Profil dowódcy James Di'Griz > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
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Członek od:
30 lis 2020
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
1 526
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
1000 ly out, and what do i find? UNDISCOVERED SYSTEM!

So happy, leaving my mark on the Galaxy

Jumped into a system and did a honk, found 13 bodies, but only the 3 Stars in the system showed up. Kind of confused. Dropped throttle, and got out the scopes and realized I was the first one to discover the system. unlike the previous ones this one actually had planets.

Weird system tho. The Primary had an asteroid belt and was doing the dance with an L class, but there was a smaller M class in a perpendicular orbit 420,000 ls out. one was a High Metal world 6000 ls out from its star.

took me 15 minutes to supercruise out there. and do a DSS. but I have logged it.

did a few more jumps and even found an undiscovered water world. might have to take my time coming back to see what else I can find.

so excited to find them I missed the final book of Hornblower. Well, going to start watching some candy. 10 seasons of "Space battleship: vengeance!". It follows a warlike Alien race in its space battles, and the crew erupts in Operatic song before and after a battle. Fricken AWESOME and hilarious

What a boost!

Oh my, my ship can really stretch her legs now. 50ly a hop. So much better.

also hearing rumors that you can get a Guardian booster for your FSD to add 10 more ly might do that once I get my sensor upgrade

So this Female Horatio Hornblower book. I think the author fired his editor. Cause the latest book is BOOOOOORING so much exposition and world-building. God, please, no. but I gotta finish the series. so much pain

Got the EARL MONTAGU (Asp Explorer) upgraded by Farseer, now going to Elvira Martuuk with the old SADURI'S DANCE (Diamondback Explorer) and then out into the deep. Shooting for 5000ly from sol

Join the navy they said

With my new found riches, i decided to work on getting some Permits. both from the Feds and Empire by doing dinky milk run missions for them.

Had to resort to audio books to keep myself awake. Found a long running Sci-Fi series on audio book, written during Pre-FSD time. Billed as Horatio Hornblower in space. Kind of nice. Laughable on what they thought the future would be like back then. I mean, the story takes place in 2200 AD and we STILL do not have some of the things they were talking about. Artificial Gravity, Logegity treatments, Gravity manipulation. Crazy!

At least we got flying cars LOL

But I got the Rank of Duke, and Petty officer. Got my Sol permit.

now I need to finish off getting my FSD boosted, getting tired of these 30ly hops, really doesn't help when exploring in the deep Dark of the Galaxy

A fool and his Credits

So yea, get a big ass Transport, and haul a bunch of stuff for some easy credits. WHAT could go wrong?

Got a type 9, and loaded it to the gills, they picked a place 160 ly away and started hopping, at a pathetic 11 ly at a time cause i have no boosters, Got interdicted twice, escaped twice, then cause some IDIOT didnt add a fuel scoop i was 4 systems out looking for a station where i could set down my fat arsed ship and get a refuel.. and ran out of fuel. Had to call the Fuel Rats and jumped to a nearby system that had a station.

Sold the Type-9 and got a Diamondback explorer. Decided to get Fed rank so i can see Sol system.

Not much time to watch shows while whoring myself on little bunny hops. Might have to resort to an audio book to keep me sane in the deep dark


Made it to Betancourt Base.

They must like printing credits. I mean.. really? I just banked 550 million credits. I could buy anything but a fleet carrier. I think I had about 150 ammonia worlds.

Also needed to change my pants earlier. A few systems out from the base and I just finished scanning a system. A new signal detected. Turned my scanner and it was a level 7 non-human threat. Tharigolds? Wasn't going to risk my weeks of exploration data to find out. High waked out of there I think a copy of my pants got left in orbit.

I knew some Commanders would be waiting to bounce some explorers coming in on a tail end of an exploration mission, came out of wake, full throttle, no scoop, I was at .33c by the time I honked and found the transponder of Betancourt base

also got Elite explorer status

and founders permit... not sure what that is. seriously. my brain is having trouble making sparks at the moment.

Gonna head to the bar, to see if I can jump-start them, and maybe the Tail, if a lady of ill repute is available. Maybe I can buy a whole night and get a 2fer

new season of Murderfinder and Meat-puppet available. That is the one where a genius-level crime solver is stuck in a bubble due to lack of immune system and helps his near brain dead strong partner solve crimes. Been 5 years since last season. Gonna have to rewatch the last 2 to catch up.

600 million credits.. stang

Heading back to bubble... i guess not

Finished my mining, only got my SRV stuck twice, and had to self-destruct it. Fortunately there were plenty of fleet carriers in the area to get another.

Started heading back to the Bubble and found out about Sirius Atmospherics needing data on Ammonia worlds, and since I was already outside the bubble I started working on a course to Betancourt Base. Cast a wide net and got 300 systems. gonna run out of "Starship DANGEROUS!" episodes. and I really do not want to start watching "The Womandorian" without getting the latest season.

lost track of time. Did a check. 63 systems out of 300. Did some quick math. Yea that isn't gonna work. Re plotted and got 83 more. Hope 146 is enough to get Upgraded sensors.

Oh look, Captain Horatio of the Starship: Dangerous! got another mysterious disease in Ep 9. Stuck his dick in something while on shore leave to fuck everything up again

Mineral Farming

Arrived at HIP 36601 into the Saggitarius arm! Then supra cruised to C3A took about 30 minutes.

Scan for geological sites and the first one I landed at (#10) was in a canyon. 60% grade walls, I landed at the canyon edge and sent out my SRV. first time using a Cargo scoop so I didn't know where the switch was.

gave up after about 15 minutes of frustration driving on the cliffside. SRV has amazing traction.

also still learning to do sub-orbital flights, which do not seem to work with FSD. after 4 attempts I got to Site #11 and it was a lot more flatter. Going to do maintenance on the ship, eats some wonderful nutrient paste, watch a few episodes of "Starship Dangerous!" on season 5 eps 3 where Chef Tarob serves Smutto and take a nap, and do some mining tomorrow