Galactic News

  • October 3, 3308
  • Making the Case for Aegis

    A three-day symposium has begun that will outline proposals to reform Aegis, the tri-superpower anti-xeno agency.

    The event is taking place at the national conference centre in New Apollo City on the planet Biggs Colony. It has been organised by Professor Alba Tesreau, Aegis’s former head of research. In her opening address to attendees, she said:

    “In the aftermath of HIP 22460’s failure to end the war, humanity remains locked in this fight against the Thargoids. I believe that we have become hyper-focused on military action, meaning we may never truly understand this species. Aegis’s collaborative nature was ideally suited for such work, but internal and external pressures resulted in its closure. I am officially declaring my aim to convince the Alliance, Empire and Federation to reverse that closure.”

    Detailed plans to reform the organisation were presented by other former members of Aegis including Carter Armstrong, Dr Mia Valencourt and Yazhu Xing. Several issues highlighted by the Baumann Report, including mismanagement and low morale, were openly addressed. The audience was shown evidence that the loss of the Alexandria megaship, originally seen as an example of Aegis’s negligence, was due to sabotage and hijacking by Azimuth Biotech agents.

    The hosts were also asked about the xeno-peace movement and the popular audio package released last week by ICE-caster Joy Senne. Professor Tesreau stated:

    “Neither I nor any former Aegis staff are involved with the Thargoid Advocacy Project or any similar groups. But I have always believed that researching methods of inter-species communication should be a priority.”

    A combination of politicians, scientists, naval officers and journalists were present on the first day of the event. The most high-profile guests included Allied Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, Federal Ambassador Jasmina Halsey and Shadow Vice President Isolde Rochester. There were no representatives from the Empire, but a delegation from the Marlinist Colonies observed proceedings.

  • September 30, 3308
  • Militaries Prepare for Further Thargoid Strikes

    The prospect of more systems being invaded by Thargoids has placed the Alliance, Empire and Federation on high alert.

    Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, summarised the situation:

    “Following the Battle of HIP 22460, there was anticipation that the Thargoids would expand into neighbouring regions. Swarms of hostile vessels did indeed arrive in the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems, although – in a notable change to their former tactics – no starports suffered a direct attack.”

    “The Federal Navy quickly responded by deploying Farragut-class battle cruisers. President Zachary Hudson proclaimed that these successfully drove out the invaders, but many observers suspect that the Thargoids’ withdrawal when the fighting remained fierce was intentional.”

    “In the Empire, Senator Denton Patreus considered these events ‘an indication that the Thargoids are probing humanity’s defensive capabilities’. But details of the Imperial Navy’s anti-xeno strategy remained confidential, a sign of the Empire shift away from military coordination with other superpowers.”

    “The Alliance has claimed to be in a position of readiness. Admiral Nikolas Glass reported: ‘Operation Tyndareus, backed by Sirius Corporation, is now active. The Alliance Defence Force is ready to deploy anti-xeno taskforces, should the Thargoids dare to launch an assault within Allied space.’ Meanwhile, critics of the strategic defence pact have observed that only two megaships currently possess AX weaponry, casting doubt over the ADF’s effectiveness.”

    “Elsewhere, many independent systems are doing whatever they can to bolster their local security forces. Too many worlds are acutely aware that should Thargoid fleets darken their skies, they would be forced to rely on mercenaries and independent pilots for protection.”

    “Popular opinion on continued military actions against Thargoid vessels remains primarily favourable, but the ‘xeno-peace’ discussion continues to grow. In the Aiabiko system, leading ICE personality Joy Senne has released a ‘beacon drop’ package in an effort to promote the idea of peace to independent pilots. Ships scanning the beacon will receive a xeno-affirmative ship nameplate set and decal - paid for by Senne - along with clips of a recent discussion with Sovereign Times anchor Heimar Borichev about the so-called ‘Thargoid Advocacy Project’.”

  • September 28, 3308
  • Tesreau Announces Bid to Reform Aegis

    A media forum is being arranged that will officially propose reinstating the tri-superpower anti-xeno agency.

    The event is being organised by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research for Aegis. She delivered a statement to all newsfeeds:

    “As the war against the Thargoids intensifies, the need for centralised xenological research is more vital than ever. This press conference will put forward a case to convince leaders in the Alliance, Empire and Federation to review their decision to dismantle Aegis.”

    “The Baumann Report highlighted many of Aegis’s limitations, and we do not intend to ignore these. Improvements to several departments would have to be made. But the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism Unit proved that cross-superpower collaboration can be efficient, flexible and effective. Aegis could be restructured along similar lines to prevent repeating its past mistakes.”

    Invitations to the conference have been sent to key political figures. Allied Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran has agreed to attend. Federal Ambassador Jasmina Halsey has offered her support, but no members of Congress have responded publicly. The Imperial Senate acknowledged Professor Tesreau, but formally stated that the Empire has no interest in further cooperation with the other superpowers at this time.

    The three-day forum is scheduled to begin on Monday 3rd October in New Apollo City on the planet Biggs Colony.

  • September 23, 3308
  • Alliance-Sirius Pact Prepares New Taskforce

    The anti-xeno strategic defence pact between the Alliance and Sirius Corporation has been fully ratified as a legally binding treaty.

    The Assembly voted to approve the agreement at the end of June, following months of debate. The decision was influenced by the outcome of two competing initiatives to procure resource packages for the Alliance Defence Force (ADF).

    Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy representative on the Council of Admirals, delivered this statement:

    “Now that the legalities have been addressed, a demonstration of the defence pact’s potential is long overdue. I am very pleased to announce that a new anti-xeno taskforce is being assembled under the name Operation Tyndareus, in honour of the megaship lost in HIP 22460.”

    “A tactical combination of ADF ships and Sirius Corporation’s resources will deliver a devastating counterstrike at the next opportunity. This will demonstrate that our unified forces can repel Thargoid attackers and defend Allied space.”

    Shortly before this announcement, an editorial in the Old Worlds Gazette remarked: “So far, Sirius has not fired a single shot in this war. Do they plan to save us by offering the Thargoids special discounts?” Other critics agreed that the defence pact looked increasingly like an administrative exercise rather than a military strategy.

    Councillor Hildegard Dressler, who represents the Leesti system, told The Alliance Tribune:

    “I know that the prime minister shares the public’s frustration with the slow process of bureaucratic approval. He has called upon Sirius Corporation to fast-track its plans urgently, and Operation Tyndareus will be the result.”

  • September 20, 3308
  • Aisling Criticises Imperial Policy

    Princess Aisling Duval has challenged the Empire’s shift in priority towards reduced interaction with other superpowers.

    During an interview with the Citizens’ Chronicle newsfeed, she remarked:

    “It’s obvious that the Imperial Navy is deeply embarrassed by its commitment to Salvation, and is as good as paralyzed without his superweapon technology. The Emperor is now attempting to save face by severing all collaborative projects with the Alliance and Federation. Frankly, I think this is short-sighted and self-defeating.”

    “Our naval crews in HIP 22460 died as heroes, of course, but we should not ignore that they were acting in coalition with Allied and Federal taskforces. This tragedy affected all of us, and we do not honour the dead by pretending otherwise. All of us with the ability to help, no matter our allegiance, must do more to support the families of everyone lost in that appalling catastrophe, while recognising the likelihood of further casualties of war.”

    Hadrian Augustus Duval publicly disagreed with his cousin’s viewpoint, as quoted by Paresa News Network:

    “Despite my respect for Princess Aisling, I must admit that Emperor Arissa has my support in this matter – something I never believed I would ever say. My position has always been that our Empire is weakened by relying on external forces of any kind. So it’s gratifying to see the wisdom of this policy finally being acknowledged.”

  • September 15, 3308
  • ‘Thargoid Roar’ Leaked to Public

    Classified audio-visual footage from the Battle of HIP 22460 has been anonymously submitted to several mainstream newsfeeds.

    The Alliance Tribune, The Federal Times, The Imperial Herald, The Sovereign and Vox Galactica all received databanks salvaged from various wreckages in the HIP 22460 system. Most were obtained from naval vessels, along with a handful recovered from independent ship’s logs.

    Superpower-based newsfeeds elected not to publish any information related to their own militaries, citing security guidelines. But enough material has reached the public domain to portray the sequence of events of August 9th: the activation of the Proteus Wave, the Thargoid counter-attack, and the subsequent destruction of huge numbers of ships.

    These files include audio recordings of a broadcast of unknown origin that occurred throughout HIP 22460. They match previously unverified descriptions of a so-called ‘Thargoid roar’, something that has been discussed by independent journalist Flint Lafosse and Vox Galactica reporter Jade Sanderlyn.

    Several interpretations of this unearthly sound have been offered. Professor Shamus Madigan believed it to be “residual electromagnetic radiation from the Thargoids’ energy pulse on HIP 22460 10b”. Dr Jeong-Hui Shin theorised that it was “a burst of frenzied communication to – or from – some distant location”. Meanwhile, the First Apostle of the True Chapters claimed: “The voice of the Far God calls to the faithful. The manifestation has begun.”

    Coupled with the Thargoid expansion from HIP 22460 and their recent invasion of three inhabited systems, this new revelation has fuelled public anxiety over the Thargoid threat. Members of the Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have reassured their citizens that there is no need for panic. It is believed that several intelligence agencies have opened investigations into the source of the leak, the content of which is believed to have been classified by military departments.

    Anti-Thargoid operations are continuing in the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems. The Federation has submitted several Farragut-class battle cruisers to help repel Thargoid forces. Local factions organising the defensive efforts have called for independent pilots to join the fight.

  • September 7, 3308
  • Mahon Rebukes Imperial Isolationism

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has spoken out against Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s decree to suspend inter-superpower cooperation.

    At a meeting of the Alliance Assembly, Mahon said:

    “This hasty decision from Emperor Arissa will have dangerous repercussions for the core systems as a whole, not just those within the Empire. Now that the Thargoids have become more hostile than ever before, humanity should be uniting against this common enemy.”

    “Let us not forget: the coalition of anti-xeno taskforces in HIP 22460 performed their duties admirably, despite the tragic conclusion. That degree of military coordination could and should be sustained, to a far broader scale.”

    “The Sirius Treaty, which I proposed at the Galactic Summit in 3307, would have established anti-xeno operations as a cross-superpower priority. I can only imagine how much better prepared we would now be to combat the Thargoids. But there is still scope for governments and organisations to work more closely, as exemplified by our strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.”

    The Alliance, Federation and Marlinist Colonies have reported that the Empire is methodically closing down all collaborative projects. However, official diplomatic representation in non-Imperial territories has been maintained.

  • September 1, 3308
  • Empire Shifts Anti-Xeno Strategy

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has made a public announcement for the first time since the Battle of HIP 22460.

    In an address before the Senate, which was broadcast on all Imperial networks, she stated:

    “Our endeavour in the HIP 22460 system was a noble one, born from our duty to defend Imperial citizens against the Thargoid threat. We honour the crews of the INV Audacious Dream, INV Illustrious Fortune and INV Paramount, as well as other auxiliaries and volunteers who fought against overwhelming odds. Their names will be remembered.”

    “The disastrous outcome from the so-called coalition provides direction for our future. It is clear to me that the Empire must learn to trust its own military strength once again. Joint operations with the Alliance and Federation, and our reliance upon Salvation’s superweapon, were strategic errors that we cannot afford to repeat.”

    “Henceforth, all inter-superpower projects will cease. I have commanded the Imperial Navy to focus exclusively on protecting the Empire’s borders against our enemies, regardless of their origin. Resources and finances allocated to external suppliers will be redirected internally, to corporations of Imperial origin. Our scientists and manufacturers will provide the means to shield our territory against Thargoid invasion.”

    “To the people of the Empire: be assured that your safety is my highest priority. As your Emperor, I vow that we will endure as the strongest civilisation in history.”

  • August 30, 3308
  • A New Chapter for Azimuth

    Azimuth Biotech has outlined plans for the corporation’s future following the confirmation of Salvation’s death.

    Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, submitted a statement to public newsfeeds:

    “The loss of Salvation, formerly known as Caleb Wycherley, is a sad day for our organisation. We will remember his sacrifice on humanity’s behalf, but recognise this as a chance to forge a fresh path towards the future.”

    “Azimuth Biotech is now under new management, with myself as its acting CEO. We have lost a great deal of expertise and personnel, but our decades of xenological research will serve a vital purpose in the war against the Thargoids.”

    “Unfortunately, due to a misguided campaign by radicalised saboteurs, many of our official facilities have been illegally snatched from our control. Yet plans are already underway to rebuild our corporate infrastructure. Of our surviving megaships, the Musashi has returned to our headquarters in the T Tauri system, while the Glorious Prospect has jumped to the LHS 157 system to establish a resource-gathering initiative.”

    “I can assure our former clients in the Alliance, Empire and Federation that Azimuth Biotech is beginning a new chapter in its long and successful history.”

  • August 25, 3308
  • Megaship Materials Boost Alliance Defence Force

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has gathered resources in the Leesti system to help improve the Alliance’s anti-xeno defences.

    The campaign’s conclusion was announced by Captain Delfina Dominguez, commanding officer of the Chariot of Rhea megaship:

    “Many pilots docked with us over the past week to deliver shipments of energy grid assemblies, magnetic emitter coils, power transfer buses and titanium. On behalf of Sirius Corporation and the Allied Defence Force, I thank you for such encouraging support.”

    “I am informed that these will be sufficient to outfit 2 sentry megaships, each armed with experimental AX weaponry. These will be placed in key systems across the Alliance, ready to respond to potential Thargoid incursions.”

    “Admiral Glass has outlined his long-term plans to senior officers in the Sirius Navy. It’s clear that these are exciting times for the Alliance Defence Force. If the Thargoids come, we will be better prepared to repel them.”

    The Council of Admirals has stated that the new megaships are expected to become operational by September 15th.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect payment from the Chariot of Rhea in the Leesti system.

  • August 23, 3308
  • ‘Thargoid Roar’ Claim Draws Speculation

    An independent journalist has suggested that some survivors of the Battle of HIP 22460 heard a strange alien sound of unknown origin.

    Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse published his theories via the Rewired network:

    “Only a handful of crewmembers rescued from HIP 22460 managed to give garbled first-hand accounts before being placed under military quarantine. Naturally, most talked about how those damn bugs wiped out almost everyone. But a few mentioned something bizarre heard shortly after the Thargoid counter-attack.”

    “These witnesses described it in various ways: ‘ghastly’, ‘overwhelming’, ‘monstrous’ to name a few. Jade Sanderlyn, Vox Galactica’s hotshot reporter, said it was ‘a noise which shook our bodies, screeching through our skulls’. Now, there are no audio recordings in the public domain to share, but there’s definitely a pattern if you study the reports closely.”

    “Both ship and suit audio systems interpret all sorts of electromagnetic emissions from Thargoid vessels. This would have to be a far more powerful cry to cut through the chaos across multiple ships. Could it have been a roar of defiance, aimed at us? Or was it aimed somewhere else?”

    “And before anyone accuses me of stirring up trouble like usual: no, I haven’t technically heard the alleged sound myself. Full disclosure. But someone has to speak up for those who insist it happened. I wasn’t in HIP 22460 and neither were most of you. Got it?”

    “Here’s where it gets interesting, though. The Federal Navy responded to my request for details by stating all HIP 22460 data was classified. The Imperial Navy refused to acknowledge me at all. The Alliance Defence Force said it was ‘likely a symptom of collective trauma or hysteria’. So the obvious question is: what are they all hiding?”

    “Congressional hopeful Dalton Chase, governor of Andavandul 1, is one of the few people in a position of stellar authority talking openly about HIP 22460. Chase recently argued that people have a right to know everything that happened. Other broadcasters like Heimar Borichev, Kit Fowler and Joy Senne are also not accepting the silence. We’ll continue demanding answers from those who are supposedly protecting us.”

  • August 15, 3308
  • Alliance-Sirius Pact Accelerated

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui have issued a joint statement regarding territorial defence against the Thargoids.

    “The recent tragedy in HIP 22460 has underscored the crucial importance of the strategic defence pact. As the likelihood of increased Thargoid aggression rises, Allied systems can be assured that we are making rapid changes to withstand this potential threat.”

    “Admiral Nikolas Glass will now coordinate all anti-xeno military operations. His first priority is to update the existing infrastructure of the Alliance Defence Force, allowing member system fleets to form according to mission parameters. This will bring greater flexibility and allow the ADF to direct forces to anywhere Thargoid incursions occur.”

    “Allied worlds are calling out for greater defences, and the absence of a dedicated Alliance Navy has never been felt so keenly. But the Assembly is willing to approve greater military spending, and Sirius Corporation stands ready to put the defence pact into practice.”

    In related news, the Council of Admirals officially verified that the Oath of Tyndareus was lost with all hands during the Thargoid counter-attack in the HIP 22460 system. The megaship’s crew have been posthumously honoured in a public ceremony.

  • August 12, 3308
  • Fleets Withdraw from Thargoid-Controlled System

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have confirmed that the remains of their anti-xeno taskforces have fully retreated from the HIP 22460 system.

    Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori declared: “The Thargoids are now heavily entrenched in HIP 22460. Federal search and rescue teams are attempting to locate survivors, but our window of opportunity is closing as the enemy forces increase in number.”

    A similar statement came from Senator Denton Patreus, who admitted “The aliens have successfully established a stronghold within human-occupied space.” The Imperial Navy has been instructed to prioritise evacuating its own ships and crew.

    The Alliance Assembly and the Council of Admirals have been engaged in emergency discussions with representatives from Sirius Corporation. Early indications suggest a restructuring of anti-xeno operations is underway.

    Across the core systems, public fears of a mass Thargoid invasion are running high. Planetary security forces are on alert, with every spacegoing military preparing for the possibility of fighting Thargoid vessels. Many public figures have expressed their concerns, including Aegis’s former head of research Professor Alba Tesreau:

    “I am utterly horrified by events in HIP 22460. Many of us feared that Azimuth’s experiments would lead to catastrophe, but the widespread loss of life is still a sickening shock. Salvation critically underestimated the Thargoids’ ability to adapt, a failure rooted in his perception of them as purely reactive creatures.”

    “This tragedy is worsened by the fractured responses of the superpowers, which are reluctant to continue sharing information with external organisations. Without a dedicated research effort, we cannot analyse the Thargoid technology used in HIP 22460 or formulate a suitable defence.”

  • August 11, 3308
  • The Silent Aftermath

    The Thargoid victory in the HIP 22460 system has raised many questions which neither Azimuth Biotech nor the superpowers have officially responded to.

    Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, published a report summarising the latest developments:

    “Two days have passed since the massacre in HIP 22460, which left many thousands dead. There have been no updates from the Alliance Defence Force or the Federal or Imperial navies. All press outlets have banned their journalists from entering the system, due to the extreme risk of Thargoid attack. We still lack specifics as to why the Proteus Wave failed. As the echoes of these horrific events fade, the authorities’ silence is deafening.”

    “Azimuth Biotech’s surviving megaships, the Glorious Prospect and the Musashi, remain in the nearby Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system alongside Sirius Corporation’s vessel El Centinela Cadejo. These are accepting a steady trickle of survivors from HIP 22460, whose escape pods or ships survived long enough to regain power before the Thargoid onslaught reached them. Medical personnel have refused press access to medical bays, preventing interviews with eye-witnesses.”

    “Without any formal statement from Azimuth, and with Salvation’s status still unknown, we can only speculate on what happened in HIP 22460. The Thargoids’ method of resisting the Proteus Wave’s energy pulse remains unexplained, and their subsequent dominance of the system has caused widespread unease. Rather than ending the Second Thargoid War, Salvation may have escalated it to terrifying heights.”

    Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign, also commented on the situation:

    “Obviously this is a great tragedy, and we must honour those who lost their lives. But essentially, the Thargoids have just defended themselves from the xenocide we sought to inflict upon them. Can we really justify our moral outrage at this species, for protecting themselves against our weapon of mass destruction? Could all of this have been avoided?”

  • August 10, 3308
  • Thargoids Conquer HIP 22460

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Proteus Wave’s failure has resulted in Thargoid forces overwhelming the coalition fleet in HIP 22460.

    Independent and military observers have confirmed that although Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapon was activated as scheduled, it had only a temporary effect on the Thargoids. Soon afterwards, human ships in the system found themselves without power following a second unknown energy pulse and were rapidly targeted by hostile Thargoid vessels.

    Vox Galactica announced that the reporter Jade Sanderlyn was able to jettison her escape pod before her drifting craft was destroyed. She delivered this summary:

    “It didn’t work. The Proteus Wave didn’t work. I saw its energies ripple out from the planet, I felt it, we all did. The Thargoids reeled and went dark, but only briefly. Then something else occurred, a noise which shook our bodies, screeching through our skulls. Something alien.”

    “Suddenly all systems went down: engines, comms, everything. All the flashing beams of capital ship weapons fire disappeared. Every human ship in our vicinity went dead, leaving us floating through space.”

    “I watched through the canopy as the Thargoids swarmed everywhere, more than I’d ever seen before. The Bright Sentinel was their first target, and they unleashed a blazing barrage against it. Nobody on board could have survived.”

    The superpowers have announced that HIP 22460 is off-limits to civilian traffic, and should now be considered Thargoid territory. The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have each begun compiling official lists of every military ship deployed to the system which remains unaccounted for.

    Azimuth Biotech likewise issued a statement confirming that both the Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus megaships have been destroyed, with all Proteus Wave project engineers missing and presumed dead. No information on the status of Salvation has yet been offered by the corporation.

  • August 9, 3308
  • Contact Lost after Proteus Wave Fired

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Communication with all ships in the HIP 22460 system has unexpectedly terminated, following the Proteus Wave’s activation.

    As intended, the energy pulse from Salvation’s Guardian-based superweapon disabled all Thargoids in the system. This was followed by a second pulse of similar intensity from an undetermined source, which rendered the Bright Sentinel megaship powerless. The Thargoid vessels displayed signs of returning to life, after which all comms channels fell silent.

    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have verified that they are no longer receiving signals from their capital ships. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to contact the Bright Sentinel or Heart of Taurus. There has been no word from Salvation or any Azimuth personnel within the system.

    Some newsfeeds have begun publishing eyewitness reports from independent pilots, claiming that the Thargoids have resumed attacking all human ships. These statements have not been independently verified.

    However, the superpowers are insisting on caution until the status of the Thargoid fleet can be ascertained. They have advised that non-military ships should avoid entering the HIP 22460 system until further notice.

  • August 8, 3308
  • Azimuth Claims ‘Thargoid Doomsday’ Imminent

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapon is now complete and final preparations are underway in the HIP 22460 system.

    Commodore Morag Halloran, Azimuth Biotech’s military coordinator, broadcast this announcement from the Bright Sentinel megaship:

    “Salvation has confirmed that the Proteus Wave core mechanism is fully active. Calibration inside the Thargoid structure on the surface of HIP 22460 10b has successfully concluded. Power sources derived from Guardian designs are building to the required levels, and a final series of safety checks are currently underway.”

    “Upon detonation, the energy pulse generated by the Proteus Wave will cause catastrophic disruption to all Thargoid biomechanical technology within range. Every alien vessel in HIP 22460 will immediately cease to function. Salvation predicts that the wide-ranging impact of the superweapon will drive all Thargoids out of the core systems. In practical terms, tomorrow will be their doomsday.”

    “This is the culmination of years of research, coupled with Salvation’s revolutionary technology. The project could not have been realised without the military support of the Alliance, Empire and Federation. Azimuth is also grateful to those pilots who delivered vital materials and risked their lives to hold back the Thargoid fleet. Take pride in the knowledge that your courage and dedication will help bring an end to the Second Thargoid War.”

    The superpowers’ anti-xeno taskforces have sent out urgent calls for emergency support to prevent Thargoid forces from attacking the Proteus Wave site in these critical final hours.

  • August 5, 3308
  • Azimuth Divides Media Opinion

    Editorial pieces published by newsfeeds across the core systems illustrate a range of viewpoints on current events in HIP 22460.

    Eye on Achenar: “There is no doubt that the real threat to our Empire will arise once the Thargoids are gone. That’s when Federal aggression will undoubtedly resume, fuelled by centuries of envy at our glorious splendour.”

    Citizens' Chronicle: “Some may have mocked Princess Aisling Duval for describing Salvation as ‘a master of self-promotion and public manipulation’. But her political instincts are astute, and we believe she is right to warn us against this dangerous man.”

    Sol Today: “We can all see what will happen as soon as the Thargoids have been dealt with. The Imperials will declare war against our democracy, seeking to enforce their totalitarian regime upon freedom-loving Federal citizens.”

    Federal Free Press: “The government’s focus on Salvation means that vital domestic issues are being ignored. Our economy is still geared toward military spending rather than helping those families and communites who rely on state support.”

    Old Worlds Gazette: “Cooperating with Sirius Corporation to harvest meta-alloys in the Coalsack Nebula was the primary cause of increased hostility from the Thargoids. Is the Alliance responsible for providing the conditions that allowed Salvation to obtain such power?”

    The Tau Ceti Journal: “Senior figures in the business sector are concerned that Azimuth Biotech, despite some recent market uncertainty, has the potential to become the most influential corporation with all three superpowers. Its success in the HIP 22460 system could reshape the financial markets considerably.”

    The Empirical: “Ram Tah has published theoretical papers on the Guardian technology derived from the Proteus experiments. However, he admits that full comprehension of the superweapon’s construction requires scientific data held exclusively by Salvation.”

  • August 2, 3308
  • Superpowers Commit to Salvation

    The leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have publicly confirmed their support for Azimuth Biotech’s anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon reiterated his position during an interview with the Old Worlds Gazette:

    “It is our duty to protect the peoples of the Alliance. Since we currently lack a dedicated naval fleet, we must rely on partnerships with key military providers. With Salvation’s advanced weaponry and Sirius Corporation’s large-scale logistical might, Allied worlds have never been safer from Thargoid attack.”

    The Imperial Senate discussed Professor Alba Tesreau’s accusations of criminality against Azimuth Biotech, to which Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval responded:

    “Professor Tesreau remains a respected member of the Achenar Research Council, but a single viewpoint cannot eclipse the strategic significance of the Proteus Wave project. Our military experts are confident that, should the weapon deliver on the promises Salvation has made, the Thargoid threat will be diminished. A review of the situation will then be conducted.”

    During a promotional tour of marine training centres in the Eta Cassiopeiae system, President Zachary Hudson told reporters:

    “Director Rademaker is absolutely correct: those who deliberately sabotage Azimuth Biotech’s operations are only helping the Thargoids, which is tantamount to treason. The Federation’s citizens have the right to live without fear of alien invasion, and Salvation’s ingenuity will help us preserve that right.”

    One Allied megaship, three Farragut-class battle cruisers and three Majestic-class interdictors are currently deployed in the HIP 22460 system to defend the Proteus Wave against the Thargoids.

  • July 28, 3308
  • Thargoid Salvage Operation Requires Resources

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Azimuth Biotech has called for commodities to be delivered to the Glorious Prospect in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system.

    Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, outlined the new initiative:

    “Once the Proteus Wave has eliminated the Thargoids, the second phase of our corporate strategy will commence. As per our agreement with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, Azimuth Biotech is licensed to collect limited quantities of any remaining non-human material in the HIP 22460 system. The powerless Thargoid vessels will be taken to specialised laboratories for examination, and the subsequent results shared with the superpowers’ military intelligence divisions.”

    “Unfortunately, Azimuth has experienced significant losses in several systems, as a result of actions taken by ‘Operation Wych Hunt’ saboteurs. This has prevented us from setting up research labs and analytical equipment, delaying our xeno-retrieval programme considerably.”

    “To counteract this setback, we require shipments of HN shock mounts, micro controllers and radiation baffles. The Glorious Prospect megaship stands ready in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system to receive these deliveries.”

    As well as credit payments, Azimuth Biotech has agreed to make pre-engineered Guardian shard cannons available as an additional reward for pilots who transport the greatest volume of commodities.