CMDR MaultierColt308 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

MCS Shirakami Fubuki [MA-FBK]
(Imperial Clipper)
14,374,930,166 Cr
Bloomee Survey - Ending for now!

I just uploaded my recent flight log and got met by a nice surprise: Yesterday I passed my personal "Data Landmark"! Now it's the time to Eco Mode back to Colonia - there's something waiting for me over there, maybe a nice Christmas present!? What will it be? From what I heard, the present will be quite big in size...

All I did after visiting H32 was, at first, randomly jump around in that general area. Oh, by the way, here is a picture of the B class super giant that awaited me over there...


A day later, I remembered: on the way to H29 there was a sub-sector containing Water Worlds in like every second system I jumped through. Moreover I detected a rare Carbon Star of class CJ on the map (which will be visited this evening as 1500th and, for now, final system of the journey before setting off). So I did a small and raw boxel survey to get in the last few missing millions...

And after a slow start (just one Ammonia), yesterday, I got at least a Terraformable in almost every visited system. Together with the Water Worlds I found yesterday, like this one seen in a 6-star system...:

Six Star Water

... the 700 Million goal has been surpassed by a good measure! At least according to the data on EDSM! As said earlier, time to set back to Colonia. Arrival there is projected shortly before Christmas... I think I'll present some highlights along the way, as always...

Bloomee Survey - Slowly closing in and a surprise

My personal data goal is closing in, and it looks like the next 2-3 days may be the last of the Survey for now (I'll come back with the Carrier). I'm actually just 75 Million Credits away from my personal Data Goal, after which I'll Eco Mode back to Colonia to buy the Fleet Carrier...

The night before I had a dream: yesterday I found my 11th Earth Like of the Survey. In the night I dreamed about finding a system containing not only one, but five of them, along with a Water World... Foreshadowing? We'll not know...

So, I was minding my business yesterday, scanning systems, mapping Terraformables and Water Worlds, for example these two (and no, those photos were not taken from the same WW. These were two different Water Worlds in two different systems - around 10 jumps apart from each other ;D)...

Ringed WW 1 Ringed WW 2

... that was the moment, when I was on the way to map a Water World. I looked into the list of neighboring systems, and found an AA-A H system in the list. It was H40, normally projected to be the final system of Stage 2. It was a Double Black Hole with some L, T and Y dwarves and many moons inside. As always, I took photos of the sysmap and, of course, the first of the 2 Black Holes.

H40, Black Hole A

My night camp was, like yesterday, a romantic Silica Magma camp fire site on a HMC world. Different is, that the site is on a terraformable planet this time, making it my (I think so) first landable Terraforming Candidate having active volcanism. So after scanning, I fetched my steaks from the freezer and a beer, and had another nice BBQ to end the day.

BBQ time

And today I'll move on. H32 waits for me. After this, I think I'll just randomly jump and scan around, filling up the gap to the 700 Million...

Bloomee Survey - Just another small update...

As the title of this entry suggests: This will be just another short update on my sector survey. It's still quiet between the sector's stars, but there were a few exceptions of that lately: Some Black Hole systems, some statistic highlights (100th M star system, 100th White Dwarf system overall), ...

Wolf Rayet along the way

... H31, a double Wolf-Rayet with a O star in the system. Already discovered in-game, but not on EDSM...

In the pumpkin field

... Rubeum Anemones in between, and...

Magnificent Marble

... this beautiful Earth Like, found just yesterday in a quite "normal" G star system. Of the 11 ELWs seen so far in the survey, this one is the first to have an own moon. Short time later, I arrived at my actual location, featuring some Magma Puddles, and two moons orbiting each other VERY closely. This leads to the other moon blocking the sun (another G star), as seen from my Geo spot...


Bloomee Survey - A quiet day...

A very short update today: While many others CMDRs follow the story evolving around the newly arrived "Ghost Ship" Adamastor (you have me following the progress of the new story arch from my exploration area!), I made again some jumps towards my personal "data money" goal.

There was not much to report, some Water Worlds and Giants, some pretty packed K star systems (one with 6 stars and 67 objects in total), and some close binaries again. But else... it's been pretty quiet lately...

Bloomee Survey - On the Road to the Riches

After a long time, it's time for another report. This time it is quite short, because most highlights I saw were these:

These were everywhere!

Yep, Water Worlds. These were about everywhere I jumped in, and brought me a good bit closer to my personal data goal. 1 in this system, one over there, 3 systems later I even find 3 of them... Water Worlds in like all possible variations and colours, some terraformable, some not, one even with a ring system... But one Water World even showed land on the surface. Yes, among all the Waters I found, there even was a magnificent Earth Like World, in an F star system together with... you got it, a Water World.

(And where the heck is the photo I took of that Earth Like?)

But I also reached H30, another Black Hole with some "star planets" and their moons. Visited some multi-star-systems along the way (many close binaries and trinaries were encountered), and got greeted by Saurus' Eye...

Saurus' Eye

This is how it's home system (6 stars) greeted me:

Jump in

And there were many more close binaries in the past few days... Let's see what comes today...

Bloomee Survey on a halt...!?

I changed my plans. Again. I will continue the Bloomee Survey, but first, some urgent "things" are "somehow" pulling me back to Colonia. What it is, that I'll come to later...

The last steps before

Shortly before arriving at H29, a single Black Hole with 2 M star "planets" and some moons as companions, I decided to horse around with my plotted route. I did an experiment by:

  • Filtering every B to M class star out -- Route only contained Cone stars
  • Filtering Non Main Sequence stars (Neutron, Black Hole) out -- 35 jumps, all White Dwarves
  • Filtering even White Dwarves out -- No route makeable (because the route planner doesn't let secondary scoopables influence the route planning).
  • I had to put B stars back in -- 24 jumps, 22 B stars, one single O star.

Sounds boring? It was. Therefore it will only be an one-time experiment...

BUT! The penultimate system. A B and F binary with some planets. 6 of them had Bio sources (your typical Rubeum Anemones):

Rubeum Anemones

And this was a common sight. Finally, I found a system with not only 3, but 4 Water Worlds! One of them being ringed, that gave me vistas like this:

Dive into the Rings

Time to span a new bubble around the system! And here is the plan after that:

  • I plan to fetch some more systems. Maybe until I have around like 600-700 Million Credits in the data sheet.
  • Then I'll slowly (Eco Mode) move back to Colonia, hand the data in, and finally buy myself a shiny Fleet Carrier, named MCFC Wuhu Island, after the island and world from the game Wii Sports Resort (you may know that game when you have or had a Wii in your house).
  • With it, I'll buy myself a Type 7, for Tritium-mining. I configurate it actually, and hope that everything I need fits in. I also will take my Python and of course the AspX (and maybe my Clipper) with me...
Bloomee Survey - Finally!

Finally I got one! One "what"? A giant landable Icy? Nah, much more rare than that. A Terraformable Ammonia? This is actually very rare, but nope. Finally a Glowing Green Giant? That would be the wet dream for me as an Explorer, but, sadly, nope.

After around 12,300 visited systems in total, and 80 previously visited Earth Likes, I visited my personal Number 81 (not counting the ones in inhabitated systems). This one in particular:

Earth Like

Looks like an unsuspicious Earth Like in a quite "normal" F star system. But what is that in the background?

A HMC in the same system

A HMC World. Looks pretty unsuspicious as well, or does it? Now you can think, that these are two planets sharing a barycenter, building up a pair of planets. Some of you now may have an idea what I'm talking about. The solution of my beating around the bush lies in the system map:

The System Map

So, after almost 2 years in the universe, and almost 12,300 visited systems, I finally found my first Earth Like Moon! And it was an amazing moment. Finally I can scratch this from my Bucket List! I Can't believe I needed longer to find an Earth Like Moon, than to find an untagged Wolf Rayet Star! But here it is - and I am actually sitting in the middle of an Anemone field in a nearby B star system, still with a "Daniel Ricciardo-like" grin in my face :D

And all I needed to do was to travel from H28 (the first O-class Giant of the tour) to H29, and to close in enough to H29, that the Route Plotter can reliably plot an Economic Route. And after the first jump...

And there you have it for the Highlights. That one out-shadowed everything else I found lately. Even the Neutron system with the 3 Water Worlds (man, I so want to find a system with more than 3 Waters...) or the O-class Giant and the G-class Supergiant I visited. What will happen today? Let's find out after visiting all the Anemone planets in the actual system...

Bloomee Survey - After Holidays Vol.2

Back here in my seat, finally sailing among the stars again... it still feels so cozy and nice around here...

Oh, and... I arrived at H26. And got surprised by four big bright balls glowing up the area around me. The first 2 of them: A B-class Supergiant with a whopping 497 solar radii (personal record!) and, as the smaller, more violet-ish ball, a Wolf Rayet C star...

WR in front of Supergiant

... and, to add, this pair of two pretty close O-class stars. The Supergiant is 15kls away, but still pretty big in sight. The Wolf Rayet has disappeared though...

The Double O

And then, in an F star system along the way, "it" happened finally again. I found "something":

Finally another ELW

A magnificent Earth Like, a rare sight lately! A motivating sight that puts all the trouble in Real World aside for a moment! In the same system, there's a Water World too:

The Water World of the system

I'll close this up with a ringed world, a terraforming candidate (1 of 2) found in a rather packed Neutron system (56 objects in total). How would life be under a Neutron star? Maybe cities, towns, and all the life would only exist under domes, like the one seen in "The Truman Show"? We'll never find it out at this point...:

The Terraformable Neutron HMC

Bloomee Survey - After Holidays

Oh my... why is everything so dusty here? It were only three weeks off on a nice little planet in a nice little A star system... and why are there so many empty bottles...

Okay, "little" is a bit underestimated. The planet I'm standing on has something like... 31 Earth Masses and a gravitation of 4.78 g... sounds cozy, right?

The resting spot

blows dust off the computer and armatures Let's see what I remember from my last travels... Ah, these two stars look pretty close to each other... computer says "Arrival at H25" to this picture, I think I have to believe it...

Arrival at H25

My computer also remembers... this particular... eh, "thing". This "thing" somehow defies the gravity on its planet

The Flying Fumarole

Let's undust the engines and thrusters and get off of here...

Bloomee Survey - Back on track...Short update

Yesterday I reached H24 and am now on my way to H25. I now changed my way of travelling - again...

  • When the next AA-A H system on the list is less than 1k lys away, I try to plot a route in the Eco Mode. Only if this method fails to plot, I'll switch back to the "Sport Mode". AA-A H systems less than 500 lys away are still going to be Eco routes.

Goal: Finding, hopefully, many ELWs or the Glowing Green Giant along the way...

Oh, and some pictures were taken as well. Mostly of Black Holes and MS and S stars along the route...

... but also this close binary Red Giant. Both Giants have about the same radius and mass (33,1 SR, 1,28 SM). An F star and some planets round out the picture.

Double Giant

I wanted to land on the innermost planet orbiting the two Giants, in the hope to see them both. Unfortunately, I turned around just to only see one Giant at that time. But I'll definitely go back to that system...

There also was a landable terraforming candidate along the way, which was then used as a resting spot for three full days...

TF HMC along the way

And here is H24, a Black Hole with 26,3 SM and some more objects around it, all being Y dwarves with moons. Nothing too special, but always a nice addendum. As always, I took a photo of the Black Hole (or, alternatively, an object or more in the system) and the system map.

H24 Black Hole

H25 is already almost in sight. This time it is gonna be a big bit brighter than the Black Holes in the previous systems...