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Starlight Tracer [4p5-dw]
(Diamondback Explorer)
1,349,755,628 Cr
Feeling insignificant

It's strange looking back at these pictures I took this week. They're not bad, if I say so myself. But they all have something in common: every one of them has me in them...

Zinnia Haze from Hypuae Briae BV-Z A66-0

That's not something I always do. Sure, I do photograph my ship sometimes, but this time felt different. Maybe this voyage is finally starting to sink in...

Magnus Nebula Earth, Hypuae Briae YF-E D12-2760

I think it is worlds like that one that are slowly but inexorably getting to me. It looks like home. But it isn't. The Magnus Nebula is a sight one wouldn't see from home. Truth be told, it's a sight nobody sees...

Vegnoae BK-R D4-1105 1, 2

Nobody sees this. Nobody is here. Nobody but me. And so, almost to validate my existence I grandstand a little bit, as if shouting "Hey look at me! I was here!". Was here... I am here...

Phraa Byoe FE-Z B58-11 view of Morphenniel Nebula

And I guess maybe that's why I put myself in all these pictures. It's a way of reminding me that I exist. I am still here. I may be a tiny mote in our galaxy, but surely I'm not completely insignificant.


At WP 9 and my photos were accepted!

Hey, my photos from the last log entry were accepted again for the Forgotton Twins Nebula at Brairee KD-S e4-2776 along with a great one from Elrith. Yay!

Honestly, I thought Elrith would sweep things. His (her?) photos of the planets were amazing.

And I did make it to Tranquility Valley... Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 3 A

I’m also a wannabe photographer

My logbook probably gives it away but I love photography. I may not be the best, but I love it. But I never feel like it’s good enough. I registered as a photographer as a secondary role anyway.

So I was happy that my one of my photos got used. And, now, I’m going to try again with these of the Forgotten Twins Nebula. I hope one gets picked. Someone else submitted a couple which are really good.

If not, I’m still one for three – I tried a second time earlier and was rejected, but that wasn’t as good as these.

And as a bonus, I got a nice picture of two gas giants in Hypoe Bluae VP-O e6-8688.

Forgotten Twins, Brairee KD-S e4-2776

Neutron star primary First planet View from Brairee RN-U C18-253

They Might Be Giants

Hypoe Bluae VP-O e6-8688 A 1, 2

One of these days I'm going to get myself killed

I'm glad I read warnings from other explorers. That makes me smart.

On the other hand, sometimes I also ignore them. So maybe that makes me dumb.

Visiting Hot Temptation, Phroea Bli BW-V e2-10185, I did something I had never done before. I flew through a star dropping out next to the primary of the system, a black hole.


I actually heard the computer tell me "fuel scooping complete" while in the drop-down transition.

There's not much to see here to justify the risky system entry. But I did it anyway.

So... am I smart or am I dumb?

Farewell, Goliath's Rest

I made it to both waypoint 8's -- the low-jump-range one and the original, Hades Edge at Goliath's Rest. It was in a nondescript canyon that didn't have any distinguishing geology and biology. I winged up with one Seran Cracken to guide him in since I had figured out how to navigate there already.

Some fellow traveler's at Hades Edge

I saw some interesting things along the way. A planetary nebula system (Lyaisae HA-A e3363 1) with planets black as the void itself against the nebula. The black hole there would provide no illumination to its features. A system with three ELWs around a gas giant -- how rare is that?! I'm a little jealous of the one who discovered Rhuedgie KN-T E3-721.

But onward I go. I can being to tell I'm leaving the core behind. The density of stars in the sky is starting to perceptibly decrease.

Worlds of a black hole sun Three ELWs!

Incredible ELWs

One of my favorite things -- probably every explorer's -- are finding Earth-like worlds. And some of them would have night skies the like we would never have back home.

A little bit of everything

Eok Bluae GX-K D8-7721 6 has a little bit of everything: stars, a nebula, and the galactic core. The problem is with a sky like that who would want to sleep at night? Earth with a view

Ringed earth

Dryau Chrea DB-F d11-3866 ABC 4, known as the "Stairway to Heaven", is a ringed ELW with a moon. Just like home but with bonus perks. Standard orbit

Making my way

Again, I am amazed at the colors of space. But there is darkness too -- not all nebulae glow.


I suppose this could also look like a badminton shuttlecock. "Starspray" sounds more elegant. This was at Phua Aub UM-R C18-6621 viewing the Phua Aub Archer Kappa (Phua Aub SJ-R E4-8234) nebula. Starspray

Cracked billiard ball

Also known as the "Crown of Ice", Phipoea WK-E d12-1374 4 B. The colors complement my engine colors quite nicely, don't they? It would also complement my armament colors too on the rest of the fleet. Starlight Tracer is a pure exploration rig: no arms. No hardpoints at all, actually: less weight. Crown of Ice Matches me quite nicely

Karkina Nebula

This is actually the second black nebula I've seen, but the first that actually was a good picture. Photo taken at Eok Bluae GX-K d8-1521. Karkina Nebula

Breaking the sky

I forgot I had these in my photo album!

I know my ship can't make Peak. Trying to break the sky, the best I did was Syroomeou FG-Y G8. However, the one of my best views was slightly over at Syroomaei HT-Z D13-28 1. I don't think I've ever seen a sun from a world orbiting that close. The volcanism made for quite the atmosphere.

I had intended to submit the second for the photo contest but I managed to catch a nasty bug. It was just as well as I was at Explorer's Anchorage to rest up. On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have caught anything if I hadn't docked there.

At least, leaving civilization behind means the only germs here are the ones I bring with me. I sure hope I'm immune to them all.

Syroomeou FG-Y G8 Burning world

Leaving civilization behind

This is it. Today, I think we finally leave the last bastions of civilization behind. From here on out, I'm on my own. Not counting all the other DW2 adventurers of course. But you know what I mean. No stations, no fallbacks.

The real adventure begins now. All I got to do is not screw up.

And I'm here...

Arrived at the "Break the Sky" start system, and decided to hunt down some jumponium materials. I have enough for 24 maxed hops, could have 27 if I could find some more arsenic. Yttrium and that are my two scarce materials; you'd think it would be polonium but I have more than enough of that ironically.

Nice view of the galaxy from the ground.

Galactic overlook