Perfil do CMDR Vetinaris > Diário

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(Type-9 Heavy)
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Prep For Stellar Unknown - 4 Days To Go

Just mooching around Outbreak systems looking for G5 pharms, no luck so far.

Have stocked up on Selenium finally, got enough for few engines. Got the FDL up to G4 and took her out for some fun round comp nav beacon.

Still need Recon Limpets for the DBX and she's all ready, if get a chance will lightweight them but not make or break.

DBX now does 55 LY with 12T of cargo so all good, nearly ready to go.

CG just started, luckily less than 100LY away so will pop in then on to PS...finally.

Still trying to join the XBOX PG for Stellar Unknown...if not will be a lonely trip

Prep For Stellar Unknown - 5 Days To Go

20th August 3305

Been checking out Unregistered Comms Beacons:

Lave & Gateway - No joy yet

Eravate - Got a very strange message, hoping more info will help from other beacons.

Trying to get into 2 permit locked famine systems but no joy yet, looking for G5 mats, if not will go to Mat Trader. Found few HGE in Eravate so stocked up on those, full of Proto G4 and loads of G5.

Found some unmapped planets in the Col Sector so doing that on the way.

Then the plan is to start heading to PS and look into some beacons down there near the Expedition start point.

Prep For Stellar Unknown - 6 Days To Go

19th August 2019

Stopped off in ORI System. B Planets have good supply of Antimony, Selenium & Germanium. Picked up 20 Antimony and 200+ total mats of mostly G3-4 in 2 hours...what a grind.

Blew up the SRV on ORI 7A, finished collecting and ship was on top of a mountain, tried a few times then let it fall and destruct, horrible terrain.

On the way to Olgrea to check out the Alliance Festival of Culture...and follow up on some strange messages and clues nearby...

Prep For Stellar Unknown - 1 Week To Go

18th August 3305

Prepping for Stellar Unknown expedition to Sagittarius A.

Trying to get mats to get the DBX up to G5 Engines and fully light-weighted.

Still need G5 Data and Selenium mainly so looking for them.

Took the opportunity to stock up on Polonium on Ededleen 1A but no Selenium.

Heading back to Arque to swop out of the Python back into the DBX then onto Lave and surround for kicks then start heading over to the start point, seeing what comes.

#1 News Report Newton City - Dolphin Safety Investigations


August 12th 3305



*‘Come visit Newton City! Inconveniently located in LP 672-4, nowhere near Maia, somewhat out of the way for Synuefe and the Guardians, a dog-leg on a journey through the bubble, Palin has jumped to get further away and now completely out of the way for Chloe and the Witch Head Nebula too!’ (i)

The place that launched a thousand ships” (ii)

Excerpts from our roving reporters:

Are Dolphins Safe? Do Dolphins Explode?

This reporter has been carrying out an investigation into the safety elements and implications of the Dolphin, a popular passenger liner enjoyed by all. Recently this reporter has noticed a large increase in numbers ‘just exploding’ in front of my very eyes! Are they safe to fly?

I interviewed a new Dolphin owning Commander who wishes to remain anonymous, he said “Yes of course you personally have seen an increase in exploding Dolphins, every time I buy a new ship you go out and ‘test their safety’ by, and I quote, “Probing them” with your so-called 'Benign Entity Assignment Module' Lasers and you record it and play it back to me so I can see how ‘dangerous’ they are.”

This reporter ended the interview immediately and denies all knowledge of whatever this crazy person was rabbiting on about.

(i) Newton City Tourist Board ‘Delights of Newport City’

(ii) Admittedly most of them full of people saying ‘Get me the hell out of here and into civilisation’


10th August 3305

Having to skirt my way round the locked Col Sector to get to Witch Head...discovered some planets and 1st mapped a few HMC+....found some geology and just 1st mapped a WW in Synuefe...2 more jumps until I can replot direct to WHN I hope...

...Received a message and been asked to work for the 'All Seeing Eye i' newspaper based out of Newton City...will submit some articles on my travels.

Returning To Bubble

9th August 3305

5K, 100 Jumps to Empire space to rank up...

50 jumps left...will stop off in WHN and see what's happened there since I left...

Palin Unlocked

7th August 3305

5K Exploration reached, Palin unlocked, yea! Celebrated by discovering system with WW & GGWABL & 3 Terraformable & Multi HMC yea!

Parked up for the night and read about new Engineer....same unlocks apparently so all good.

Space is getting to me...the Galaxy is making faces at me, wish I could upload screenshots from this antique Xbox interface I'm using.