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(Diamondback Explorer)
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Day 15 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [28] Still Exploring… (18 jumps)

Ringed planets, almost looks like two rings interlockied. Found a white MRB with red magma. Found a 185km radius MRB at Trailua HQ-Y d6 A1a. It is slightly oblong not a perfect sphere.

Day 14 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [27] Byua Thae WA-F d11-7 planetary landing

Landed on the planet, on top of a fumarole! The ship took no damage. Weird. Must be low temperature that the shields do not get affected. Finding systems with several stars. One with 6 and two ringed planets. 15 jumps today, still codex searching.

Day 13 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [26] Planet variations

So many colors on the planets, red, black, blue, white, brown, gray, yellow, beige. Impact craters of different sizes. Some with ice, some without, gas giants with and without rings, stripped, dark blue. It really is amazing out here!

Day 12 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [25] [FGS] Esto Perpetua (V9W-51G) revisit

The nebula is very “photogenic” spending a lot of time flying around enjoying the views and mapping. Found greenish icy planets one with dark red canyons others with brown, blue and gray canyons. Did not risk going crazy in the canyons run. This we do in the bubble! Slow going, a lot of items to scan little discovered items, still looking for rocky ice world for codex. May have to rush after waypoint #5 to complete the loop. Ended back to the Carrier to sell some UC and codex data at Eta Carina Sector JH-V c2-7

Day 11 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [24] Waypoint #3 Gria Eork EP-A d0

Enjoying the view of the nebula with planets and moons in the foreground. Scanning, mapping, refueling, codex updating. Found an odd shaped HMC at Gria Eork DD-C c0 A1, mostly spherical with large impact craters, previously discovred but odd none the less. Made waypoint #3 Gria Eork EP-A d0, awesome neutron star! Had to use the boost to get there (94.17LY) and to get out with (100.42LY) good looping route, did not want to risk a neutron jump.

Day 10 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [23] Eta Carina Sector Nebula jumping

Goal is to finish this nebula and moving on to the next waypoint. Scanning and digital imaging continuing. Have found almost all the brains trees! One more to go. Found the first anomaly I have ever seen, they seemed to be very territorial. I had to dump some of the gaurdian relics to make the 94 ly jump from GCRV 6493 to Gria Eork EP-A d0. I guess in the future you shouldn’t pick up too much cargo. The last white star had a blue cloud around it very weird but nice views of the Eta Carina Nebula. System was mapped but worth the detour to catch some site and Codex updates.

Day 9 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [22] Eta Carina Sector Nebula views

Crashed and got hull to 39% as I was AFK. Did not die but had to interrupt the scanning of the bio signals on a planet and had to jump to the carrier about two stars away. Finally found the bell mollusc, they are really small. Loads of brain tree and harvesting some mats, found yttrium, tin, manganese. I have a lot of lower level mats, but the pods and phoelm give the best stuff. Having issues with the codex, some Lagrange clouds are not showing up at the coordinates mentioned. Spent a lot of time jumping in and out thinking it was an instrumentation issue. No luck!

Day 8 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [21] Eta Carina Sector Guardian ruins.

Visited 3 sites and saw some antigravitational rocks (magic rocks). Loaded up the cargo bay with 64 artifacts, fingers crossed I can sell at carrier, collected a lot of data and codex is updated. The sun came up so got to see the ruins in daylight, better than when I arrived had to use the night vision and SRV lights. Unfortunately the carrier is not buying guardian artifacts. Hmmm, what to do? The Cargo reduces the jump range by 7 ly. Found some notable stellar phenomena (NSP), really nice colors and codex updates. On Eta Carina Sector JR-W d1-12 the second furthest NSP was probably caught by the gravity well of a moon, tried 3 times and it get moving away after dropping from supercruise. The first time I saw some crystals and metallic spikes but it moved away faster that the ship could go with continuous boost.

Day 7 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. Eta Carina Sector jumping brain trees and guardian ruins.

More brain trees and bark mounds, went into orbit around a moon that was really close to the rings of a blue gas giant. Found guardian ruins, alpha, gamma, beta data. Seems the ruins had some dikes and ditches, maybe defensive works at one point. Some towers pooed out of the ground as the SRV got closer and it allowed for data scanning. Found some relics scatered which I picked up and hopefully can sell at the carrier. Finished one of the ruins two more to go.

Day 6 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. Eta Carina Sector JH-V c2-7.

Found some crystals that I had never seen before in a ring of a gas giant “Notable Stellar Phenomena”. Found some bark mounds on a couple of planets It will be a good day exploring the nebula. More bark mounds. Saw brain trees for the first time, nice views with the nebula in the background,