Ratraii [#20958600798794]

H0J-B7F [#3710802432]
Fleet Carrier
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Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics
Последнее обновление 16.02.25, 14:04

Optional Internal

Cargo Racks Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 т 0 МВт 1 000 кр.
2E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 т 0 МВт 3 250 кр.
3E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 т 0 МВт 10 560 кр.
Shield Generators Integrity Mass Power Price
2E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 41 2,5 т 0,9 МВт 1 980 кр.
2D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 31 1 т 1,2 МВт 5 930 кр.
2C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 51 2,5 т 1,5 МВт 17 800 кр.
3E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 51 5 т 1,08 МВт 6 270 кр.
3D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 38 2 т 1,44 МВт 18 810 кр.
3C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 64 5 т 1,8 МВт 56 440 кр.
4E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 64 10 т 1,32 МВт 19 880 кр.
4D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 48 4 т 1,76 МВт 59 630 кр.
4C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 80 10 т 2,2 МВт 178 900 кр.
5E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 77 20 т 1,56 МВт 63 010 кр.
5D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 58 8 т 2,08 МВт 189 040 кр.
5C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 96 20 т 2,6 МВт 567 110 кр.
6E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 90 40 т 1,86 МВт 199 750 кр.
6D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 68 16 т 2,48 МВт 599 240 кр.
6C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 113 40 т 3,1 МВт 1 797 730 кр.
7E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 105 80 т 2,1 МВт 633 200 кр.
7D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 79 32 т 2,8 МВт 1 899 600 кр.
7C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 131 80 т 3,5 МВт 5 698 790 кр.
8E Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 120 160 т 2,4 МВт 2 007 240 кр.
8D Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 90 64 т 3,2 МВт 6 021 720 кр.
8C Shield Generator Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the vessel. 150 160 т 4 МВт 18 065 170 кр.

Weapon Hardpoint

Mining Tools Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Mining Laser (Turret) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. ?? 2 т 0,5 МВт 9 400 кр.
1D Abrasion Blaster (Fixed) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). 40 2 т 0,34 МВт ??
1D Abrasion Blaster (Turret) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 2 т 0,47 МВт ??
2D Mining Laser (Fixed) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). ?? 2 т 0,75 МВт 22 580 кр.
2D Mining Laser (Turret) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. ?? 2 т 0,75 МВт 32 590 кр.
2B Seismic Charge (Fixed) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery). ?? 4 т 1,2 МВт ??
2B Seismic Charge (Turret) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 4 т 1,2 МВт ??
2B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Fixed) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance.
?? 2 т 1,01 МВт ??
2B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Turret) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance.
?? 4 т 0,93 МВт ??