CMDR Risnack profiel > Logboek

(Diamondback Explorer)

Commander Risnack - Log 10
Date: 3303 - 07 - 19
--- Status ---
After another 55 jumps (763 in total) and nearly all systems were again undiscovered in this section:
- No damage suffered
- Noticeable wear and tear, but no further degradation
- Rations are at ~ 87.5% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 12/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
Currently undergoing Stage 3 of our exploration trip: The return back to civilised space.
We're nearly halfway back, I estimate another 90ish systems between where we are now and home.
The journey may be coming to a close, but, surprisingly, it continues to amaze me, as we keep finding more and more sights to behold!
And as expected, most systems in space, that are not within or near a special point of interest (neutron highway, nebulas, galaxy core, ...) are mostly undiscovered.
Thus our journey back will also take up some time, as we continue to scan away !
Besides that I actually have very little thoughts to share.
We still continue to explore each system we pass by, however my complete focus is pointed at returning home.
But no need to worry, as mentioned before, there are plenty of amazing sights, and they'll be shared !
--- Sightseeing ---
At Col 107 Sector BJ-V B46-5, there are the following 2 beautifull sights:
At the system NGC 2244 Sector MN-S D4-80, there is a variety of ringed planets that i just had to stop by.
Here are 3 examples:
We found ourselves a system that has many similarities with "Sol".
The Water world that resides there may prove invaluable in the search for lifeforms.
Not certain if Hegoo ZE-H C10-1 4 is very viable for mining settlements, since it has: quite a volcanic body, toxic atmosphere, nearly 3G of gravity, ...
But I can't stop thinking of the possibility considering it's high metal content and ores on the surface, it's icy poles and the sheer beauty of it.
And now for one of my most precious discoveries yet. Finding a water world in and of itself is special, but this wonderous planet takes it to the next level.
Hegoo JC-M D7-8 C 5 truly is a sight to behold.
Commander Risnack - Log 9
Date: 3303 - 07 - 16
--- Status ---
After another 168 jumps (708 in total) and nearly all systems were already discovered:
- No damage suffered (repaired at asteroid station)
- The wear and tear is becoming more noticeable than before (placebo ?)
- Rations are at ~ 88.0% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 12/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
Stage 2 of our Exploration trip has been completed !
Finally we can initiate the final stage, which is our return back !
Eventhough this trip has been amazing and wonderous, I'm glad that we're heading back towards home.
Not only am I experiencing a form of home sickness, but exploration is also a fairly limited endevour in terms of actions.
One has to abide by certain routines to maximize your chances of succes and survival,
but then consistently for the exact same repeating goals. (example: jumping to a system, analyzing system type and physics, scanning of its bodies)
Now this sector has about ~ 550 systems within and on the immediate edge of the nebula.
It took around 150 systems (jumps) for us to reach the Rosette Nebula, and it'll be about the same for the return trip.
So here we are, leaving behind this beloved nebula called the Rosette Nebula.
I'm also wishing the best of luck to the brave people that made "Rosette Sector CQ-Y D59" their home, with their station "New Beginning".
--- Sightseeing ---
Here we are, leaving the asteroid station "New Beginning" behind, sadly enough on departure only the back was lit by its star.
I just found this Class IV gas giant (Rosette Sector EL-Y D27 A 1) unique looking enough to stop for scenic relaxation.
Different angles of the very same "Rosette Nebula"
Rosette Sector DL-Y E11
Commander Risnack - Log 8
Date: 3303 - 07 - 12
--- Status ---
After another 388 jumps (540 in total) and nearly all systems were already discovered:
- Tiny bit of damage suffered
- Ow there's some visible wear & tear now !
- Rations are at ~ 90.0% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 12/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
I've decided to spend less time pondering over what's going on back at home. It is noticable that it is slowing down our journey.
So to get back on track, I will merely list new intel, but attempt to keep my focus on what we're here for, the discovery of the Rosette Nebula and all it has to offer.
Back at home, the "Lavigny's Legion" has made incredible discoveries.
Some of our members and leaders teamed up and went out to discover lost secrets, after finding clues in encrypted data logs.
Survey Vessels "Pandora" & "Victoria's Song" were finally found, after they mysteriously dissapeared a long time ago.
In adition they were also the first to discover some Alien structures. Underneath you'll find the short official reports.
Survey Vessel "Pandora" has been found! & Survey Vessel "Victoria's Song" FOUND!
Congratulations 528th, make us all proud, for humanity, for the Empire and, last but not least, for our Empress.
Arrisa Invicta, BASK in her Glory !
Now it has been a while in time, and a while that we've been on the outskirts and inside the nebula.
It is as I feared, that most systems have already been explored by a wide variety of explorers, especially the explorer "Meuh" kept popping up.
One could imagine that some darn invisible spacecow is mocking all of us and secreting its "space-feces" everywhere where others may go.
However it wasn't entirely unexpected, nebula's are often used for navigation and positioning, so it's not surprising that those would be hotbeds for & by early explorers.
The Rosette Nebula is actually quite like a regular nebula. An interstellar cloud of various particles, atoms & molecules.
Due to light refraction, they may give the feeling that they are very dense, but once within the nebula, you'd hardly notice anything different.
It is not as if your ship would fly through massive dense clouds, or you'd have to dodge larger fragments.
Also as expected, this nebula is a star-forming region, where most stars are classed as T-Tauri stars and other young stars.
However the downside to this is that most systems are actually quite similar, with on average very few planets orbiting these young stars, and most would be lifeless rocks.
Yet i still can't help myself from feeling amazement and wonder, as you can see the parts of the nebula stretching out and illuminating the "horizon".
At one point I got so cought up with the thrill of exploring new systems, that the concept of "time" was lost to us.
And when such a thing occurs, avoidable errors are just around the corner. So what I had great pride in, got smashed in our face.
We flew too close to a star. Over 300 jumps, and roughly 150 within the nebula, the unwanted happened and it was all my fault.
Luckily that crude wake-up call did waken all my senses, and the emergency procedure was executed swiftly and efficiently.
Of course not without consequences. The "LLV Void Seeker" took a bit of hull damage, and the paintjob definitely has more than negligible wear and tear now.
Also the radiation and heat wasn't so tremendous, due to short exposure time. One really has to emphasize the importance of rest and relaxation.
Errors like this can, and will, create life threatening scenarios. Luckily she didn't have to suffer much this time, taking care of yourself and your ship is an absolute necessity.
And now for a very welcome and completely unexpected surprise ! Within this nebula there is an "asteroid station" !
I was told that this nebula would have had a lot of explorers passing by, but never thought that an organisation would have established an outpost here.
This outpost for humanity has a poetic quality to it, far away from the political struggles,
settling within a nebula, unknown what may happen in the future and, last but not least, it was named "New Beginning".
It's also quite the interesting system on its own, as it has 10 planets and quite a few of them are high in metal content.
So I have decided to dock at this station, to stretch my legs outside of the ship, and to examine our progress & status so far.
We tried not be much of a burdon unto these people, as my food rations were, and still are, more than sufficient.
I did ask for basic repairs to my modules, that took a hit when I ran into that star a while back, and resupplied heat sinks.
However we didn't ask them to patch up the paintjob, nor asked them to check out that 1 faulty heatsink launcher.
I gave them a little bonus payment ontop of the repair costs, so it may assist the progress in this daring venture of theirs.
--- Sightseeing ---
The next 8 images took place at Rosette Sector KN-S B4-5. The 6th planet has 5 moons, and the 2 nearest moons orbit each other at very close proximity.
As those 2 were landable moons, I decided to take us very close to 6A's surface, and record the "rise" of it's brother 6B and it's parent planet.
Fun little thing, dear readers, the sneaky Jellyfish Nebula can be found in 4 out of 8 images, can you find it each time ?
The following Icy body needs no more explenation, just look at those gorgeous rings.
It has actually been quite a while since i've encountered a binary starsystem, especially where the stars are in such close proximity.
This brown dwarf orbits the main star like a planet, but it does it in style !
And here we've found the asteroid station "New Beginning", where I welcomed the opportunity for a small break and to reflect on past events.
Commander Risnack - Log 7
Date: 3303 - 06 - 18
--- Status ---
After another 27 jumps (152 in total) and, encountering more & more, already discovered systems:
- No damage suffered (I think)
- No visible wear & tear
- Rations are at ~ 96.0% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 10/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
We've received disturbing transmissions from way back home. The details are still sketchy for me, but I'll relay what was sent.
There was an open conflict close to the system Maia, where the famous Professor Palin resides,
but where ALSO the empire and federation recently have been increasing their presence, in building up their forces and stations in the system & nearby systems.
A Federal fleet was utterly decimated, including a Farragut Battle Cruiser (perhaps more), and there are confirmed signs of damage and "particles" of unknown origin.
According to preliminary investigation, the particles and damage correspond with previous alien encounters, but NEVER TO THIS SCALE before.
What's even more interesting is that prior to its destruction, this fleet had a "hostile" encounter with the "Palin Institute", and departed/fled the scene.
What this encounter was all about I know not.
I do however know that there is tension between the Palin Institute and the Federation as Professor Palin used to work for the Federation in the past.
And when his research was abruptly ended, he created the independent institute to research alien technology and offer his skills as an Engineer to anyone deemed worthy.
My best guess is that this fleet has "interacted" with Palin's research, and they must have stolen something, data or object(s), which drew the aliens attention to the fleet.
It's all connected, ranging from: Salomé's story, Palin's research, the Feds and Imperials increased presence in those very specific systems,
the increase of alien encounters (now also on planets with "barnacles").
But WHY ??? Where is the truth, what is the truth ? What do the leaders, the Powers, know ? What aren't we being told ?
Everyone seems to be on edge, because what the Thargoids did to this Federal fleet, they can do to us aswell.
Our Legion has emphasised Edict 1 as a responce: "no-fire" orders as so far us Imperials, or more specifically the 528th Lavigny's Legion, have not been attacked yet.
It's the emperor's own personal statement that we do not open initial hostile engagement to that which we don't understand.
I initially agree with this sentiment, however i'm starting to think that regardless of our stance and politics, we'll all end up "receiving" hostile engagement soon.
It hasn't just started, it has already escalated, ... but to what end ... how far will this go ?
I'm still conflicted by all of this, I was hoping that this log would be far less "intense" then the previous one, considering whats happening back at home.
Yet relaying these thoughts is necessary for further examination, and preparation for when we arrive back home.
Once again, let's set our minds back to our journey (which is proving to be more and more difficult).
We have finally made it! We have reached the Nebula again, the beautifull Rosette Nebula.
Normally I would make a description of all I encountered so far, but my mind was simply not up to the task right now.
The concerns of recent events, along side the absolutely breathtaking view of closing in on the nebula, left my mind exhausted.
So let us sit back and enjoy the gorgeous sights.
--- Sightseeing ---
Commander Risnack - Log 6
Date: 3303 - 06 - 06
--- Status ---
After another 19 jumps (125 in total) and, nearly constant, planetary body scanning:
- No damage suffered (I think)
- No visible wear & tear
- Rations are at ~ 97.5% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 10/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
Our journey's trajectory is getting lower again on the Y-axis as we near the target. I'll be able to experience the wonderfull sensation again,
of closing in on this marvelous nebula, as it starts to cover more of our view.
Nearly all systems were unexplored and they were starting to become more interesting aswell, encountering more "rareties",
ranging from single planets to "solarsystem dynamics". A few examples of these will be displayed in the Sightseeing section.
Long range communications are informing me that alien activity have increased quite a bit on the outskirts of inhabited space, our sector.
Increased amount of interdictions while commanders jump from system to system (nicknamed "hyperdictions")
and even sightings of alien ships doing something to the "Barnacles" and ruins that we've found of other lifeforms/civilisations.
Reports also indicate that these ships have some sort of an EM aura, shutting down nearby electronics (ship's systems for instance)
What they are after, and why the sudden change "exactly" is still a mystery, as is the silence coming from the leaders or "Powers" in our pocket of the galaxy.
I'm however convinced it has something to do with Salomé & the Children of Raxxla. But why exactly, what is their connection ...
All we can hope is that this trip will continue on safely. I'll have to be on guard, especially at the later section when we're making our way back.
I don't have a good feeling about these new reports. When i'm back i'll have to go straight back in active duty,
and something tells me I won't be doing "normal patrols", that things will escalate soon.
--- Sightseeing ---
Let's set our minds back to the journey, to the wonderfull sights that were encountered this time.
Be warned ! There are a bit more pictures displayed then usual.
And if things keep being as interesting, closer to and within the nebula, this won't be the last time.
Here we encountered our very first water world. As you can imagine, these are very important finds for both scientific and colonisation purposes.
This dicovery really made me bounce up and down my chair of joy, knowing that this find could severly impact humanity as a whole later on.
Interestingly this planet is tidally locked, so there will be vastly different "regions", where even different lifeforms may exist.
The main regions would be the side thats always faces its star, the side that never faces the star and as last the narrow vertical "strip" that experiences partial sunlight.
With that said this planet could even be more complex concerning other variables and factors, creating "sub-regions" where the environment is even more different.
Here we see a lonely and a relatively young class B star. Even though this blue-white star is considered small for it's class, It's still an amazing sight to behold.
We immediatly increased our distance from this star after jumping to it though, since I didn't feel like getting roasted in a matter of seconds.
Even with the distance she still had to vent out excess heat, while trying to take this picture, as is clearly visible.
As we prepared to jump to the next system, we were greeted by the sight of the nebula we're heading towards.
It's finally starting to become recognisable
This little metal-rich planet is less then 6 Ls away from its star, which allowed us this amazing view.
Flying over its surface from the unlit side, towards the illuminated side, witnessing this "sunrise". It really takes your breath away.
The award for the most amazingly beautifull system so far goes to Gludgeia JC-D D12-24. Without a shadow of a doubt.
I just can not describe the overwhelming sensation I experienced here.
Never have I witnessed such rare, interesting and beautifull celestial bodies all packed in the same system.
Commander Risnack - Log 5
Date: 3303 - 06 - 02
--- Status ---
After another 35 jumps (106 in total) and, nearly constant, planetary body scanning:
- No damage suffered (I think)
- No visible wear & tear
- Rations are at ~ 98.0% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 10/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
OK completely scrap what I said earlier, now nearly all systems were unexplored.
We're definitely right on track towards the nebula, so the route that other commanders took were roughly the same in some parts,
but ours must deviate slightly. According to my calculations, we may be flying with a bit of elevation, on the Y-axis.
Also another Heat Sink was launched at random, while we were scanning icy bodies in a system. From that very same HSL!
Again no faults were encountered after running diagnostics. I said "fuck it, it's clearly broken", and then disabled the module.
Atleast it'll slightly reduce my fuel consumption by doing that, and I packed sufficient Heat Sinks for this trip anyways.
Now we're starting to close in on the target, just a few 100's of LY away from the nebula. Soon it'll start becoming more apparent.
I certainly will record my sightings in more detail as we close in.
--- Sightseeing ---
And as any exploration adventure goes, there are some wonderous sights to behold.
The following gas giant took my interest for 2 reasons: It is only slightly smaler than its stars & It has water-based life forms !!!
The description ingame:
"A primarily hydrogen and helium based atmospheric gas giant, but not far below the surface exists life, based in the water-cloud layer just below the atmospheric surface.
The chemistry of this gaseous region is far from equilibrium, with a surprising excess of oxygen and many carbon based compounds giving it some vivid colours.
As with many such gaseous living systems, it is underpinned by vast quantities of free-floating radioplankton - tiny carbon-based algae,
each retaining a small quantity of liquid water, extracting their energy from the intense radiation flux."
To the side we can also see the Seagull Nebula, and an unknown (blueish) nebula that is very far away from our galaxy.
In the system of Hegoo WA-V C16-2, we saw 3 stars in very close proximity of each other.
A brown dwarf (class T) and a dwarf star (class L) in orbit around each other, while that duo is in orbit with the nearby red star (class M).
And those 3 are then also in orbit with the main star (class K) of that system, but that isn't included in the following pictures
We've also landed at moons that were in very close proximity to their ringed planets. 0.50 Ls and 0.66 Ls respectively.
Due to their position and orbit however, the ring is only visible as a thin line.
And yes, landing in the crater caused a lot of "dust". I presume that that's the reason for the reduced clarity in the picture above and below.
Commander Risnack - Log 4
Date: 3303 - 05 - 29
--- Status ---
After another 24 jumps (71 in total) and a small amount of planetary body scanning done:
- No damage suffered (I think)
- No visible wear & tear
- Rations are at ~ 99.3% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
- Heat Sinks at 11/12 (perhaps only 9/12)
--- Thoughts ---
Now most of the systems in this part were actually explored. I find this development interesting, compared to previous log.
Perhaps my path of the first trip, that is being re-visited, deviated slightly from going straight to the Nebula. And now it may be, that it's right on target again.
I have to admit, this time there were some issues, hence we didn't progress as much as planned.
At first, our navigation went into disarray. I've installed new programs to assist us with exploration, and one of them malfunctioned.
So it took some time to run diagnostics and attempt a repair. However this attempt (including a re-boot) first made things worse.
Eventually I just errased the faulty program, and did a clean instal of it again. Afterwards it functioned properly again, but i'm sad to say i'm uncertain why it malfunctioned in the first place.
Luckily the main navigation system was never affected, so I needn't do any drastic, nor hardware related, repairs.
I'll have to keep on guard though, it could happen again.
Secondly, and rather unrelated (I hope, as it happened a lot later), a Heat Sink was launched just as i entered a new system,
eventhough I wasn't anywhere near overheating, nor was I too close to a star, nor should it have automatically launched anything in the first place.
After running some diagnostics, no faults were encountered. Just incase, I re-mapped it in my priority list and firegroup to a lower "position".
Perhaps its best to not consider that HSL as viable anymore, so currently having another HSL as main.
We did venture very close to the other locked sector: NGC 2264
Again, no "real" anomalies were encounterd. ..... Unless these failures had anything to do with being so close to the locked sector.
..... hmmmmm, perhaps thats just crazy talk.
--- Sightseeing ---
Besides scanning the newly discovered Outotz HK-P C19-0, I also took a few pictures of 2 planets there
Up above is Outotz HK-P C19-0 1. Down below is Outotz HK-P C19-0 2.
I found these 2 planets interesting because they are, generally speaking, very similar. In fact, the next list are their main differences.
Planet 1 - Surface pressure is 0,00 Atmospheres
Planet 2 - Surface pressure is 0,25 Atmospheres
Planet 1 - Composition: High metal content, terraformable
Planet 2 - Composition: High metal content
Planet 1 - Atmosphere: 63,3% Sulphur Dioxide - 36,7% Carbon Dioxide
Planet 2 - Atmosphere: 98,7% Carbon Dioxide - 01,3% Sulphur Dioxide
Planet 1 - Rotational period: 1,7 D
Planet 2 - Rotational period: 1,2 D
Now of course their orbital period, and axial tilt are slightly different, but so is their distance to their star.
Besides those, everything else is very similar, and in my opninion their differences aren't that vastly different either. Even their metal content is the exact same amount.
Yet with all this said, they look enormously different and all the base elements may be the same,
they come forth in different quantities compared to each other and different compositions.
Commander Risnack - Log 3
Date: 3303 - 05 - 27
--- Status ---
After another 22 jumps (47 in total) and actually a fair amount of planetary body scanning done:
- No damage suffered
- No visible wear & tear
- Rations are at ~ 99.5% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
--- Thoughts ---
Now most of the systems were unexplored and we explored each and every body within. But they were rather uninteresting.
Each system where the main star was already discovered however, didn't receive any of our attention.
We did venture very close to one of the locked sectors: Col 70 Sector
Either unfortunately or luckily, no anomalies were encounterd. And no more answers / developments were found about the "anomaly" described in the previous log.
So unlike the previous log, nothing interesting happened, most didn't catch my interest, however ...
--- Sightseeing ---
... There were some nice sights to behold. At Wregoe TI-M B7-0 we reached one of the closest points my trip would get me to the nebula called "Bernard's Loop"
"within" the large nebula, you'll see the Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula
and just "above" is Orion Nebula
Underneath is Wregoe PG-Y D46 4, I just found this large Jovian gas giant to be aesthetically pleasing!
See for yourself why i found this particullar scene interesting, brilliant timing with the Jovian gas giant Outotz MG-S B45-0 5
Commander Risnack - Log 2
Date: 3303 - 05 - 27
--- Status ---
After 25 jumps and barely any planetary body scanning done (due to most systems being already explored).
- No damage suffered
- No visible wear & tear
- Rations are at ~ 99.8% (food and drink)
- Supplies for repairs at 100%
- Total Fuel at ~ 98%
--- Thoughts ---
Most of the first 20 systems have all been explored before and were pretty plain at first glance. I didn't bother to redirect my ship, besides lining her up for the next system.
However, after that, things were starting to get more interesting. Those systems we jumped to then were unexplored and one of em had an anomaly,
Wregoe ZY-S D3-40.
According to the navigational logs and the database of systems, a fellow explorer has only scanned 1 specific planet and 3 of its moons.
The main star wasn't scanned, which is usually done first, but also ignored the few planets inbetween.
Now those planets could have been on the opposite side of the star, when this explorer arrived? Or is it that he wanted to scan the only gas giant in the system?
But what's also interesting is that he didn't scan the 4 other landable moons orbiting this gas giant, only the 3 closest. And they are all icy bodies. What for?
Further investigation offered no results: no energy signatures, no life signs, no transmissions, nothing. The only conclusion that I could think of is:
Perhaps this explorer was in a hurry to find a certain material, perhaps mainly found on icy bodies.
So he / she rushed to the landable icy bodies, orbiting the gas giant, and found what the explorer wanted from one of the first 3 moons.
But why the hurry, has this explorer encountered some kind of disaster and was lacking resources for a repair ?
--- Sightseeing ---
I decided to shake off my thoughts, by going past the gas giant to the next planet, furthest from the star, Wregoe ZY-S D3-40 7.
This large icy body has an icy ring and it had a soothing effect on me, which i could use after the investigation and brainstorming of earlier.
Commander Risnack - Log 1
Date: 3303 - 05 - 26
--- Past ---
My thirst for exploration began with being forced to travel +5000 LY, from my starting point, for the engineer "Professor Palin".
I didn't just want to travel to a random spot, just to achieve this goal. No it had to be something interesting, a place that would fascinate me.
After some evaluating and planning, a surrounding Nebula, at roughly that distance, seemed like a fitting choice.
So I outfitted my fresh Anaconda for exploration, took off at 3303-03-21, and went further then i've ever been.
(This coming from someone that thought a system like "17 Draconis" or "Quince" were very distant places to travel to.)
But WOW what a trip that was, eventhough it only lasted roughly 60 standard hours, it still managed to get me hooked.
The thrill of being out there on my own, no soul to be concerned about, heading head first into unknown systems and sectors.
I couldn't have imagined that finding new systems, where no one has ever been before, would be SO invigorating.
The lure of these systems, just waiting to be explored, kept me even longer in the Nebula than anticipated.
But alas, I couldn't remain, there were duties that needed attention.
--- Present ---
Now i'm back, and my exploration Anaconda is ready and set, with a lick of paint, and an official name.
It's fully outfitted to withstand all the challenges i might face, so that the "LLV Void Seeker" will guide me to places one could only dream off.
We're returning to that Nebula, to explore all it has to offer. Supplies have been stocked and they should last me weeks.
It'll still be a test, and a challenge, of both: my ship's capabilities and my resolve. Because you can't really compare a trip of just a few days to a journey of weeks.
And this time our endeavour is going to be recorded.
--- Planned ---
Our previous route has been recreated and we will follow it eventhough the "LLV Void Seeker" is capable of jumping further per system now.
Call me crazy, but since we ignored most systems to the Nebula, and "accidentally" discovered new systems,
I feel it's our duty to pay attention now, and document everything that was visited in the past.
It would be indecent to not "re-discover" those systems and actually see what else lies within.
--- Concerns ---
The route will take us close to 2 locked sectors, what secrets they may hold is unknown.
But i'm a bit fearfull since there have been reports of anomalies, and strange activity, close to those sectors.
And if the worst of the worst would happen, I just hope we can escape it since my ship is not outfitted for a fight.
My main concern with all this has to do with Salomé's death, 3303-04-29, and the fragments of information that were released by her companions.
Those spoke about a conspiracy and hinting towards "aliens" that i've heard much about in whispers and rumours.
I acquired those fragments of information, but it came at a price, a warning of unspecified risk/danger. Atleast unspecified as of yet.
I'll just have to try my luck, this debacle doesn't deter me, it just made me more aware and cautious, that it may be a very risky undertaking. Hopefully not my last.
Incase it is, please stay strong, unite and defend your values together, for those alive now and for future generations.
En Taro Zeratul !
Arrisa Invicta, BASK in her Glory !
Commander Risnack, Duke of the Empire, Legionnaire of the 528th "Lavigny's Legion"