銀河の地図作成 > 銀河の地図 > Listing

Name Type
Delos Archived POI
Demon Eater Nebula α Nebula
Demon of Lyaisae Planetary Features
Deneb (Alpha Cygni) γ Stellar Features
Dennehyhalla β Planetary Nebula
Depot 2452 Jumponium-Rich System
Derthek's Folly (also known as 'Counter Point') η Historical Location
Descent Archived POI
Deuteros Archived POI
The Devil's Dozen Planetary Features
Devil's Foot Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Devil's Hair Nebula α Nebula
Devil's Mask α Nebula
The Dewdrop Nebula β Planetary Nebula
Dhat-Badan Archived POI
Diamond & Zirconia Archived POI
Diamond Necklace Planetary Features
Diamond Ring Archived POI
Diesis γ Stellar Features
Different Miracles Archived POI
Diggers Flashlight Archived POI
Dimidium Iter Nebula and the 'Black Fields β Planetary Nebula
Diplopia Nebula α Nebula
Distant Angosk η Historical Location
Distant Greens Jumponium-Rich System
Distant Tan Archived POI
Distant View Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Distant View in Blue β Planetary Nebula
Divinity Nebula β Planetary Nebula
Don Quijote Archived POI
Doomed Siblings Archived POI
Doomed Waters Archived POI
Doom Geysers geyserPOI
Door To Elsewhere Archived POI
Door to Heaven α Nebula
Door to Heaven Geysers geyserPOI
Doorway to Duat γ Stellar Features
The Doppelgangers Archived POI
Doris Archived POI
Double Blue Mountain Archived POI
Double Trouble Archived POI
The Dover Lights γ Stellar Features
Down and Delight Planetary Features
Down Below geyserPOI
Dr. Kay's Heart ζ Pulsar
Dr. Kay's Soul α Nebula
Draco Rufus Claim Archived POI
The Dragonfly Nebula β Planetary Nebula
Dragon's Head Nebula α Nebula
Dragon's Soul Nebula α Nebula
Dragon's Tail Nebula α Nebula
Dragonwisp Nebula α Nebula
Dreamer Blush Planetary Features
Dryads Camp β Planetary Nebula
Dryao Chrea Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Dryao Chrea Stellar Remnant β Planetary Nebula
Dryao Phyloea Oddity Planetary Features
The Dryau Awesomes Planetary Features
Dryiqee Planetary Nebula β Planetary Nebula
Dryiqoa Planetary Nebula β Planetary Nebula
Dryman λ Restricted Sectors
Dryman-Centaurus Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Dryo Chraea Tri-M Depot Jumponium-Rich System
Dryoea Lions Archived POI
Dryoea Prau Juliet Alpha Archived POI
Dryuae Chruia Nebula Cluster Archived POI
DSSA Alvin's Rest Independent Outpost
DSSA Andromeda Calling Independent Outpost
DSSA Archer's Prize Independent Outpost
DSSA Argonautica Independent Outpost
DSSA Aristarchos Independent Outpost
DSSA Bougainville Independent Outpost
DSSA Buurian Anchorage Independent Outpost
DSSA Buurian Gold Independent Outpost
DSSA Callisto Independent Outpost
DSSA CCN Tranquility Independent Outpost
DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge Independent Outpost
DSSA CLB Voqooway Independent Outpost
DSSA Destiny Ascension η Historical Location
DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour' Independent Outpost
DSSA DLNV Leo's Vision Independent Outpost
DSSA Dryman's Hope Independent Outpost
DSSA Eleanor Independent Outpost
DSSA Erikson’s Gateway Independent Outpost
DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill Independent Outpost
DSSA Four Corners Monument Independent Outpost
DSSA Galactic Unity Independent Outpost
DSSA Gam Nine Independent Outpost
DSSA Gene Roddenberry Independent Outpost
DSSA The Helix Independent Outpost
DSSA Hope Dempsey Independent Outpost
DSSA HSRC Deep Thought Independent Outpost
DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call Independent Outpost
DSSA HSRC Meow Force One Independent Outpost
DSSA Humanities Sight Independent Outpost
DSSA Ijon Tichy Independent Outpost
DSSA Inverness Independent Outpost
DSSA Ironside Independent Outpost
DSSA Jolly Roger Independent Outpost
DSSA King's Pass Independent Outpost