Профіль пілоту Werdna > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Oooh Shiny [133SW2]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
17 жовт. 2015
Внесено відстаней:
14 458
Відвідано систем:
37 450
Першовідкривач систем:
18 813
2 194 643 641 Кр

I arrived a day early to WP5 (KN Muscae 1 at -5.25/-0.95) to find the crater for the meetup was filled with a dark red mist. Very 'atmospheric'.

Very Misty WP5

When I logged on the next evening (afternoon Europe time) it was dark and nobody was there (not too surprising). After a while I noticed the light changing and realised the local star was just rising above the crater rim.

Star rise

About three hours later other commanders started turning up.

WP5 Meetup


Just about to leave WP4 (CD-39 6137 2 a at 19.89/-125.84) for WP5.

When I first arrive, the gas giant the world orbits was visible above the landing zone.


The mountain peaks next to the LZ demanded climbing, and the low gravity obliged!

View of SWE3 WP4 from nearby peak

20.0823/-125.2657 is the peak closest to the LZ, although there is a higher peak a little further away that I also climbed.

View of peaks from WP4

For some reason I didn't see very many other commanders at this meetup.


The WP3 meetup was on HIP 38064 4 at -69.83/-129.73. I arrived a bit early and visited the tourist beacon.

Tourist Beacon

As you can see, the system star is a class-O, which creates a stark blue-white light. The meetup planet itself is quite close to the star and has rings. It also has a relatively high gravity, 3.13G. While not super-high, care should still be taken on approach and landing.

WP3 Meetup

There were quite a few commanders at the meetup and the view of the system star through the rings was beautiful.


Next up was WP2 on Trapezium Sector CG-X d1-18 ABC 2 c a at -12.55/-61.23.

I arrived the night before the actual meetup. Messier 78 was visible.

Messier 78 from WP2

The landing zone is up on top of an ice ridge.

WP2 Ice Ridge

If it was a rocky or HMC world I'd have no problems driving the SRV up or down, but on icy worlds there is just so little traction.


I arrived at WP1 a few hours later, but decided to head to Witch Head Sector HW-W c1-3 for some prospecting and logged off for the night there.

The next evening, I decided to return to the WP1 meetup site one day early and see if anyone was there. The meetup site is on HIP 23759 9 a at 9.02/-142.41 and several commanders were already there.

Friendly explorers

The nearby gas giant was just on the horizon - always a good place for a photo.

Ringed gas giant

The next night was the official meetup night, but I decided I needed to tweak my livery a bit and so headed to the nearest station with outfitting, the Orion Nebula Tourist Centre:

Orion Nebula Tourist Centre

I then returned to the WP1 meetup.

WP1 Meetup

This time the gas giant was fully lit, with the Witch Head Nebula behind it.

Fully visible gas giant


I knew I wouldn't quite make the start of the Small Worlds Expedition 3, and have arrived at WP0 on T Tauri A 1 a at -72.14/99.26 one day late.

Hind Nebula

Of course, my Anaconda wasn't suitable for this expedition so I switched to my Cobra Mk 4 already somewhat fitted out for exploration and headed off after a livery change.

Hind Nebula

I arrived at about lunch time, stopped for some screenshots and a meal break, then immediately set off for WP1.

Children of Raxxla Listening Post Alpha

The Children of Raxxla Listening Post Alpha is on IC 1848 Sector IS-T d3-29 A 3 a at -7.38/-125.87. There is nothing actually there on the surface, but at the time I arrived the nearby ringed landable HMC world was low in the sky.

CoR Listening Post Alpha

Base Camp

Base Camp is an asteroid station not too far from the Formidine Rift.

Base Camp

It was in shadow when I visited, but that only served to emphasise the station lighting and the red nebula against the dark of the rock.

This is my first station since Colonia! I sold off enough exploration data to ally with the controlling faction. I'll do the same when I visit the Farsight Expedition Base that is only a few jumps away.

Formidine Rift Abandoned Sites

Almost back to the bubble. I don't think I'm going to quite make the launch of the Small Worlds Expedition 3, but I won't be too far off. I'm currently checking out the Formidine Rift Abandoned Settlements.

The Alpha site is on Eafots EU-R c4-1 C 2 at -34.20/-77.66.

Alpha Site

It would be quite spooky, except for some reason NPC ships keep on spawning above the base?

The Beta site is on Eafots LZ-H b10-0 D 1 at -23.08/-174.89.

Beta Site

The Gamma site is on Eafots RA-G b11-0 3 at -17.8739/-76.052.

Gamma Site

The Delta site is on Eafots GL-Y e2 6 at 21.2752/19.066.

Delta Site

Anyway, I've got the rest of tonight and tomorrow night to get back to the bubble!

Formidine Rifter

Children of Raaxla Listening Post Beta

Tonight I got as far as Phrio Phoe MP-E d12-11. This is the Beta listening post constructed by the Children of Raxxla. I landed on A 5 b for the night (5.5937/37.7132).

Phrio Phoe MP-E d12-11 A 5 b

The large dot on the horizon to the left of the galaxy is the Bubble Nebula. I'm not going to have time to go out there for a look this trip, it's going to have to be some other time.