CMDR Hella Kazoo profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Krait Mk II)
Lid sinds:
28 dec. 2016
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
18 Dec, 3303 / Valkyrie [HK-12V]

NLTT 19808-Bardeen Dock enter image description here

  • Departing 20:40

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Khonsu [HK-16C]

enter image description here

LP 726-6-LP 726-6 A 2 enter image description here

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Neche-Descartes Station

Gabrielle [HK-15A]

enter image description here

  • Outfitted for multi-role

LHS 273 enter image description here

Sol enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Sol-Abraham Lincoln enter image description here

  • EOD 22:10

enter image description here

Dec 17, 3303 / Khonsu [HK-16C]

Mendindui enter image description here

  • Departing 19:46 with liberal propaganda for Kherthaje

Kherthaje enter image description here

enter image description here

Valkyrie [HK-12V]

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

  • Three Massacre missions

LHS 2026 enter image description here

  • Bounties from the pirates add up. I Also grabbed a good amount of data delivery for NLTT 19808

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

enter image description here

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  • @ 99% Rank
  • EOD 23:19
Dec 16, 3303 / Valkyrie [HK-12V]

Ross 625 enter image description here

  • Neither of the stations here have restocking facilities so I am unable to reload on chaff. Good thing I'm running dual pulses.
  • Departing 01:25
  • I switched to gimbals for a fight or two but I'm too used to fixed in this bird. Switched back to my efficient weapons.
  • Finished off the last of the medium and large ships. there was even a wing of dangerous Imperial eagles, only counted as one though. heading back to Maxwell Market @ 02:40

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

  • This place is starting to feel like home.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • EOD 02:45

Khonsu [HK-16C]

enter image description here

  • Departing 19:30 w/ Liberal Propaganda for Kherthaja

Kherthaje enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Sold over 1 mil in bounties here.

Crucis Sector DL-Y d123 enter image description here

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

  • Follow up mission to pirate massacre.

enter image description here

Ross 625 enter image description here

  • I ended up gaining a bounty here of about 7k. A bounty hunter for the other system pulled me and I neglected to scan him before opening fire.

NLTT 19808 enter image description here


  • Rerouted from Balandin Gateway to Ito Orbital because of persistent Yuri Grom FDL

enter image description here

  • Fed Packages for LHS 235

LHS 235 enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Loaded up on Courier missions for a few local systems. May as well make a bit of cash while I'm here.

LHS 1875 enter image description here

G 113-20 enter image description here

enter image description here

Rhea enter image description here

Mendindui enter image description here

  • Priestly Terminal

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • EOD 23:45
Dec 15, 3303 / Khonsu [HK-16C]


  • Departing 17:00

Rhea enter image description here

  • Ah...Good old Ito Orbital
  • Picking up Liberal Federal Packages for NLTT 19808
  • Still alot of imperials mucking about

NLTT 19808

  • Blue Duchess mothballed. Engineered modules transferred to Khonsu and Lucidity.

enter image description here

  • Packages delivered, switching to Lucidity and taking on passengers.

Lucidity [HK-18D]

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enter image description here

LHS 278 enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Must be an off day.

enter image description here

Enayex enter image description here

enter image description here

Lave enter image description here

  • Got pulled 3 times before I was able to drop in on the beacon and the bounty hunter dropped in after me. Barely had time to scan the tourist info before jumping out. I was in Lei Zi when I had time to open this.

Irandan enter image description here

  • I may think about a surface scanner. Most of these sightseeing tours have ELW or ammonia worlds. a little extra cash couldn't hurt.

enter image description here

Velnambe enter image description here

enter image description here

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

  • Maxwell Market at last. that was a longer trip than expected but at least everyone arrived in one piece this time.

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  • EOD 19:25

Valkyrie [HK-12V]

enter image description here

  • Departing 20:55

enter image description here

Ross 625

  • 11 kills so far, mostly Dangerous FDLs, Anacondas and Pythons
  • EOD 22:30
14 Dec, 3303 / Blue Duchess [HK-25A]

NLTT 19808

  • Departing 01:00
  • Power play transport, 30 merits

enter image description here

  • EOD 02:40

Gabrielle [HK-15A]

enter image description here

  • Departing 21:45
  • Stations in Pleiades Sector have been attacked by Thargoids. Heading to Neche to outfit this AspX for evacuation.

Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 enter image description here

  • Distress Call led to a Thargoid encounter.

enter image description here

  • Capitol ship torn to pieces

enter image description here

  • The Oracle is severely damaged. The insides are on fire and explosions are frequent. Took a heat sink inside to stay cool enough to load refugees and another to clear the mailslot. Other commanders seem to be acting professional although you never know

enter image description here

  • I made 2 runs and got about 50 or so people out and onto the rescue ship.

Neche enter image description here

  • Back to an exploration loadout. Transfered Khonsu here and planning on leaving Gabrielle docked while I attend to other business.
  • EOD 22:32
13 Dec, 3303 / FNS Fletcher [HK-28F]

NLTT 19808

  • Departing 00:00


  • Outfitting for high risk transport


  • Engineered for jumprange


  • Ran remaining 212 landmines to Liz Ryder
  • Engineered missiles for rapid fire

Khonsu [HK-16C]

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

  • Various scanning missions
  • EOD 02:00

Valkyrie [HK-12V]

enter image description here

  • Departing 20:15
  • Various courier missions to local systems
  • Various assasinations
  • Assassination in LTT 12360 turned out to be illegal, an oversight on my part. 6k Bounty gained. First mission was a success but second mission was crawling with patrols, additional bounties gained for trespassing, mission aborted, SRV lost.

Khonsu [HK-16C]


  • Engineering: Shield booster grade 1 thermal resistance.

Valkyrie [HK-12V]

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

  • EOD 23:15
12 Dec, 3303 / Lucidity [HK-18D]

NLTT 19808 enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Departing 21:30

i Bootis enter image description here

enter image description here

  • heading to Rakapila to pick up clothes for these needy passengers.

Ackwada enter image description here

enter image description here

MY Apodis enter image description here

  • White Dwarf: Scoop gone wrong. Lost supercruise inside the cone. Was unable to escape. All hands lost, 2 contacts failed.

Rakapila enter image description here

  • EOD/Ship Destruction 22:15
11 Dec, 3303 / Einstein's Tooth (MB) [HK-23T]
  • Relocated to NLTT 19808

enter image description here

  • Ran 88 landmines to Liz Ryder
  • Purchased Federal Dropship "FNS Fletcher"
  • Mothballed Einstein's Tooth
10 Dec, 3303 / Blue Duchess [HK-25A]
  • Smuggling tobacco at various markets around Andel

enter image description here

  • Unlocked The Dweller

Wyrd enter image description here

  • Engineering

enter image description here

  • introduced to Lei Cheung
9 Dec, 3303 / Sikelgaita [HK-25A]

Andel enter image description here

  • Departing 20:15

Deciat enter image description here

  • Engineering, Farseer Inc.

enter image description here

  • Grade 1 Overcharged Power plant

enter image description here

  • Grade 3 Lightweight Sensors

enter image description here

  • Grade 3 Clean Drive Thrusters

enter image description here

  • Grade 5 Increased Range FSD

Khun enter image description here

  • Engineering, Long Sight Base

enter image description here

  • Grade 3 Reinforced Shields

enter image description here

  • Grade 1 Specialized Shield Cell

Andel enter image description here

  • Sikelgaita outfit for smuggling. She needs a new name. Blue Duchess
  • EOD 21:45