Galactische Mapping > Galactische Kaart > Listing
Name | Type | |
Juemuia Planetary Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Juenae Juliet Alpha | ★ Archived POI | |
Juenoi Archer Alpha | ★ Archived POI | |
June's Garden | ★ Archived POI | |
Junon | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Kadenyuk Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
Kalipheron | geyserPOI | |
Karkina Nebula | α Nebula | |
Karmeliet | ★ Archived POI | |
Kashyapa - Vihara Gate | Deep Space Outpost | |
Kaw Nebula | α Nebula | |
Keck Binary Pulsar | ζ Pulsar | |
Keelblack Rings | ★ Archived POI | |
Kepler's Fantasy | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Keranos Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
The Kes-75 Magnetar | ζ Pulsar | |
Keyhole Nebula (Major) | α Nebula | |
Keyhole Nebula (Minor) | α Nebula | |
Khazad-dûm | γ Stellar Features | |
The King and Queen of Mikenas | γ Stellar Features | |
Kingfisher Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
King Midas | ∅ Planetary Features | |
King of The North | ∅ Planetary Features | |
King's Ransom | ☢ Jumponium-Rich System | |
Knife's Edge | ∅ Planetary Features | |
KOI 413 | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Komarov’s Canyon | ★ Archived POI | |
Kondratyuk Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Kraken Nebula | α Nebula | |
Kríkos | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Krishna's Blessing (Helium Gas Giant) | ∅ Planetary Features | |
KY Cygni | γ Stellar Features | |
Kyloall Oddity | ★ Archived POI | |
Kyloall Subway Alpha | ★ Archived POI | |
Kyloanns Planetary Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Kytheros Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Lab C23 (Abandoned Research Facility) | Mystery POI | |
Labirinto | Θ Surface Features | |
Labrador Nebula | α Nebula | |
Lady Huggins Cluster | ★ Archived POI | |
Lagoon Depot | ☢ Jumponium-Rich System | |
Lagoon Nebula | α Nebula | |
Lair of Unicorns | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Lambda Orionis Cluster | σ Star Cluster | |
Land of Giant Crystals | ★ Archived POI | |
Lapislazuli Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
The Last Homely House | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Last Stop Saloon | ★ Archived POI | |
Lasu Planetary Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Latte Verde | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Lava Ball Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Lavatio | ★ Archived POI | |
Lavender Nebula | α Nebula | |
La vie en Rose | β Planetary Nebula | |
La Vita Nuova | ★ Archived POI | |
Lazarus (Generation Ship) | Mystery POI | |
LBN 623 Nebula | α Nebula | |
Leda | ★ Archived POI | |
Legacy Of G. K. Gilbert | ★ Archived POI | |
Lemmings Rest Stop | ★ Archived POI | |
Lemon Slice Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
The Lensing Lighthouse | δ Black Hole | |
Leo Szilard Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Les Enfants Terribles | γ Stellar Features | |
Les Sauvageonnes Herbig Ae/Be Field | σ Star Cluster | |
The Lesser Athaip Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
Lesser Mynoaw Nebula | α Nebula | |
Leviathan Nebula | α Nebula | |
Leviathan's Lair | β Planetary Nebula | |
Lewis' Loss (Abandoned Research Facility) | Mystery POI | |
Lexx Nebula | ★ Archived POI | |
LGM-1 Pulsar | ζ Pulsar | |
Lich | ζ Pulsar | |
Life Ensnared | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Life On The Edge | ★ Archived POI | |
The Lighthouse | ★ Archived POI | |
Lights Of Alexandria | γ Stellar Features | |
Lithobreaker | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Little Dumbbell Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Little Gem Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Little Ghost | β Planetary Nebula | |
Little Inferno Nebula | α Nebula | |
Little Red Riding Hood | ★ Archived POI | |
Little Trojan | ★ Archived POI | |
Living Moons | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Livingstone Point | η Historical Location | |
Liz's Ring | ∅ Planetary Features | |
Llyn Tegid Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Loijeia KR Planetary Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Loijeia Planetary Nebula | β Planetary Nebula | |
Lombard Trinary | ★ Archived POI | |
Lonely Candle | ★ Archived POI | |
Lonely Crash Site | Mystery POI | |
Lonely Lantern Nebula | α Nebula | |
Lone Runner | ★ Archived POI | |
Lone Star | η Historical Location | |
Loneworld | ★ Archived POI | |
Long Dance | ★ Archived POI | |
Looking Glass Nebula | α Nebula | |
Lost Marble Nebula | β Planetary Nebula |