Galactic News

  • November 25, 3302
  • Galactic News: Prisoner Convoy Destroyed

    A prisoner convoy has been interdicted and destroyed in the Daibo system while en route to Koontz Asylum. Wreckage found in Daibo has been positively identified as belonging to the Imperial Cutter 'Diadem' and the Imperial Clippers 'Cypripedium', 'Velum', 'Monile' and 'Vestimenta'.

    "Completely wiped out," said one pilot, who was one of the first to respond to the distress call. "By the time I arrived there was nothing but floating debris. We even found wreckage from escape pods. Someone wanted to make sure there were absolutely no survivors. Even the black boxes were blasted."

    It has been confirmed that the convoy was carrying various political dissidents, convicted murderers and terrorists. Among them was the infamous Kahina Loren, recently found guilty of the attempted assassination of Admiral Denton Patreus.

    "Maybe someone wanted to give her a merciful death," said the chief editor of The Imperial Citizen. "Better that than what awaited her at Koontz Asylum, for sure."

    Plans to hold a memorial service for Loren in the Prism system have already generated angry responses. Princess Aisling Duval was quoted as saying, "A service for her? She was a murderer and a convicted felon! Her name should be struck from the record and never spoken again."

  • May 13, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    The Powerplay weekly report summarises recent activity in Federal, Imperial, Alliance and independent spheres of influence.

    The Federation

    Under the pretence of tightening security, President Zachary Hudson's fleets were deployed to the Ravas system where they established a forward operating base. The movement of the Federal ships led to a supply shortage in 26 Ophiuchi, threatening the combat readiness of the fleet stationed there. Only a continued show of Federal might will be enough to ensure law and order prevail.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters focused her Federal aid campaigns on the Kali system, in an attempt to demonstrate how Liberal values will bring a better life to all. Kali has been controlled by the Alliance-aligned Green Party of Kali for some time, but Blue Netcoms LTD – a Federal corporation – is likely to gain influence with the increased Federal presence.

    The Empire

    Shield of Justice logistics failed to allocate sufficient resources to systems throughout Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's domain, resulting in a loss of control in HIP 47328 and HR 4720. If the Shield of Justice cannot adequately garrison the Emperor's systems, Cook and HIP 10694 will follow suit.

    Princess Aisling Duval's backers acquired controlling stakes in media networks throughout the Conii system this week, and a repeat of last week's successes is now being attempted in Ekono and Kurichime.

    Using her economic connections and vast wealth, Senator Zemina Torval's brokers collected deeds to purchase both land and infrastructure in Jamuxa and Belgitan, allowing her to acquire a controlling interest in both systems.

    Senator Denton Patreus despatched his fleets to Ehi, an anarchic system controlled by the Ehi Silver Rats. Though resistance to the Imperial presence was crushed, budgetary considerations forced Imperial fleets to withdraw.

    The Alliance

    Agents of Prime Minister Edmund Mahon undertook diplomatic missions in BPM 89444, 7 Zeta-2 Lyrae and Alkaid, and successfully forged trade agreements with these systems. Alliance representatives have a busy week ahead of them, with negotiations underway in a total of nine systems. If all nine were to join the Alliance trade network, Prime Minister Mahon would have ties with 106 systems.


    Violent insurrections in HIP 103138, He Xian Gu, HIP 90190 and Bakabienil compelled system defence forces to mobilize in an attempt to clean up the corrupt influences seeking to take control. Security forces successfully repulsed the Kumo Crew in the latter three systems, while resistance in HIP 103138 proved too weak. Resistance fighters have paid the inevitable price in blood, and their families have been sold into slavery.

    Sirius CEO Li Yong-Rui leveraged connections with Sirius Corp. to secure investment from the population of Artume. Vast funds were allocated to buy up a controlling interest in the system. Unfortunately, an eleventh-hour financial review revealed the system to be unprofitable, and the acquisition was terminated on Thursday morning.

    Utopian enforcers were unable to liberate the people of 63 G. Capricorni and Kelie from misguided bureaucrats resisting the truth of Utopia. Undeterred, Utopian negotiators have sent out feelers for new opportunities to share the vision of Utopia.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • April 29, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    The Powerplay weekly report summarises the recent activities of the Federation, Empire, Alliance and Independent spheres of influence.

    The Federation:

    Federal fleets, under the direction of President Zachary Hudson, focused primarily on protecting Federal border systems this week. The coming week brings promise of conflict, as Federal military contractors seek to establish a permanent presence in 26 Ophiuchi and Orishvati.

    Though Ch'iang Fei ultimately rejected Shadow President Winters' efforts to secure support for the Liberal party, citizens in LTT 5964 were much more receptive. Djanharu, HIP 50489 and LHS 2205 are currently the focal points of comprehensive Federal aid campaigns.

    The Empire:

    With the exception of Princess Aisling Duval's territory, the political climate in the Empire remained relatively stable this week. The citizens of Aluriates, Erisha, HIP 116710 and Karakasis withdrew their formal support from the People's Princess, reducing the number of systems under her sway to 56.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's staff investigated a number of systems this week, ultimately settling on Hyades Sector IC-K b9-4 and Kherthaje as the subject of the coming week's anti-criminal efforts. The Shield of Justice is already active in both systems.

    Since there were no acquisitions on the table this week, Senator Zemina Torval's agents focused their efforts on establishing good relations in HIP 88178 and Mantunt. Having had some success, Senator Torval's brokers are now looking to purchase assets in both systems.

    Senator Denton Patreus' forces were largely tied up protecting the new Majestic-Class Interdictor under construction in Mundjiga. Patreus' fleets have since been dispatched to Ts'ai Shai, and are expected to remain active there for a week.

    The Alliance:

    Alliance diplomats clocked up thousands of light years this week, diligently pursuing trade ties with seven key systems. New trade relationships were established with Akheilos, Aranbarahun, FAUST 3566 and Gendalla. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon is pursuing trade partnerships in 3 Upsilon Ophiuchi, Bingui, Gitse, Kaal, LFT 820, Marralteki, Mongatha, Ross 860 and Tricorii. Should diplomatic efforts in all nine systems prove fruitful, the Alliance trade network will boast a total of 99 commercial hubs.


    Utopian agitators prevailed in violent protests in the HIP 10584 system, and a Utopian embassy has subsequently been established there. Simguru Pranav Antal's supporters are currently active in Allowa, Antanyamai, HIP 6943 and Maia. Should these systems join Utopia, Antal's influence will extend to a total of 55 key systems.

    The Kumo Crew's insurrections in 7 Zeta-2 Lyrae, Dhanchu and HIP 103138 were suppressed, but authorities in the San Guan system were brought under the control of Pirate Lord Archon Delaine. The Kumo Crew has now shifted its efforts to Latugara and Ross 151.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui leveraged his connections with Sirius Corp to encourage spending and investment in Babaradhbh and Chang O. Corporate vessels have been dispatched to begin buying up private and government assets in an attempt to establish a permanent Sirius Gov presence.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • April 28, 3302
  • Galactic News: New Imperial Ship Complete

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the Imperial campaign to construct a new Majestic-Class Interdictor is now complete. A spokesperson for the Mundjiga Patrons of Law, which helped to coordinate the construction effort, confirmed that the galactic community had responded enthusiastically to the initiative, resulting in the delivery of thousands of tonnes of essential materials.

    Lieutenant Severin, who oversaw the project, issued a brief statement to the media:

    "The public's response to this campaign has been extremely heartening. The Empire faces many threats, but its ability to meet those threats has now been considerably strengthened. On behalf of myself and Admiral Patreus I would like to thank all those who supported this initiative."

  • April 22, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    The Powerplay weekly report summarises the recent activities of the Federation, Empire, the Alliance, and in Independent spheres of influence.

    The Federation:

    President Hudson was flooded with intelligence reports from Federal agencies in Contien this week, but Federal task forces were recalled when an extensive Alliance diplomatic convoy operating in the Kaukai area was discovered.

    Shadow President Winters was unable to secure agreements with the citizens of HIP 50489 or Kappa. As a result, Federal aid has been redirected from both systems to Ch'iang Fei and LTT 5964.

    The Empire:

    The HR 4720 system was cleansed of criminal activity by a Shield of Justice blitz, ensuring Imperial justice will prevail in the system. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's private security fleet now operates in 67 star systems.

    Senator Zemina Torval added the infrastructure of the Candecama system to her enterprises this week, but no additional acquisitions are planned for next week.

    Princess Aisling Duval's public support was substantially undermined this week, jeopardizing support for the People's Princess in the Aluriates, Blod, Erisha, HIP 116710 and Karakasis systems.

    Admiral Denton Patreus saw an arms deal with the Medzistha system fall through. In the coming week, many of his backers are likely to support the construction of a new Majestic-class Interdictor in the Mundjiga system.

    The Alliance:

    The Alliance's economic outlook improved significantly this week, providing numerous opportunities to restore broken trade agreements and create opportunities for economic expansion. Alliance diplomats are seeking to secure exclusive trade agreements with several Federal systems in addition to some independent systems, partly in response to corporate Federal blockades of Alliance trading hubs. The targeted systems include Akheilos, Aranbarahun, Beta Hydri, CD-27 5409, FAUST 3566, Gendalla, and Kaukai.


    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui was unable to acquire sufficient assets in Chang O to bring it under Sirius' exclusive control, and no new deals are likely to cross his desk next week.

    Utopia was able to secure new supporters in Anouphis or LP 708-253, bringing the number of key systems controlled by Simguru Pranav Antal to 50.

    Criminal elements backed by the Kumo Crew have instigated violent insurrections in the 7 Zeta-2 Lyrae, Dhanchu, HIP 103138 and San Guan systems. With the major powers seemingly turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Pirate Lord Archon Delaine, the Kumo Crew is likely to swell its number of strongholds to 46.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • April 21, 3302
  • Community Goal: Expanding the Imperial Fleet

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced plans to expand the Imperial Navy with a new Majestic-Class Interdictor. The formidable vessel will boast a range of imposing weaponry, including an array of modular interceptor guns.

    Lieutenant Severin, who is overseeing the ship's construction, issued a statement to the media:

    "I know there are some who would question the need for this vessel. To those individuals, I say this: just how safe do you feel? We live in an age in which even Emperors can be murdered. An age in which our enemies' faces are not known to us, and betrayal and deceit are encountered at every turn. The need for a strong, battle-ready navy has never been greater."

    "In order to complete production as swiftly as possible, we have placed an open order for supplies, and have authorised the Mundjiga Patrons of Law to reward pilots who deliver materials to our base of operations at Sagan Port. I implore all those who are loyal to the Empire to support this operation."

    The campaign begins on the 21st of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • April 15, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    The Powerplay Weekly Report summarizes the activities of the galaxy's movers and shakers in the Federation, the Empire, the Alliance, and Independent spheres of influence during the previous week.

    The Federation:

    The Federal Navy's garrison supply shortage was ended this week, preventing the need to abandon another base in Phra Mool. Federal President Zachary Hudson is currently receiving intelligence reports from a number of systems and will decide where to focus the efforts of the Federal Navy by the end of the week.

    Shadow President Winters claimed the full support of residents in the Puntin system this week, bringing the number of systems under her direct control to 70. Federal Aid transports are currently attempting to showcase the merits of Federal health and welfare programs in HIP 50489 and Kappa.

    The Empire:

    Ao Kax descended into turmoil this week, jeopardizing Arissa Lavigny-Duval's hold on the system. If the Emperor is able to allocate sufficient supplies to garrison the Shield of Justice and restore order, HR 4720 may join her cause.

    Princess Aisling Duval claimed support from citizens in Blod and HIP 95256, swelling Aisling's support base to 60 systems. The People's Princess is currently dispatching sealed contracts to the Conii system.

    Senator Zemina Torval finalized the purchase of assets in HR 6948, but deals to acquire matching assets in Grudi fell through. Torval currently has her sights set on Bandjigali, Candecama, and VVO 19.

    Senator Denton Patreus, the Admiral of the Imperial Fleet, was rebuffed in his efforts to stage his fleets in Medzistha and Mula Wendes. Patreus' fleets are currently staged in LFT 142, Menero Kimi, and V374 Pegasi.

    The Alliance:

    Alliance bureaucrats busily collected an unprecedented quantity of briefings and status reports from preferred trading systems. The blockades put in place by Federation-aligned corporations forced twelve systems to rescind their trade agreements with the Alliance. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon is reportedly attempting to reestablish relations with these beleaguered systems. A total of 86 systems remain in the Alliance trade network.


    No systems changed hands among the independent powers this week, but each power is preparing to make bold moves in the coming week.

    SiriusGov CEO Li Yong-Rui is attempting to purchase huge swathes of private and government assets in Chang O. Pirate Lord Archon Delaine was unable to secure new strongholds in Mikunn and Latugara, and no new insurrections have been spotted.

    Simguru Pranav Antal is attempting to expand the reach of Utopia to Allowa, Anouphis, Antanyamai, FS 34, LP 708-253, Maia, and Renpetani. Should all of these systems become a part of the enclave, Utopian enclaves will be present in 55 systems.

  • April 9, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    The Powerplay Weekly Report summarizes the activities of the galaxy's movers and shakers in the Federation, the Empire, the Alliance, and Independent spheres of influence during the previous week.

    The Federation:

    Federal President Zachary Hudson passed a busy week, guiding the establishment of naval bases in Opet, Annwn, Adan, Ch'iang Fei, Okinura, Delta Pavonis and Gitse. These attempts to expand the Federal powerbase ultimately failed due to serious supply shortages, which also necessitated the withdrawal of Federal fleets from Bandjigali and Lalande 37120. If Federal supply chains cannot meet demands, Phra Mool may also lose the direct protection of the Federal Navy.

    In contrast, Shadow President Winters passed a quiet week on the home front. As a result, a budget surplus will allow her to extend aid to more systems than previously projected during the coming week.

    The Empire:

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's staff exposed endemic corruption in Ande, Sawait and Tujil last week. The Emperor has authorized Shield of Justice Patrols to bring criminal elements operating in these systems to justice.

    Princess Aisling Duval secured new supporters in HIP 105391. A fresh batch of sealed contracts are en route to Blod and HIP 95256. Should these systems accept the contracts, the People's Princess will directly influence 60 key systems.

    Many private security vessels within Senator Zemina Torval's domain remained moored this week, with political unrest the lowest it's been in about 15 weeks. The Senator's brokers are currently preparing deeds for the purchase of a key assets in Grudi and HR 6948.

    Senator Denton Patreus' sale of marked arms in Medzistha and Mula Wendes were initially well received, but the movement of the Senator's fleets in both systems has stimulated anti-Imperial sentiments in both systems. System resistance forces have assembled to violently oppose the presence of Patreus' fleets.

    The Alliance:

    The vast trade network of the Alliance of Independent Systems fell into a deep recession this week. Blockades are currently in place in 21 systems with Alliance trade agreements. These blockades were reportedly put into place by Federation corporations looking to increase their dominance in the galactic market. It is unclear at this time how long this blockades may last, or how the galactic markets will economy will be affected.


    The movements of Archon Delaine and the Kumo were the highlight of independent power activities this week. The conquest of Devata Baru increased the total number of strongholds occupied by the Terror of the Pegasi Sector to 42. The Pirate Lord has incited insurrections in Latugara and Mikunn, and may soon subject these systems to his rule.

    Simguru Pranav Antal's Utopian society and CEO Li Yong Rui's SiriusGov were occupied primarily with administrative tasks. Utopia is at last prepared to send ambassadors abroad to entice systems to join the commune. If all goes well during the coming week, Sirius will finalize a contract with the Chemaku system.

  • March 19, 3302
  • Galactic News: Empire Troubled by Federal Campaign

    Last week, Federal President Zachary Hudson announced plans to construct a new Farragut Battle Cruiser in the Federal system of Beta Hydri. The production of the ship was designed to mark the inauguration of a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the People's Navy. One Federal source said the ship would "occupy a significant role in the Federal Navy, strengthening our borders and enhancing the profile of our armed forces".

    The Empire made no response to the announcement, but an anonymous source from the upper echelons of Imperial society has now revealed that Admiral Denton Patreus has expressed concern over the Federal initiative. In a message released to a number of media feeds, the anonymous source said:

    "The construction of a new ship, even a warship like the Farragut, isn't necessarily a cause for concern. But we have reason to believe that the Federation intends to significantly expand its Navy over the coming months, and naturally this has the Admiral Patreus worried. If the Federation did indeed embark on a campaign of military fortification, it's likely the Empire would respond in kind."

  • March 18, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    The Powerplay Weekly Report summarizes the activities of the galaxy's movers and shakers in the Federation, the Empire, the Alliance, and Independent spheres of influence during the previous week.

    The Federation:

    The Federation experienced resource shortfalls affecting the areas of responsibility of both President Zachary Hudson and Shadow President Felicia Winters this week. President Hudson recalled Federal fleets from Allawa and HIP 24046. If resource shortfalls are not accounted for within the coming week, President Hudson may be forced to withdraw fleets from Li Jungu, AF Leporis, and Korovii. Similarly, Shadow President Winters is struggling to meet aid commitments to HIP 38747, and is in danger of losing the system's support.

    The Empire:

    A dozen key systems were the focus of Imperial political machinations this week. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval deployed the Shield of Justice to Acokwang, Ao Kax, and Hrun, where the fleets now enforce Imperial justice. Senator Zemina Torval expended significant resources to finalize the purchase of key infrastructure throughout the Gacrux system. Princess Aisling Duval's campaign suffered some setbacks this week. Six influential systems, Mula Wendes, Nyalayan, HIP 95256, HIP 105391, HIP 3603, and Blod, withdrew their direct support for the People's Princess. Senator Denton Patreus' fleets moved into Anganaha and HIP 116045, where they now defend Imperial interests on behalf of the Admiral of the Fleet.

    The Alliance:

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon secured a trade agreement for the Alliance in Ross 842. Alliance negotiators are currently seeking to forge trade ties with four additional systems, Aranbarahun Fedmich, HR 6328, and Ross 151. Should they succeed, the Alliance will boast a network of 95 trade centers.


    The growth of Utopia, under the leadership of Simguru Pranav Antal, was the highlight of the week in the Independent sphere of influence, with Brynhilo and Har Itariu officially becoming part of Utopia. CEO Li Yong-Rui was unable to extend a Sirius franchise to any new systems this week, but is working to finalize a contract in V780 Tauri next week. Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's attempt to overthrow Latugara was unsuccessful this week. No new Kumo incited insurrections have been spotted this week, but criminal activity is stirring in systems bordering the Pegasi sector.

  • March 4, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    This weekly report summarises the recent actions of the galaxy's movers and shakers in Federal, Imperial, Alliance, and Independent spheres of influence.

    The Federation

    Last week was a sweeping success for the Federation. Fleets under the command of President Zachary Hudson exerted massive efforts in Adan, Carpaka, Concantae and LPM 229, successfully establishing a semi-permanent presence in all but Adan. Shadow President Felicia Winters finally claimed new supporters in Amuzgo, a system with which she has repeatedly attempted to curry favour, but her bid to secure support in the hotly-contested DR Crucis system was not successful.

    The Empire

    The Empire suffered a number of setbacks this week, mostly stemming from the increased Federal presence in Carpaka, Concantae, LPM 229 and Amuzgo. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's influence in dozens of systems diminished as a result of these Federal expansions. Princess Aisling Duval's public-relations campaigns in Chnumar and Madngela failed to draw more supporters to her cause even as the Conii system withdrew its support. Senator Zemina Torval focused on protecting her investments and made no new acquisitions. Senator Denton Patreus' fleets were rebuffed in Neali and HIP 116377, but successfully established a presence in HIP 2239.

    The Alliance

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon led the Alliance through another week of relative calm. With last week's dispute in DR Crucis now resolved, Alliance negotiators are taking the first steps to secure a trade agreement with DR Crucis.


    The acquisition of the valuable Polecteri system by SiriusGov, led by CEO Li Yong-Rui, was the highlight of Independent activity this week. A bold attempt from Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew to overthrow LTT 874 was repulsed by Imperial fleets, but the level of criminal activity in the system remained high. Pranav Antal's Uptopia focused on establishing an influence in Sukree and Yemotepa, which are currently the site of violent protests incited by Utopian agitators.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • February 22, 3302
  • Galactic News: Denton Patreus Receives Promotion

    Benjamin Gorrister, founder of the Carmack Intergalactic Mining Association, has announced an initiative to discover the location of pristine metallic rings. With nearly 300 locations identified so far, the CIMA is currently leading the way in data collection on pristine metallic rings. In a statement, Gorrister said:

    "In memory of George Washington Carmack, who triggered the greatest gold rush in human history, we are offering rewards to all Commanders who provide us with the location of new pristine metallic rings. Each new discovery will be rewarded with 100,000 credits. We will give an additional 30 million credits to the pilot contributing the most information, 20 million credits to the second-place contributor, and 10 million credits to the third-place contributor. May the best prospector win!"

    The event will run for 42 days, starting on the 21st of February 3302.

    Karen Keish

    Theta Wave News

  • February 19, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, and the Alliance as a whole, celebrated the momentous signing of trade agreements in Mong Kung and Pincunche this week. With the finalization of these agreements, the Alliance network boasts a total of 90 influential trade hubs. The overall economic outlook in the Alliance remains the envy of other trade networks.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson's fleets easily corrected the supply shortages they were faced with last week, delivering approximately 6.6 billion credits worth of garrison supplies to naval bases throughout the president's sphere of influence. But President Hudson was unable to open a naval base in Concantae due to intense local opposition. The navy is now surveying numerous systems to find suitable accommodation for the burgeoning fleet.

    Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters was unable to secure the support of the Amuzgo and Chukchan systems through aid packages and Liberal propaganda this week. But efforts to woo the political leaders of Djanharu, Juipedi and HIP 47328 are currently underway. Should these systems become supporters of the Shadow President, the Liberal party will hold sway in a total of 71 key systems.

    Princess Aisling Duval secured new supporters in HIP 77470 this week, bringing the total number of systems supporting the People's Princess to 63. Popular support for Princess Aisling is growing in the Ekono system, and it is expected that representatives from Ekono will affirm the system's support of the People's Princess by next Thursday.

    Imperial Senator Zemina Torval's attempts to secure a controlling interest in the infrastructures of V2689 Orionis and HR 6948 this week were unsuccessful. With no new acquisitions expected during the coming week, the senator will likely focus her efforts on quashing opposition from political dissidents within her sphere of influence.

    SiriusGov CEO Li Yong-Rui suffered setbacks in the Polecteri and San systems this week, preventing Sirius from incorporating the assets of both systems into the Sirius portfolio. Undaunted, Li Yong-Rui is preparing to finalize the purchase of both private and government sectors in the Aranka system during the coming week.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval was faced with continued supply shortages this week, forcing the Shield of Justice to terminate services in Olelbis, Damoorai and Kappa. Garrison supplies were consumed at near-record levels in Namamasairu, Bragit, Yab Camalo, Cibola, Redoneangi, Igal and Kuuku, jeopardizing the ability of the Shield of Justice to maintain adequate security. If the Emperor is forced to withdraw her fleets from all seven systems, her direct influence will extend to only 57 key systems.

    Simguru Pranav Antal welcomed the inhabitants of HIP 7076 into the Utopian fold this week, promising the populace a chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity. Utopians also celebrated a significant milestone in the fledgling power's history: Simguru Antal now has Utopian enclaves in 50 systems.

    Imperial Senator Denton Patreus secured harbour for his fleets in the Contie system this week, easily overcoming violent opposition from local dissidents. A number of arms deals fell through, however, weakening any plans the senator may have had to expand his influence. The coming week will be characterised by the defensive deployments of Patreus' fleets.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine successfully instigated infighting and violent insurrection in Morronii and HIP 111880 this week, and pirate vessels have been witnessed supporting criminal elements in both systems. The Pirate Lord appears poised to claim new territory mere weeks after he lost control of three systems.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • February 12, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon signed no trade agreements this week, as negotiations with delegates from Ross 842 and HIP 55118 failed to produce satisfactory terms for all stakeholders. New trade agreements with Mong Kung and Picunche are currently being negotiated.

    Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters secured support from the Sawali system this week, bringing the total number of systems under her control to 68. Ch'iang Fei declined to formally pledge support to the Liberal party. Attempts to secure the support of the Amuzgo, and Chukchan systems through focused aid packages are currently in progress.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson was faced with resource shortfalls this week, resulting in the abandonment of military operations in Carpaka and LPM 229. President Hudson is currently investigating the possibility of establishing a military presence in the Concantae system, but supply shortages threaten the long-term viability of the Federal fleet in Bandjigali. If supplies remain low, the expansion into Concantae may fail, and Federal fleets may withdraw from Bandjigali.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval encountered supply chain difficulties this week, preventing the Shield of Justice from establishing a presence in Waimiri. The combat readiness of Shield of Justice patrols has been jeopardized in Damoorai, Olelbis, and Kappa, and could lead to withdrawal from these systems. If the shortages are resolved, Bragur, Mbutsi, Hrun, Brestla, Kherthaje and HR 4720 could be patrolled by the Emperor's fleets next week.

    SiriusGov CEO Li Yong-Rui approved new Sirius franchises in Hyldeptu this week, bringing the total number of systems in the Sirius portfolio to 55. Business deals are underway in Polecteri and San, and early negotiations have begun in HIP 2778. Things looks good for Sirius.

    Princess Aisling Duval's publicity teams unleashed an impressive media blitz this week, spending roughly 8 billion credits to spread the message of the People's Princess. As a result, the citizens of HIP 77470 have expressed interest in supporting Aisling's agenda, which would make HIP 77470 the 63rd system to support the princesses' cause.

    Imperial Senator Zemina Torval's enterprises are currently well-funded, and the senator is looking into purchasing infrastructure in V2689 Orionis and HR 6948. Both systems could provide unique employment and trading opportunities deep within Federal territory.

    Simguru Pranav Antal was unable to secure Taosha and Sukree this week. Violent protests have erupted in HIP 7076 and Gendini, as Utopian agitators attempt to liberate the systems' citizens from the misguided bureaucrats who resist the truth of Utopia.

    Imperial Senator Denton Patreus secured harbour for his fleets in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini this week, securing the independent system against future incursions from the Kumo Crew, which attacked the system mere weeks ago. Senator Patreus is also seeking harbour for his fleets in the Contie system, where he recently concluded a sale of arms.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine crushed rebellions in Yuror and Itzanmets, ensuring both systems remained firmly in his grasp. Turmoil within the Kumo Crew has abated, and signs of Kumo Crew activity are already beginning to appear in systems near the borders of the Pirate Lord's domain. Should this activity persist, insurrections could soon take place in Morronii and HIP 111880.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • February 5, 3302
  • Galactic News: Emperor's Dawn Shadow Cells Destroyed

    Imperial Senator Denton Patreus has confirmed that the Emperor's Dawn 'shadow' cells discovered two weeks ago in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch'i Lin systems have been destroyed. Thousands of independent pilots responded to the senator's call to arms, resulting in the total destruction of what are thought to be the last remaining Emperor's Dawn outposts. Following the victory, Senator Patreus released a statement to the media:

    "The galactic community has once again shown that it will not let itself be cowed by extremists. To all those who contributed to this campaign, I wish to offer my sincerest gratitude. I know that in the past I have been guilty of prematurely dismissing Emperor's Dawn, but on this occasion I think we can safely say that this insurgent organisation, which has tried so hard to undermine our way of life, is no more."

    The battle was viewed rather differently outside the Empire, however, with one commentator stating:

    "The Imperial propaganda machine would have you believe the Empire won by a landslide, but the truth is they had to work hard for victory."

  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon did not have the opportunity to sign new trade agreements this week. Pending the conclusion of negotiations in Ross 842 and HIP 55118, the Alliance trade network will encompass an impressive 90 centres. Authorities in HIP 73269 have invited Alliance delegates to discuss the possibility of establishing another trade hub in the system.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson sent Federal security task forces into the Detta, Dongkum, and HIP 24046 systems this week, ultimately establishing a permanent presence for Federal fleets in all three systems. Federal fleets have also surged into Carpaka and LPM 229. If a military presence is established in these additional systems, President Hudson will control a total of 81 naval bases.

    Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters was unable to secure support in the Amuzgo system this week, but the coming week holds opportunities for the Shadow President in the Sawali and Chi'iang Fei systems. Extensive aid campaigns are underway, demonstrating the capabilities of Federal welfare and healthcare programmes. Should these systems join Felicia Winters, she will be the power of choice in a total of 69 systems.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny Duval has recovered from her resource shortfalls, netting a vast reserve of capital to finance the expansion of the Shield of Justice. Waimiri is currently playing host to the Shield of Justice, and leveraging the fleet to rid the system of criminal activity.

    Princess Aisling Duval had a mixed week, as the HIP 116045 system terminated its support for the People's Princess, and Kuki An and Nyalayan joined her cause. No new systems are expected to join her cause next week, but Aisling's publicity teams are reportedly planning to unleash a media blitz in a fortnight.

    Imperial Senator Zemina Torval was able to return her enterprises to a state of financial solvency this week, and to acquire a majority share in the infrastructure in the Yakama system. The profitability of her business has allowed the senator to begin looking for new investment opportunities, and she is expected to make new acquisitions in the coming weeks.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui was able to accumulate a large reserve of credit through shrewd investment this week, meaning he will be able to extend offers to businesses in the Polecteri, Pukkeitsi, and Kwaritreni systems next week. Negotiations in Hyldeptu and LP 711-32 are expected to conclude by next Thursday. Should the negotiations conclude in Sirius' favour, Sirius Gov will hold controlling interests in a total of 56 systems.

    Simguru Pranav Antal secured another system this week as violent protests in the Kenna system were decisively ended. Utopian ambassadors have negotiated to establish enclaves in the Taosha and Sukree systems, but opposition to the Utopian presence has led to fierce protests in these systems. Should Antal's forces prevail, Utopia could grow to encompass a total of 51 key systems.

    Imperial Senator Denton Patreus concluded the sale of arms to 23 Delta Piscis Austrini this week, and his fleets have already begun moving into the system. But resistance to the presence of Patreus' fleets has solidified, and fighting has broken out in several locations in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's Kumo Crew withdrew from the He Xians, Brynhilo and Bhattra systems following last week's uprisings. After months of subjugation and exploitation, the populace has now adopted a defensive stance in the hope of preventing possible re-conquest. Archon has additional uprisings to deal with this week, but with his forces now more concentrated, it is unlikely he will give further ground.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • December 9, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    President Zachary Hudson secured a new base for the Federal Navy in the Muncheim system this week. The coming week holds potential for three additional bases in Detta, Dongkum and HIP 24046. Should these additional systems be secured, the President will be responsible for a total of 79 naval bases.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon's negotiators were unable to secure an equitable trade agreement with the Ross 842 system this week, but Alliance representatives have returned with additional incentives for the leaders of Ross 842 to consider.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters is moving forward with her aid campaign in Amuzgo, hoping to prove that Federal values have a place in the future of the independent system. At the time of writing, her most significant Liberal propaganda campaign is underway in the Fasti system, followed by the Kali system.

    Princess Aisling Duval's media blitzes in Chnumar, Ekono and HIP 77470 ended unsuccessfully. Fundraising campaigns came up short in HIP 116045 and Tsanla, jeopardizing the influence of the People's Princess in those systems. If funding becomes available, the media blitzes in the Nyalayan and Kuki An systems could lead to additional supporters for the Princess.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny Duval's supporters delivered nearly one billion garrison supplies in an attempt to counter resource shortfalls in her domain. Supplies were bottlenecked in the Guathiti system, where over half of the supplies remained, exacerbating the shortage. As a result, the Shield of Justice was forced to withdraw from Yao Tzu, Rurema, He Xingo and Candecama.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui was unable to purchase the assets of the Kwaritreni system, but retained the Ticua system. The Kwaritreni system remains a subject of interest for Sirius, and an offer of franchise is currently being resubmitted. At the time of writing, two additional systems - Zhao Tzu and Wong Zhi – are also being offered Sirius franchises.

    Simguru Pranav Antal's ambassadors were denied the opportunity to open Utopian enclaves in Sukree and Taosha this week. Meanshile, ambassadors have returned to Taosha in the hope of rekindling an interest in Utopia, and Utopian forces are currently engaged in Kenna and Yemotepa. Should Antal secure both systems, Utopian enclaves will be present in 50 key systems.

    Senator Zemina Torval is currently dealing with a budget deficit in her enterprise. If the situation does not improve, the assets of Wolfberg, Secoya and HIP 107936 will be sold to offset the deficit. If sufficient funding is made available, the senator could acquire a controlling stake in the Yakama system.

    Senator Denton Patreus experienced significant opposition to the deployment of his private fleet in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini this week. Attempts are currently being made to negotiate the supply of arms and munitions in exchange for long-term berthing of the senator's fleets in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's attempts to take control of Tjakiri and HIP 109144 were rebuffed. Meanwhile, resistance forces in Bhattra, He Xians and Brynhilio have risen up, providing the first real glimmer of hope that a system occupied by the Kumo Crew could overthrow its conquerors. Federal freedom fighters have claimed credit for inciting the uprisings.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • January 22, 3302
  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon approved trade agreements with the leaders of Dao Zi and Ross 931 this week, bringing a total of 88 preferred trading partners under his influence. A truly impressive trade network now supports the Alliance economy, and representatives of Ross 842 are currently seeking to become another node in that highly lucrative network.

    President Zachary Hudson made an appearance at the new Federal navy base in the Frey system, while Vice President Brad Mitchell presided over the opening of another naval base in Lalande 37120. Both systems expand the protection of the Federal fleets to frontier worlds near the troubled Pegasi Sector. Meanwhile, a new naval base is currently being established in the Muncheim system.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters was unable to secure support in Sawali and Amuzgo last week, but a glimmer of hope still shines in these systems. Renewed aid campaigns aim to motivate Sawali and Amuzgo to vote 'Liberal', although it's likely only one of these campaigns will bear fruit. Political analysts lean toward Sawali as the most likely to pledge its support to the Shadow President.

    Senator Zemina Torval had an unexpectedly profitable week, sending stocks in her enterprise soaring. This success was made possible in large part by the acquisition of the Chujohimba system. Senator Torval is expected to make another investment this week, this time in the Timbarichs system.

    Princess Aisling Duval's tour through Ekono, HIP 77470 and Chnumar successfully stimulated interest in the Princess's cause. If system leaders in all three systems pledge their support, a total of 64 key systems will formally enforce the Princess's abolitionist agenda. Aisling Duval is also rumoured to be courting the leaders of the Nyalayan system. Further news is expected in one week's time.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval withdrew Shield of Justice forces from the Nyalayan system this week, and a lack of resources for the Emperor's fleet may lead to withdrawals from Bragit, Candecama, Rurema, He Xingo, and Yao Tzu. No new contracts for Shield of Justice security details in Hrun, Kherthaje, Neites, and Waimiri were fulfilled, as another side-effect of the supply shortfall.

    Simguru Pranav Antal established a presence in the Peregrina system this week - a dubious achievement given that the only life-bearing body in Peregrina has been cordoned off due to native pathogens. Any ship passing through the moon's atmosphere is automatically designated a plague ship, refused docking in all systems, and attacked on sight by faction and system security forces. At the time of writing, Utopian delegates are opening relations with the Dongkum system, and preparing to open enclaves in Taosha and Sukree.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui had to deal with another unexpected financial hiccup this week. Attempts to acquire assets in the private and government sectors in Dongkum, HIP 23395 and Kenna were underfunded, and failed. CEO Yong-Rui now has to consider either purchasing the assets of Kwaritreni, or selling off the assets of Ticua.

    Senator Denton Patreus amassed an enormous budgetary surplus this week, and will likely seek to expand his influence in several systems next week. Sales of arms and other supplies are currently taking place in the Katurru system. Meanwhile, 23 Delta Piscis Austrini is playing host to the senator's fleets, and could become a permanent Naval berth.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's bid to take control of Djabijabus and Devata Baru were unsuccessful. Kumo Crew fleets remained undaunted, however, pressing advantages in open insurrections in HIP 103138 and Tjakiri. At the time of writing, signs of insurrection are also beginning to appear in the HIP 109144 system.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • December 1, 3302
  • Community Goal: Emperor's Dawn 'Shadow' Cells Discovered

    When the Federal Navy destroyed the Emperor's Dawn base in the Kausalya system in December, many believed the organisation had finally been defeated. The Federal offensive, which was supported by a large deputation from the Federal Navy Auxiliary, was swift and merciless, and resulted in the total destruction of the insurgent outpost. But a statement from the office of Imperial Senator Denton Patreus indicates that, against all odds, Emperor's Dawn has endured.

    "The Imperial Internal Security Service has discovered that Emperor's Dawn has 'shadow' cells in the Dakshmandi, Ipilyaqa and Ch'i Lin systems – secret outposts that were apparently designed to protect the organisation's leadership in the event of a military defeat. It is of course vital to the continued security of the Empire and its people that these outposts be neutralised as swiftly as possible. If it is not, Emperor's Dawn could re-emerge to threaten the galaxy once again."

    Senator Patreus went on to issue a call to arms:

    "Swiftly neutralising these outposts depends on the support of the galactic community, and to this end I have authorised the payment of privateer bonds to any pilots who help with the offensive against Emperor's Dawn. Let us destroy these vile dissidents once and for all."

  • January 15, 3302
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was unable to orchestrate any new trade agreements this week, but the coming week holds potential for new opportunities in the Dao Zi and Ross 931 systems. Very little else of note has transpired in Alliance territory since our last report.

    President Zachary Hudson gathered intelligence from Frey and Lalande 37120, and has deployed Federal fleets to establish a more permanent naval presence in both systems. Sufficient resources were collected last week to seek out another appropriate base for the Federal Navy. More news on that will likely follow next week.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's Shield of Justice failed to secure Kartenes, as command capital reserves fell short late in the week. Crime sweeps are currently active in Hrun, Kherthaje, Neites and Waimiri, but if command capital supplies remain low, opportunities to station the Shield of Justice in these systems will also fail.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters' aid campaigns in Chireni, HIP 47328 and Hyades Sector EB-X D1-110 failed this week. Budgetary challenges prevented all three missions from reaching a successful outcome. Despite last week's shortfall, aid campaigns are currently underway in Amuzgo and Sawali.

    Princess Aisling Duval was very successful with fundraising campaigns this week, granting her the opportunity to court the favour of several key systems. Ekono, HIP 77470, Madngela, Nuxalkuq are currently on her itinerary.

    Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui has had a very positive week. The momentous discovery of the Antares wreckage, coupled with the continued prosperity of SiriusGov, has been a cause for celebration for the Sirius Corporation. Business relationships in Dongkum, HIP 23395 and Kenna are being investigated this week, paving the way for the potential expansion of Sirius to a total of 57 systems.

    Senator Zemina Torval managed her business skilfully this week, narrowly evading a deficit. The senator is currently attempting to acquire controlling interest in the Chujohimba system. Future expansion of her enterprises will require great effort.

    Simguru Pranav Antal had another successful week. Two systems – Azalai and GCRV 2743 – formalized relationships with Utopia and joined the commune. The once miniscule power now directly controls 47 key systems, and projects its influence through 517 systems and nearly 125 billion people.

    Pirate Lord Archon Delaine experienced a relatively quiet week. Kumo Crew-backed insurrections in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini and HIP 103138 were soundly defeated, but attempts to overthrow the governments of Djabijabus, and Devata Baru are now in motion.

    Senator Denton Patreus' overcommitted and undermanned fleets withdrew from five systems, greatly reducing his administrative overhead. The senator is now looking to establish bases in more strategically valuable locations, including 23 Delta Piscis Austrini, which was recently attacked by the Kumo Crew.

    Commander Corrigendum