CMDR JosefK 资料 > 航行日志
So I graduated from my flight training on 12JAN2018! My how time flies! Its only 09FEB!
Since then I have purchased 2 new ships. Kingpin I which has been my trusty Cobra MkIII for a while.
With her I put some time into basic mission board fare. Staying pretty local to LHS 3447 and made some good
money. As I started reading about next steps I decided to take some of that and invest it into
a larger ship to try my hand at some passenger runs. So I took the plunge on Kingpin II a fine Asp Explorer
that I outfitted with some of the old modules from my Cobra. So far so good. I've learned how to scoop fuel
and am moving up in my relationship with my home port which for now is centered at Gidzenko Ring in LTT 7453.