CMDR MaultierColt308 profiel > Logboek

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Huidige schip:
MCS Shirakami Fubuki [MA-FBK]
(Imperial Clipper)
Lid sinds:
4 jan. 2019
Afstanden ingediend:
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Systemen als eerste bezocht:
14.374.930.166 Cr
Codex Completening Spree - Norma Arm - Part 2

Just a short day, few jumps, but I can check the next few things off the Codex for the Norma Arm:

Sulphur Dioxide Fumaroles

SUlphur Dioxide Fumaroles

And, on that same little potato moon of a moon, the Iron Magma Spouts. That spot was way more scenic than the Fumarole one:

Scenic Campfires

... and, as I arrived in the Nebula shortly after, the standard lifeform to find in nebulae: Bark Mounds. The system is previously discovered and already known on EDSM.

Bark Mound emitting light

That same system also hosts an Earth-Like World.

ELW in the Nebula

My next stop is around 6 klys away. I'll depart from the Nebula later today...

Codex Completening Spree - Norma Arm

Now that I'm in the Norma Arm, it's time to completen its Codex for me. First thing I did was: Looking into the Codex what I already have. It's not much (I wanted to cross the region pretty quickly...) to be honest... I concentrate on Geologics, Biologics and Notable Stellar Phenomena for that, stars and planet types are a nice takeaway on the way. Here are the few things I already have:

  • Ice Fumaroles/Geysers: Water, Carbon Dioxide, Methane
  • Gas Vents: Sulphur Dioxide
  • Bioluminescent Rubeum Anemones

Yesterday, I set course to the first Nebula (I intend to re-visit the Kaw Nebula (Boepp AA-A H83) and the Void Hearts on that tour, since I have time - my Carrier has enough money in the bank for 5-6 months and the moons of the planet, where it is parked around, still didn't and don't collide so far).

And the first few additions were made. Nothing out of the ordinary though. Just the Silica Vapour variants of the Gas Vents and the Fumaroles (this is actually a picture from the last system I visited in Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm, but it shows the Gas Vents mentioned above)...

Silica Vapour Gas Vents well as the Prasinum anemones, where I actually stayed over night. I found an O star near my route, and made use of that opportunity. 5 jumps left to the first Nebula on the tour...

Prasinum Anemones

And as I'm nearing a nebula, today the Bark Mounds will definitely be added too. Maybe more? I'll see...

Year's End tour and further thingies...

Well, it is now one month after my last entry, so, its time for another one! I arrived at Odin's Treasure on January 1st, and stayed there over night. Well, these three impressions speak for itself, don't they? I definitely recommend a visit to this awesome system!

Ringed moon of a ringed M star In the rings of the M star Ringed White Dwarf seen from one of the few landable moons

After that, I started to continue the Bloomee survey for a bit... finding shinies like a "Binary Ternary", Binary Earth-Likes orbiting three stars:

Yes, the little blue dot is another ELW

Wait... a bit? What happened? Well, I follow certain threads in the Frontier Forums, and there were 3 new Glowing Green Giants reported in just 2 weeks. One of them being Byoi Aewsy RZ-F d11-104 1, which was close enough to make me want to do another tour! So I went there last week, and stayed over night:

Here it is, GGG #31 As seen from the close moon

Well, now I'm slowly on the way back, and just had the idea to also completen some parts of the Codex (especially the planetary Geo entries) for some regions (Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm, Norma Arm and Empyrean Straits, to be exact). Well, I missed out on Nitrogen and Ammonia Magma in the first region... And I literally stand right on the border to the Norma Arm and actually don't want to turn around... Redemption: Views like this while landing and scanning the objects:

Icy Dream

In the latest region, I had a planet with Sineous Tubers on my trip to Beagle Point. Maybe I'll visit that again...

Year's End Tour coming up

Yes, until these moons collide, I seem to have plenty of time left. Now you ask me: What am I doing until those moons collide (I predict the collision for early-to-mid 3307)?...

Well, I'm exploring and scanning all systems in the radius of roundabout 50 lys. For... things, you know? Beautiful, shiny things, like this one (I already got 4 shinies):

Earth Likes

... photographing lava spires (or fumaroles, anemones, geysers, etc.)...

Active Lava Spire

... or make some little tours to POI systems in the close vicinity (or the Bloomee sector, or to the Brown Dwarf fields). I'll take my Clipper on a little stint for year's end. The POI I want to visit for year's end is called Odin's Treasure (or Myumboo AA-A h65) and is just 6.2klys away from my Carrier. Main reason: If the ringed M- or White Dwarf stars don't come to me, then I'll come to them (the system has 1 ringed M-star and 3 (!!!) ringed White Dwarves...). The thing will be: I'll only visit stars of following classes along the way:

  • O (maybe - but most certainly - B)
  • Carbons and Wolf-Rayets
  • Protostars (T Tauri, Herbig)
  • Neutrons and Black Holes (why don't they have columns apart from each other...). -- The hope is to check some rarities off my personal Bucket List, such as Earth-Likes in such systems...

Let's see what can be found on the way...

The way back - Part 2

In the mean time, my Carrier (MCFC Wuhu Island) has already made it back to the two moons in Bloomeau NV-T b21-2. The only thing missing is now my Clipper with me inside...

Yesterday was short. Just 3 jumps, a Water Moon, and then a Mass Code F B star, which was first addressed as "Meh, just another B0 Vz". Surprisingly, it introduced itself as a small B-class Supergiant (B9 IA). On the only landable planet, it looked like this (including some Bioluminescent Roseum Anemones) (And again the same problem, which I already ranted on yesterday. Xbox Live being hella unstable):

On the surface

In the planet's material list, Arsenic was mentioned among other metals (like Stannum, Polonium and Chrome - it is a Metal-Rich Planet). Can you guess, what didn't drop a single time...?

Riding through the hills

Today I opt to reach the parking system. My plans for the next time (until the moons collide) will be as following:

  • Explore every system, which could be reached from _Bloomeau NV-T b21-2_in one (non-Neutron or Jumponium) jump. First with the Clipper, then the AspX
  • Continue the Bloomee Survey. The sector is "right around the corner".
  • Finally getting a sufficient Tritium reserve. 3 Ice Rings are located in the system, which will be probed first. Maybe there is a good Tritium hotspot in them...
The way back so far (May contain many Earth Likes!)

The title says it all: The way back to the proposedly colliding moons in Bloomeau NV-T b21-2 is a bit slower than expected (due to the constant Tritium worries), but, on the other hand, very successful! Espcially in the sense of Terrestrials, and in the sense of...


Earth-Likes! You know Murphy's Law: When you actively search something, you'll never find it. BUT if you don't search actively, you'll find plenty of it... This is a good example: I didn't find anyone of them for three straight weeks and then suddenly 2 in the course of 30 minutes (and no, the ELW below is in fact the second Earth in these 30 minutes)...

No, this is a different ELW

...and just yesterday, a week, 450 tons of Tritium (from a very good hotspot which overlaps massively with a LTD hotspot) and some WWs, Black Holes, Carbons, etc. later, I came into yesterday's final system (A-class main star and K-class secondary), and got these lovely Binary Sisters (along with a Water World and 2 TFCs) around the secondary K star. Finally, my first "own-discovered" Binary Earth-Likes!

The binary sisters On approach to one of them

(BTW: The first ones I found (in May) were previously discovered, but nevertheless beautiful. And every time I see another CMDR's name on a planet/system, I congratulate him/her in my inside, and say to myself: This CMDR might have been in that system first or discovered these planets as the first one. But what really counts: I just discovered it for myself too. It is not important to be first at everything. The only thing that matters is that you discovered it for yourself.)

And now (I had to completely reload GamerDVR to get my most actual pics in the "usual" format/size), it seems to be time for a little rant:

Xbox Live/GamerDVR seems to be massively bugged. Screenshots I've just taken yesterday or Sunday (!) "expired" and can't be downloaded or even viewed in big format. Just before, the page didn't update for 2 weeks straight. And the latest screenie seen on my "official" Xbox Live profile page is from late-November (!)... I don't know what's going on with MS this year. They already screwed my year-long well-running Windows 10 system with a patch that seems to be created by their workers in the last 5 minutes before deadline (the system is almost unusable at times since then), and now constant problems with Xbox Live (even if screenshots are not the big deal). They seem to screw everything with their patches this year, as I can see. Latest big Xbox update introduced an annoying as heck sound bug (no sound at almost every console startup - glad that at least this got fixed quickly). As said, I really don't know what's going on with this company this year.

Ahhh, better. And now, here are three close jetcone stars, that greeted me in a Black Hole system. I came in, turned a bit to the right and stood right in front of a White Dwarf (one of 2 + 2 Neutrons + K star + 3 planets orbiting all six stars). And behind it...

Sakura and the three musketeers Without MCS Sakura in front

Back to Colonia - some pics

Now that I thought about it, here are three last finds before rushing back to Colonia:

A hot Jupiter (Class V) surprised me in a Neutron star system. With it orbiting a tertiary L star, I can scratch this finally off the personal Bucket List.

Hot Jupiter Eclipsing the L star

Then I happened to dive into the rings of a Water World. It is terraformable. Just one impression of me diving in:

Diving over the rings

And my last resting spot before the rush back to COlonia. A ringed Metal-rich World with some geologic activity. It orbits a G star fairly close for a ringed body (22 ls).

Ringed Metal-Rich while mapping ...and on the surface

And I got a new personal payout record, in this case for the system Bloomeau HI-O c8-62! It was a G/K star binary system containing 8 Terraformables (equalizing my personal record), 2 of them being Water Worlds.

Payout list with new record

Back on track...

I didn't write a logbook entry in the past 2 weeks, because almost nothing out of the ordinary happened and Real Life needed my full attention. Except: I decided to hustle back to Colonia and get...

MCFC Wuhu Island

... my new shiny Fleet Carrier, it is called MCFC Wuhu Island after the island and world of the famous Wii game Wii Sports Resort. I sprinted back to Colonia, sold data and bought the Carrier. After that I did everything I needed as "new" Carrier owner. Except for buying Tritium. There was literally no Tritium in stock, and the Bubble is 23kly away. So I went into the nearest uninhabitated system with Tritium hotspot, mined enough (where were the CORES to crack open???) that I can do 2-3 Carrier jumps without fuel worries, and went out again.

I grabbed my Clipper and jumped forward. First undiscovered systems came up after only 3 jumps (surprising, considering how well-travelled the Colonia area is!), and I reach a parking system for the Carrier at every 10th jump. I'll park the Carrier and look into the neighboring systems on the "fast list". You know, Earth Likes may wait for me around the corner ;)

Water Worlds were among the first finds, as always. This one with Ammonia atmosphere is an example. It is a candidate for Terraforming.

Ammonia WW

On the way back to Colonia.... Report 2 - amidst sad news from the Real Life...

The past few days have been pretty vivid - and very 2020-esque in the Real Life. But let's go on chronologically. The first finds were a ringed Water World, being in a trinary with a Gas Giant and a ringed HMC...

Ringed Water

... one of the Ammonias in the time. It is really dark out there...

Ammonia on the edge of the system

...rounded out by a magnificent Blue Marble around an F star:

Blue Marble

Then a rare occurrence crossed my ways: a Trinary moon, 3 moons sharing a barycenter around a Class II Giant.

Triple Moon!

Now here's the 2020-esque part of this report (this whole year is a single curse in Real Life): Yesterday very sad news reached me and my family: a one of my two grandfathers passed away and the whole family including me was left in shock after hearing the news. As he was one of my closest and most beloved relatives, I started to search for a beautiful Earth Like (maybe another ringed one?) in his honour.

So far, my mission led me to (sadly, no ELWs so far) many TFCs, Waters, a single Black Hole (I randomly found an AA-A H system along the way), and these two moons. A look on the orrery classified them as Trojans. I didn't encounter closer-standing Trojans before...

The close Trojans

Because of the sad news mentioned before, I needed a place to settle down and gaze at the stars for a bit. The final system of yesterday came in-handy, as it contained a landable Terraformable amongst 3 others (one of them a Water World). Ideal to settle down and let the day sit down...

I'll finish this off with a small greeting to him and to you CMDRs.

May he not be forgotten. He's now a light among all the others in the universe and will always guide us all safely on our travels through the galaxy. O7 to my grandfather and to you all too.

He's now a light among the others

On the way back to Colonia.... Report 1

I'm on my way back to Colonia, as promised. And, as promised, I use the Eco Mode for most of the time, always taking the next marked "Fuel Star" as the next step. It will go this way until we have only a week to Christmas...

First finds include this A-class Super Giant shortly before leaving the Bloomee sector. In has 49 solar radii, and two further stars (B, F) along with a lone Water World around the F star rounding out the picture...

A Super Giant

Then a landable Terraformable surprised me in a K star system...

On the Terraformable

... and these are still my "daily companions"...

Water World

... speaking of which, the first thing to do today is mapping Water Worlds in my actual system. Not only one, but four of them, together with two further Terraformables, all found around the secondary M star of the system (the main one has F class)... maybe I'll find some Earth Likes soon? Or a system with at least five Waters? Maybe, but we'll see...