
  • 3306年11月6日
  • Terrorism Spreads as Superpower Conflicts Increase

    Neo-Marlinist extremists are continuing their campaign of terror, while the Empire and Federation clash over issues caused by Marlinist refugees.

    The Imperial Herald has featured updates on terrorist activity across the Empire:

    “The NMLA has claimed responsibility for over fifty bomb attacks during the last three weeks. These mostly targeted local authority buildings and security forces, killing hundreds. Hit squads have also assassinated several high-profile individuals connected to the Duvals, including the Emperor’s relative Baron Cesare Lavigny.”

    “Senior IISS leaders have admitted to being unprepared for how organised and well-equipped the paramilitary group is. Critics suggest that the mass arrest of Marlinists may have radicalised many people who were already sympathetic to the republican ideology.”

    The Federal Times has focused on the tensions between superpowers:

    “With diplomatic channels closing down, the possibility that the confrontation in LTT 1935 might escalate into all-out war cannot be ignored. There is added pressure from the exodus of millions of Marlinists, whose beliefs align with the Federation’s democratic principles.”

    “President Hudson is still suffering from reduced congressional support, and many have said that it feels like Felicia Winters is running the show. But although her humanitarian efforts undoubtedly saved many refugees’ lives, the acceptance of Imperial outcasts into Federal society remains in question.”

  • 3306年11月5日
  • Federal and Imperial Forces Engage in Battle

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Empire’s counter-terrorism operation in the LTT 1935 system has triggered armed resistance from the Federation.

    The Imperial Internal Security Service’s investigation into the NMLA terrorist group led its agents to LTT 1935, a Federation-controlled system in neutral space. Military vessels were called in for support, only to be met in combat by Federal forces.

    A declaration was made by Colonel Ernest Harris of the LTT 1935 Confederacy:

    “The Empire cannot dominate and arrest our citizens as it did with the Marlinists. We claim the right to defend the Federation’s territory from such aggressive tactics.”

    Captain Axel Cyprian of the L.Y.S Corp responded:

    “The IISS has confirmed that the Neo-Marlinists have secret bomb-making factories concealed within LTT 1935. To prevent future atrocities, it is vital that we take control of this system and shut down the NMLA’s source of weapons.”

    The LTT 1935 Confederacy has requested help from independent pilots to defend LTT 1935 from occupation by the Empire.

    The L.Y.S Corp has also asked for auxiliaries to assist in gaining control of the system.

  • 3306年1月13日
  • Federation Accused of Supporting the NMLA

    The Empire has revealed new evidence that suggests the NMLA terrorist group may be receiving help from elements within the Federation.

    A report from the Imperial Internal Security Service stated:

    “With information provided by the engineer Liz Ryder, we located an abandoned workshop where explosives had been constructed using her blueprints. Traces were found of Thargoid caustic enzymes, matching the payloads delivered during the starport bombings.”

    “Micro-signage on cargo containers identified bulk deliveries of equipment from a Federal system in neutral space, where we believe the NMLA has a second bomb-making facility. IISS agents are currently investigating to confirm these findings.”

    Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester refuted these allegations:

    “The suggestion that we’re responsible for the Empire’s home-grown extremists is laughable. As with their persecution of Marlinists, this is another excuse for an inability to solve their own problems.”

    Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana responded:

    “There have long been rumours that the NMLA has the Federation’s support, to destabilise the Empire and promote republican propaganda. If true, there will be severe consequences.”

    In related news, some Federal systems are struggling to cope with an influx of Marlinist refugees. Public disobedience, food shortages and epidemics have been reported in the Thetis, LTT 1935 and HIP 36081 systems, due to a lack of additional resources.

  • 3306年11月2日
  • Hadrian Duval Saved by Aisling Duval’s Intervention

    Princess Aisling Duval has provided lifesaving aid to Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, who was severely wounded by NMLA terrorists.

    The INV Achenar's Courage, transported her to the Paresa system where she offered protection against further assassination attempts.

    Hadrian Duval was transferred to the Majestic-class Interdictor’s medical bay, surrounded by both his Praetorian Guard and Imperial troops. He received advanced treatment including Vitadyne nanomeds, and is no longer in critical condition.

    This unorthodox intervention has drawn both criticism and praise from senators and public alike. Nova Imperium is outlawed for sedition due to its isolationist policies, and its leader is not recognised by the Imperial Family. However, a non-aggression pact was agreed between Aisling and Hadrian in 3305.

    A defiant Aisling Duval told The Imperial Herald:

    “I recently lost one member of my family to these extremists. I am not about to lose another. Regardless of politics, Hadrian is my cousin, and there are precious few Duvals left alive.”

    Nova Imperium’s head of security, Praetor Leo Magnus, commented:

    “I am confident that our Imperator would have survived, but we do appreciate Her Highness’s assistance. It remains a mystery how the NMLA could come so close to succeeding, but my investigations continue.”

  • 3306年10月30日
  • Empire and Federation Clash Over Marlinists

    The Empire has repeated its demand for the Federation to deport all Marlinist emigrants, as tensions increase between the two superpowers.

    Hundreds of thousands of political refugees reached Federal space after fleeing to escape the Empire’s hunt for Neo-Marlinist terrorists. Congress has agreed to provide sanctuary, along with offers of permanent residency.

    Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana stated:

    “Our people must be safely returned so we can identify dangerous NMLA activists, before they gain the opportunity to inflict further harm. We have no desire for the Federation to suffer the same horrific attacks.”

    A response was given by Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester:

    “As always, the Empire promises one thing and does another. This is not an altruistic effort to spare us from terrorists – it is a totalitarian purge of believers in democracy.”

    There are reports that both superpowers have suspended many official channels of communication. Political commentators have observed that the Federation’s actions could be construed as the mass kidnapping of Imperial citizens, which would be an act of war.

  • 3306年10月29日
  • Supplies for Marlinist Refugees Successfully Delivered

    A Federal charity initiative to deliver vital supplies for Marlinist refugees from the Empire has concluded.

    Safeguard Interstellar, a humanitarian aid organisation, received an impressive response to its request to provide basic necessities to Marlinist immigrants claiming asylum in the Federation.

    CEO Noel Beaumont announced:

    “These much-needed shipments of basic medicines, clothing, food cartridges, fruit and vegetables, and evacuation shelters will be used to sustain the Marlinist populations in the LTT 3607, Charunder and Ennead systems, at least until they can receive the state support granted by Congress.”

    “Our affiliate, the Fionn Liberals, will be pleased to reward contributing pilots at Fox Enterprise in the LFT 625 system.”

    The charity shared a message from Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader:

    “To all the pilots who brought these life-saving supplies – thank you. Leaving our homes has been incredibly difficult, but you and Safeguard Interstellar have provided ports in the storm. Many of us hope to start afresh in the Federation, where we know our democratic ideals will be nourished.”

  • ‘Ghost Ship’ Arrives in Chukchan System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    An abandoned megaship that set out two centuries ago has returned on automatic pilot to the Chukchan system.

    Local security forces were scrambled to intercept an unidentified vessel that was detected on a collision course with Chukchan 5 B.

    The megaship displayed no signs of life, so tugs were deployed to wrench it into a safe orbit. This caused onboard power systems to overload with explosive results, damaging cargo holds and spilling debris.

    The name of the ship was confirmed as the Adamastor, but no further information is available in the public domain.

    Specialists from the Alliance Salvage Guild boarded the derelict to conduct an investigation. Their preliminary report stated:

    “The Adamastor has been travelling at sublight speed through interstellar space for nearly two hundred years. There are no remains of the crew. All escape pods and secondary craft have been launched, and several airlocks were manually opened from within.”

    “A complete absence of identification suggests that this ship was intended for clandestine operations. All data drives have been deliberately erased.”

    “There is evidence of a reinforced cargo hold, fitted with what looks like the remains of environmental equipment. Recent fire damage makes it impossible to be more specific.”

    “The ship’s original destination is unknown, having returned to its launch point on autopilot. Calculating its trajectory implies that it passed near the HIP 61595, HIP 64011 and HIP 65201 systems.”

    The Adamastor will remain in orbit for further examination.

  • 3306年10月27日
  • Terrorist Hit Squad Targets Hadrian Duval

    Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has been severely wounded in an assassination attempt by Neo-Marlinist extremists.

    The attack took place at Dyson City in the Paresa system, headquarters of the isolationist organisation Nova Imperium. A small team of armed intruders broke into the command deck and opened fire. Three people were killed and four injured, including Hadrian Duval, before his Praetorian Guard eliminated the assassins.

    The NMLA has claimed responsibility. On propaganda channels, the paramilitary group vows to “sever every head of the Duval hydra”, and calls for all citizens to rise up and demand democracy.

    Praetor Leo Magnus, Nova Imperium’s head of security, gave this statement to Vox Galactica:

    “The Imperator is in a critical condition but receiving our finest medical care. I am personally overseeing an investigation into how the NMLA infiltrated our starport and bypassed security checks.”

    “Such attacks are as sickening as they are cowardly, and Nova Imperium stands firmly against these terrorists.”

    Hadrian Duval is the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist. His father, the late Commander Hector Jansen, was the result of a secret liaison with a household slave. Although disowned by the Imperial Family, Hadrian claims to be a rightful heir to the throne.

  • 3306年10月26日
  • Congress Votes to Accept Marlinist Immigrants

    The Federation will grant sanctuary to Marlinist political refugees from the Empire, following a congressional vote in favour of Felicia Winters.

    President Zachary Hudson had stated that illegal immigrants in the Federal systems Charunder, Ennead, HIP 36081, LTT 1935, LTT 3607 and Thetis would be detained and returned to Imperial space. This was challenged by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who argued that they deserved a more compassionate response.

    Congress debated and then voted on her proposal, which received majority support. Government funding will soon be released to provide resources and accommodation for the refugee population.

    Shadow President Winters told the media:

    “Charities such as Safeguard Interstellar are already doing excellent work, but now we can officially offer safe haven and temporary citizenship to all Marlinists.”

    “These innocent people only seek what we in the Federation take for granted – democracy, fairness and political representation. Their values are closer to ours than the Empire’s, and we have an obligation to protect them.”

    Several newsfeeds, including The Federal Times and Sol Today, commented that President Hudson’s authority has been undermined by his refusal to comment on the charges against Fleet Admiral Vincent. The accompanying rumours of corruption and conspiracy have had a demoralising effect on his supporters, and increased the Liberal Party’s popularity.

  • 3306年10月22日
  • Federal Initiative to Support Marlinist Refugees

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    An aid charity is requesting deliveries of vital supplies to help Marlinist refugees that fled from the Empire to the Federation.

    Safeguard Interstellar, a humanitarian aid organisation, has announced a campaign to help refugees requesting political asylum in the Federation.

    Several Imperial factions sympathetic to Marlinism were placed under martial law, leading to civilians emigrating in huge numbers to the Federal systems Charunder, Ennead, HIP 36081, LTT 1935, LTT 3607 and Thetis. Local authorities have warned that without additional support, these refugees may trigger public unrest or food shortages. There is also a risk of unfamiliar contagions reaching the population.

    Noel Beaumont, the CEO of Safeguard Interstellar, made this statement:

    “These ex-citizens of the Empire have suffered at the hands of their own government, and now seek freedom from persecution. Shelter, food and other necessities must be provided to satisfy their basic human rights.”

    “We urgently require shipments of basic medicines, clothing, food cartridges, fruit and vegetables, and evacuation shelters to Fox Enterprise in the LFT 625 system. From there, they will be distributed to the Marlinists. The more supplies we receive, the more systems can offer sanctuary without strain on their infrastructure.”

    Safeguard Interstellar’s affiliate, the Fionn Liberals, has offered to pay handsomely for all bounty vouchers collected from wanted vessels in the LFT 625 system.

    The initiative begins on the 22nd of October 3306 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • 3306年10月21日
  • Thargoid Incursion Repelled in Witch Head Enclave

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Thargoid forces defeated in an Alliance-controlled system within the Witch Head Nebula.

    The galactic community has responded to a call for aid from the Witch Head Enclave and successfully resisted an attack by the Thargoids. The majority of the alien vessels were destroyed, forcing the remainder to retreat.

    Captain Warren Lamar, head of security for the Alliance Expeditionary Pact, announced:

    “Everyone in Onoros and our neighbouring systems owes an enormous debt to the courageous pilots who met the Thargoids in battle. The whole of the Witch Head Enclave is breathing a sigh of relief that this resurgence was prevented from spreading any farther.”

    The Alliance Expeditionary Pact offered financial rewards for those who took part in the system’s defence, and these payments can now be obtained at the Golden Stag.

    To help celebrate this victory, the technology broker at Bray Landing in the Yuanjia system confirmed that access to Guardian weapons and modules will stay reduced for one more week.

  • 3306年10月20日
  • Marlinist Refugees Flee to the Federation

    The Empire has formally demanded that the Federation extradites all Marlinist political refugees that have fled into their space.

    Hundreds of thousands of believers in the republican ideology evacuated their homes following anti-terrorism lockdowns. The Imperial blockade in Ackwada prevented ten megaships from escaping, but others carrying huge numbers of Marlinists have appeared in the Federal systems Charunder, Ennead, HIP 36081, LTT 1935, LTT 3607 and Thetis. Many smaller vessels are also thought to have spread far and wide.

    Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana sent the formal request:

    “The Federation is harbouring potential criminals who are connected to the NMLA terrorists. We insist that they are detained and returned to us to face justice.”

    Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, who was once engaged to Princess Aisling Duval, provided an official response:

    “There is no extradition treaty for unconvicted citizens, and these people have claimed political asylum. I have requested that Congress grant them sanctuary within the Federation, and that we offer protection to all Marlinists seeking to escape discrimination by the Empire.”

    Although there is no indication that Marlinist emigrants have set course for Alliance space, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon confirmed that they will be welcomed. Some independent systems are also offering assistance, while others have warned that any influx of refugees will be resisted.

  • 3306年10月19日
  • Political Turmoil for President Hudson

    Political support for Federal President Zachary Hudson has plummeted after the results of a trial concerning Starship One’s destruction.

    Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent was charged with sabotaging the presidential vessel, leading to hundreds of deaths. His close relationship with Hudson has triggered a public outcry and accusations of a conspiracy to assassinate then-President Jasmina Halsey.

    Political analyst Vihaan Niven reported on the situation:

    “The Republican Party is officially in a state of crisis. President Hudson has refused to make any statement regarding Fleet Admiral Vincent, despite pressure piling up from all corners of the Federation. Over a dozen congressmen have resigned in protest, refusing to be associated with what some newsfeeds are calling ‘the crime of the century’.”

    “Shadow President Felicia Winters has stopped short of making direct allegations against Hudson but, in several powerful speeches, she stressed that no elected ruler can ever be above the law.”

    “Opinion polls suggest that the Liberal Party now has majority support for the first time in years, and that many people view Hudson as a symbol of corruption. In 3305, halfway through his term of office, the President won the scheduled congressional vote of no confidence by a slim margin. It is doubtful that his administration would survive if it were to be held today.”

  • 3306年10月16日
  • Marlinist Exodus as Imperial Lockdowns Continue

    The Empire has locked down more systems as part of an anti-terrorism operation, causing millions of Marlinists to flee from their homes.

    Following NMLA terror attacks, martial law was declared in regions where the political beliefs of Marlinism are prevalent.

    Citizens in several systems including 234 G. Carinae, Baltah'Sine, Beatis, CD-39 3269, Chana, HIP 39470, Mazahuanses and Nahuatl have evacuated en masse to avoid arrest. There are eyewitness reports of people crammed into whatever vessels they can find, often in unsafe numbers.

    Vox Galactica featured this statement from Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader and advocate of democratic reform:

    “This isn’t a search for terrorists – it’s a crusade against anyone who shares Marlin Duval’s dream of a Republic. Such brutal persecution leaves us no choice but to risk our lives by seeking sanctuary elsewhere.”

    In the Senate, a handful of senators voiced concerns about the treatment of Imperial citizens, to which Denton Patreus responded:

    “The security of the Empire is paramount. These worlds harbour a ruthless enemy that has already slaughtered thousands. We will not rest until the Neo-Marlinist poison has been cleansed, even if that means tracking down everyone who may carry this infection.”

    The Imperial Navy is searching for all ships transporting Marlinist refugees, but there is evidence that some have reached systems controlled by the Federation.

  • 3306年10月15日
  • Thargoids Return to Witch Head Nebula

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Thargoid vessels detected in Alliance-controlled systems within the Witch Head Nebula.

    The Thargoids have reappeared in the Witch Head Nebula, and are swarming in large numbers through the Onoros, Lembass, Haki, Wellington and Shenve systems.

    Sixteen systems within the nebula were colonised last year to form the Witch Head Enclave, after a successful initiative to locate fresh barnacle sites. This initially triggered a hostile reaction from the Thargoids, but their presence was relatively low until now.

    Captain Warren Lamar, head of security for the Alliance Expeditionary Pact, put out an urgent call for assistance:

    “If this Thargoid assault is not repelled, it may spread into a full-scale invasion throughout the Witch Head Enclave. Neither Aegis nor the Alliance Defence Force are able to deploy in time, so we ask all independent combat pilots and anti-xeno squadrons to come to our defence.”

    The Alliance Expeditionary Pact has confirmed that it will offer generous rewards to all Commanders who assist with destroying Thargoid vessels.

    In related news, the technology broker at Bray Landing in the Yuanjia system will support pilots by reducing resource requirements to access Guardian weapons and modules.

  • 3306年10月14日
  • Marlinist Faction Blockaded by Empire

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Conflict between Regulatory State of Ackwada and Duduseklis Empire League in the Ackwada system has concluded.

    A Marlinist faction accused for providing recruits to the NMLA terrorist group has been overwhelmed by a combination of Imperial forces and independent pilots. Several megaships were intercepted while attempting to transport large numbers of Marlinist civilians out of the Ackwada system.

    This report was delivered by the Imperial Internal Security Service:

    “We have taken many Marlinist criminals into custody, despite their efforts to shield the terrorists. Some may have temporarily evaded us, but we are confident that we can track and destroy the NMLA cells operating within this system.”

    “Our affiliate, the Regulatory State of Ackwada, will distribute rewards at Glorious Destiny to all who contributed to this victory.”

    The Duduseklis Empire League broadcast this message to its supporters:

    “Thousands of political refugees attempted to flee from persecution onboard megaships. Unfortunately, the Imperial blockade was supported by too many independent pilots, and none were able to escape.”

    “Despite being unable to help our Marlinist supporters, we are still able to offer rewards at Rush's Camp for the brave few who dared to dream of democracy.”

    Imperial scouts are currently searching for many smaller vessels that fled the system and may contain NMLA activists.

  • 3306年10月12日
  • Engineer Reveals Link to Terrorist Bombs

    Liz Ryder, an engineer based in the Eurybia system, has confirmed that her designs for an explosive match those used by NMLA terrorists against Imperial starports.

    Her statement was distributed by Vox Galactica:

    “Under a private contract from what appeared to be the Eurybia Blue Mafia, I designed demolition charges capable of delivering a secondary payload. At no point did I know these would be customised to hold Thargoid caustic enzymes or used in terrorist activities. Until recently, I had no idea that the starport bombings were caused by modified versions of my design.”

    “I have since discovered that my contractors used false identification, and now seem to be untraceable. It appears that the NMLA, or people working for them, infiltrated the Eurybia Blue Mafia to access my services.”

    “To help clear the Eurybia Blue Mafia, which has supported me for years, I have provided Imperial investigators with all the data I have regarding this contract. I urge the Empire to accept that we were all deceived by the terrorists.”

    The Imperial Internal Security Service confirmed that the warrant for Liz Ryder’s arrest has been rescinded and it is reviewing her information, which may lead to locating the source of the Thargoid enzymes used in the bombs.

  • 3306年10月9日
  • Fleet Admiral Vincent Named as Starship One Saboteur

    Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent, one of the Federal Navy chiefs of staff, has been arrested on charges related to the destruction of Starship One.

    The trial of Chief Technician Rory Webster was halted by a plea bargain to reveal who ordered him to sabotage Starship One’s hyperdrive in 3301.

    An update on proceedings was delivered by Milandu Okoro of the Federal Attorney’s Office:

    “Mr Webster provided evidence that Fleet Admiral Vincent directly commanded him to arrange for Starship One to suffer the same fate as the Highliner Antares. The orders were allegedly provided on a private channel, accompanied by threats discouraging Mr Webster’s refusal.”

    “The trial concluded with the judge summarily convicting the defendant of aiding and abetting mass murder. Chief Technician Webster received a lenient sentence of 20 years in prison, in acknowledgement that he performed criminal acts under duress.”

    “The FIA has detained Vincent in a high-security facility, and he has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and treason. However, the case is likely to take several months to come to trial.”

    There was no comment from President Zachary Hudson, who is believed to be a personal friend of Vincent. A spokesperson for his administration said: “As always, the President has full confidence in our court system to deliver justice.”

  • 3306年10月8日
  • Military Strike Against Marlinist Faction

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Conflict between Regulatory State of Ackwada and Duduseklis Empire League in the Ackwada system.

    The Empire has targeted a Marlinist faction that is suspected of supporting the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA). It was recently placed into lockdown for its pro-Marlinist stance, during which time suspicions were raised of it having a direct connection to the NMLA.

    The Imperial Internal Security Service made this statement:

    “The Duduseklis Empire League is one of several organisations that publicly accepted the principles of Marlinism. Our intelligence suggests it is allowing the NMLA to radicalise its citizens into becoming activists for the paramilitary group.”

    “Operations to investigate this potential nest of terrorists have been met with armed resistance. Imperial auxiliaries and independent pilots are requested to assist the Regulatory State of Ackwada in defeating all pro-Marlinist forces in the Ackwada system.”

    The Duduseklis Empire League broadcast this message:

    “If NMLA members have been recruited from our people, it is certainly not with our knowledge. The Empire is using a terrorist hunt to justify persecuting millions of ordinary citizens, whose only crime is to believe in republican ideals.”

    “We remain loyal to the Emperor, but are forced to counter this unwarranted aggression to ensure these political refugees escape imprisonment. The stronger our resistance, the more megaships can flee this system. We desperately need help so we can transport thousands of innocent families to safety.”

  • Eurybia Blue Mafia Resists Imperial Forces

    Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders

    Conflict between Keltim Empire League and Eurybia Blue Mafia in Eurybia has ended.

    The Eurybia Blue Mafia has successfully fought off an attempt by the Empire to take the Engineer Liz Ryder into custody.

    Spokesperson Ana Westergard made this announcement on behalf of the anarchist faction:

    “This is a victory against the Empire’s arrogance! There was never any evidence that Liz Ryder or our organisation are involved with terrorists, and this invasion was based entirely on supposition.”

    “We are extremely grateful to everyone who helped us defend Liz Ryder and maintain our independence. Rewards to all those brave Commanders are available at Awyra Flirble starport, modules will be placed in storage by the 10th of October 3306”.

    Captain Rocco Gandara of the Keltim Empire League announced:

    “Despite the anarchists having the upper hand on this occasion, I can confirm that we will honour all of our supporting pilots by making rewards available at Prelude to Victory.”