Profil dowódcy sirpuma > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Golden Hind [FD1577]
(Asp Explorer)
Członek od:
11 sty 2020
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
12 644
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
2 428
Stan konta:
104 692 178 Cr
A much needed vacation

Personal log Galactic date 05.24.3307

After toiling through the daily toil of scavenging Guardian artifacts to help the engineers rebuild one of my ships to help fight back against the Thargoid menace, I needed a small vacation. So I took a few weeks to relax and explore the world of Nirn. I secreted my ship deep in a hidden mountain pass in Tamriel and proceeded to get captured by a group of people and treated like some insurgent, hauled off to be executed. Thankfully events transpired to prevent that and after some grand adventuring, killing monsters and smashing things, I was able to make it back to my ship and head for the space lanes again. Man, primitive planets are a trip.

But having worked the kinks out of my space legs I'm ready to get back to it. I have a few new EVA suits, refreshed my flight suit and put a fresh coat of paint on my ship Pascha. I've lost some rank with Aisling Duval, but I might be changing allegiance to someone else, she's a bit of a spoiled brat. Sure I won't be able to buy any more Prismatic Shields, but I think I have enough.

Marcus Apollo St Martin-Sepert AKA Sir Puma

Who Are These People 04.07.3307

Personal log Galactic date 04.07.3307

After running around the Bubble for a while, looking for someone worthy of my support, I've discovered the biggest constant truth; Politicians Suck. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from an ancient book, which I have carried with me for most of my adult life. It goes as follows:

** "The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.

To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.

To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." — Douglas Adams**

So far the only real benefit I can see is that if you work for the various "leaders" for a length of time certain restricted ship upgrades become available. Really? That's it? At least when you're working for the Navies you get access to restricted systems and major ships. Meanwhile they squabble over star systems like children fighting over a toy. In the end, the toy gets broken and the children move on to something new. Systems are thrown into chaos, people fight minor conflicts, children starve and left without parents. And then, if you swear allegiance to one politician some other one will take offense and put a bounty on your head.

So I decided to "swear my allegiance" to Aisling Duval. Been playing delivery driver for her political campaign for a while and yeah, now I can buy special shields for my ships. The shields are ok, but I've spent a fortune to get to a high enough rank and another fortune outfitting my fleet. Not sure how good of a leader or ruler she is, but the people seem to like her. At least she's cute.

Marcus Apollo St Martin-Sepert AKA Sir Puma

Returning home 04.02.3307

Personal log Galactic date 04.02.3307

It's been a long run. I've spent the better part of three decades exploring the black. I even spent quite some time plying my trade in the Colonia region. But I felt it was time to return home to the Bubble. I've spent enough time wandering and wondering and though I still feel the need to take a trip to explore Beagle Point, I think it's best I grow up some and get involved in some of the politics in the core systems.

My ancestors, going back thousands of years have been explorers, adventurers and military men. I started my military service in aviation maintenance as a young man on Earth, constantly preparing for war. But then I had the opportunity to get a taste for exploration and earn my place as a commander on a Panther Clipper ship. Amazing and massive machines. But it wasn't to last. The ship became a derelict after a large pirate attack and I and my crew barely escaped with our lives. With some effort, I managed to hitch a few rides back to Sol and fell back on my maintenance skills.

I took my skills into the private sector and worked with a minor transport line and then finally working for a small company specializing in modifying pleasure craft. After my maintenance career was put behind me two decades ago I was able to work my way back into a small ship, and take to the space lanes again. Seeing pirate activity had not lessened, I chose to head to the black and explore the back water systems far out. I eventually came across inhabited space in the Colonia region and chose to hang there for a while. I got to see some of the largest stars, black holes, massive planets and crazy life forms. I even managed to escape a Thargoid attack.

A month or so ago I got back to the bubble and was able to return with a small fleet of ships at my disposal. The long trip from Colonia back to the Bubble was made easier thanks to a Fleet Carrier operated by CMDR Astro and CMDR Dunkle Aura. It's now time to get to work, and help make this galaxy a better place.

Marcus Apollo St Martin-Sepert AKA Sir Puma

Thank You MP_Astro

Thanks to MP_Astro of Down 2 Earth Astronomy I am getting the fast trip back to the bubble from Colonia with all three of my ships from there. I have my engineer blue prints logged and pinned and I'm tired of the Colonia region.

We got a couple side trips to the Planet of Death and the Lithobreaker 11G planet. Those were exciting and I have been able to actually experience "Open" play with a number of other nice players. I learned that instancing is a bit strange and most of the people I was talking with in the Discord server were not in my instance and so I didn't really get to fly with them. Oh well.

Since the Fleet Carrier is moving while I'm away from the computer I am finding the logging to be strange and uploading the journals is screwy as the system kept trying to put a World of Wonders in between each log entry. It is my current position, but it's strange that EDSM was inputting a position that was not in the flight logs.

Anyway, I'm on my way back. Next will be a lot of material grinding, upgrading all of my mods and then getting back to working on Guardian weapons and stuff so I can prep a ship for Thargoid hunting.

03/01/2021 Puma

Third times the charm?

Three trips out to Colonia space, now. Needed to get some things straightened out with the engineers out there. And of course I needed something bigger than my Asp Explorer (The Golden Hind) for doing anything heavy out there and wound up spending some hard earned credits on a Krait MkII. Now I have three ships hanging out in the remote reaches of space. I sure hope I can shuttle them all onto a fleet carrier jumping back to the bubble 'cause I sure can't afford the fees to have them ferried back.

2/1/3307 Puma

My New Favorite Ship

After a considerable amount of time playing (off and on) I finally had enough to buy and outfit an Anaconda. It is named for the original name of Sir Francis Drake's flag ship which he renamed from Pelican to Golden Hind. I gave it a registration number and paint job in honor of my son who left this world in March of 2016. I expect this ship to take me a long way in this galaxy, farther than the Asp Explorer (named Golden Hind) has taken me in exploring the center of the galaxy and Colonia.

Cmd Puma