Notícias Galáticas

  • 9 de maio de 3309
  • Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser Becomes Available

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis’s new module will allow ships to penetrate the energy wave protecting the central regions of the Maelstroms.

    Deliveries of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters were made to Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system. These allowed Aegis to build a manufacturing and distribution centre for Thargoid pulse neutralisers, which can now be purchased from technology brokers on rescue megaships.

    Professor Alba Tesreau released a statement regarding Aegis’s next steps:

    “Combined with our caustic sink launcher, the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will enable explorers to travel through the Maelstroms’ corrosive clouds and into their cores. A small number of Aegis researchers will be among the first wave of pioneers. Their mission is to identify the source of these mysterious objects and gather data about its nature.”

    “I am conscious that, once again, independent pilots will also be risking their lives to increase our knowledge of the Thargoids. We have always been indebted to the galactic community for their bravery, and never more so for those who dare undertake this dangerous journey. Aegis will continue to provide support wherever possible.”

    An additional statement was made by former Federal Navy admiral Aden Tanner:

    “Whatever lies within the Maelstroms is almost certainly protected by further dangers. Judging by how swiftly our probes were disabled, the presence of human ships is likely to attract attention. I advise pilots to make sure they are outfitted with the best possible equipment before venturing within.”

    Aegis confirmed that payment for all who contributed to the initiative is now available from the Orunmilla. As a related reward, the first ten Commanders who delivered unclassified relics to Ram Tah or Professor Palin in August 3308, and the 40 who have traded the greatest quantities of these objects, have been recognised for their contribution to the Thargoid pulse neutraliser’s development. Each of these pilots will be invited via inbox to collect a Thargoid pulse neutraliser from storage at the Orunmilla megaship in Didiomanja.

  • 4 de maio de 3309
  • Seo Jin-ae: ‘The Thargoids Know We’re Coming’

    A warning about entering the Maelstroms has been offered by Seo Jin-ae, whose unique cortical implant offers glimpses into the Thargoid hive mind.

    Aden Tanner, who is currently working with Aegis, released a personal statement:

    “Seo Jin-ae approached me in a state of distress shortly after the first tests of the Thargoid pulse neutraliser. She claimed that, as the probes passed through Taranis’s energy wave, she perceived a change among the Thargoid voices. ‘Like being woken up by insect bites,’ was how she described the sensation.”

    “‘The Thargoids aren’t as oblivious to our tests as it sometimes seems,’ she told me. I pressed her for more details, but there was only one thing she was convinced about: ‘They understand we’ve found a way to push deeper into the Maelstrom. They know we’re coming.’”

    “Now, this might mean nothing at all, and it’s not verifiable data. But it prompted Professor Tesreau to pass on Seo’s concerns to the superpowers. Likewise, I feel a sense of duty to share this with the galactic community. Any pilots who plan to explore the Maelstrom cores should not assume that they’ll have the element of surprise.”

    Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Empire’s military liaison to Aegis, commented:

    “I have personally reviewed all recent tactical reports, but found no evidence of any changes in the Thargoids’ behaviour or strategy. We are proceeding with our plans to mass-produce the Thargoid pulse neutraliser and send crewed ships into the Maelstroms. Tanner’s concern is noted, however, and we urge extreme caution in these early expeditions.”

  • 2 de maio de 3309
  • Resources Needed for Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis has requested materials in the YZ Ceti system to mass-produce a defence for ships entering the Maelstroms.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of the tri-superpower agency, announced the initiative at a press conference:

    “Final tests have been conducted on the Thargoid pulse neutraliser, which offers ships a brief window of insulation from the energy wave encountered inside a Maelstrom. Their primary components are based on unclassified relics, which are created by interfacing Guardian artefacts with Thargoid surface sites. Ram Tah and Professor Palin have donated some of their research supplies to this project.”

    “Aegis has been assigned a generous budget to purchase large quantities of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters. These will be used to create a manufacturing and distribution base, making the Thargoid pulse neutraliser commercially available on all rescue megaships.”

    Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system will serve as the delivery point for all shipments. Aegis has been authorised to redeem bounty hunting vouchers for all wanted ships in the vicinity, since transporting such valuable materials is likely to attract pirates.

    Representatives from the superpowers and the scientific community congratulated Aegis, while military figures emphasised the importance of finding ways to hinder or destroy the Maelstroms. Rear Admiral Daniel Parry claimed: “This is the most strategically significant breakthrough to date. It will allow us to modify our military tactics based on what is discovered inside the deadly clouds.”

  • 1 de maio de 3309
  • Rackham Fundraiser Secures Political Backing

    Independent presidential candidate Zachary Rackham held a gala ball for some of the Federation’s wealthy and influential elite.

    The Federal Times published a report from political correspondent Sofia Trevino:

    “The extravagant gathering at Fort Rackham (formerly Fort Falkenrath) on Taylor Colony felt more like a party than a fundraiser, but its ambitions were clear. Campaign finance laws forbid Zachary Rackham from using his own wealth to pay for his presidential bid, and so connections are being forged to entice donations and other types of support.”

    “Mr Rackham’s campaign manager – and the originator of his ‘Just Like Me’ slogan – was revealed to be celebrity PR consultant Anya Blackriver. She organised many famous attendees including media barons Elias Metaxas and Neive McFarlane, the youthful but popular ICE-caster Sura Oyekan, and flamboyant business magnate ‘Sir’ Randolph Plaskett of the Knights of Enterprise.”

    “The biggest surprise was the announcement that Congressman Harlan Turk, the highly respected representative for the Duamta system, has resigned from the Republican Party to serve as Mr Rackham’s running mate. Four independent congressmen also declared that they are joining his campaign, giving the entrepreneur some genuine political clout.”

    The newsfeed Sol Today published a related editorial:

    “President Hudson has served with honour, and deserves our respect for keeping citizens safe in recent years. But perhaps it’s time for some fresh blood at the Federation’s heart? Could Zachary Rackham’s infallible business instincts be what’s needed to boost our economy to new heights of prosperity?”

  • 28 de abril de 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: April 3309

    Jade Sanderlyn’s latest report on the Thargoid invasion of the core systems has been published on Vox Galactica.

    “Taking the broad view of the conflict does little to lift the spirits. Thargoid fleets now occupy well over a thousand systems, nearly 200 of which were once populated. Several million people have been killed or wounded by bombardments and caustic attacks. Colossal numbers have fled their homes as refugees. Some sources estimate that well over ten billion people have been directly affected by the war, but the misery and hardship it has caused is immeasurable.”

    “As sobering as that sounds, the situation would be much worse were it not for enormous efforts by anti-xeno squadrons and independent ships, which continue to push back against the Thargoid fleets. Every day, thousands of pilots risk their lives in battle, rescuing civilians or delivering supplies. Dozens of systems have been reclaimed from the Thargoids, and there are signs that the alien expansion is gradually slowing against such resistance.”

    “For a while it looked as if more traditional warfare between factions was about to bring further devastation, when Federal and Imperial proxies clashed in the Tavgi and Pichch systems. But in fact, these skirmishes helped to demonstrate how the Empire and Federation are prioritising the Thargoid threat above their centuries-long rivalry.”

    “Aegis continues to focus its efforts on practical solutions. The recently announced Thargoid pulse neutraliser is an attempt to bypass the defensive barrier within the inner region of the Maelstroms. If this succeeds, what might be found lurking at their hearts? Newsfeeds are proposing destroying the Maelstroms entirely to halt the never-ending swarms of Thargoid vessels, but few experts believe this can be achieved with existing military resources.”

    “As for Azimuth Biotech, without the genius of Salvation they seem unable to contribute meaningfully, despite still claiming to be the leading anti-xeno specialists. There are rumours that CEO Torben Rademaker has been in contact with several weapons and industrial manufacturers, presumably with a view to building corporate links.”

    “The last five months have been one of the most devastating periods of human history. But we are also witnessing resilience and courage on truly heroic levels, and we’re not beaten yet. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • 27 de abril de 3309
  • Convoy Tragedy Halts Superpower Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Empire and the Federation have resolved the conflict in Pichch after the accidental loss of anti-xeno supply ships.

    Freelance correspondent Karleen Troy reported on events for Vox Galactica:

    “Pichch is a key location to redirect front-line resources to systems facing invasion around Maelstrom Leigong. In recent days, these vital deliveries have been severely delayed by the internecine conflict. But disaster struck when an entire convoy carrying anti-xeno weaponry was destroyed by Imperial-aligned ships, which mistakenly identified them as local Federal resupply vessels.”

    “Once news of the incident spread, leaders of Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum stated that they had received orders to broker an immediate ceasefire. The conflict was heading towards a Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum victory, so the sudden peace is likely a relief to Gauluujja Exchange.”

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a personal declaration regarding the situation:

    “We permit Imperial-aligned factions a degree of autonomy, on the understanding that they do not jeopardise the Empire’s strategic goals. Undermining human resistance against the Thargoid invasion cannot be tolerated. I therefore command the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum to negotiate a ceasefire with their Federal neighbours at once.”

    A similar statement was delivered by President Zachary Hudson:

    “This tragic situation could and should have been avoided. Pichch is a Federal system, and we have a responsibility to sustain the flow of anti-xeno resources throughout that region. We cannot allow small-scale quarrels to derail our efforts. I have informed Gauluujja Exchange that they must arrange a peaceful resolution to their current conflict.”

    Both the Federal and Imperial factions have agreed to honour their commitments to those who supported their operations, with rewards available at Tiptree Port.

  • Positive Results from Maelstrom Probes

    Aegis’s prototype Thargoid pulse neutralisers have succeeded in allowing transit through the energy surge at the centre of a Maelstrom.

    Professor Alba Tesreau made the official statement:

    “Several remote-controlled probes outfitted with Thargoid pulse neutralisers were launched into the Taranis Maelstrom. The colossal electromagnetic pulse generated within the clouds should have repulsed them, but feedback confirms the probes were insulated from its effects.”

    “The method used to protect the probes was discovered through research on unclassified relics recovered from Thargoid surface sites. These alien artefacts were vital to the devices’ development. Initial research conducted by Ram Tah and Professor Palin proved that when receiving a modulated electrical charge, the unclassified relics emitted an energy field on similar frequencies to the Maelstrom’s pulse.”

    “Unfortunately, broadcasts from the probes were lost shortly afterwards. It hasn’t been possible to verify what happened to them at this stage. We will repeat this experiment with other Maelstroms, but we believe that only skilled human pilots will be able to uncover what awaits within.”

    Aden Tanner, who is supporting Aegis as a freelance tactical specialist, provided a supplemental report:

    “My team has been conducting secondary tests with the new module installed on a manned vessel. I can confirm that when in combat against Thargoid interceptors, it protects against ship system disruption in a similar way to the existing shutdown field neutraliser. But its weight and power draw are both greater, meaning that the new module is best suited to Maelstrom exploration.”

    Aegis has confirmed that it is working on establishing a production schedule for the Thargoid pulse neutraliser and intends to provide an update in the next few days.

  • 25 de abril de 3309
  • The Mystery of the Mars Assassin

    The suspected ‘Imperial assassin’ who shot Caine-Massey CEO Johann Fleischer has been cleared of any connection to the Empire.

    Executive Agent Viola Trask of the Federal Intelligence Agency gave a statement to the media:

    “Our investigation has verified that the man we have in custody is a professional mercenary named Kieran Rayne , a native of the Alpha Caeli system. For over a decade, he has operated as a freelance contract killer using multiple false identities. The motive for the killing is not yet clear.”

    “Despite early indications, there is no evidence that Rayne was hired by Torval Mining Ltd to eliminate Mr Fleischer. The mission was arranged anonymously via an unregistered comms network that we are unable to access. The Imperial-issue weapon and security equipment that he used were provided to him specifically for this task. This seems to be a deliberate choice to foster the impression that the assassination was ordered by elements within the Empire.”

    “It has not gone unnoticed that the evidence implicating an Imperial Intelligence agent was ‘too good to be true’. I’d like to stress that the FIA was fully aware of this possibility. It is unfortunate that Caine-Massey executives deployed their security forces in Tavgi before our investigation was complete.”

    Congress has accepted the report and stated that no further action will be taken. It is expected that once the FIA’s questioning is complete, Rayne will face a life sentence in a maximum-security prison.

    Philippa Barlow-Lyons, the new CEO of Caine-Massey, addressed this development during an address to the corporation’s employees:

    “I know that nobody can ever replace Johann, who meant so much to us all. In his memory, I aim to run things exactly as he would have wanted. We have no choice but to accept the results of the investigation and formally withdraw our accusation against Zemina Torval and her family. I concede that grief may have gotten the better of me in recent days. But in my heart, I know that one day the truth will be laid bare, and the guilty will face Federal justice.”

  • 24 de abril de 3309
  • Aegis Trials Tech to Explore Maelstroms

    Prototypes have been created of a new module designed to counteract the massive energy surge encountered by ships within Thargoid Maelstroms.

    Professor Alba Tesreau made a public statement:

    “Intense research into the Maelstroms by Allied, Federal and Imperial specialists has yielded practical results. We have designed a device to briefly insulate a ship against the overpowering effects of a Maelstrom’s energy wave. Typically, the wave physically repels all human ships and disrupts onboard electrical systems.”

    “Combined with our caustic sink launcher, the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will enable access to the innermost regions of the alien clouds. My hope is that this breakthrough will reveal knowledge about the Thargoid invasion fleets that we desperately need.”

    Further details were provided by Ivano Colombera, the Empire’s scientific liaison to Aegis:

    “The Thargoid pulse neutraliser expands upon the shutdown field neutraliser originally designed by Elvira Martuuk in 3303. Using upgraded components, Aegis technicians have amplified its effectiveness when triggered at the correct time.”

    “Our primary objective was breaking through the electromagnetic pulse generated within a Maelstrom cloud when human ships are approximately 50 kilometres from its centre. Data provided by intrepid pilots who survived this experience has enabled us to calibrate a shield to its specific waveform, which should allow a ship to withstand its impact.”

    Aegis has confirmed that initial test flights for the Thargoid pulse neutraliser will be unmanned. Prototypes have been fitted to specially constructed probes that will be remotely launched into a Maelstrom, while technicians monitor the real-time telemetry.

  • 20 de abril de 3309
  • Old Rivals Clash as Thargoids Advance

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Factions aligned to the Empire and Federation have declared war in Pichch, which lies in the path of Thargoid expansion.

    Relations between the two superpowers have been strained in recent weeks, following the corporate skirmish in Tavgi. This has exacerbated hostilities between two long-standing rivals in the Pichch system, causing diplomatic negotiations to collapse.

    The ruling council of Gauluujja Exchange claimed: “Imperial saboteurs have been undermining our operations for years, and a military solution is now the only option.” A similar statement was made by the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum’s leadership: “The typical Federal response to their problems is to blame the Empire, so we are forced to resolve this on the battlefield.”

    The situation has also impacted the ongoing war against the Thargoids, as outlined in a report by freelance correspondent Karleen Troy:

    “With Maelstrom Leigong’s fleet expansion only a few systems away, Pichch is currently a key distribution point for anti-xeno weaponry and supplies in the region. There is widespread concern that this conflict could disrupt the flow of resources to the front line, hindering defences in multiple systems.”

    Both Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum have requested help from naval auxiliaries, who can register their support for either faction at Tiptree Port.

  • 18 de abril de 3309
  • Alliance Urges Restraint Between Superpowers

    Allied and independent leaders have called upon the Empire and the Federation to discourage faction hostilities following conflict in Tavgi.

    Political journalist Conrad Sterling summarised the latest developments for Vox Galactica:

    “Minor skirmishes between superpower-aligned factions are not uncommon. But the Caine-Massey and Torval Mining Ltd corporations have significant political ties, so their clash has led to bullish rhetoric from members of both Congress and the Senate.”

    “Many systems where Federal and Imperial populations coexist are experiencing civil tension and spates of public disturbance. There is a sense that the historic rivalry between two militaristic superpowers is being rekindled, and that similar sparks elsewhere may fan the flames at the worst possible time.”

    In the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Nakato Kaine highlighted the potential repercussions:

    “Military distractions between the Empire and Federation would place more responsibility on the Alliance for protecting independent systems from Thargoid invasion. As well as a potentially horrific loss of life, that would be a significant drain on already stretched resources. The hawks in each administration should be directing their aggressive tendencies toward the Thargoids, not each other.”

    In response, Prime Minister Mahon agreed to send envoys from the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations to both the Empire and the Federation. Dozens of independent systems have supported the Alliance’s formal request to ‘lower the temperature’ and find a peaceful solution.

  • 17 de abril de 3309
  • Aegis Reports on Utopia’s Sim-Archive

    A scientific delegation from Aegis has visited Utopia to compare its Sim-Archive with Salvation’s Nemesis Failsafe designs.

    A summary from Dr Maximo Fonseca was shared with newsfeeds:

    “Simguru Antal agreed to meet with us as a sign of good faith, and to refute claims of collaboration with Salvation. He personally introduced us to the neurosmiths of Utopia, who can digitally encode electrochemical activity within the brain. I took part in a demonstration, uploading some of my own long-term memories into the Sim-Archive. Afterwards, my colleague Dr Cooper enjoyed a remarkably accurate simulation of my university graduation thirty years ago, who claimed she found it hard to believe the memory was not her own.”

    “Analysis of the Nemesis Failsafe designs that we provided was swift, but the differences were stark. From what we understood of the summary by Utopian researchers, the Nemesis process irreversibly transforms a person’s entire neuronal network into esoteric energy particles. But there was no suggestion how the particle stream might be directed or stored.”

    Further scrutiny by Aegis specialists confirmed that the Nemesis Failsafe relies heavily on Guardian technology, much of which remains a mystery. Early indications suggest that Allied, Federal and Imperial leaders agree that Salvation was unlikely to have sought assistance from the Utopia commune.

    Simguru Pranav Antal released a rare public statement:

    “The Sim-Archive is designed to preserve human thought, not to extract it from living minds. One day, experiencing other people’s stored memories will be as common as searching for information on a database. Utopia’s role is to unite us all by bringing down the barriers between our individual universes.”

    “Salvation’s design very much relates to the preservation of one’s self, rather than the storage of information for future generations. Whatever knowledge of Guardian technology he may have possessed is likely lost to us now.”

  • 13 de abril de 3309
  • Caine-Massey Victorious in Corporate Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Fierce combat in the Tavgi system has resulted in Caine-Massey’s partner Tavgi Blue Life Inc overcoming Torval Mining Ltd resistance.

    The conflict was triggered by the murder of Caine-Massey’s former CEO Johann Fleischer. The assassin was tracked from Mars to the Torval Mining megaship Orchestral Falcon. Circumstantial evidence suggested he was an undercover Imperial agent.

    Philippa Barlow-Lyons, acting CEO of the Caine-Massey corporation, declared:

    “Largely thanks to tremendous support from Federal auxiliaries, the path was cleared for us to take control of the Orchestral Falcon megaship. Only then did Torval Mining Ltd agree to hand over Johann’s killer, rather than risk the loss of its precious vessel. A security team has now delivered him to Federal authorities, where I am sure we will see justice finally served.”

    The Federal Intelligence Agency provided an update to the media from Executive Agent Viola Trask:

    “The man in our custody has been formally arrested and charged with the homicide of Johann Fleischer. All known IDs associated with him are false. Along with the skills he displayed, this suggests that he is a professional assassin. We are working with the Proactive Detection Bureau and the Federal Navy Intelligence Office to broaden the scope of this investigation.”

    Independent pilots who fought on behalf of Tavgi Blue Life Inc during the conflict can collect their rewards from Gordon Enterprise. Despite its defeat, Torval Mining Ltd has also agreed to reimburse its supporters from the Orchestral Falcon.

  • Torval Mining Victorious in Corporate Conflict

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Fierce combat in the Tavgi system has resulted in Torval Mining Ltd overcoming Caine-Massey’s partner Tavgi Blue Life Inc.

    The conflict was triggered by the murder of Caine-Massey’s former CEO Johann Fleischer. The assassin was tracked from Mars to the Torval Mining megaship Orchestral Falcon. Circumstantial evidence suggested he was an undercover Imperial agent.

    Senator Zemina Torval, whose family owns the company, declared:

    “Loyal defenders of the Empire have helped to bring hostilities to an end and can now collect their rewards from the Orchestral Falcon. This accusation from Caine-Massey is baseless – I am not in the habit of assassinating my business rivals. Our security teams have detained the interloper from Federal space who was using false ID as an Imperial mining prospector, and handed him over to the authorities.”

    Shortly after, a statement was released by Colonel Saskia Landau, the head of Imperial Intelligence:

    “My colleague Captain Titus Torval brought this issue to my attention, once he was implicated in the matter. The man who allegedly shot Mr Fleischer has been transferred to our secure facilities for questioning. We anticipate that his true identity and motivations will soon be revealed.”

    The board of directors at Tavgi Blue Life Inc announced that their business partnership with Caine-Massey will be terminated, citing “displeasure at the loss of life incurred by this incident”. However, the faction will honour its pledge to reimburse independent pilots who supported Caine-Massey’s operation, with rewards available at Gordon Enterprise.

  • 10 de abril de 3309
  • Salvation-Utopia Link Raises Concerns

    Similarities between the Nemesis Failsafe and Utopia’s Sim-Archive have led to questions being asked about a possible connection.

    Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse reported on Seo Jin-ae’s recent discoveries:

    “We all knew that Salvation had a messiah complex, so it’s no surprise that he planned to keep his colossal ego alive after his ancient body died. We also know that Pranav Antal has been digitising his followers’ brains for years.”

    “My question is: did Salvation modify Antal’s system for his own private use, rather than reverse-engineer Guardian technology? Or maybe Azimuth and Utopia were secretly working together all this time, and the Sim-Archive has always been Guardian-based? It would explain how Utopia is able to maintain funding for its little tech-bohemian commune.”

    This theory was critiqued by The Federal Times’s technology correspondent Harlow Nassry:

    “It is a fact that most of Utopia’s scientific development remains opaque. But the few inventions that have been examined – such as the nanomedicines acquired by Vitadyne Labs – contain no molecular markers of Guardian origin. The Sim-Archive’s memory-recording techniques are based on exoneurological research conducted over hundreds of years.”

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance’s scientific liaison to Aegis, gave a statement to the media:

    “Since successful applications in this field are so rare, we cannot ignore the potential relation between the Nemesis Failsafe designs and the Sim-Archive. I have made contact with Simguru Pranav Antal and explained the situation. He kindly invited me and my staff to visit Utopia and discuss the matter. Our findings will determine whether a formal investigation into Salvation’s current status is warranted.”

  • 6 de abril de 3309
  • Corporate Battle Erupts in Tavgi System

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The killing of Caine-Massey’s CEO has sparked conflict between the Federal corporation and Imperial rival Torval Mining Ltd.

    Acting CEO Philippa Barlow-Lyons provided a statement regarding the hostilities:

    “The Federal Intelligence Agency tracked Johann Fleischer’s assassin from Mars to the Tavgi system, whereupon he boarded the Orchestral Falcon, one of Torval Mining’s megaships. We demanded that he be handed over to stand trial for his crime. They refused to even acknowledge us. Zemina Torval thinks she has taken her revenge and got away with it. She is wrong.”

    “Caine-Massey has instructed Tavgi Blue Life Inc, our business partner in the system, to board the Orchestral Falcon – by force, if necessary – and apprehend the suspect. We will do whatever it takes to arrest the Imperial Intelligence agent we hold responsible for murdering a captain of Federal industry.”

    A response was issued by Senator Zemina Torval:

    “Caine-Massey is using its CEO’s death to excuse a deliberate strike against my company, damaging our share price and testing the will of our political connections. Torval Mining Ltd will defend its property, as well as the honour of the Empire, against this unjustified assault.”

    To support their combat operations, Tavgi Blue Life Inc and Torval Mining Ltd have called upon Federal and Imperial naval auxiliaries to report to Gordon Enterprise and the Orchestral Falcon respectively.

    The conflict has heightened political tensions between the Empire and the Federation. With the majority of superpower naval forces deployed to the Thargoid front line, system authority vessels around Tavgi have been placed on alert.

    President Zachary Hudson was quick to comment that “my administration upholds the right for our factions to seek justice”. Senator Denton Patreus stated: “The Empire stands ready to shield its citizens, businesses and territories from attacks by foreign powers, xeno or otherwise.”

  • 5 de abril de 3309
  • Archer Launches Presidential Campaign

    The Republican Party has nominated Vice President Jerome Archer as its candidate in the upcoming Federal election.

    Jerome Archer was formerly the secretary of security in President Zachary Hudson’s cabinet. He was promoted to vice president when his predecessor died during the Nine Martyrs attacks in 3307. He immediately proposed the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act, which authorised the Proactive Detection Bureau to monitor all civilian communications in the Federation to detect future terrorist activity.

    Vice President Archer began his election campaign at a political rally on Nanomam 2, where he announced:

    “Throughout my career, my priority has always been the same: keeping people safe. From my days as a cop on the streets of Nueva Vista to director of the Federal Intelligence Agency, I have worked hard to increase security for all citizens. I pledge to work even harder and achieve far more as your president.”

    “President Hudson’s excellent legacy regarding anti-xeno operations will continue under my leadership. We will increase our defensive capabilities to protect the Federation against any kind of external or internal threat.”

    The newsfeed Sol Today was supportive of the Republican Party’s candidate, referring to Archer as “the only sensible choice in this era of war and moral corruption”. By contrast, an editorial in the Federal Free Press stated: “Privacy will become history if the eavesdropper-in-chief is handed the reins of power.”

    Archer’s running mate in the election is Congressman Niko Shirakawa , who represents the Eta Cassiopeiae system. A former major in the Federal Marine Corp, he sits on several intelligence committees and is known to have military connections.

  • 4 de abril de 3309
  • ‘Imperial Assassin’ Stokes Superpower Tensions

    Federal mining corporation Caine-Massey has accused Senator Zemina Torval of assassinating its CEO Johann Fleischer.

    An update from the Federal Intelligence Agency prompted a remarkable declaration from Philippa Barlow-Lyons, the company’s acting CEO:

    “Thanks to the FIA’s assembled security footage, we now know that the man who murdered Johann Fleischer departed from Olympus Village Spaceport using a false Federal ID. He then transferred to the Tavgi system under another alias, claiming to be a prospector for Torval Mining Ltd. And so, the trail leads directly to the culprit.”

    “It is very clear that Zemina Torval ordered Johann’s death as an act of revenge, after he defeated her efforts in January 3308 to obtain one of Caine-Massey’s most lucrative mining contracts. Analysis of the hitman’s weapon and other equipment matches those typically used by Imperial Intelligence. And who is a senior officer in that ruthless spy network? Zemina’s own grandson, Titus Torval.”

    Senator Torval has not acknowledged or responded to the accusation. A formal statement was delivered directly to Congress by the Imperial Senate:

    “We categorically reject the suggestion that any members of this august body, or of Imperial Intelligence, are connected to these events. The Empire no longer has any political or commercial involvement with the Federation, and remains focused on its extensive anti-xeno operations.”

    President Zachary Hudson publicly assured Caine-Massey, which is known to be a long-standing corporate donor to the Republican Party, that further resources will be directed to the investigation. He added:

    “This is a timely reminder that all citizens should be vigilant against the enemy within. If we discover that Imperial assassins and sleeper agents are responsible for this heinous crime, the Empire will be expected to act in a manner we find satisfactory.”

  • 3 de abril de 3309
  • Nemesis Failsafe: Fact or Fiction?

    Azimuth Biotech has rejected Seo Jin-ae’s unverified claim that Salvation survived by relocating his mind using advanced Guardian technology.

    CEO Torben Rademaker issued this statement:

    “I can officially confirm that Azimuth Biotech has no knowledge of any project related to a ‘Nemesis Failsafe’. Frankly, suggesting that anyone could transmit their living mind across space stretches her credibility past breaking point.”

    “Seo Jin-ae’s absurd outbursts have justified our fears that she suffers from paranoid delusions, and has falsified data to support her personal vendetta. And she now seems to have an exalted position among the Far God cultists. Only those deranged unfortunates would take her flights of fantasy seriously.”

    An article in the scientific journal The Empirical addressed the concepts featured in Seo Jin-ae’s statement:

    “The field of exoneurology, whereby the human mind is isolated from the neuronal network and transferred to an artificial host, is mostly comprised of failed experiments. Only the Utopia commune has ever claimed significant success. Their Sim-Archive allegedly duplicates an individual’s memory engrams and uploads them to a sophisticated digital emulation program. But independent reviews of this technology have been prevented by the reclusive nature of Utopian society.”

  • 31 de março de 3309
  • Caine-Massey CEO Assassinated

    Johann Fleischer, the recently appointed head of the mining corporation Caine-Massey, has been shot and killed on Mars.

    Fleischer was attending a Federal Commerce Authority seminar at the Olympus Village Conference Centre. He was targeted in the audience by long-range plasma fire that proved immediately fatal. Security forces were unable to locate the shooter, but the weapon and other items were recovered.

    Philippa Barlow-Lyons , the COO of Caine-Massey, told the media:

    “I am saddened and sickened by this tragedy, as is everyone in the Caine-Massey family. Johann was approved as our new CEO late last year. He was a much-respected champion of enterprise, and a close personal friend. No effort must be spared in finding his murderer.”

    Executive Agent Viola Trask provided a statement from the Federal Intelligence Agency:

    “At present, the assassin’s identity and whereabouts remain unknown. The weapon used in the attack was a professionally modified Manticore Executioner marksman rifle. Local police also found advanced ECM equipment that was used to disrupt security systems. These particular models are known to be utilised by undercover Imperial agents. However, a thorough investigation is underway and we have drawn no conclusions as yet.”