
  • 3305年5月17日
  • Ship Thief’s Personal Log Discovered

    A journal maintained by Gan Romero, the technician responsible for stealing a docked vessel from a starport hangar, has been discovered.

    Security Chief Misaki Sanders gave this statement from Fort Dixon:

    “We have thoroughly investigated Romero’s background to establish a motive for the theft and how it was accomplished. Our only lead is a series of encrypted voice logs that he deleted shortly before the hijack.”

    “Our analysts have recovered a few fragments of these recordings, which appear to have been part of a dream journal. In them, Romero makes repeated mention of seeing ‘an area of space, not black but radiant…glowing like heaven,’ and being called by ‘voices that didn’t come from anything with a body’.”

    “Medical experts have proposed that Romero’s recordings, along with his recent distracted behaviour, may be symptoms of an undiagnosed dissociative disorder. If true, Romero was likely acting upon dream delusions when he stole the ship. At present, our investigation has not yielded anything more substantial.”

  • 3305年5月16日
  • Zende Partners Requests Guardian Commodities

    Zende Partners has called for increased deliveries of Guardian commodities in Synuefe EN-H d11-96, the newly established hub for Guardian-human technological research.

    CEO Freya Taine made the following announcement:

    “My company has established a scientific research outpost in Guardian space named The Prospect, which also serves as the termination point for our megaship transport service from the Zende system. The next step is to procure a licence that will allow a technology broker to trade from The Prospect.”

    “In preparation for this, we invite the galactic community to collect Guardian commodities from nearby ancient ruins and bring them to the outpost. This will allow us to provide a stock of existing Guardian-human technology, while also stimulating further studies into this extinct civilisation.”

    Deliveries should be made to The Prospect in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system.

    The appeal begins on the 16th of May 3305 and will run for one week. If the maximum requested total is achieved earlier than planned, Zende Partners will end the campaign immediately.

  • Segnen Exchange Announces Outpost

    Segnen Exchange has revealed plans to build an outpost in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system.

    CEO Cedrik Stone gave the following statement:

    “As Zende Partners has graciously provided a transport service to Guardian space, it makes sense for my company to support the increased pilot activity in that area. Segnen Exchange can offer a variety of services to those travelling to the area.”

    “Segnen Exchange thrives at the forefront of innovation, and the wealth of artefacts soon to flow through Synuefe EN-H d11-96 offers fantastic opportunities in the field of advanced Guardian-human technology.”

    The announcement, coming so soon after Zende Partners established The Prospect in the same system, has received a mixed response from business analysts. Some view the move as likely to trigger direct conflict between the two corporations, while others believe the presence of both companies can only benefit the research initiative.

  • 3305年5月12日
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    A megaship service offering transport to Guardian space has been established by Zende Partners. The service will ferry pilots and ships between Zende and Synuefe EN-H d11-96, with the latter system selected as the termination point by the galactic community.

    President Gibson Kincaid has denied claims of illegal funding during his presidential campaign last year, accusing Councillor Elijah Beck of seeking revenge for defeat in those elections. Kincaid also suggested that the assassination of rival presidential candidate Fazia Silva had benefited Beck’s campaign.

    In other news, the wife of ship thief Gan Romero has given an interview to Vox Galactica. Lara Romero stated that she had no idea why her husband would steal a docked craft. She also indicated that Gan’s sleep had been disturbed by vivid dreams prior to the theft.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 3305年5月11日
  • Ship Theft Mystery Deepens

    Mystery continues to surround Gan Romero, the starship technician who single-handedly stole a docked vessel in the Vega system.

    Romero’s wife, Lara, agreed to an interview with Vox Galactica:

    “I haven’t the faintest idea why Gan took that ship, or how he managed it. It’s totally out of character for him. He’s not impulsive or even ambitious really. Always been the practical type, which is why I married him. I can’t believe that he would do anything like this.”

    “Had he been acting strangely? Well, something was on Gan’s mind…I guess you could say he’s been distracted recently. I’ve caught him staring out into space a few times. And his sleep was disturbed by intense dreams, although he never wanted to talk about them.”

    “The kids keep asking when their dad is coming home. I just hope the Fort Dixon security services can find some explanation for all this, and bring Gan home to us.”

  • 3305年5月10日
  • President Kincaid Denies Corruption

    President Gibson Kincaid has refuted allegations of illegal campaign funding and is refusing to cooperate with the official inquiry.

    He gave this statement to The Alliance Tribune:

    “The claims are nothing more than an attempt to besmirch my reputation. Councillor Elijah Beck has fabricated this wild mudlark chase as revenge for his loss to me in the presidential vote last year.”

    “If the Assembly wants to entertain conspiracies, they could review the assassination of Fazia Silva, the third presidential candidate. It’s interesting that Beck’s own campaign gained a lot of support after Silva was murdered.”

    The Bank of Zaonce has also declined the inquiry’s requests for information. A spokesperson insisted that all campaign funds it handles adhere to strict financial guidelines. They added that Beck’s evidence was deemed insufficient until a verified source could be provided.

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  • 3305年5月9日
  • Zende Partners Transport Service Operational

    A megaship service offering transport to Guardian space from Zende is now in operation.

    The CEO of Zende Partners, Freya Taine, announced:

    “Following the recommendation of the galactic community, my company has established an outpost in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 that will serve as the termination point for this new ferry service. Our two megaships, Sadler’s Song and The Conduit, will make weekly trips to the selected location.”

    “This first step of our initiative should encourage activity at nearby Guardian ruins. In addition, we have now finalised the design of an advanced military module based on Guardian technology, and we hope to begin manufacture of this design very soon.”

    Among the feedback from the technology industry was a statement by Cedrik Stone, CEO of rival arms manufacturer Segnen Exchange:

    “While Zende Partners’ recent efforts to promote Guardian-human research are admirable, I would like to remind Ms. Taine that she does not hold a monopoly on Guardian artefacts from that region of space. Segnen Exchange has a proven track record in this field, and we hope that Zende Partners are able to secure the acquisition of Guardian commodities for the benefit of all.”

  • 3305年5月5日
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    The Distant Worlds II expedition has reached Beagle Point, its final destination. Thousands of independent pilots have travelled over 73,000 light years in the past three months, with the establishment of Explorer’s Anchorage among their many achievements.

    President Kincaid has been accused of receiving illegal campaign funding from a senior figure at the Bank of Zaonce. Following a vote at the Alliance Assembly, Prime Minister Mahon authorised an official inquiry to establish the truth of these allegations. Kincaid is yet to provide an official response.

    In other news, the thief of a ship stolen from a starport hangar in the Vega system has been named as Gan Romero. Security reports indicate Romero has no prior criminal record and is believed to have acted alone. The search for his motive and current location continues.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 3305年5月4日
  • President Kincaid Illegal Funding Allegations

    President Gibson Kincaid has been accused of receiving illegal campaign funding via the Bank of Zaonce.

    Councillor Elijah Beck presented evidence to a special session of the Alliance Assembly:

    “During September 3304, President Kincaid’s re-election campaign received several billion credits worth of undeclared funds. I have received data suggesting that these transactions were secretly arranged by a senior figure within the Bank of Zaonce.”

    “Regrettably I cannot reveal the source of this evidence since it constitutes part of an ongoing investigation. However, I call upon the Assembly to open an official inquiry to establish if there was any violation of campaign finance law.”

    Councillor Beck’s proposal was approved by a majority vote, after which Prime Minister Edmund Mahon authorised the inquiry to begin immediately.

    As yet there has been no comment from President Kincaid.

  • 3305年5月3日
  • Docked Ship Thief Identified

    The individual responsible for stealing a docked Diamondback Explorer in the Vega system has been identified.

    Fort Dixon Security Chief, Misaki Sanders, told the media:

    “We have determined that Commander Bjorn Lennox’s vessel was stolen by a starship technician, who evidently acted alone without backup.”

    “The technician, Gan Romero, has worked at Fort Dixon as a member of the hanger service teams for the past eleven years. He has a stable home life on the station with a wife and three children, with no criminal record.”

    “Although Romero’s job gave him access to landing pads, it does not explain his ability to bypass ship security protocols or launch without authorisation. We have yet to determine his motive or destination.”

    “The scope of our investigation is widening and we hope to know more soon.”

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  • 3305年5月2日
  • Distant Worlds Expedition Reaches Beagle Point

    The Distant Worlds II expedition has reached its final destination on the far side of the galaxy: the Beagle Point system.

    Science correspondent Leon Banerjee reported for Vox Galactica:

    “The Distant Worlds exploratory fleet, comprising thousands of independent pilots, set out from the Pallaeni system on 13th January 3305. Over three months later, after travelling more than 73,000 light years, ships have begun arriving at Beagle Point.”

    “Included among the expedition’s achievements is the construction of the scientific research station Explorer’s Anchorage. This now serves as a permanent waypoint for travellers to the galactic core, as well as facilitating detailed observation of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*.”

    “While Distant Worlds II is coming to a close, its participants will now plot their own routes through unexplored space back towards the core systems.”

  • 3305年4月29日
  • Zende Partners Announces Transport Service

    Zende Partners has revealed plans to establish a ferry service between the core systems and Guardian space.

    Freya Taine, the company’s CEO, made this statement:

    “In response to increasing demand for Guardian commodities, my company aims to facilitate access to the area once occupied by the Guardians. This will involve the construction of a megaship to transport pilots to and from this comparatively inaccessible region.”

    “Five systems have been highlighted as potential destinations, and we’d like to invite the galactic community to decide which of these should serve as the termination point for the megaship. We will then build an outpost in the chosen system, and the megaship will enter service.”

    “We hope that this initiative will stimulate new innovations in the field of Guardian-human technology.”

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  • 3305年4月28日
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has clashed with President Kincaid in the Alliance Assembly. Following repeated demands to increase military funding, Kincaid was reminded by Mahon that executive presidential power had been turned down following a vote. The funding proposals were rejected.

    A Diamondback Explorer has been stolen from Fort Dixon in the Vega system despite a number of active security measures. Details indicate the thief was able to override the starport’s security network and gain access to the ship from within the landing pad hangar.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 3305年4月26日
  • Kincaid and Mahon Clash in Alliance Assembly

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has once again clashed with President Gibson Kincaid, following the latter’s attempt to take control of government policy during an Assembly session.

    Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

    “There were dramatic scenes in the Assembly as President Kincaid sought to steer debates on military strategy, making several demands for increased funding towards new fleets.”

    “Prime Minister Mahon eventually stepped in and rejected these proposals outright. Kincaid was further reminded that a prior request for executive presidential powers had been unsuccessful, even if he insists on behaving otherwise.”

    “Although he still has supporters, a number of councillors have privately opined that Kincaid is now a toxic presence at odds with the Alliance’s ethos.”

  • 3305年4月25日
  • Ship Stolen from Starport

    An independent pilot’s ship has been stolen from a starport hangar in the Vega system.

    The ship’s owner, Commander Bjorn Lennox, told Vox Galactica:

    “I’d docked my Diamondback Explorer at Fort Dixon for some routine maintenance, and to enjoy a short break following a deep space exploration voyage. When I went back to the landing pad I discovered the hangar was empty and my ship had gone missing!”

    The starport issued a statement from Security Chief Misaki Sanders:

    “We are at a loss to explain how the thief managed to hijack our security network, gain entry to a docked and sealed ship, and override authorisation checks to fly out of the station unchallenged.”

    “Nearby systems have been alerted and we are collecting leads to track down the stolen vessel. In the meantime, we are conducting an inquiry into how these breaches of docking bay protocols could have occurred.”

  • 3305年4月21日
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s main stories.

    Aegis has entered into a partnership with the engineer Ram Tah to manufacture Guardian-related technology. In a statement, Aegis asserted that its considerable resources would ensure the supply of current and future technology, while clarifying that the XG fighters would remain available from technology brokers.

    Authorities in systems recently attacked by the Thargoids have issued fresh appeals for aid. Admiral Aden Tanner commented that the Thargoids were apparently ignoring key social and military targets, and stated that independent pilots remained humanity’s most effective defence.

    In other news, Taja Gavaris has resigned from her post as CFO of Rackham Capital Investments, amid claims from the Federal Times that it provided information on owner Zachary Rackham to fake FIA operatives. It is thought that the data was used to blackmail Gavaris into stepping down along with several supporters.

    Vodel, manufacturer of the Scarab SRV, has been purchased by Core Dynamics following a downturn in profits. Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester made a statement confirming that his company would retain Vodel’s core team of designers and engineers. Business analysts are viewing the acquisition as a smart investment.

    Hadrian Duval has declared a non-aggression pact with Princess Aisling Duval. While Hadrian reaffirmed his existing views and his status as a royal exile, he pledged to keep an open mind regarding Nova Imperium’s policies.

    Finally, the Pilots’ Federation has announced the establishment of a permit-controlled area tailored to new pilots. The district offers independent pilots combat exercises and tailored assignments within several designated systems.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 3305年4月20日
  • Pilots’ Federation Establishes Regulated Zone

    The Pilots’ Federation has revealed plans to establish a restricted area of space for newly licensed Commanders.

    In a statement, spokesperson Gabriel Sanchos gave the following details:

    “Following discussions with the three superpowers, representatives have acknowledged that independent pilots are a mainstay of the galactic community. As such, a Pilots’ Federation District will be created for new Commanders, offering combat exercises and tailored assignments within several designated systems."

    “The intention is to offer pilots an opportunity to complete contract assignments without exposing them to opportunistic criminals. Access to the district will depend on the possession of a permit granted to new Commanders alongside their Pilots’ Federation license. This permit will be revoked once a certain level of experience has been acquired.”

    Representatives of the Alliance, Empire and Federation each confirmed their approval. Their statements underscored the positive contributions made by licensed Commanders with regards to the galactic economy, exploration initiatives and the Thargoid threat.