CMDR savo4c profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Lid sinds:
25 aug. 2020
Afstanden ingediend:
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Saldo: Cr
Salome's Diadem

Logbook - entry 00029

Stardate 11.12.3306

Phua Fraae AA-A h0

Salome's Diadem Class B Hypergiant of greater than 100 solar masses and nearly 250 solar radii. It has an Herbig AE/BE in close proximity that is completely drowned out by the luminosity of the parent star. Outer Arm region - 44k from Sol

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The below picture is taken at 800ls distance from the B Hypergiant, just to show how enormous the star is. enter image description here

ELW discovery (Outer Arm)

Logbook - entry 00028

Stardate 11.12.3306

System - Hypoae Freau KS-A d14-0 2

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Best looking ELW 1st discovery (Outer Arm) and arrival at the DSSA Nowhere FC (Aquila's Halo)

Logbook - entry 00027

Stardate 08.12.3306

System YEPAA IM-L C21-0 2 Beautiful ELW, the best looking one I have seen so far, with great textures. Never seen such hills, mountains, clouds, fogs, icebergs... superb!

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And finally after a long trip of 12K ly since the last docking at the DSSA Blackwater in the Outer Arm, I have arrived at the DSSA Nowhere FC stationed in Aquila's Halo region. Made 350mio of credit + hundreds of 1st system discoveries. As usual, took the oportunity to fix the hull integrity and proceed with some minor repairs. Now heading back to the outer arm and will continue my galactic trip towards north, to explore the different sites I have bookmarked based on the Codex + EDastro info. Enjoying exploration, no rush, taking the time, listening music, thinking/dreaming/chilling/enjoying.

GG Class V orbiting at 3.5 ls from a Class G Star

Logbook - entry 00026

Stardate 07.12.3306

system Yepua JC-M d7-7 (Outer Arm)

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Few 1st biological discoveries made - Crystaline shards full of Pollonium & Bioluminescent Anemones

Logbook - entry 00025

Stardate 06.12.3306

1st biological discovery made - crystaline shards

Pheia Flee FQ-Y d14 BC 3a - 4 signals - full of Polonium

Pheia Flee FQ-Y d14 BC 3b - 17 signals - full of Yttrium

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1st biological discovery made - Roseum Bioluminescent Anemones

Yepua OM-W e1-1 1 - metal-rich body

Yepua OM-W e1-1 5 - hmcw with rings enter image description here

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In the same system, 4 GG Class IV, two orbiting each other. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

1st biological discovery made - crystaline shards (antymony)

Yepua SK-W C15-1 C 4 B - ice body

Reached the Outer Arme sector: new ELWs + Gas Giant class V discovered

Logbook - entry 00024

Stardate 26.11.3306

Arrived in the Outer Arm galactic sector, system EISHORPS MI-B D1, three stars (G, K, M), two terraformable HCMW and one ELW.

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Few jumps after, discovered a Gas Giant Class V orbiting at 5ls from the primary star, offering great sights.

system EISHOQS PH-A C15-0

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and another ELW discovered in system DRYEIA FLYE WL-J D10-1 enter image description here

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and another ELW in system Eolls Pre CU-A c29-1 enter image description here

and another ELW in system Dryua Pre JT-O c7-0 enter image description here

and another ELW - system Cumbuae RI-K d8-17

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1'000th system discovered, and another ELW (Vulcan Gate)

Logbook - entry 00023

Stardate 23.11.3306

Passed the cap of the 1000 systems discovered first, and made few discovery.

I continue my crossing of the Vulcan Gate sector, heading towards the Outer Arm sector. Still not sure which way I will go then, either I continue progressing on that galactic edge up until Beagle Point, or I turn towards the Galactic center (Colonia, Sag A)... will decide about that later.

ELW discovered in system Lyruelks VT-R d4-23: enter image description here enter image description here

ELW discovered in system Iowhaiscs RO-Q d5-0: enter image description here

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Vulcan Gate - Codex discoveries

Logbook - entry 00022

Stardate 16.11.3306

In the Ovomly white dwarfs systems in the Vulcan Gate sector a great number of notable stellar phenomena can bee seen:

  • Molluscs
  • Calcites
  • Crystal shards
  • Lagrange clouds

All concentrated mainly in that Ovomly systems area.

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ELW 1st discoveries (Vulcan Gate)

Logbook - entry 00021

Stardate 15.11.3306

Always a pleasure to discover an Earth Like World :)


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and another one in Ovomly LW-M d7-16 C 7

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Vulcan Gate - First docking after more than 20k ly of space travel.

Logbook - entry 00020

Stardate 15.11.3306

After more than 20k ly of travel, I was happy to finally dock, repair ship's integrity, do some minor repair (had the hull at 98%), and register/cash all the many 1st discoveries and mapping - earned around 350mio credits.

IGAU Inverness - Registration: X8V-6KZ

stationed in system: Thraikoo PS-U e2-4

Expected to see the Thracian Nebula, which was visible on the galaxy map when I was plotting the route, however could not see it while approaching the system neither when I have arrived in it... weird. I have contacted the IGAU crew members on discord to understand better why... awaiting their response. Took the opportunity to thank them for the presence of their FC, which was really helpful and pleasant to see after such long trip.

Now I am ready to continue the travel, next step is to explore the many biological signs 1000-1500 west from here, in the Ovomly sector, which houses the only form of spaceborne life known to thrive around white dwarf stars: torus molluscs.

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