Профиль пилота B.A.R > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
The Bosnick [BAR-06]
Дата регистрации:
28 мая 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
18 629
Открыто систем:
5 669
12 688 679 049 кр.
3304-08-30: Reached my goal.

I got so close, I had to do it: I broke the credits mark / Just a nice milestone, because the Anaconda in the near future is going to screw that up...

  • I traveled 1.117 LY in 68 jumps;
  • claimed my level 4 salary of 5.000.000 credits from Li Yong-Rui;
  • made 374.853.820 credits from my explorer run (over 750.000 cr/jump!);
  • made 31.799.667 credits from trading 23.504 commodities;
  • made 2.452.277 credits from 2 trading missions;
  • went up 14% in trade ranking to 64%;
  • spent 58.894 credits on a ship transfer;
  • and 64.021 cr on repair (stupid pirates) / 15.390 cr on fuel / 36 cr on munitions;
  • ended up with a balance of credits;
  • next objective: grinding materials for the coming upgrades until last LYR paycheck.
Todays total: 413.967.423 credits
3304-08-29: Had a nice day.

Set out to level up my combat ranking and succeeded / Got a bonus "Kilo Run"-badge because EDSM synced with ED (awesome!) / Did some trading to cap the day.

  • traveled 596 LY in 34 jumps;
  • got recognized for time spent in game with the "Kilo Run"-badge;
  • made 7.902.800 credits in Combat Bonds killing 217 ships in Lo&HiCZ's;
  • got promoted to "Dangerous" by the Pilots Federation;
  • made 86.315 credits collecting a pirate's bounty;
  • started off my combat ranking with 4% toward 'Deadly' (earned in 95 kills);
  • completed four massacre missions for 12.928.282 credits;
  • made 6.360.165 credits profit on trading 6.978 commodities;
  • went up 3% in trade ranking to 50%;
  • spent 97.233 cr on repair / 5.439 cr on fuel / 40.527 cr on munitions;
  • and got a 200 credit fine for reckless flying....
Todays total: 28.455.493 credits.
3304-08-28: Grinding combat bonds.

Spent the day in three combat zones / Turned in combat bonds every 10/12 kills to optimize influence for the Minor Faction / I should be able to become 'dangerous' tomorrow...

  • Traveled 125 LY in 6 jumps;
  • made 3.730.600 credits in Combat Bonds killing 94 ships in LICZ's;
  • made 82.900 credits collecting a pirate's bounty;
  • went up 11% in combat ranking to 85%;
  • completed four massacre missions for 2.061.294 credits;
  • spent 11.133 cr on repair / 959 cr on fuel / 22.590 cr on munitions.
Todays total: 5.840.112 credits.
3304-08-27: Short, but productive.

I took my new Type 9 for a spin / Made nearly 24M credits in 2 hours trading mostly Basic Medicine for 4.300 credits profit a piece! / Spent another hour in a Low Intensity Conflict Zone.

  • I traveled only 287 LY in 19 jumps;
  • made 869.400 credits in Combat Bonds killing 23 ships in the LICZ;
  • went up 2% in combat ranking to 74%;
  • made 23.954.710 credits profit on trading 6.049 commodities;
  • went up 10% in trade ranking to 47%;
  • spent 471 cr on repair / 3.082 cr on fuel / 6.171 cr on munitions.
Todays total: 24.097.071 credits.
3304-08-26: Bought a snail.

Grinded all the needed merits / Decided to not wait and go buy my Type 9 Heavy today / Engineering on the thing will have to wait / Also: I'm probably not going to break the 2 billion credits marker anymore.

  • I traveled 2.989 LY in 142 jumps;
  • spent 41.750.000 credits on 4.175 Sirius Industrial Equipment;
  • got another 50 Sirius Industrial Equipment for free;
  • bought a Type 9 Heavy for 63.445.655 credits;
  • kitted it out for 83.796.467 credits;
  • made 3.330.992 credits profit on trading 8.483 commodities;
  • went up 1% in trade ranking to 37%;
  • spent 10.632 cr on repair / 21.685 cr on fuel.
Todays total: -184.653.769 credits.
3304-08-25: Merits grinding restarted.

I was lvl 5, with Li Yong-Rui, when I left the bubble and degraded to lvl 4 last Thursday, so I need to grind 7500 merits before cashing my explorer data / Switched ship from unarmed Orca to tanked Python / I hope to end up just over 2 billion this Thursday / Spending already planned.

  • I traveled 1883 LY in 100 jumps;
  • spent 32.250.000 credits on 3.225 Sirius Industrial Equipment;
  • got 50 Sirius Industrial Equipment for free;
  • made 1.825.092 credits profit on trading;
  • spent 8.755 cr on outfitting / 743 cr on repair / 10.693 cr on fuel.
Todays total: -30.126.344 credits.
3304-08-24: Got back to LYR headquarters.

Spend the day flying back, scanning and submitting some distances / Nothing spectacular / Forgot to write down estimated explorer data-value (shame) / Understand why EDSM didn't count two of my submitted distances: I input coordinates for a system somebody else already confirmed / Quit yesterdays system and started asking EDSM which systems it wants me to check.

  • I traveled exactly 4.500 LY in 99 jumps;
  • finished my 24.476 LY explorer-trip in 483 jumps;
  • added 393 systems to the EDSM-database;
  • made 19.126.380 credits from my two passenger-missions;
  • claimed my 50.000.000 credits salary from Li Young-Rui.
Todays total: 68.804.091 credits.
3304-08-23: Submit distances fun... ...

Well, my FSD seems to be malfunctioning. Did not think of that / No more Neutron-star boosts / New way to entertain myself: submit distances to EDSM every milestone (completely arbitrary) / I started of with 50 systems without coordinates, input the systems that weren't confirmed, again the following round / 1st round 50; 2nd round 43; 3rd round 38; 4th round 28; 5th round 22; 6th round 9; still 6 unconfirmed / Confirmed coordinates of 44 systems by inputting 190 distances (although EDSM strangely says I inputted only 188) / Visited my second and last Tourist beacon and turned back to the bubble.

  • I traveled 4.747 LY in 92 jumps;
  • current estimated data value is 68M cr.
3304-08-22: AA-A fun...

Decided to just visit some 'near' AA-A systems / Is not going to make me rich, but it gives me destinations / Other than some special systems, nothing interesting to mention.

  • I traveled 6.619 LY in 118 jumps;
  • current estimated data value is 54M cr.
3304-08-21: Neutron fun.

Got too bored, so decided to try Neutron-star boosting / Arrived at my first Tourist beacon of the trip / I think it's now impossible to get back and grind merits before the end of this powerplay-cycle / Don't know yet how I am going to use my time exploring, to keep it fun...

  • I traveled 2.406 LY in 44 jumps;
  • current estimated data value is 32M cr;
  • earned the "Need a boost?" badge;
  • earned the "... Gone!" badge.