Galactic News

  • March 8, 3304
  • The Guardians: The Galaxy Reacts

    There has been a range of reactions to the discovery of new Guardian sites, and to Ram Tah’s development of Guardian-inspired technologies.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson said: “The Federation congratulates Ram Tah on his success. Anything that helps us defend our citizens from Thargoid aggression is welcome.”

    Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus echoed this sentiment: “I am pleased to hear that new, more powerful armaments are being produced. These will provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids.”

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon struck a more balanced tone: “Information is wealth, and Ram Tah’s efforts to expand the boundaries of science and knowledge will make us rich indeed.”

    Meanwhile, Simguru Pranav Antal of Utopia looked to the future: “There is enormous potential for humanity to benefit from the technology of our galactic predecessors, and we look forward to sharing whatever prosperity these new discoveries may bring.”

    Finally, Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, commented: “I have already contacted Ram Tah with the hope that Aegis can study his new data. Understanding more about the Guardians may enhance our knowledge of the Thargoids, and perhaps help us to comprehend their motives.”

  • March 7, 3304
  • The Guardians: The Galaxy Reacts

    There has been a range of reactions to the discovery of new Guardian sites, and to Ram Tah’s development of Guardian-inspired technologies.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson said: “The Federation congratulates Ram Tah on his success. Anything that helps us defend our citizens from Thargoid aggression is welcome.”

    Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus echoed this sentiment: “I am pleased to hear that new, more powerful armaments are being produced. These will provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids.”

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon struck a more balanced tone: “Information is wealth, and Ram Tah’s efforts to expand the boundaries of science and knowledge will make us rich indeed.”

    Meanwhile, Simguru Pranav Antal of Utopia looked to the future: “There is enormous potential for humanity to benefit from the technology of our galactic predecessors, and we look forward to sharing whatever prosperity these new discoveries may bring.”

    Finally, Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, commented: “I have already contacted Ram Tah with the hope that Aegis can study his new data. Understanding more about the Guardians may enhance our knowledge of the Thargoids, and perhaps help us to comprehend their motives.”

  • March 4, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Reports from independent pilots confirm that a new type of Thargoid vessel has been encountered, both in the Pleiades and on the fringes of the core systems. The ship, designated a Thargoid Scout Marauder by the Pilots Federation, are reported to be more manoeuvrable than the Thargoid Interceptor, but less resistant to weapons fire.

    Meanwhile, analytical reports released by Aegis have confirmed a pattern to the Thargoids’ recent starport attacks, which have left thousands dead and infrastructures crippled. Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, confirmed that the Thargoids are specifically targeting starports where Aegis laboratories are established. Defensive measures have been increased at all starports where Aegis has a presence.

    Authorities in Colonia have decided to step up security by building a new security installation in the region. The Arek Crimson Vision Corporation has launched a parallel campaign to boost Colonia’s military strength by providing the region with weapons. Both initiatives are a direct response to ongoing Thargoid hostility.

    Finally, Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the joint Federal-Imperial operation in the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems has succeeded in achieving its objectives. Scores of independent pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoids, and by recovering black boxes and personal effects from Thargoid attack sites.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • March 3, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Reports from independent pilots confirm that a new type of Thargoid vessel has been encountered, both in the Pleiades and on the fringes of the core systems. The ship, designated a Thargoid Scout Marauder by the Pilots Federation, are reported to be more manoeuvrable than the Thargoid Interceptor, but less resistant to weapons fire.

    Meanwhile, analytical reports released by Aegis have confirmed a pattern to the Thargoids’ recent starport attacks, which have left thousands dead and infrastructures crippled. Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, confirmed that the Thargoids are specifically targeting starports where Aegis laboratories are established. Defensive measures have been increased at all starports where Aegis has a presence.

    Authorities in Colonia have decided to step up security by building a new security installation in the region. The Arek Crimson Vision Corporation has launched a parallel campaign to boost Colonia’s military strength by providing the region with weapons. Both initiatives are a direct response to ongoing Thargoid hostility.

    Finally, Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the joint Federal-Imperial operation in the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems has succeeded in achieving its objectives. Scores of independent pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoids, and by recovering black boxes and personal effects from Thargoid attack sites.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • March 2, 3304
  • Federal-Imperial Operation Concludes

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the joint Federal-Imperial operation in the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems has succeeded in achieving its objectives. Scores of independent pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoids, and by recovering black boxes and personal effects from Thargoid attack sites.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Admiral Denton Patreus released a statement, thanking those who participated.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Orcus Crag in the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 system and PRE Logistics Support Beta in the Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 system.

  • March 1, 3304
  • Federal-Imperial Operation Concludes

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the joint Federal-Imperial operation in the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems has succeeded in achieving its objectives. Scores of independent pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoids, and by recovering black boxes and personal effects from Thargoid attack sites.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Admiral Denton Patreus released a statement, thanking those who participated.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Orcus Crag in the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 system and PRE Logistics Support Beta in the Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 system.

  • February 23, 3304
  • Anti-Thargoid Operation

    Following the success of last month’s Federal-Imperial operation in the HIP 17692 system, the two superpowers have once again joined forces to combat the Thargoids.

    This time, the operation will focus on the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems, where large concentrations of Thargoid ships have been reported.

    The purpose of the two-pronged operation is to reduce the Thargoid presence in Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7, and to recover black boxes and personal effects from Thargoid attack sites in Arietis Sector XE-Z b4. The former initiative is being overseen by the Merope Expeditionary Fleet, while the latter is being coordinated by the Pleiades Resource Enterprise. Pilots who support these operations will be eligible for substantial rewards.

    Admiral Denton Patreus launched the campaign with the following statement:

    “We know that militias of experienced combat pilots are particularly effective against the Thargoids, but we must not be complacent. Our enemies are formidable, and we underestimate them at our peril.”

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of February 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • February 22, 3304
  • Anti-Thargoid Operation

    Following the success of last month’s Federal-Imperial operation in the HIP 17692 system, the two superpowers have once again joined forces to combat the Thargoids.

    This time, the operation will focus on the Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 and Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 systems, where large concentrations of Thargoid ships have been reported.

    The purpose of the two-pronged operation is to reduce the Thargoid presence in Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7, and to recover black boxes and personal effects from Thargoid attack sites in Arietis Sector XE-Z b4. The former initiative is being overseen by the Merope Expeditionary Fleet, while the latter is being coordinated by the Pleiades Resource Enterprise. Pilots who support these operations will be eligible for substantial rewards.

    Admiral Denton Patreus launched the campaign with the following statement:

    “We know that militias of experienced combat pilots are particularly effective against the Thargoids, but we must not be complacent. Our enemies are formidable, and we underestimate them at our peril.”

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of February 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • January 19, 3304
  • HIP 17692 Operation Concludes

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the joint Federal-Imperial operation in the HIP 17692 system has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoids in the system and by rescuing people from Thargoid attack sites. Those rescued during the operation are now recovering at Blackmount Orbital.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Admiral Denton Patreus released the following statement:

    “This campaign would not have succeeded without the support of the galaxy’s independent combat pilots, to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude. Thanks are also due to the Merope Expeditionary Fleet and the Pleiades Resource Enterprise for coordinating the campaign. But while we may have won the battle, we still have a long way to go if we are to liberate our galaxy from this alien menace.”

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Blackmount Orbital in the HIP 17692 system.

  • January 18, 3304
  • HIP 17692 Operation Concludes

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced that the joint Federal-Imperial operation in the HIP 17692 system has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoids in the system and by rescuing people from Thargoid attack sites. Those rescued during the operation are now recovering at Blackmount Orbital.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Admiral Denton Patreus released the following statement:

    “This campaign would not have succeeded without the support of the galaxy’s independent combat pilots, to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude. Thanks are also due to the Merope Expeditionary Fleet and the Pleiades Resource Enterprise for coordinating the campaign. But while we may have won the battle, we still have a long way to go if we are to liberate our galaxy from this alien menace.”

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Blackmount Orbital in the HIP 17692 system.

  • November 2, 3304
  • The Liberation of HIP 17692

    In a move that has come as a surprise to many, the Empire and Federation have announced a joint initiative to counter Thargoid activity in the HIP 17692 system.

    The two-pronged operation will seek to reduce the Thargoid presence in the region, and to recover personal effects, data and people from Thargoid attack sites in HIP 17692.

    The Merope Expeditionary Fleet has been authorised to oversee the combat operation, while The Pleiades Resource Enterprise has been charged with coordinating the rescue initiative. Pilots who support these campaigns will be eligible for substantial rewards.

    Following the announcement, Admiral Denton Patreus released the following statement:

    “Starports throughout the Pleiades have been attacked. Thousands of lives have been lost. And we have failed to deliver an effective response. That changes now.”

    “This is your chance to deliver a message to our enemies – to tell them that we will not yield and we will not break. We will fight!”

    The campaign begins on the 11th of January 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • November 1, 3304
  • The Liberation of HIP 17692

    In a move that has come as a surprise to many, the Empire and Federation have announced a joint initiative to counter Thargoid activity in the HIP 17692 system.

    The two-pronged operation will seek to reduce the Thargoid presence in the region, and to recover personal effects, data and people from Thargoid attack sites in HIP 17692.

    The Merope Expeditionary Fleet has been authorised to oversee the combat operation, while The Pleiades Resource Enterprise has been charged with coordinating the rescue initiative. Pilots who support these campaigns will be eligible for substantial rewards.

    Following the announcement, Admiral Denton Patreus released the following statement:

    “Starports throughout the Pleiades have been attacked. Thousands of lives have been lost. And we have failed to deliver an effective response. That changes now.”

    “This is your chance to deliver a message to our enemies – to tell them that we will not yield and we will not break. We will fight!”

    The campaign begins on the 11th of January 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • October 28, 3303
  • Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

    A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

    At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:

    “I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”

    Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.

    Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:

    “I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”

    “The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:

    “If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain, it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”

  • October 27, 3303
  • Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

    A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

    At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:

    “I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”

    Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.

    Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:

    “I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”

    “The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:

    “If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain, it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”

  • October 20, 3303
  • Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

    A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

    At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:

    “I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”

    Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.

    Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:

    “I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”

    “The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:

    “If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”

  • May 4, 3303
  • Galactic News: Terrorist Salomé Killed

    Imperial despatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’.

    Salomé was escorted by several heavily armed vessels, but her Imperial Clipper ‘Seven Veils’ was nevertheless destroyed by weapons fire. Three commanders were seen fleeing Arumclaw shortly afterwards.

    Surveillance reports indicate that Salomé’s co-conspirators – Raan Corsen, Tsu Annabelle Singh and Yuri Nakamura – remain at large.

    Moments after Salomé’s destruction was confirmed, a transmission was detected in the Teorge system, leading to the discovery of a series of logs. The logs, which apparently date from 3275, contain nebulous assertions regarding a scheme from an unidentified super organisation to manipulate the Empire, Federation and Alliance.

    A number of factions tried to defend Salomé and her allies as they travelled from 46 Eridani to the core systems. Imperial intelligence is reportedly trying to identify the factions that supported the conspirators, but anecdotal reports indicate that many have already fallen into disarray in the wake of Salomé’s death.

    “She was a force of evil who attempted to sow the seeds of conflict among those who strive for peace,” said Princess Aisling Duval. “Her warmongering is at an end, and the galaxy is now a safer place. It’s just a shame that so many innocent lives were lost before she was brought down.”

    Admiral Denton Patreus refused to address claims that the bounty hunter was in his employ, saying only, “Let that be an end to this sorry affair”.

  • May 3, 3303
  • Galactic News: Terrorist Salomé Killed

    Imperial despatches have confirmed that Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren, was killed in the Arumclaw system on the 29th of April by a bounty hunter known as ‘Besieger’.

    Salomé was escorted by several heavily armed vessels, but her Imperial Clipper ‘Seven Veils’ was nevertheless destroyed by weapons fire. Three commanders were seen fleeing Arumclaw shortly afterwards.

    Surveillance reports indicate that Salomé’s co-conspirators – Raan Corsen, Tsu Annabelle Singh and Yuri Nakamura – remain at large.

    Moments after Salomé’s destruction was confirmed, a transmission was detected in the Teorge system, leading to the discovery of a series of logs. The logs, which apparently date from 3275, contain nebulous assertions regarding a scheme from an unidentified super organisation to manipulate the Empire, Federation and Alliance.

    A number of factions tried to defend Salomé and her allies as they travelled from 46 Eridani to the core systems. Imperial intelligence is reportedly trying to identify the factions that supported the conspirators, but anecdotal reports indicate that many have already fallen into disarray in the wake of Salomé’s death.

    “She was a force of evil who attempted to sow the seeds of conflict among those who strive for peace,” said Princess Aisling Duval. “Her warmongering is at an end, and the galaxy is now a safer place. It’s just a shame that so many innocent lives were lost before she was brought down.”

    Admiral Denton Patreus refused to address claims that the bounty hunter was in his employ, saying only, “Let that be an end to this sorry affair”.

  • March 24, 3303
  • Galactic News: Perpetrators of Darnielle's Progress Heist Identified

    Three of the five individuals responsible for the recent theft of meta-alloys from Darnielle's Progress have been positively identified, following analysis of starport security footage. Remarkably, one of the perpetrators has been acknowledged as Commander Salomé, also known as Kahina Tijani Loren.

    Loren was sentenced to life imprisonment last year for the attempted murder of Admiral Denton Patreus, but when her convoy was destroyed en route to Koontz Asylum it was assumed she had been killed.

    Responding to the news, Imperial authorities promptly placed a galaxy-wide bounty on Salomé to the tune of 500,000 credits.

    Meanwhile, Princess Aisling Duval released a brief statement:

    "Commander Salomé is a disgraced senator and a convicted murderer. She incites violence wherever she goes, and in the interest of public safety she must be stopped. I urge all those loyal to the Empire to deliver justice to this criminal."

    Salomé's accomplices have been identified as former MetaDrive employee Raan Corsen – previously believed deceased – and former Junior Alliance operative Tsu Annabelle Singh. The Empire has placed sizable bounties on both individuals.

    Imperial military sources issued the following advice to those interested in pursuing these bounties:

    "These individuals should be considered armed and dangerous. Make no attempt to communicate with them. Shoot on sight. Visual evidence of a target's death will guarantee the relevant bounty."

    Salomé's current location is unknown, but she is believed to have fled the core systems.

  • February 3, 3303
  • Galactic News: Children of Raxxla Release Report

    The Children of Raxxla, based in the HR 6421 system, have released an analysis of the exploration data recovered by the galactic community in November last year.

    A spokesperson for the organisation said:

    "There was a vast amount of data to sift through, but our analysis led to some notable discoveries in the Formidine Rift, the Conflux and Hawkin's Gap. There are indications that some kind of covert mission took place in these regions back in the 3270s. So far we have found shipwrecks, beacons and abandoned settlements dating from that time, and logs and records relating to this strange mission."

    "It appears that a fleet was despatched, over 30 years ago, to install a series of beacons in the region. None of the ships returned to their point of origin. It seems that this mission was called 'the Dynasty Project'. The purpose of the mission isn't yet clear, but it was evidently a massive undertaking, particular given the technological limitations of the time – it would have taken a year to complete that journey 30 years ago."

    The spokesperson was asked if the data supported the organisation's belief that Kahina Loren was innocent of the attempted assassination of Admiral Denton Patreus.

    "Unfortunately there is nothing in the data that throws new light on Salomé's demise. But before she was arrested, she indicated that these three sectors were significant. We now believe that that is why she was killed."

  • December 23, 3302
  • Galactic News: Federal Exploration Programme in Disarray

    Last month, the Federation launched an appeal for exploration data from a number of remote locations. A competitive appeal was simultaneously launched by a mysterious group known as the Children of Raxxla, which succeeded in completely derailing the Federal initiative. Karl Devene, head of Astrocartography at Mars High, was forced to resign as a result.

    Federal exploration projects are currently on hold as a result of the failed initiative, and Devene's successor has not been announced. Meanwhile, the Children of Raxxla has yet to reveal any findings from the data it received, leading some to speculate that the organisation never intended to.

    "I believe it was a cynical attempt to sabotage Federal research," said a spokesperson for Mars High Astrocartography. "It was never about exonerating Salomé – they just used her plight to gain the data at the expense of the Federation. Unfortunately, the galactic community proved itself easily manipulated."

    Other commentators have concurred with the analysis. Jackson Trent, associate editor of The Imperial Citizen, said:

    "I don't understand the allure of Raxxla. They attacked Patreus's flagship and have proved themselves to be criminals of the worst kind. Patreus dealt with Emperor's Dawn – perhaps it's time for him to deal with the Children of Raxxla."

    Salomé, known in Imperial circles as Kahina Loren, was killed when the convoy transporting her to Koontz Asylum was interdicted and destroyed. She had been convicted of the attempted assassination of Denton Patreus.

    Meanwhile, independent pilots returning from the expedition have reported a series of curious beacons in deep space, but few details have surfaced.