Galactic News

  • August 12, 3307
  • Marlinist Civil War Declared

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Conflict has erupted in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system between two factions of the Marlinist Colonies.

    The Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine has declared war against the Marlinism Reformation Party, which acts as the political wing of the NMLA.

    Political relations degenerated into open combat following the NMLA’s recent attacks, with Acting First Minister Amrita Ross’s efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution proving unsuccessful.

    A new megaship, Freedom’s Voice, has entered service. It is acting as the operational base for the forces of the Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine.

    Supporters of the Marlinism Reformation Party are gathering at the Steel Majesty megaship. This was formerly used by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid to flee from their home system.

    Minister Octavia Volkov announced in parliament:

    “Aaron Whyte and his collaborators are directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. I will not rest until they are defeated and brought to justice.”

    Minister Aaron Whyte sent this response from his private vessel:

    “Volkov’s unlawful strike is a violation of our colonies’ charter. We call upon all true Marlinists to defend us from this illegal act of aggression.”

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have informed the Marlinist Consulate that they consider this conflict to be a strictly internal matter.

  • August 9, 3307
  • Tensions Inflamed in Marlinist Colonies

    The bombing of two Marlinist starports by the NMLA has caused political rifts and public protests across the colony systems.

    Local newsfeed The Marlin Standard reported on current events:

    “Our entire society is still reeling in shock after last week’s attacks against Stillman Hub and Tilman Point stations. There has been mass panic in fear of further terrorist strikes, with unprecedented scenes of violence against known Neo-Marlinist supporters.”

    “Without the respected leadership of First Minister Jenna Fairfax, angry exchanges and recriminations have divided the Marlinist Parliament. Minister Aaron Whyte claimed that ‘we invited this tragedy upon ourselves’ by not voting for a Neo-Marlinist prime consul. In response, Minister Octavia Volkov called for Whyte’s arrest as ‘an accessory to mass murder’.”

    “Some community leaders expressed sorrow at a lost opportunity to establish a Marlinist presence in the Imperial Senate. This is certainly the view of Acting First Minister Amrita Ross, who believes in rejoining the Empire.”

    “All of which has led to a baptism of fire for Prime Consul Kayode Tau, whose focus has been on arranging medical aid from the Alliance and Federation. It may be that the Marlinist Consulate will soon be called upon to mediate between its own people.”

  • August 3, 3307
  • Superpowers Respond to New Onionhead

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have clarified their official positions regarding the emergence of onionhead gamma strain.

    All variants of the popular psychedelic drug remain illegal within Federal space. Ambassador Jasmina Halsey, who was president in 3300 when the ruling was made, announced:

    “I am pleased that my decision to outlaw onionhead stands. I still maintain that it leads to experimentation with more dangerous narcotics, and we must steer our youth away from that path.”

    The Empire has also declared onionhead illegal, despite rumours that it is imported by the wealthiest citizens for private use. Princess Aisling Duval told the media:

    “It was insulting enough that Delaine was allowed into the Galactic Summit, but now he’s peddling filthy drugs and pretending it’s medicine! I only pray that nobody loses a loved one to such poison, as I have.”

    The Alliance has not made a broad ruling regarding onionhead, which is illegal in the majority of member systems but available in those classified as having anarchy governments. However, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran addressed the issue:

    “As with most trade, we defer to the legislation of local authorities. But we are in contact with the IHO and are keeping a close eye on the situation.”

    Onionhead gamma strain remains on sale in selected systems governed by industrial anarchy factions.

  • August 2, 3307
  • Marlinists in Crisis After Starport Bombings

    The NMLA’s attacks against the Marlinist Colonies have caused mass casualties, disruption and political chaos.

    More than 35,000 civilians were killed in the attacks, with twice as many suffering injuries and caustic burns. Safeguard Interstellar is providing vital supplies to survivors, and evacuations of Stillman Hub and Tilman Point stations are ongoing.

    First Minister Jenna Fairfax has been confirmed dead. Minister Amrita Ross has temporarily assumed leadership, but the Marlinist Parliament has been destabilised by heated accusations between its members.

    The Marlinist Constabulary has tightened security, and ACT is running urgent investigations. Captain Milo Castile told the media:

    “This was undoubtedly the work of Theta Group, the NMLA’s weapons specialists. We have found evidence that local Neo-Marlinist supporters provided logistical support, and arrests are forthcoming. However, as always the terrorists covered their tracks remarkably well.”

    Alliance and Federation leaders have sent messages of condolence and offers of medical aid. Prime Consul Kayode Tau is liaising with both superpowers to coordinate relief efforts.

    In the Empire, from which the Marlinists fled as refugees in 3306, there are mixed reactions. Some wish to extend protection to former Imperial citizens, while others see it as poetic justice for their republican beliefs ‘creating’ the NMLA.

  • July 27, 3307
  • Aegis Investigated After Megaship Loss

    The superpowers have partly suspended Aegis and authorised an inquiry into the Alexandria megaship, which disappeared in hyperspace.

    Freelance journalist Alexei Keel reported on this development for Vox Galactica:

    “Public opinion regarding Aegis has always been chequered, but its founding governments insisted that it played a vital defensive role against the Thargoids. The tragic loss of the Alexandria, carrying thousands of crewmembers and valuable Guardian artefacts, has now raised questions about the organisation’s competence.”

    “The Alliance, Empire and Federation have jointly ordered an independent inquiry to determine the facts about the Alexandria. Many Aegis operations were shut down, and detailed investigations have begun. Professor Alba Tesreau and other senior members have already been forced to resign.”

    “Part of the reason for such scrutiny is the emergence of the anonymous ‘Salvation’, who many view as running an alternative anti-xeno effort. Some security agencies suspect him to be the leader of an Aegis splinter group, composed of rogue agents and stolen resources.”

  • July 15, 3307
  • Data Required for Marlinist Election

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Rival candidates have requested deliveries of data to help secure their bids to lead the Marlinist Consulate.

    The Marlinist Colonies are voting for who will be elected as their prime consul. This influential role will diplomatically represent all Marlinists and make broad decisions on their behalf.

    The first candidate is Verity Dexter from the Marlinism Reformation Party, which is acting as the NMLA political wing. She has the support of Senator Lorcan Scordato to be made an Imperial patron:

    “I am in a unique position to finally provide our people with a voice in the Imperial Senate, and to speak for Neo-Marlinists. As prime consul, I will negotiate a permanent peace with the NMLA.”

    The second candidate, Kayode Tau of the Free Marlinist Movement, is focused on sustaining the Marlinist Colonies:

    “Neo-Marlinism and terrorism have no place within our republican ideals. I will strive to keep our systems independent, and to protect the rights of peaceful Marlinists everywhere.”

    In order to help secure their campaigns, both candidates have requested deliveries of anomalous bulk scan data and unusual encrypted files. Shipments for Verity Dexter should be delivered to Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system, while those for Kayode Tau are expected at Tilman Point in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system.

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have recognised the Marlinist Consulate as an ambassadorial body, and agreed that the election of its prime consul is a strictly internal matter.

  • July 5, 3307
  • La branche politique de l'ALNM suscite la controverse

    Le groupe paramilitaire ALNM a confirmé que la faction Marlinism Reformation Party agit désormais en tant que représentante politique.

    Une déclaration anonyme a été diffusée via les canaux de propagande de l'ALNM :

    « Nous soutenons le ministre Whyte pour représenter la cause néo-marliniste et parler en notre nom. Nos objectifs restent les mêmes : le retrait de la famille Duval et l'instauration des élections démocratiques au sein de l'Empire. »

    Les réactions ont été couvertes par plusieurs fils d'actualités :

    L'Imperial Herald : « La proposition du sénateur Scordato d'ouvrir les relations diplomatiques avec les colonies marlinistes est déjà discutable. Mais l'empereur pourrait-elle accepter un jour le dialogue avec des extrémistes qui ont essayé d'assassiner la famille impériale ? »

    Le Federal Times : « L'idée de négocier avec des terroristes est aussi abjecte pour l'Empire que pour la Fédération. Et pourtant, l'occasion d'empêcher un autre “Neuf Martyrs” ne peut être ignorée. »

    L'Alliance Tribune : « En l'absence d'une avancée de l'UAA, peut-être qu'une discussion pacifique est la meilleure manière de désamorcer la menace terroriste... Même s'il s'agissait du dénouement escompté par l'ALNM depuis le début. »

    Le Marlin Standard : « Beaucoup de nos concitoyens accueillent avec bienveillance des liens plus étroits avec l'Empire, surtout si cela implique de pouvoir contacter les amis et la famille laissés derrière. Cependant, l'utilisation de notre parlement comme plateforme par l'ALNM a causé une agitation généralisée. Aaron Whyte étant ouvertement défié par les autres ministres, une guerre civile marliniste n'a plus l'air si impensable. »

  • NMLA Political Wing Causes Controversy

    The NMLA paramilitary group has confirmed that the Marlinism Reformation Party faction now acts as its political representative.

    An anonymous statement was broadcast via the NMLA’s propaganda channels:

    “We support Minister Whyte in representing the Neo-Marlinist cause and speaking on our behalf. Our objectives remain unchanged – the removal of the Duval family and democratic elections within the Empire.”

    Reactions were covered by several newsfeeds:

    The Imperial Herald: “Senator Scordato’s proposal to open diplomatic relations with the Marlinist Colonies is already contentious. But could the Emperor ever accept dialogue with the extremists who tried to murder the Imperial Family?”

    The Federal Times: “The idea of negotiating with terrorists is as abhorrent to the Empire as to the Federation. And yet, the opportunity to prevent another ‘Nine Martyrs’ cannot be ignored.”

    The Alliance Tribune: “In the absence of any breakthroughs from ACT, perhaps peaceful discussion is how we defuse the terrorist threat... even if that was the NMLA’s endgame all along.”

    The Marlin Standard: “Many of our people welcome closer ties with the Empire, especially if it involves contacting friends and families left behind. But the NMLA using our parliament as its platform has caused widespread unrest. With Aaron Whyte being openly challenged by other ministers, a Marlinist civil war no longer seems unthinkable.”

  • July 2, 3307
  • Dredger Clan Arrives at Kumo City

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    A Blue Viper Club dredger has entered the Pegasi Sector PN-T C3-14 system, and may have links with the Kumo Crew syndicate.

    The Dredger-class bulk cruiser has taken position near Kumo City, one of five starports recently constructed by pirate warlord Archon Delaine.

    Dredger Clans are nomadic communities that travel on the fringes of civilisation, and their ancient vessels are rarely seen. Pilots in Pegasi Sector PN-T C3-14 have been warned to keep a safe distance from the dredger.

    Francesca Wolfe of the Wallglass Investigations Agency published her observations:

    “The Blue Viper Club is a fiercely independent tribe with an unsavoury reputation. Dredger Clans typically survive by gathering materials and salvage, but these people indulge in more criminal behaviour including drug running and raiding outposts.”

    “The clan occupies more than one dredger, but these have never entered an inhabited system before now. There has been no conflict with local factions or system security. However, unmarked personnel shuttles have been witnessed travelling to and from the dredger.”

    “Are we looking at a piratical alliance between the Blue Viper Club and the Kumo Crew? Is Archon Delaine expanding his reach to the Dredger Clans? Or have they brought him something of value that they discovered in deep space?”

  • June 28, 3307
  • Imperial Senate Considers Marlinist Diplomacy

    A proposal for the Empire to formally open diplomatic relations with the Marlinist Colonies has been made by Senator Lorcan Scordato.

    The eight systems are populated by ex-Imperial citizens who fled to avoid persecution for their beliefs in Marlinism, which advocates democratic representation.

    Returning from a fact-finding mission to the colonies, Senator Scordato told the Senate:

    “The Marlinist community is primarily focused on peaceful co-existence alongside the Empire, rather than trying to reform the Republic of Achenar. And now that Minister Aaron Whyte speaks for the Neo-Marlinists, we have an opportunity to prevent further extremist actions via diplomacy.”

    Although some senators agreed, others such as Denton Patreus stressed that “As a matter of honour and principle, the Empire does not negotiate with terrorists.”

    Several newsfeeds observed that both the Alliance and the Federation are looking into opening formal diplomatic channels with the Marlinist Colonies. Similar debates have occurred in the Assembly and Congress regarding the acceptance of an NMLA political wing.

    First Minister Jenna Fairfax has repeated calls for the Marlinism Reformation Party to cease representing the Neo-Marlinist fringe. However, she also announced plans for a Marlinist equivalent to the Imperial Diplomatic Corps that would undertake ambassadorial duties.

  • June 25, 3307
  • New Alliance Starports Become Operational

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Two Alliance stations have been constructed following a successful re-election campaign by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon.

    Enterprise Market in the LHS 2522 system and Prosperity Core in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system are now fully operational. Prime Minister Mahon welcomed visitors to the new starports, promising that they would “further enhance the Alliance’s commitment to creating opportunities”.

    However, Councillor Nakato Kaine triggered heated debate in the Alliance Assembly when she made this announcement:

    “My investigation turned up irregularities in the tritium mining campaign, suggesting that it only received enough deliveries to allow one starport to be built. Furthermore, docking records seem to indicate that Sirius Corporation made up the shortfall with a number of unregistered donations.”

    “Sirius Corporation now has a presence in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system. This suggests disturbing parallels with the company’s recent dealings to help build Archon Delaine’s new starports. The question is – what did Mahon promise in return?”

    A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister clarified that Sirius Corporation was one of many companies currently partnered with the Alliance to support its expansion programme. It did not address the discrepancy in tritium deliveries or refer to any contributions from the megacorp.

  • June 24, 3307
  • Aegis and ‘Salvation’ Compete for Guardian Artefacts

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Aegis Research and Taurus Mining Ventures have requested deliveries of Guardian artefacts to the PMD2009 48 system.

    Their rival campaigns follow the discovery of an ancient battleground between the Guardians and the Thargoids on Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2 1a.

    Patience Middleton, representing Taurus Mining Ventures, broadcast this statement:

    “‘Salvation’ has claimed the exclusive rights to exploit the Proteus site, which was only discovered because of his specialist knowledge. He has contracted us to pay for Guardian caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns brought to the Glorious Prospect megaship.”

    Aegis Research has also positioned a megaship, the Archimedes, in the PMD2009 48 system. Professor Alba Tesreau announced:

    “It is vital that Aegis replaces the Guardian artefacts that were lost aboard the Alexandria. Without sufficient materials, our anti-xeno research programme will be severely hampered.”

    “We recognise the risk that collecting Guardian technology on a megaship may attract the Thargoids, as happened in the Delphi system. However, this system is much farther from any known areas of Thargoid activity, so we hope to avoid drawing their attention.”

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation consider depriving Aegis of resources to be a criminal act. As a result, pilots are warned that any ship modules received from Taurus Mining Ventures will be marked as ‘hot’, thereby incurring extra costs to be cleaned prior to installation.

  • June 16, 3307
  • Electoral Reform Proposed for the Alliance

    Councillor Nakato Kaine has suggested that the Alliance’s current electoral system should be replaced by direct public voting.

    The proposal follows a recent election where Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was reinstated for a second six-year term.

    Addressing the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Kaine said:

    “Only allowing council members to choose the prime minister is a flawed system, vulnerable to corruption and outside influence. The people of the Alliance should have a direct mandate to determine their leader by casting individual votes.”

    Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

    “Although Kaine stopped short of claiming that Mahon’s victory was achieved fraudulently, the Assembly took a dim view of this attempt at electoral overhaul. Some council members accused her of failing to accept that her policies received considerably less support than those of her rival.”

    “Despite this, a few accepted that there could be merit in such a restructure. However, organising public voting across all Alliance systems would be much harder than in democracies with a more established infrastructure, such as the Federation, or that have smaller populations, such as the Marlinist Colonies.”

  • June 15, 3307
  • Sirius Corporation: The Fourth Superpower?

    The galaxy’s largest megacorporation is continuing to influence the political arena and affect billions of lives.

    A review was published by Marlon Royce, business analyst for Vox Galactica:

    “With its own government, laws and naval fleet, it’s not surprising that Sirius Corporation is occasionally referred to as ‘the fourth superpower’. That now seems to be its actual goal, as its impact upon interstellar politics increases.”

    “When Sirius Corporation resettled the Marlinist refugees in their own colony systems, it averted war between the Empire and the Federation. But this seemingly altruistic move enabled CEO Li Yong-Rui to claim political neutrality, gaining public support to host the Galactic Summit in the Sirius system.”

    “That success was undermined by the controversy of granting diplomatic status to pirate warlord Archon Delaine. Rumours of secret business dealings were reinforced when Sirius subsidiaries appeared alongside the Kumo Crew’s new starports.”

    “High-level agreements were also made with the Alliance, with Sirius Atmospherics aiding colonisation of the Coalsack Nebula. But some believe that its project to terraform ammonia worlds brought retaliatory strikes from the Thargoids and enormous casualties.”

    “The latest news is of a collaboration with technology brokers to make a previously limited ship module commercially available. Is this a shrewd business decision, or part of Sirius Corporation’s strategy of political dominance?”

  • June 14, 3307
  • ACT Continues to Hunt NMLA Terrorists

    The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit has published an update on its investigation into the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

    Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, one of ACT’s joint leaders, gave a statement to the media:

    “ACT is currently pursuing multiple lines of enquiry, which must remain classified for reasons of security. Our agents are gathering evidence from sites across the Alliance, Empire and Federation.”

    “As yet we cannot report any significant breakthroughs. NMLA activists appear to use a dark-comms network that defies detection. They also compartmentalise their operations, so individual cells have little knowledge of each other.”

    “In recent months, NMLA incidents have been restricted to minor strikes against Imperial authorities, which were dealt with by local police forces. There has been no activity by Theta Group, the hardcore extremists responsible for the ‘Nine Martyrs’ starport bombings.”

    “The collapse of the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid may have deprived the NMLA of their logistical capability to deliver large-scale attacks. But it remains possible that a new wave of terrorist atrocities is being planned.”

    ACT later confirmed that it has recruited additional personnel from Alliance Interpol, the Federal Intelligence Agency, the Imperial Internal Security Service, the Marlinist Constabulary, Nova Imperium’s Praetorian Guard and the Wallglass Investigations Agency.

  • June 3, 3307
  • Tritium Mining Campaign Boosts Alliance Expansion

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s request for mined tritium has concluded, paving the way for new Alliance starports.

    Large quantities of tritium were delivered, which will provide fuel for a civil infrastructure programme designed to increase the Alliance’s presence.

    As part of this expansion, new Alliance starports will be constructed in these systems by the 25th of June 3307:

    LHS 2522

    Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19

    Prime Minister Mahon, who was recently re-elected by the Assembly, told the media:

    “The economy of the Alliance will benefit greatly from investment in expansion. These new stations will provide more opportunities for individuals and corporations alike.”

    Pilots who mined and delivered tritium can now collect their rewards from Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.

  • May 28, 3307
  • Mahon Wins Alliance Election

    The election for Alliance prime minister has been won by the incumbent Edmund Mahon, who begins a second six-year term in office.

    The Alliance Assembly voted yesterday to elect the new head of state. Mahon received more votes than any other candidate, albeit not a majority of the electorate. Some council members demanded additional checks, causing a delay in announcing the results.

    Prime Minister Mahon gave a victory speech to the public:

    “It is my great honour to continue serving the diverse peoples of the Alliance. We will hold fast to our principles of democracy, prosperity and mutual defence, no matter what the galaxy throws at us.”

    Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, observed:

    “With the core systems affected by political unrest, terrorist threats and economic turmoil, it is no surprise that the Assembly voted for stability. Mahon is a known quantity, and the Alliance has become reliant on his calm, measured leadership.”

  • May 27, 3307
  • Tritium Mining Marks Alliance Election Day

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    As the Assembly votes for its new leader, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has requested mined tritium to aid expansion.

    The new initiative follows on from his successful drive for industrial materials, which resulted in large amounts of ceramic composites, polymers and superconductors. Pilots who contributed to this can now collect their rewards from Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.

    A competing community drive by Councillor Nakato Kaine, Mahon’s main rival in the election, brought deliveries of copper, micro-controllers and polymers.

    Prime Minister Mahon’s new tritium mining initiative aims to provide a stockpile of fuel to support the Alliance’s expansion programme. This will involve constructing up to five new starports, which are expected to be operational within a month.

    Mined deposits of tritium can be delivered to Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.

    Members of the Alliance Assembly will gather today to cast their votes for a new prime minister. Opinion polls believe Mahon will comfortably win, although acknowledge that Kaine has broad support. The successful candidate will serve as the Alliance head of state for a six-year term.

  • May 20, 3307
  • Alliance Election Candidates Announce Community Drives

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine have launched rival delivery initiatives in Alliance space.

    The two leading candidates for Alliance prime minister are attempting to gather public support, although the actual election will be determined by votes within the Assembly on the 27th of May.

    Every opinion poll suggests that Mahon’s victory is all but confirmed, which will grant him a second six-year term. However, the outcomes of these community drives will directly affect the successful candidate’s policies once in office.

    Prime Minister Mahon is focusing on increasing industrial materials to aid expansion. He has requested that shipments of ceramic composites, polymers and superconductors are delivered to Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.

    Councillor Kaine aims to support local manufacturers in order to boost trade. She has asked for supplies of copper, micro-controllers and polymers to be delivered to Brett High in the Tionisla system.

    Whoever is most successful will run a second campaign the following week. Mahon will launch a tritium mining initiative, leading to the construction of new Alliance starports. Kaine will use void opal mining to help stimulate trade, increasing the availability of rare goods in Alliance-controlled systems.

  • May 17, 3307
  • Alliance Unrest as Mahon and Kaine Clash

    The front-runner candidates in the Alliance election have stepped up their campaigns, amid widespread political and civil unrest.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine are touring across the Alliance, gathering public support to sway the Assembly when it votes on the 27th of May.

    Attending a business sector conference on the planet Industry in the Zaonce system, Prime Minister Mahon stated:

    “We’ve heard a lot of reactionary rhetoric from Councillor Kaine, but it’s much easier to be critical than constructive. She has done little to secure the prosperity of our people and companies, which was my primary focus over the last six years.”

    At a protest march on New Caledonia in the Alkaid system, Councillor Kaine addressed the crowd:

    “Again, the Thargoids lash out at our presence. Again, we prop up the other superpowers. Again, we pump money into Aegis and Lakon but not our own economies. Nothing changes, unless Mahon is voted out and the Alliance takes a new direction!”

    Opinion polls suggest that Mahon has retained majority support, but with a narrower margin than in February when the election was originally scheduled. Many agree with Kaine that the Alliance should not have participated in the Galactic Summit, which led to the ‘Nine Martyrs’ bombings.