Viracocha [#1522305845611]

QNM-G4Z [#3705166336]
Fleet Carrier
Відстань від точки прибуття:
457 881 св.с.

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics

Останнє оновлення: 20.01.25 02:43

Core Internal

Reactor Bay Integrity Mass Power Price
2A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 56 1,3 т ?? 160 220 кр
3A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 70 2,5 т ?? 507 910 кр
4A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 88 5 т ?? 1 610 080 кр
5A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 106 10 т ?? 5 103 950 кр
6A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 124 20 т ?? 16 179 530 кр
7A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 144 40 т ?? 51 289 110 кр
8A Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 165 80 т ?? 162 586 490 кр
Environment Control Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 40 1,3 т 0,4 МВт 3 230 кр
1B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 44 2 т 0,44 МВт 8 080 кр
1A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 48 1,3 т 0,48 МВт 20 200 кр
2C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 51 2,5 т 0,46 МВт 9 050 кр
2B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 56 4 т 0,51 МВт 22 620 кр
2A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 61 2,5 т 0,55 МВт 56 550 кр
3C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 64 5 т 0,53 МВт 25 330 кр
3B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 70 8 т 0,58 МВт 63 330 кр
3A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 77 5 т 0,64 МВт 158 330 кр
4C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 80 10 т 0,62 МВт 70 930 кр
4B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 88 16 т 0,68 МВт 177 330 кр
4A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 96 10 т 0,74 МВт 443 330 кр
5C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 96 20 т 0,71 МВт 198 610 кр
5B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 106 32 т 0,78 МВт 496 530 кр
5A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 115 20 т 0,85 МВт 1 241 320 кр
Power Coupling Integrity Mass Power Price
1A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 44 1,3 т 0,48 МВт 20 200 кр
2A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 56 2,5 т 0,54 МВт 56 550 кр
3A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 70 5 т 0,6 МВт 158 330 кр
4A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 88 10 т 0,67 МВт 443 330 кр
5A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 106 20 т 0,74 МВт 1 241 320 кр
6A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 124 40 т 0,82 МВт 3 475 690 кр
7B Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 157 128 т 0,81 МВт 3 892 770 кр
7A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 144 80 т 0,89 МВт 9 731 930 кр
8B Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 180 256 т 0,88 МВт 10 899 760 кр
8A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 165 160 т 0,96 МВт 27 249 390 кр
Sensor Suite Integrity Mass Power Price
1A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 44 1,3 т 0,6 МВт 20 200 кр
2A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 56 2,5 т 0,69 МВт 56 550 кр
3A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 70 5 т 0,84 МВт 158 330 кр
4A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 88 10 т 1,02 МВт 443 330 кр
5B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 115 32 т 0,68 МВт 496 530 кр
5A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 106 20 т 1,23 МВт 1 241 320 кр
6B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 136 64 т 0,83 МВт 1 390 280 кр
6A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 124 40 т 1,5 МВт 3 475 690 кр
7B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 157 128 т 0,97 МВт 3 892 770 кр
7A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 144 80 т 1,77 МВт 9 731 930 кр
8B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 180 256 т 1,14 МВт 10 899 760 кр
8A Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 165 160 т 2,07 МВт 27 249 390 кр

Optional Internal

Hull Reinforcements Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 1 т 0 МВт 15 000 кр
2D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. 51 2 т 0 МВт 36 000 кр
3D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 4 т 0 МВт 84 000 кр
4D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 8 т 0 МВт 195 000 кр
5D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 16 т 0 МВт 450 000 кр
Module Reinforcements Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 1 т 0 МВт 15 000 кр
2D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 2 т 0 МВт 36 000 кр
3D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 4 т 0 МВт 84 000 кр
4D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 8 т 0 МВт 195 000 кр
5D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 16 т 0 МВт 450 000 кр
Shield Cell Banks Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 32 1,3 т 0,41 МВт 517 кр
1D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 24 0,5 т 0,55 МВт 1 293 кр
2E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 41 2,5 т 0,5 МВт 1 448 кр
2D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 31 1 т 0,67 МВт 3 619 кр
3E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 51 5 т 0,61 МВт 4 053 кр
3D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 38 2 т 0,82 МВт 10 133 кр
4E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 64 10 т 0,74 МВт 11 349 кр
4D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 48 4 т 0,98 МВт 28 373 кр
5E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 77 20 т 0,9 МВт 31 778 кр
5D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 58 8 т 1,2 МВт 79 444 кр
6E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 90 40 т 1,06 МВт 88 987 кр
6D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 68 16 т 1,42 МВт 222 444 кр
7E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 105 80 т 1,24 МВт 249 137 кр
7D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 79 32 т 1,66 МВт 622 843 кр
8E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 120 160 т 1,44 МВт 697 584 кр
8D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. ?? 64 т 1,92 МВт 1 743 961 кр
Shield Generators Integrity Mass Power Price
2A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 61 2,5 т 2,1 МВт 160 220 кр
3A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 77 5 т 2,52 МВт 507 910 кр
4A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 96 10 т 3,08 МВт 1 610 080 кр
5A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 115 20 т 3,64 МВт 5 103 950 кр
6A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 136 40 т 4,34 МВт 16 179 530 кр
7A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 157 80 т 4,9 МВт 51 289 110 кр
8A Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 180 160 т 5,6 МВт 162 586 490 кр
Surface Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Detailed Surface Scanner Advanced stellar body scanner used during exploration. 20 0 т 0 МВт 250 000 кр

Utility Mount

Chaff Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Chaff Launcher Signature tracking defence. When deployed, causes gimbal and turret-mounted devices to lose lock. Requires ammunition. 20 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 8 500 кр
ECMs Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Electronic Countermeasure Missile and torpedo defence. When deployed, causes affected ordnance to lose lock. 20 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 12 500 кр
Heatsink Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Heat Sink Launcher Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. 45 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 3 500 кр
Point Defence Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Point Defence Missile defence. Automatically tracks and fires upon missiles and torpedoes in range when powered. 30 0,5 т 0,2 МВт 18 550 кр
Shield Boosters Integrity Mass Power Price
0B Shield Booster Strengthens the active shield if powered. Multiple boosters stack in effectiveness. 45 3 т 1 МВт 122 000 кр
0A Shield Booster Strengthens the active shield if powered. Multiple boosters stack in effectiveness. 48 3,5 т 1,2 МВт 281 000 кр
Pulse Wave Analyser Integrity Mass Power Price
0D Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 0,4 МВт ??
0C Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 0,8 МВт ??
0B Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 1,6 МВт ??
0A Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 3,2 МВт ??