Perfil do CMDR Goldsteine > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Erebus [653-9x]
(Diamondback Explorer)
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Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
Great Annihilator journey # 3

267 jumps left to go to the Great Annihilator, and over 940 'First Discovered' systems, including another water world. The big question after visiting Sag A (after the Great Annihilator), is do I journey back to Colonia or head out to Beagle's Point?

Great Annihilator journey # 2

369 jumps left to go to the Great Annihilator (approx 8900Ly), and 873 'First Discovered' systems, one of which included an Earth-like world, with any luck this journey will see my 'first-discovered' total number of systems jump to 1000.

Great Annihilator journey # 1

Hung around Colonia to help out the local law enforcement and was granted the combat rank of 'Expert' for my efforts. Also met up with Commander Llanelwy and managed to get a shot of our ships framed by the front of Jaques station (still haven't figured out how to insert images into this logbook). Now on way to the Great Annihilator, about 10,400Ly away, or approximately 432 jumps.

From Colonia to Sag A - #1

Have finished exploring Colonia's local area, achieved the rank of Pioneer, 'first-discovered' 816 systems, and made my first neutron star jump. Now it's time for my next expedition, to travel to Sag A. Think I'll go via the Great Annihilator and hopefully get some nice pictures.

Colonia's backyard

Decided to stick around Colonia for a little bit and explore the local area, made first discovery of Neutron star, Earth-like world, Water based world and Amonia based world. Have come across a couple of black holes (already discovered) so still looking out for a 'first discovery' of one of them. For anybody wanting to increase their 'Explorer' ranking, come to Colonia via the connection highway and explore an area rich in neutron stars.

Colonia Highway update no.6

After a long haul I have finally arrived at Colonia, 22,000Ly from Sol and have visited all relevant systems on the Colonia Connection Highway. Over 750 Discovered First systems. Next on the list is Sag A, approx 11000Ly away, or about 460 jumps in my Asp Scout which is now sporting a vibrant red paint scheme.

Colonia Highway update no.5

Arrived at the orbital station Vihara Gate in the Kashyapa system, 19,470Ly from Sol and last stop before Colonia. 704 first discovered systems and 46% of the way through the rank of Ranger towards the rank of Pioneer. Gave the ship's hull a new vibrant yellow paint scheme (every thousand light years of jumps seems to knock 10% of the hull paint) and now ready for the last leg of the journey towards Colonia.

Colonia Highway update no.4

On my way to the Kashyapa system, (104 jumps to make), final stop on the Colonia Highway before reaching Colonia itself.

Colonia Highway update no.3

Have reached Polo Harbour, located in the system Boewnst KS-S c20-959. 17,589Ly from Sol, just one more stop to go before reaching Colonia with 640 "First Discovered" systems, hoping to make it 700 by Colonia, then a trip out to Sag A and back.

Colonia Highway update no.2

Have just plotted route to Boewnst KS-S c20-959, next stop on the Colonia Highway having recently arrived at Caravanserai orbital station, (decided to stop in at this station rather than Marlin's Reach), in the Gandharvi system. Starfield is markedly denser in this region. Now 15,620Ly from Sol. Re-outfitted my Asp Scout to increase jump range from approx 19Ly to 26.5Ly Also finally got round to fitting Surface Scanner.