot theorise an obvious reason why the asteroids have been gathered here. Thargoid vessels also patrol this region. Some reports indicate a previously unencountered class of Thargoid combat vessel accompanying interceptors and scouts.”

    “Beyond these, at the centre of each Maelstrom, is a gargantuan Thargoid structure. They dwarf any singular man-made creation, even Coriolis starports. I’ve reviewed footage provided by our pilots, and I will admit that the architecture is unsettling. Finding a way to defeat them will be our greatest challenge to date.”

    Professor Shamus Madigan of Orion University, one of Aegis’s xenology specialists, added:

    “Despite initial references to ‘Thargoid motherships’, there is little evidence to confirm exactly what purpose they serve. Based on the expansion of Thargoid invasion forces around each Maelstrom, the leading theory proposes they are fleet control centres, directing expansion efforts into our territory. Individual craft arrive and depart via several access points. Further observation is necessary to determine true nature of these gigantic entities.”

    “The other popular term – ‘hive ship’ – infers that each carries a distinct community ruled by a Thargoid Queen. While INRA scientists theorised the hierarchy of Thargoid society, the existence of such a key figure has never been confirmed. The nature and number of the Thargoids inhabiting these titanic vessels remains open for speculation.”

  • May 9, 3309
  • Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser Becomes Available

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis’s new module will allow ships to penetrate the energy wave protecting the central regions of the Maelstroms.

    Deliveries of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters were made to Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system. These allowed Aegis to build a manufacturing and distribution centre for Thargoid pulse neutralisers, which can now be purchased from technology brokers on rescue megaships.

    Professor Alba Tesreau released a statement regarding Aegis’s next steps:

    “Combined with our caustic sink launcher, the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will enable explorers to travel through the Maelstroms’ corrosive clouds and into their cores. A small number of Aegis researchers will be among the first wave of pioneers. Their mission is to identify the source of these mysterious objects and gather data about its nature.”

    “I am conscious that, once again, independent pilots will also be risking their lives to increase our knowledge of the Thargoids. We have always been indebted to the galactic community for their bravery, and never more so for those who dare undertake this dangerous journey. Aegis will continue to provide support wherever possible.”

    An additional statement was made by former Federal Navy admiral Aden Tanner:

    “Whatever lies within the Maelstroms is almost certainly protected by further dangers. Judging by how swiftly our probes were disabled, the presence of human ships is likely to attract attention. I advise pilots to make sure they are outfitted with the best possible equipment before venturing within.”

    Aegis confirmed that payment for all who contributed to the initiative is now available from the Orunmilla. As a related reward, the first ten Commanders who delivered unclassified relics to Ram Tah or Professor Palin in August 3308, and the 40 who have traded the greatest quantities of these objects, have been recognised for their contribution to the Thargoid pulse neutraliser’s development. Each of these pilots will be invited via inbox to collect a Thargoid pulse neutraliser from storage at the Orunmilla megaship in Didiomanja.

  • May 2, 3309
  • Resources Needed for Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis has requested materials in the YZ Ceti system to mass-produce a defence for ships entering the Maelstroms.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of the tri-superpower agency, announced the initiative at a press conference:

    “Final tests have been conducted on the Thargoid pulse neutraliser, which offers ships a brief window of insulation from the energy wave encountered inside a Maelstrom. Their primary components are based on unclassified relics, which are created by interfacing Guardian artefacts with Thargoid surface sites. Ram Tah and Professor Palin have donated some of their research supplies to this project.”

    “Aegis has been assigned a generous budget to purchase large quantities of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters. These will be used to create a manufacturing and distribution base, making the Thargoid pulse neutraliser commercially available on all rescue megaships.”

    Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system will serve as the delivery point for all shipments. Aegis has been authorised to redeem bounty hunting vouchers for all wanted ships in the vicinity, since transporting such valuable materials is likely to attract pirates.

    Representatives from the superpowers and the scientific community congratulated Aegis, while military figures emphasised the importance of finding ways to hinder or destroy the Maelstroms. Rear Admiral Daniel Parry claimed: “This is the most strategically significant breakthrough to date. It will allow us to modify our military tactics based on what is discovered inside the deadly clouds.”

  • May 1, 3309
  • Rackham Fundraiser Secures Political Backing

    Independent presidential candidate Zachary Rackham held a gala ball for some of the Federation’s wealthy and influential elite.

    The Federal Times published a report from political correspondent Sofia Trevino:

    “The extravagant gathering at Fort Rackham (formerly Fort Falkenrath) on Taylor Colony felt more like a party than a fundraiser, but its ambitions were clear. Campaign finance laws forbid Zachary Rackham from using his own wealth to pay for his presidential bid, and so connections are being forged to entice donations and other types of support.”

    “Mr Rackham’s campaign manager – and the originator of his ‘Just Like Me’ slogan – was revealed to be celebrity PR consultant Anya Blackriver. She organised many famous attendees including media barons Elias Metaxas and Neive McFarlane, the youthful but popular ICE-caster Sura Oyekan, and flamboyant business magnate ‘Sir’ Randolph Plaskett of the Knights of Enterprise.”

    “The biggest surprise was the announcement that Congressman Harlan Turk, the highly respected representative for the Duamta system, has resigned from the Republican Party to serve as Mr Rackham’s running mate. Four independent congressmen also declared that they are joining his campaign, giving the entrepreneur some genuine political clout.”

    The newsfeed Sol Today published a related editorial:

    “President Hudson has served with honour, and deserves our respect for keeping citizens safe in recent years. But perhaps it’s time for some fresh blood at the Federation’s heart? Could Zachary Rackham’s infallible business instincts be what’s needed to boost our economy to new heights of prosperity?”

  • April 28, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: April 3309

    Jade Sanderlyn’s latest report on the Thargoid invasion of the core systems has been published on Vox Galactica.

    “Taking the broad view of the conflict does little to lift the spirits. Thargoid fleets now occupy well over a thousand systems, nearly 200 of which were once populated. Several million people have been killed or wounded by bombardments and caustic attacks. Colossal numbers have fled their homes as refugees. Some sources estimate that well over ten billion people have been directly affected by the war, but the misery and hardship it has caused is immeasurable.”

    “As sobering as that sounds, the situation would be much worse were it not for enormous efforts by anti-xeno squadrons and independent ships, which continue to push back against the Thargoid fleets. Every day, thousands of pilots risk their lives in battle, rescuing civilians or delivering supplies. Dozens of systems have been reclaimed from the Thargoids, and there are signs that the alien expansion is gradually slowing against such resistance.”

    “For a while it looked as if more traditional warfare between factions was about to bring further devastation, when Federal and Imperial proxies clashed in the Tavgi and Pichch systems. But in fact, these skirmishes helped to demonstrate how the Empire and Federation are prioritising the Thargoid threat above their centuries-long rivalry.”

    “Aegis continues to focus its efforts on practical solutions. The recently announced Thargoid pulse neutraliser is an attempt to bypass the defensive barrier within the inner region of the Maelstroms. If this succeeds, what might be found lurking at their hearts? Newsfeeds are proposing destroying the Maelstroms entirely to halt the never-ending swarms of Thargoid vessels, but few experts believe this can be achieved with existing military resources.”

    “As for Azimuth Biotech, without the genius of Salvation they seem unable to contribute meaningfully, despite still claiming to be the leading anti-xeno specialists. There are rumours that CEO Torben Rademaker has been in contact with several weapons and industrial manufacturers, presumably with a view to building corporate links.”

    “The last five months have been one of the most devastating periods of human history. But we are also witnessing resilience and courage on truly heroic levels, and we’re not beaten yet. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • April 27, 3309
  • Convoy Tragedy Halts Superpower Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Empire and the Federation have resolved the conflict in Pichch after the accidental loss of anti-xeno supply ships.

    Freelance correspondent Karleen Troy reported on events for Vox Galactica:

    “Pichch is a key location to redirect front-line resources to systems facing invasion around Maelstrom Leigong. In recent days, these vital deliveries have been severely delayed by the internecine conflict. But disaster struck when an entire convoy carrying anti-xeno weaponry was destroyed by Imperial-aligned ships, which mistakenly identified them as local Federal resupply vessels.”

    “Once news of the incident spread, leaders of Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum stated that they had received orders to broker an immediate ceasefire. The conflict was heading towards a Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum victory, so the sudden peace is likely a relief to Gauluujja Exchange.”

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a personal declaration regarding the situation:

    “We permit Imperial-aligned factions a degree of autonomy, on the understanding that they do not jeopardise the Empire’s strategic goals. Undermining human resistance against the Thargoid invasion cannot be tolerated. I therefore command the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum to negotiate a ceasefire with their Federal neighbours at once.”

    A similar statement was delivered by President Zachary Hudson:

    “This tragic situation could and should have been avoided. Pichch is a Federal system, and we have a responsibility to sustain the flow of anti-xeno resources throughout that region. We cannot allow small-scale quarrels to derail our efforts. I have informed Gauluujja Exchange that they must arrange a peaceful resolution to their current conflict.”

    Both the Federal and Imperial factions have agreed to honour their commitments to those who supported their operations, with rewards available at Tiptree Port.

  • April 20, 3309
  • Old Rivals Clash as Thargoids Advance

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Factions aligned to the Empire and Federation have declared war in Pichch, which lies in the path of Thargoid expansion.

    Relations between the two superpowers have been strained in recent weeks, following the corporate skirmish in Tavgi. This has exacerbated hostilities between two long-standing rivals in the Pichch system, causing diplomatic negotiations to collapse.

    The ruling council of Gauluujja Exchange claimed: “Imperial saboteurs have been undermining our operations for years, and a military solution is now the only option.” A similar statement was made by the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum’s leadership: “The typical Federal response to their problems is to blame the Empire, so we are forced to resolve this on the battlefield.”

    The situation has also impacted the ongoing war against the Thargoids, as outlined in a report by freelance correspondent Karleen Troy:

    “With Maelstrom Leigong’s fleet expansion only a few systems away, Pichch is currently a key distribution point for anti-xeno weaponry and supplies in the region. There is widespread concern that this conflict could disrupt the flow of resources to the front line, hindering defences in multiple systems.”

    Both Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum have requested help from naval auxiliaries, who can register their support for either faction at Tiptree Port.

  • April 18, 3309
  • Alliance Urges Restraint Between Superpowers

    Allied and independent leaders have called upon the Empire and the Federation to discourage faction hostilities following conflict in Tavgi.

    Political journalist Conrad Sterling summarised the latest developments for Vox Galactica:

    “Minor skirmishes between superpower-aligned factions are not uncommon. But the Caine-Massey and Torval Mining Ltd corporations have significant political ties, so their clash has led to bullish rhetoric from members of both Congress and the Senate.”

    “Many systems where Federal and Imperial populations coexist are experiencing civil tension and spates of public disturbance. There is a sense that the historic rivalry between two militaristic superpowers is being rekindled, and that similar sparks elsewhere may fan the flames at the worst possible time.”

    In the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Nakato Kaine highlighted the potential repercussions:

    “Military distractions between the Empire and Federation would place more responsibility on the Alliance for protecting independent systems from Thargoid invasion. As well as a potentially horrific loss of life, that would be a significant drain on already stretched resources. The hawks in each administration should be directing their aggressive tendencies toward the Thargoids, not each other.”

    In response, Prime Minister Mahon agreed to send envoys from the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations to both the Empire and the Federation. Dozens of independent systems have supported the Alliance’s formal request to ‘lower the temperature’ and find a peaceful solution.

  • April 13, 3309
  • Caine-Massey Victorious in Corporate Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Fierce combat in the Tavgi system has resulted in Caine-Massey’s partner Tavgi Blue Life Inc overcoming Torval Mining Ltd resistance.

    The conflict was triggered by the murder of Caine-Massey’s former CEO Johann Fleischer. The assassin was tracked from Mars to the Torval Mining megaship Orchestral Falcon. Circumstantial evidence suggested he was an undercover Imperial agent.

    Philippa Barlow-Lyons, acting CEO of the Caine-Massey corporation, declared:

    “Largely thanks to tremendous support from Federal auxiliaries, the path was cleared for us to take control of the Orchestral Falcon megaship. Only then did Torval Mining Ltd agree to hand over Johann’s killer, rather than risk the loss of its precious vessel. A security team has now delivered him to Federal authorities, where I am sure we will see justice finally served.”

    The Federal Intelligence Agency provided an update to the media from Executive Agent Viola Trask:

    “The man in our custody has been formally arrested and charged with the homicide of Johann Fleischer. All known IDs associated with him are false. Along with the skills he displayed, this suggests that he is a professional assassin. We are working with the Proactive Detection Bureau and the Federal Navy Intelligence Office to broaden the scope of this investigation.”

    Independent pilots who fought on behalf of Tavgi Blue Life Inc during the conflict can collect their rewards from Gordon Enterprise. Despite its defeat, Torval Mining Ltd has also agreed to reimburse its supporters from the Orchestral Falcon.