Supply Rare Goods for Rackham Celebration
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
The entrepreneur Zachary Rackham has asked for deliveries of rare items to Edmondson High in the Beta Hydri system.
At a press conference on the planet Homeland, Mr Rackham announced:
“It’s not every day that a humble businessman like me celebrates becoming a trillionaire! So I’m holding a week-long party in the upper floors of Rackham’s Spire. To make sure my guests are entertained, I’ll need to keep my stocks of Apa Vietii from Upaniklis, Gerasian Gueuze Beer from Geras, Pantaa Prayer Sticks from George Pantazis, Uszaian Tree Grubs from Uszaa and Anduliga Fire Works from Anduliga high throughout the entire week.”
“I’ve also arranged for pilots to receive temporary permits to the Beta Hydri system, which will last until the 2nd of June. Anything to make life easier for my trader friends!”
Mr Rackham faced criticism for hosting a celebration at a time when so many have died in recent Thargoid attacks. In response, he claimed he had “a duty to boost public morale by filling the news with happier stories”.
Financial reporter Bryanna Blanco commented in The Federal Times:
“The guest list for this party includes politicians, media magnates, publicity gurus, and many others who would prove useful if you were running a presidential campaign. Should Rackham get enough of them on his side – presumably by sparing no expense on their comfort and entertainment – I think he’ll officially set his sights on the Federation’s top job.”
Allied System Receives Vital Resources
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Sirius Corporation has helped provide commodities to sustain the Didio system during the ongoing Thargoid assault.
Pilots transported multiple shipments of basic medicines, evacuation shelters and food cartridges to the megaship Chariot of Rhea in the Leesti system. These were then redirected to Didio and distributed wherever they were most urgently needed.
The campaign was orchestrated by Admiral Nikolas Glass, who announced:
“By replenishing key supplies during this time of great crisis, Sirius Corporation has again shown its dedication to the Alliance’s military efforts. This will undoubtedly pave the way for the strategic defence pact to be accepted by the Assembly once the trial period has completed.”
Sirius Corporation has confirmed that all pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect payment from Chariot of Rhea in Leesti.
In related news, the superpowers are continuing to reward independent ships for destroying Thargoid vessels in the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems. Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapons are expected to be operational one week from today.
Thargoid Research Project Requires Meta-Alloys
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Commanders have been asked to collect meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacles as part of a wider xenological study.
The research project is being orchestrated by Professor Ishmael Palin, one of the most prominent experts in Thargoid technology:
“With escalating Thargoid activity in the core systems, it is increasingly important that we learn as much as possible about this species. Only through scientific study can we better comprehend their biomechanical nature and, where possible, enhance our defences against it.”
“The initial phase requires fresh samples of meta-alloys, the unique material used in the construction of Thargoid vessels. These can be harvested from barnacles that the Thargoids have seeded on selected planets.”
Pilots can deliver meta-alloys to the starport James Sneddon in the Morten-Marte system. As part of the Federal Reclamation Co’s support for this initiative, the station’s market also offers an increased price for any Thargoid tissue samples.
In addition to credit payments for all those delivering meta-alloys, class 4A, 5A and 6A corrosion resistant cargo racks will be available to selected contributors. The 5A and 6A versions have been exclusively manufactured for this project, and are not commercially available at present.
Professor Palin stated that possessing these cargo racks will be of great benefit in the project’s planned second phase, scheduled to occur in the next few weeks.
Thargoid Warpath May Threaten Marlinists
Voices in the Senate have argued that the Marlinist Colonies should have become an Imperial protectorate to shield them against the Thargoids.
Senator Arturo Durant was quoted by The Imperial Herald:
“The region containing the Marlinist Colonies sits relatively close to what is commonly regarded as Thargoid territory. A strike by the aliens would rapidly overwhelm the paltry security forces of a handful of under-developed systems.”
“Naturally we respect Her Majesty’s decision to acknowledge their autonomy, but many feel that the Marlinists may regret the decision to sit outside our protective sphere. After all, these were once Imperial citizens. It’s our duty to defend them, whether or not they grant us permission.”
First Minister Octavia Volkov published a response via The Marlin Standard:
“The proximity of the Thargoids is an ever-present concern, and it’s true that we do lack a dedicated navy. But many authorised militias such as the Dark Wolf Marlinists have fought courageously to defend our people, and will do so again should the Thargoids turn their attention our way.”
“I remind the senator that we have not only retained control of the original colonies, but also expanded into over two dozen neighbouring systems. Marlin Duval’s dream of forming an interstellar republic is finally flourishing, after centuries of being repressed within the Empire.”
The Sanderlyn Interviews (Part Three)
The journalist Jade Sanderlyn of Vox Galactica was recently invited to conduct rare public interviews with admirals of the three superpowers.
This excerpt is from a conversation with Admiral Rachel Ziegler of the Alliance.
Jade Sanderlyn: This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. I am here with Admiral Rachel Ziegler of the Alliance. I’m pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you, Admiral.
Rachel Ziegler: You’re welcome.
JS: We’re on board the Salote Charm, which is currently stationed in the Didio system. Two days ago, a large Thargoid force arrived here and began attacking human ships and ports. There are reports that Salvation has asked your fleet, and those of the other superpowers, to hold the Thargoid force at bay until the anti-xeno superweapon…
RZ: Let me clarify your question before you finish it. My priority is the safety of the billions who call Didio home. We are not here to keep the Thargoid forces occupied. We are here to defeat them.
JS: Understood, Admiral. Salvation has asked for time to prepare his superweapon, though?
RZ: Yes, he has. But the Alliance does not operate with the assumption that Salvation will deliver on his promise.
JS: Do you support Salvation’s methods? Critics have suggested he endangers lives by using a powerful weapon that has not been independently assessed by experts.
RZ: Whether I support or do not support Salvation is immaterial. The fact is that, on two previous occasions, the superweapon has eliminated Thargoid fleets from entire systems. Rejecting such a powerful device would be unwise. Still, I think the question of risk is wholly appropriate. Military and political figures alike must not become complacent or over-reliant on Salvation’s technology. Particularly when we know so little about it.
JS: Is that ambiguity a concern for the Alliance?
RZ: It should be a concern for everybody. So far, Salvation has acted in our best interests. But a weapon that powerful would be considerably dangerous if recalibrated to damage human technology. Imagine what the NMLA could have done with such a device.
JS: Terrible things, no doubt. But your fleet in Didio could be seen as a tacit endorsement of Salvation by Allied leadership, regardless of your personal views.
RZ: As I said, Salvation’s results are highly impressive.
JS: Let’s hope they remain so. We’ll take a short break. Join us after these messages.
The rest of this interview is available to pilots arriving at the megaship Salote Charm in the Didio system.
The Sanderlyn Interviews (Part Two)
The journalist Jade Sanderlyn of Vox Galactica was recently invited to conduct rare public interviews with admirals of the three superpowers.
This excerpt is from a conversation with Admiral Henry Paul Atherton of the Empire.
Jade Sanderlyn: This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. I am sitting with Admiral Henry Paul Atherton of the Imperial Navy. Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Admiral.
Henry Paul Atherton: Oh, please. Call me Henry.
JS: I’d be delighted to. This is a very impressive ship, Henry.
HPA: Some might say Majestic. [laughs] Yes, the Succession is a wonderful vessel.
JS: How long have you commanded her?
HPA: Several years now. It has been an honour to have my name listed on the Succession’s exemplary service record.
JS: You were promoted to admiral only three years ago. Does that change the personal dynamic with your crew at all?
HPA: Well, they salute a little faster, I suppose. Happily I enjoy a strong relationship with my officers, so they took the change fully in stride.
JS: Let’s talk about Novas. I understand that the Imperial Navy has deployed a fleet here at Salvation’s request.
HPA: That’s correct.
JS: Emperor Arissa recently resumed her duties following… an extended absence from the throne. Having now surely been briefed on Salvation’s work, does the Emperor endorse Salvation?
HPA: If the Emperor had objections, her navy would not be in Novas.
JS: What are your objectives in the system?
HPA: Well, in case it has gone unnoticed, there is a major Thargoid invasion occurring here. It is our duty to protect civilian populations and prevent the loss of strategic assets.
JS: I’m pleased that you mentioned civilian lives first. Does Salvation share this approach?
HPA: Almost certainly. Why else would he invest so much effort into his marvellous superweapon if not to protect people?
JS: Some have claimed that Salvation prioritises victory over safety.
HPA: Jade, dear: they are the same thing. The cost of war is human lives, and the Thargoids extract a heavy toll. Every invaded system. Every burning starport. Every ambushed convoy. Every ship lost to hyperspace. We have repeatedly driven the Thargoids back from our space, but the wretched things keep returning. That cost grows each day. Salvation’s superweapon has proven effective at wiping Thargoids from entire systems at a stroke. If Salvation calls that victory while you and I call it saving lives, then I’m comfortable with the difference in perspective.
JS: Thank you for elaborating. Let’s take a break. We’ll be back after these messages.
The rest of this interview is available to pilots arriving at the INV Succession in the Novas system.
The Sanderlyn Interviews (Part One)
The journalist Jade Sanderlyn of Vox Galactica was recently invited to conduct rare public interviews with admirals of the three superpowers.
This excerpt is from a conversation with Admiral Henry Paul Atherton of the Empire.
Jade Sanderlyn: This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. I am sitting with Admiral Henry Paul Atherton of the Imperial Navy. Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Admiral.
Henry Paul Atherton: Oh, please. Call me Henry.
JS: I’d be delighted to. This is a very impressive ship, Henry.
HPA: Some might say Majestic. [laughs] Yes, the Succession is a wonderful vessel.
JS: How long have you commanded her?
HPA: Several years now. It has been an honour to have my name listed on the Succession’s exemplary service record.
JS: You were promoted to admiral only three years ago. Does that change the personal dynamic with your crew at all?
HPA: Well, they salute a little faster, I suppose. Happily I enjoy a strong relationship with my officers, so they took the change fully in stride.
JS: Let’s talk about Novas. I understand that the Imperial Navy has deployed a fleet here at Salvation’s request.
HPA: That’s correct.
JS: Emperor Arissa recently resumed her duties following… an extended absence from the throne. Having now surely been briefed on Salvation’s work, does the Emperor endorse Salvation?
HPA: If the Emperor had objections, her navy would not be in Novas.
JS: What are your objectives in the system?
HPA: Well, in case it has gone unnoticed, there is a major Thargoid invasion occurring here. It is our duty to protect civilian populations and prevent the loss of strategic assets.
JS: I’m pleased that you mentioned civilian lives first. Does Salvation share this approach?
HPA: Almost certainly. Why else would he invest so much effort into his marvellous superweapon if not to protect people?
JS: Some have claimed that Salvation prioritises victory over safety.
HPA: Jade, dear: they are the same thing. The cost of war is human lives, and the Thargoids extract a heavy toll. Every invaded system. Every burning starport. Every ambushed convoy. Every ship lost to hyperspace. We have repeatedly driven the Thargoids back from our space, but the wretched things keep returning. That cost grows each day. Salvation’s superweapon has proven effective at wiping Thargoids from entire systems at a stroke. If Salvation calls that victory while you and I call it saving lives, then I’m comfortable with the difference in perspective.
JS: Thank you for elaborating. Let’s take a break. We’ll be back after these messages.
The rest of this interview is available to pilots arriving at the INV Succession in the Novas system.
Sirius Initiative Plans Aid for Alliance
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Sirius Corporation has organised humanitarian support for the Didio system, which is under attack by Thargoid vessels.
The Alliance Defence Fleet is currently combating the Thargoid threat in Didio, under the command of Admiral Rachel Ziegler.
Admiral Nikolas Glass, who acts as a liaison between the megacorp and the Alliance Defence Force, provided details of the campaign:
“With the strategic defence pact yet to be ratified, the Council of Admirals has not approved the deployment of Sirius Navy ships as part of an Allied fleet. However, Sirius Corporation is keen to show its commitment to helping the Alliance, and will do so by supplying vital resources to the Didio system’s besieged population.”
“Large quantities of basic medicines, evacuation shelters and food cartridges are urgently required. These can be delivered to the megaship Chariot of Rhea in the Leesti system, from where they will be delivered to Didio in military convoys.”
Sirius Corporation has been criticised for not providing similar support to the Novas and Sosong systems, which have also been invaded. A spokesperson for the megacorp stated that the strategic defence pact’s trial applies exclusively to the Alliance. Any similar relationship with the Empire and Federation would require separate negotiations, though the spokesperson stressed that Li Yong-Rui has no interest in such talks at this time.
A joint operation between the superpowers is currently underway in Didio, Novas and Sosong to counter recent Thargoid invasions. This is to buy time for Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapons to be constructed.
Superpowers Employ Pilots to Hunt Thargoids
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
The Alliance, Empire and Federation are offering bounties on Thargoid vessels in the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems.
Commodore Morag Halloran, who coordinates Salvation’s military forces, broadcast this message on public channels:
“Salvation has started construction of three anti-xeno superweapons to expunge the latest Thargoid infestation. He estimates two more weeks before these devices become operational. Until that time, it is vital that we keep the Thargoids at bay to minimise civilian casualties.”
The anti-xeno taskforces of the Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy are cooperating on a joint operation to buy time for the superweapons to be completed. This includes rewarding independent pilots for defending the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems.
Commanders can hand in combat bonds for Thargoid kills until the 12th of May 3308 at these three locations: the megaship Plymouth Howl in the Ch'anjie system, Sturckow Orbital in the Lesheima system, and Nusslein-Volhard Settlement in the Zlota system.
Each superpower has also deployed a capital ship to the invaded systems: the Allied megaship Salote Charm in Didio, the Majestic-class interdictor INV Succession in Novas, and the Farragut-class battle cruiser FNS Amphion in Sosong.
Jade Sanderlyn, a reporter for Vox Galactica, has been granted permission to interview the admirals in command of the taskforces. Her conversations with Henry Paul Atherton, Maxton Price and Rachel Ziegler are being broadcast by the capital ships and will be syndicated via newsfeeds.
Sirius Vows to Defend Alliance
Sirius Corporation has claimed that the recent Thargoid incursions prove the necessity of its strategic defence pact with the Alliance.
The Didio, Novas and Sosong systems are currently withstanding a coordinated attack from large numbers of Thargoid vessels. Independent pilots have rushed to their aid while the three superpowers prepare their respective fleet responses.
A press conference was held by Admiral Nikolas Glass, the liaison between the Alliance Defence Force and the Sirius Navy:
“This unexpected onslaught only underlines the Alliance’s need for military support. The Thargoids can strike anywhere at any time, and Allied systems such as Didio are vulnerable. Only with Sirius Corporation’s help can we ensure their safety.”
Journalists pointed out that the Council of Admirals had selected Admiral Rachel Ziegler to lead their anti-xeno taskforce instead of Admiral Glass, despite that being his specific area of expertise. He replied:
“Well, as you know, the pact is still within its trial period and hasn’t yet been ratified by the Assembly. So there are limits to how involved Sirius Corporation can be at this stage. I’m sure my colleague will do a fine job while I focus on providing broader support to the Didio system, such as additional secondments to Salvation’s fleet.”
Superpower Systems Overrun by Thargoids
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Thargoid fleets have invaded the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems, placing over ten billion lives at risk.
Local security services in all three systems have reported overwhelming numbers of hostile Thargoid vessels. Several starports have been directly attacked with caustic enzyme weapons, and the combined death toll is already in the hundreds of thousands.
Didio, Novas and Sosong are members of the Alliance, Empire and Federation respectively. Three admirals have been selected to mount a defence: Henry Paul Atherton of the Imperial Navy, Maxton Price of the Federal Navy and Rachel Ziegler of the Alliance Defence Force.
However, it will be days before each can marshal sufficient forces. Therefore the factions Emperor’s Grace, LTT 4772 Alliance Mandate and Union of Sosong Democrats have sent out emergency calls for assistance to all independent pilots.
With Aegis now officially disbanded, its fleet is being temporarily operated by Frontline Solutions. The combat logistics corporation has made the ships available with a volunteer pilot force, which will support the superpowers in systems invaded by Thargoid fleets. Sources indicate a more permanent solution is being sought, as Frontline Solutions CEO Imogen le Ray is believed to be resistant to a long-term commitment of her company’s resources to the anti-xeno effort.
The Alliance, Empire and Federation are currently liaising with Salvation, whose unique weaponry has proved effective against Thargoid incursions of similar magnitude. As yet, Salvation has made no public statement.
Salvation Strengthens Bonds with Superpowers
The anonymous anti-xeno scientist Salvation has received further military support from the Alliance, Empire and Federation.
Multiple official sources have highlighted the increasing number of crew members being seconded from the Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy. Previously, enlisted members had been forced to resign their commissions, but regulatory changes now permit temporarily serving on vessels owned by Salvation’s commercial partner Taurus Mining Ventures.
One of the recent volunteers, Lieutenant Andrew Jones, was quoted by Vox Galactica:
“Most of us are here because it feels like Salvation is the only one taking the fight to the Thargoids. Now that Aegis is as good as gone, he’s our best hope for stopping these aliens before they wipe us all out.”
Other non-naval recruits from the superpowers are providing support in intelligence, logistics and security. A number of specialists are alleged to be working directly with Salvation on his anti-xeno superweapons, which are derived from Guardian technology.
In related news, scientific research journal The Empirical reported that no evidence of atypical radiation has been detected in the Synuefe CE-R C21-6 system. This has raised questions as to the purpose of Taurus Mining Ventures’s recent mining operation.
Sirius Defends Alliance Territory
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Sirius Corporation megaships will soon arrive in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas to provide anti-xeno support.
The three vessels are intended as a demonstration of Sirius Corporation’s military capabilities, prior to the strategic defence pact being ratified by the Alliance Assembly.
A public statement was provided by Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy representative on the Alliance Council of Admirals:
“The Coalsack Nebula and Witch Head Nebula regions are where Alliance interests are most at risk from Thargoid attack. From tomorrow, our megaships will serve as bases from which anti-xeno operations can be conducted.”
“All ships in the area are invited to make use of the Song of Mecchi in the Coalsack Sector Vu-O B6-6 system, the Kandula's Truth in the Siniang system, and the Li Chyou Winds in the Onoros system.”
“As a further gesture of our dedication to protecting the Alliance, these megaships will offer a unique pre-engineered heat sink module. We trust that this will prove especially useful to those brave pilots who face the Thargoids in combat.”
Reorte System Remains Allied
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
The Reorte Pro-Alliance League’s success over the Reorte Mining Coalition means the system will stay in the Alliance.
A greater quantity of advanced medicines, skimmer components and building fabricators were delivered to the Trobairitz megaship than to the opposing faction. As a result, Reorte will remain an Allied system.
Pilots who contributed to the Reorte Pro-Alliance League’s initiative can now collect their rewards at the Trobairitz, along with the additional pre-engineered heat sink modules provided by Sirius Corporation.
Chief Administrator Louisa Leblanc proclaimed:
“I am deeply grateful to all those who helped convince our people that Reorte’s future is more secure with the Alliance. We look forward to working alongside Sirius Corporation on increasing defences against the Thargoids.”
The Reorte Mining Coalition’s CEO Fergus Cassidy expressed his regret that their campaign to renounce membership of the Alliance failed to gather the necessary support. He thanked those who supported them, and confirmed that credit rewards for contributing pilots are now available at Davies High starport.
Taurus Mining Ventures Calls for Support
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Taurus Mining Ventures has requested help with a mining and delivery operation in the Synuefe CE-R c21-6 system.
In recent weeks, the mining corporation has performed research on what it claims are atypical radiation signatures detected within Synuefe CE-R c21-6. It now seeks shipments of the system’s native ores to explore commercially valuable applications of any molecular changes caused by this radiation.
Dr Ruben Carpenter, head of the company’s research division, outlined the initiative:
“I’m very excited to offer pilots this opportunity to support our scientific studies, which will hopefully prove lucrative for all involved. We require coltan, lithium hydroxide and methanol monohydrate crystal to be mined from locations within Synuefe CE-R c21-6 and delivered to the Heart of Taurus megaship.”
“We will also pay for shipments of the same ores that have been mined from other systems. These will allow us to compare samples, in order to refine our commercial processes.”
Taurus Mining Ventures is known for its close association with the anonymous anti-xeno specialist known as Salvation. However, there is no indication that this mining operation is connected to Salvation’s efforts to combat the Thargoids.
Rival Initiatives to Decide Reorte’s Future
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Deliveries to the Reorte Mining Coalition or the Reorte Pro-Alliance League will help determine the system’s status.
The system’s controlling faction wishes to declare independence, in protest against Sirius Corporation’s proposed anti-xeno defence pact with the Alliance Defence Force.
The Reorte Mining Coalition’s CEO Fergus Cassidy announced:
“Prime Minister Mahon’s insistence on working with Sirius leads us to believe our interests are best served outside of the Alliance. To prepare for Reorte’s potential transition to an independent system, we ask for shipments of advanced medicines, skimmer components and building fabricators to be delivered to Davies High starport.”
It is expected that if Reorte Mining Coalition is successful, all systems currently under its governance would similarly be classified as independent.
Another faction in the system, the Reorte Pro-Alliance League, broadcast a statement in opposition by chief administrator Louisa Leblanc:
“Severing Reorte’s links with the Alliance over some misguided idealism would be hasty and short-sighted, given the Thargoid threat this pact is intended to prepare for. We believe that increasing supplies of advanced medicines, skimmer components and building fabricators will reassure the public of the benefits of membership.”
“The Alioth Independents faction has kindly provided a megaship, the Trobairitz, where pilots can deliver these commodities.”
Although Sirius Corporation is not officially involved with these competing initiatives, it is offering pre-engineered heat sink modules to independent pilots who make deliveries to the Trobairitz.
Taurus Mining Ventures Begins Scientific Study
The megaships Musashi and Heart of Taurus have entered the Synuefe CE-R c21-6 system to perform a mining-related research operation.
Taurus Mining Ventures is an independent mining corporation closely associated with Salvation. It has acted as his intermediary in recent months, directly supporting his efforts to combat the Thargoids.
Dr Ruben Carpenter, head of the company’s research division, provided a statement:
“We have recorded some unusual radioactive signatures in the Synuefe CE-R c21-6 system. This has had a transformative effect on the molecular structure of certain naturally occurring substances.”
“Our objective is to perform a detailed analysis of these irradiated materials and determine if they have value as mineable resources. Customised laboratories have been set up aboard both megaships, and work is already underway.”
The Empirical, an independent journal aimed at the scientific community, commented:
“As yet, the detection of atypical radiation signatures within CE-R c21-6 has not been verified by secondary sources. Our editorial team has reached out to Taurus Mining Ventures for clarification.”
Alliance Strives to Retain Reorte
The megaship Trobairitz has arrived in the Reorte system to support the efforts of the Reorte Pro-Alliance League.
In recent weeks, the Reorte system has forced the expulsion of Sirius Corporation and refused to accept the strategic defence pact. Since then, there have been proposals from its controlling faction to renounce Allied membership and declare independence. But this has galvanised others to campaign for Reorte to remain in the Alliance.
Louisa Leblanc, chief administrator of the Reorte Pro-Alliance League, gave a statement to The Alliance Tribune:
“The proposed partnership with Sirius Corporation Is restricted to increasing defences against the Thargoids. We do not believe this will be disruptive enough to justify losing all the myriad benefits of membership in the Alliance.”
“The Reorte Pro-Alliance League is pleased to be supported by the Alioth Independents faction. A megaship, the Trobairitz, has been supplied to us and will serve as the centre of our campaign for Reorte to remain an Allied system.”
Sirius Corporation has officially stated that this situation is an internal matter for the Alliance. Sources within the Alioth Independents suggest that Sirius Corporation delegates has been briefed on the situation.
Trial Period Agreed for Alliance-Sirius Pact
The Alliance and Sirius Corporation have negotiated a three-month probationary period for its proposed anti-xeno defence agreement.
In response to a summons by Councillor Nakato Kaine, CEO Li Yong-Rui appeared in person before the Assembly. As part of a longer speech he stated:
“I fully understand that, in order to be effective, the strategic defence pact requires broader political support. But to share its details before the Alliance can experience its benefits may lead to hasty decisions.”
“Instead, we propose that Sirius Corporation is provided with an opportunity to demonstrate how we can enhance Allied security against the Thargoids. At the end of a contractually defined period of time, the Assembly can review the pact and decide whether or not to continue with our partnership.”
Following further discussions, Yong-Rui accepted that the probationary period would be reduced to three months from the originally suggested six. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed his gratitude that a solution had been reached.
Councillor Ainsley Niven, representing the Reorte system, sounded a cautionary note:
“Frankly, some Allied factions won’t tolerate Sirius’s presence for three minutes let alone three months. I fear that this will not be enough to convince all of our member systems to cooperate.”
Aegis Demands Reinstatement
The leaders of Aegis have formally petitioned the Alliance, Empire and Federation to reform the anti-xeno organisation.
Although all three superpowers are in the process of building their own taskforces to replace Aegis, they have been unable to assist against a recent surge of Thargoid incursions.
Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong gave a statement to the press:
“Surviving members of the leadership council have submitted an appeal to reverse the decision to disband Aegis. The essence of our case is that the superpowers are currently distracted by various internal situations, but the Thargoids care nothing for our politics and must be met with a unified show of force.”
“Aegis support ships have recently been repurposed by other crews in several regions, including the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems. But they could have been operated officially by our trained personnel, if only we were allowed to do our job.”
“In addition to the increasing Thargoid threat, the rediscovery of the Alexandria in the Wregoe TC-X B29-0 system proves that Azimuth still exists. This sinister group slaughtered four thousand people to obtain Guardian artefacts, and we have logs proving it performed unlicensed xenological research in recent years. Aegis could provide centralised opposition to these criminals as well as defending against alien attack.”