Профиль пилота Taebek > Дневник


Beyond lands tomorrow and I am looking forward to it, today I have been pootling around space, I popped to Maia to see obsidian orbital, the repair work seems to be progressing well.....hopefully all that progress won't be for nought as of tomorrow! I also landed at the barnacle forest in PLEIADES SECTOR SP-N B7-0 PLANET B 2 and managed to capture a Thargoid interacting with the barnacles, I was very close to the centre and nearly got sucked up in my SRV. after the thargoid went away, I managed to get myself stuck on a barnacle and having to self destruct my SRV...DOH!
I decided to come back to SOL as I wanted to see what earth looked like in VR.....wowzers!!!
I parked up in orbit around Mars and ducked into CQC, not as drunk tonight, but a good enjoyable batch of deathmatches, didn't win any but I came soooooo close tonight!, but I was grinning. Tonight I realised something.... When I was younger, playing Frontier - Elite 2 I would always get a really stiff neck during combat as my opponents would fly out of view upwards and I would try to look upwards and my neck would tense up and cause me all sorts of problem........ Now, using a VR headset I can follow the opponants upwards as they fly upwards and I don't get a tense, stiff neck....
I know its a small thing, but it makes me happy.
I recently (18th Feb) returned from a visit to the galactic core regions, I didn't go to Sag A* this time, just went to the right of the core, cut across a bit of the top and came back - I wanted to be back ready for the new update which is landing tomorrrow :o) Before I docked back at Cleve Hub I copied all my stats across from EDSM and I have them below showing what I found and how far I travelled:
Jumps 3,776
Traveled Ly 75,279.58
Boost used 1
Jet Cone Boost 0
Landed 36
Heat Warning 1
Heat damage 0
Fuel Scooped 3,458
Scooped Tons 16,989.37
Scans 12,110
Scan value 550,427,846
Unknown 13
Metal rich body 287
High metal content body 3,392
Rocky body 794
Icy body 480
Rocky ice body 125
Earthlike body 22
Water world 355
Ammonia world 30
Water giant 4
Gas giant with water based life 189
Gas giant with ammonia based life 79
Sudarsky class I gas giant 575
Sudarsky class II gas giant 168
Sudarsky class III gas giant 564
Sudarsky class IV gas giant 90
Sudarsky class V gas giant 7
Helium rich gas giant 10
O 1
B 83
A 381
F 801
G 602
K 724
M 1,549
L 284
T 168
Y 113
AeBe 9
TTS 163
WC 0
WO 1
D 0
DA 4
DQ 0
DC 8
N 24
H 3
M RedGiant 6
K OrangeGiant 2
SuperMassiveBlackHole 0
Took a little jaunt out to the pleiades sector to explore the barnacle forest at Pleiades Sector PN-T B3-0 on planet A5, stopped off at a couple of non human signal sources and played with the thargoids there, got scanned by them but no attack, even though I got very close to the second one. going to log back on tomorrow and see if I can see a thargoid interacting with the forest :)
Trying to drink a cup of tea with a VR headset on is not dignified! Also, The top strap of the headset is giving me a centre parting!
Playing CQC in VR whilst drunk is a REALLY BAD IDEA!