CMDR Nimitz68 资料 > 航行日志

Armstrong [AGS 11]
5,901,026,237 Cr
Nimitz-Nelson Southwest Sojurn Expedition

On the heels of the Dove Enigma rescue mission, decided to take advantage of being out in Colonia to start an 'expedition' back to the bubble, hitting the regions in the 'southwest' portion of the galaxy. Having nabbed a couple new regions to the 'NW' of Colonia while awaiting my exploration gear to be ferried out, I departed Colonia on 6 Feb headed for "Halloween Depot;" 205 jumps. Arrived 7 Feb and proceeded to land on 5D, the moon with Polonium. None found that evening, nor the morning of 8 Feb despite numerous Mesosiderite and Bronze Chondrite exploits. Will continue until giving up and then head further outward toward the new spiral arm before heading into the Formidine Rift (first time!).

Dove Enigma "Rescue" Mission

On 30 Jan received Discord push email from Canonn leadership calling for delivery of MAs to Dove Enigma megaship in Colonia. For some (unknown) reason, jumped out of bed, logged in, boarded USS Armstrong in Tun and headed out. Picked up 288 tons of MAs and headed for Sacagawea, then onto Colonia.

Delivered MAs to DE without incident, then moved to Jaques Station and summoned the exploration gear I had left behind - 61 hours for delivery. Did a few missions and some honk-hops around the Colonia bubble, then headed NW to hit a couple new galactic regions. Went well.

Expedition Status

Expeditions on-hold until 2017 vacation when I can (hopefully) devote a bit more time. Just doing some CGs right now, including the rares-trading dual CGs up now. Good opportunity to take USS Shepard out for some work (and with very minimal mods from the exploration loadout, which is nice).

Definitely need to get the FSD boosted above Increased Range Level 1....

Expedition Prep

Prepping for Near-Bubble Expedition; ship (DBX) familiarization revealed need to upgrade the Power Distributor from 2D to 3D to allow for boosting - great find. Doing plenty of planetary landings to reduce risk on expedition. The DBX is very maneuverable compared to the big boys but have crashed it a couple times being a bit over-exuberant. :/

Expedition 3 Summary

Expedition 3 Data Summary:

Departed Tun 5 Oct 17 Returned Tun 11 Oct 17

Exploration data totals: 141,307,902cr + 46,487,157cr (837 FDs).

Systems Visited: 1688 Profits: 187,795,059 Lvl 2 Scans: 1 Lvl 3 Scans: 919 Distance Traveled: 91,767.9 Jumps: 1,690 Max Distance: 26116.00Ly SRV Distance: 5km

Expedition Completion

Arrived at Tun and sold exploration data for 2,285,908cr + 316,822 bonus (5 FDs).

Further Expedition Info 2

Proceeded from Eagle's Landing to Sagan Research Centre, hitting the following POIs along the way:

Rings of Atreus Quartz Twins x Carinae

Arrived at SRC and sold Exploration data for 26,456,859cr + 9,866,526cr bonus (115 FDs). Progress to 100% ELITE Exploration rank.

Further Expedition Info

After leaving Jaques Station, proceeded to the following POIs:

Sag A* Galactic Top Galactic Bottom Great Annihilator Romulus & Remus Norma Southern Gate

Then hit Eagle's Landing and sold exploration data for 51,034,880 + 121 FDs for 10,443402 bonus and 88% Pioneer rank.

Colonia Bubble Missions

Turned in 19 missions for 61,295,996cr at Jaques Station (7), Colonia Hub (3), and Colonia Dream (9; in Ratraii system).

Arrival at Jaques Station

Exploration Data sold for 18,976,799cr + 8,357,056cr bonus (143 FDs). Total Exploration payout is now 220,805,059 and 57% Pioneer rank.