CMDR jkurittu のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Bo Luc Lac [Jk-02c]
(Federal Corvette)
Lowest system so far

In the early hours of the morning (shiptime) I reached, with the help of some premium jumponium, the so far deepest system I have visited: Lyrudai CB-W d2-0

At 2006.4375 ly below the galactic place this place offered a unique view on the Milky Way from an unusual angle.

The Journey continues

o7 Commanders

Entry 3305-39G - Arrival at Beagle Point

After only 3 weeks of deep space exploration I had my last jump to Beagle Point in front of me. Time now to have some R&R while waiting for CMDR Stareynolds to join me here in few days before heading together even further into the Black with our final destination at Salome's Reach. But that will be another story.

Arriving here with my ship in good shape (OK, the paint job has suffered a bit but nothing too bad and with just a few minor repairs to do) was a wonderful feeling. But it was also a shock to see other ships flying around me for the first time since leaving Explorer's Anchorage until I realised they were harmless tourist cruises checking out local sights.

Anyway, now safely landed on the 2nd planet in the system for the night. Tomorrow time to take the SRV for a spin and set up the BBQ and have a few cold beers enjoying the view.



Entry 3305-37D - Halfway mark from Sol to Beagle Point passed

After 4 days from leaving the last station for a while it is time to check where we are currently and despite getting refreshments in Colonia and Explorer's Anchorage is good to see that Sol is already 33609 ly behind us with 32239 ly to go to Beagle Point.

Journey going well with plenty of beautiful sights and couple scary encounters with neutron stars but all my ships's modules are running flawlessly at 100%.


Entry 3305-37A - Start of the journey to Beagle Point and Beyond

Last checks done on my ship The Queen of Hua Hin at Explorer's Anchorage and with enough provisions on board finally ready for a two-ship exploration expedition to Beagle Point and Beyond with CMDR Stareynolds.

My target for the first day is only a dozen jumps to get a good feel about everything and then our target for the week is to reach a waypoint about 11000 ly away.

Arrival at Salome's Reach is estimated in about one month and then we'll check all systems on our ships do necessary repairs before starting to plan our return the long way back to the Bubble later in the year.

Ready to jump

Entry 3305-27C - Getting ready for the Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition

Last night, on July 2nd 3305, I travelled from Bassford Hub back to Jameson Memorial to do some final fine tuning on my ExploConda, the Queen of Hua Hin which I will use for the Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition starting on coming Saturday.

While I was approaching HIP 23759, where the expedition will start from, the view was getting prettier and prettier. As I was getting ready for my final jump I leaned back and took the picture below before charging my FSD for the final jump before Saturday.

o7 to all Commanders, especially to those taking part to this expedition. CMDR JKurittu

Queen of Hua Hin

ENTRY 3305-27B - In recognition of services rendered

Last night I was helping refugees escape from the badly damaged Cormack Port in the Rasaste system as a good Samaritan with my now fully functional rescue ship.

After several trips between the station and the near by rescue megaship, I received recognition from INARA in the form of the Medal of the Captain for having safely delivered 5000 passengers.

Not only it made me feel even better for helping those people fleeing the damaged station, but it also makes a nice addition on my Ranks page.

Keep on flying Commanders, o7

enter image description here

ENTRY 3305-25G - Broken record?

My first thought this morning was that I might have been too generous with myself with that wine last night when I saw the deep-space transmission from Commander Stareynolds on my display. After a couple strong coffees and a long cold shower her message still remained only partially decrypted and I can only guess what she was talking about. Something about a French mushroom of death. I must admit my knowledge of historical earth-based languages is a bit rusty these days. I guess she is not asking for restaurant recommendations at Anchorage.

If she reads this entry, she should remember her standing orders to report as soon as possible for combat duty, in a suitable ship of course, at the Bassford Hub in Beta Octantis where the number of wanted ships in that system has been increasing again.

After a successful evacuation run in a Thargoid damaged system this morning, I have relocated myself in Beta Octantis, waiting for my fellow Commander’s return and looking forward on taking our fair share on bounties.

I hope the broken record she uses for transmissions works better on her next transmission. Till then Commanders, fly safe. Unless you are wanted and you see me on your scanner. In that case be scared, very scared.

O7 Commanders

ENTRY 3305-25E - Ethical trade?

We all have bills to pay and space can be an expensive place so when I heard about the Pathan system and the trade possibilities there I couldn't resist. I switched to my flagship, The Royal Ambassador, and travelled to the Smith Port to check it out.

Once there I replaced almost all my optional internals with cargo bays and started trading on a short loop route between two station in that system, the Smith Port and the Hertz Station. I started trading in slaves one way and in personal weapons the other way. Not really what some people would qualify as ethical trading but I needed the credits and it paid about 2,5 million credits on each return trip with my 784 t cargo capacity on my Cutter.

After a while it nevertheless became boring and as I had paid some bills it was time to head back to my HQ at Jameson Memorial and start to plan for the next course of action while sipping some lovely wine. I have heard bounty hunting in Beta Octantis is pretty good. Might head that way after some R&R at homebase first.

Goodnight Commanders

Entry 3305-25C - Interstellar Shuttle

I just realised that I need a second interstellar shuttle as my old trusted AspX is parked far far away at Babbage Gateway in Ceos and very likely it won't be returning anytime soon.

As I happen to be at Jameson Memorial since last night it seems to be a good opportunity to go shopping. I have set my eyes on a stripped down Diamondback Explorer which should do the job just fine. At least if CMDR Stareynolds, who already has one, is to be believed.

It still needs a fresh coat of paint. The Diamondback that is, not Commander Stareynolds, though she has been so long in deep space that she might need to freshen up as well before returning to the Bubble.

More on the new ship once it has been delivered.

o7 Commanders

UPDATE: The Diamondback Explorer Feng Po Po was delivered tonight and has entered service already.

Entry 3305-25B - First rescue missions

Following my 15000+ ly test run on board my exploration Anaconda, which will take me on a deep-space expedition to Beagle Point with CMDR Stareynolds, I returned to the Bubble only to receive a distress call on from a damaged station requiring assistance for urgent evacuation.

I only had a Federal Dropship as a rescue ship in my fleet and it only had limited passenger capacity so I quickly converted my Beluga Liner from a luxury cruiser to an emergency rescue ship and was thus able to help evacuate a larger number of people from a burning station. It was quite rewarding to help all those poor souls in their moment of need.

Based on that experience, I decided that I would need a rescue Corvette dedicated purely for evacuation missions. Yesterday I took delivery of my second Corvette at Jameson Memorial and I will take it to the next rescue site in the coming days. Once I took delivery of this ship, I was able to restore my Beluga to its original state as a top luxury cruiser once again.

Having checked on the overall well-being of my fleet, it is time to end a satisfactory day with a cold beer in a near-by lounge at Jameson Memorial.

Goodnight Commanders, o7