Картографування Галактики > Карта Галактики > Listing

Name Type
Minerva's Pyrope Archived POI
Minneapolis Nebula Archived POI
Mira γ Stellar Features
Misty Mountains of Byeia Free Archived POI
Momma's Boy γ Stellar Features
Monde de la Mort (World of Death) Planetary Features
Monde de la Vie Planetary Features
Monet's Gift Planetary Features
Monkey Head Nebula α Nebula
Monoceros Beacon η Historical Location
Monolith of the Nine (Neutron Cluster) regional
Moore-Nauenberg γ Stellar Features
Mordor γ Stellar Features
Morgan's Rock Deep Space Outpost
Morphenniel Nebula α Nebula
Mors et Vitae Planetary Features
The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway Θ Surface Features
Mountain of Steam geyserPOI
Mount Aoscs Archived POI
Mount Glenn Archived POI
Mount Nerverest Archived POI
Mount Pallas Θ Surface Features
Mt. Chetan Θ Surface Features
Mt. Fuji Geysers geyserPOI
Mt. Fuji Nebula α Nebula
Mt. Wesley Θ Surface Features
Mu Cephei γ Stellar Features
Muntasir Planetary Features
Muntasir Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Murphy's Paradox Planetary Features
Mushroom Nebula α Nebula
Musica Universalis Planetary Features
The Mylaifoi Marvel Archived POI
Mynoaw Nebula α Nebula
The Mysterious Light Archived POI
Nadelwald organicPOI
Nadir η Historical Location
Nansen's Star η Historical Location
Nebulosa Portuguesa β Planetary Nebula
Necropolis Chasm Archived POI
Neighbouring Necklaces Archived POI
Neon Beacon Planetary Features
Nereus (& Tranquility) η Historical Location
Nereus' Gift Archived POI
The Nest Archived POI
The 'Neutron' Nebula α Nebula
New Beginning Deep Space Outpost
New Botany Bay (also known as The Speamoea IV) Planetary Features
New Botany Bay Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Newet Archived POI
New Growth Deep Space Outpost
New Society Nebula Archived POI
Newton's Necropolis Planetary Features
New Vista Archived POI
New Yembo η Historical Location
New Zealand Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 188 (Caldwell 1) σ Star Cluster
NGC 281 α Nebula
NGC 659 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 663 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 869 σ Star Cluster
NGC 1027 (Micro Cluster) σ Star Cluster
NGC 1039 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 1333 Nebula α Nebula
NGC 1333 Star Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 1491 α Nebula
NGC 1501 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 1502 (The Orio-Persean String) σ Star Cluster
NGC 1514 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 1647 Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 1647 Sector λ Restricted Sectors
NGC 1893 σ Star Cluster
NGC 1931 Nebula α Nebula
NGC 1960 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 1999 α Nebula
NGC 2099 Open Cluster (Messier 37) σ Star Cluster
NGC 2168 Super Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 2232 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 2244 σ Star Cluster
NGC 2264 Sector λ Restricted Sectors
NGC 2286 σ Star Cluster
NGC 2286 Sector λ Restricted Sectors
NGC 2362 σ Star Cluster
NGC 2367 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 2371 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 2374 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 2384 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 2438 Nebula β Planetary Nebula
NGC 2440 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 2452 Nebula β Planetary Nebula
NGC 2516 Open Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 2792 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 2818 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 2867 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 3199 α Nebula
NGC 3211 β Planetary Nebula
NGC 3293 Open Star Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 3532 Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 3590 Open Star Cluster σ Star Cluster
NGC 3603 σ Star Cluster