
  • 22 september 2022
  • Gereed

    Defend Tekkeitjal from Thargoid Attack

    Location: Tekkeitjal / Riemann Colony | Bijdrages door: 2.497 | Einde: 22 sep. 2022

    Swarms of Thargoid vessels have invaded the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems in an apparently coordinated attack.

    Vox Galactica published this report by field correspondent Ernesto Rios:

    "Since the Thargoids conquered HIP 22460 a month ago, their presence has gradually expanded in all directions. But these are the first inhabited systems to be invaded since the Proteus Wave incident, threatening a combined population of over seven million people."

    Defensive operations are being orchestrated by Tekkeitjal Public Corporation from the starport Riemann Colony in the Tekkeitjal system. Thargoid combat bonds can be handed in at this location for increased credit rewards.

    The first part of the campaign begins on the 12th September and will run until further notice. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the situation will be re-assessed.

  • Gereed

    Defend 42 n Persei from Thargoid Attack

    Location: 42 n Persei / Bennington's Rest | Bijdrages door: 2.542 | Einde: 22 sep. 2022

    Swarms of Thargoid vessels have invaded the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems in an apparently coordinated attack.

    Vox Galactica published this report by field correspondent Ernesto Rios:

    "Since the Thargoids conquered HIP 22460 a month ago, their presence has gradually expanded in all directions. But these are the first inhabited systems to be invaded since the Proteus Wave incident, threatening a combined population of over seven million people."

    Defensive operations are being orchestrated by Sirius Inc from the starport Bennington's Rest in the 42 n Persei system. Thargoid combat bonds can be handed in at this location for increased credit rewards.

    The first part of the campaign begins on the 12th September and will run until further notice. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the situation will be re-assessed.

  • Gereed

    Defend Chun Pindit from Thargoid Attack

    Location: Chun Pindit / Samuda Terminal | Bijdrages door: 2.201 | Einde: 22 sep. 2022

    Swarms of Thargoid vessels have invaded the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems in an apparently coordinated attack.

    Vox Galactica published this report by field correspondent Ernesto Rios:

    "Since the Thargoids conquered HIP 22460 a month ago, their presence has gradually expanded in all directions. But these are the first inhabited systems to be invaded since the Proteus Wave incident, threatening a combined population of over seven million people."

    Defensive operations are being orchestrated by SI Terraforming from the starport Samuda Terminal in the Chun Pindit system. Thargoid combat bonds can be handed in at this location for increased credit rewards.

    The first part of the campaign begins on the 12th September and will run until further notice. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the situation will be re-assessed.

  • 8 september 2022
  • Gereed

    Azimuth Biotech Mining Campaign

    Location: LHS 157 / Glorious Prospect | Bijdrages door: 2.958 | Einde: 8 sep. 2022

    Azimuth Biotech has called on mining vessels to deliver raw materials to the Glorious Prospect megaship in the LHS 157 system.

    The campaign was launched by the corporation's acting CEO, Torben Rademaker:

    "Our mission to continue developing anti-xeno technologies is currently hampered by a lack of resources to establish new facilities. Azimuth's investment in the Proteus Wave project and related infrastructure was considerable. Meanwhile, the reckless actions of anarchists and political extremists have inhibited our recovery."

    "Generous credit payments are being offered for the following mined metals: cobalt, gallite and osmium. Shipments of these can be delivered to the Glorious Prospect, where they will be processed for a variety of uses. Dedicated contributors of these freshly mined ores will be granted a permit to the Mbooni system, should they not already have it, and access to our range of hybrid anti-xeno modules at Prospect's Deep."

    As well as credit rewards, the top 75% of contributors will receive the Mbooni permit if the initiative is a success.

    Azimuth Biotech has set out a seven day campaign, which will end early on Thursday September 8th 3308.

  • 25 augustus 2022
  • Gereed

    Sirius requests resources for Alliance

    Location: Leesti / Chariot of Rhea | Bijdrages door: 3.410 | Einde: 25 aug. 2022

    Supplies have been requested in the Leesti system to help improve the infrastructure of the Alliance Defence Force.

    The initiative was outlined by Admiral Nikolas Glass, the representative from the Sirius Navy who sits on the Council of Admirals:

    "The shocking events in the HIP 22460 system have increased the need for Allied systems to prepare stronger defences against the Thargoid menace. Therefore, we have begun work to enhance the responsive capabilities of the Alliance Defence Force."

    "As a first step, Sirius Corporation will outfit new sentry megaships, which will possess the experimental AX weapons that were deployed by the Oath of Tyndareus. The more resources we can gather, the more megaships we can prepare. These will then serve as operational hubs for anti-xeno engagements within Allied space."

    "The materials required are energy grid assemblies, magnetic emitter coils, power transfer buses and titanium. Pilots who transport these to the Chariot of Rhea in the Leesti system will be rewarded for their efforts."

    In related news, Sirius Corporation's megaship El Centinela Cadejo has completed rescue efforts following the disaster in HIP 22460. Under orders from Admiral Glass, it has returned to the Arimpox system from where the survivors will be transported to their homes.

    The campaign will end on the 25th August 3308. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.