Profil du CMDR Keyman26 > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
The Locksmith [KE-29K]
(Krait Mk II)
Membre depuis le :
9 oct. 2017
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
3 306
Systèmes découverts en premier :
another grind

So prismatics done - got a few ships with them now, so its back to making my corvette a top of the line PvE ship again. I've made a shopping list on and now have to collect quite a load of components to get my corvette engineered to spec.

slow going but getting there.

Its good to be king

made the final stages of imperial navy ranks last night - king achieved - now back to the previous goal of prismatic shields.

I've zipped back to Aislings headquarters, I'm just 4 weeks in, so need to get my credits up to the lvl 3 mark - should be doable tonight and then I'll have access to prismatics. Just need to decide on what ships to buy them for.
reading up - some debate on if they are good or bad. Bit of a power suck, but keen to try them out myself. could actually be useful on trade ships - extra protection while you flee from pirates and such. the cost of the size 8 prismatics is a bit eye watering though - might pass on those for now also - need to find out if I can store them and swap them between ships - would had to lost them and have to grind away for another 4 weeks once I move on from Aisling

Also - edging closing to Trade Elite - just over 20% in the tycoon rank - not too far off my 2nd elite rank.

imperial rank grind

Well - slight diversion from the Aisling grind (I have 2 days to get from 100 credits to 750 before this weeks power play cycle) once allied with all the factions down in Mainani and Ngalinn (and altvas), you fly up the imperial navy ranks pretty quickly. Faster (IMHO) than the old Fed Navy Sothis / Ceos run, but much less lucritive. Sothis and Ceos, I was making about 50M / hour, but down here, its more like 15M or so. still ok and helps towards my trade rank.

Knight - 25 July 2018 Lord - 28 July 2018 Baron - 3 Aug 2018 Viscount - 4 Aug 2018 Count - 5 Aug 2018 Earl - 6 Aug 2018 Marquis - 6 Aug 2018 Duke - 6 Aug 2018 - cutter time!!

Aisling grind

so nearly there - almost 4 weeks with Aisling - pushing credits so I get to level 3 before this weeks super powerplay ends and hopefully I'll get prismatic sheilds not quite sure how it all works - I'm guess I may only have enough credits for a single set of sheilds? soon find out. also grinding empire rank - slow and tedious trip to Baron so far - but discovered Ngalinn and Mainani which is speeding things up nicely.

Made it - Elite

Finally crossed the line - got my Explorer Elite status, and access to founders world. now, off to Kongga to get some Ale to give the engineer.

closing in on first elite status

Very close now to becoming Elite in exploration. 96% - so a couple more tourist trips and we're there. that'll get me another engineer - then its one to go - Palin.

long time no see

Been a while since an update - been cruising the road to riches - about 310 of the listed planets in. taking a break, as its kinda mind numbing. dropped off some data, and found I was 80% of the way to elite.

So.. flew to a station, bought a Krait MKII. A rated it.. took it to a combat zone.. killed a few ships before dying! very out of practise with combat. scuttled back to my anaconda and am running a few passenger missions to get me my elite status. need 40M of credits to get the last 20%.

FYI - must go revisit onionhead banned in Panem when I have more time. very colourful moon next to earth like world.

taking it easy

Been slowing down a little lately. Disappointed that my non-engineered, confused anaconda build isn't doing so well :) thought out making it a fighter, but then decided against that - if I want a big fighting ship, the corvette is probably better, so stick to my original plan of making an explora-conda instead. but both the conda and the vette are going to cost a lot to fit out - so I bought a python a few days back, filled it with cargo racks, a 5A FSD and engineered it for long range to a partial level 5 - and i think I might shoot back down to Sothis/Ceos for a bit and cash it up with some quick runs from the mines.

was headed there, and decided to pop by Dav's hope - just to say i've been there, and maybe collect some materials. seems to work well, place is restocked on each log out/in - but on one occasion, nothing was there, and some bloke in a type-7 had cleared the place ahead of me.

Need to better learn how to use the X/Y coordinates when flying to a set location. i got there, but wow do i suck at that.


After a brief return to some bounty hunting around the 70 virginis area, and a jaunt through some combat zones to get some combat bounties, I've now added 2 more engineers to my list. Bris and the sarge are now open to talking to me and I've had a crack at some basic engineering 3.0

Still got a bit to learn with the new engineering - I seemed to be able to level up without completing the 'circle' at each level.. it gets close to complete, but seems you don't need to? not sure if I'm missing some part of the upgrade doing that?

So just Palin and Lori to go. Figure I'll do a long jaunt or the Road to Riches to qualify for Palin, and I'll likely tick over to Elite for Exploration at the same time and get Lori.

currently: Exploration: Ranger: 51% Combat: Dangerous: 69% Trade: Entrepreneur: 29% CQC: Helpless: 41% Fed Rank: Admiral: 100% Empire Rank: Squire 16%

Mission to Sol

So now that I have completed the federation rank as far as you can currently go, time to visit some of those places I just got permits to, starting with Sol

did not expect so many planets (planetoids) outside of Neptune... but did expect a few more moons around Jupiter and Saturn.

a lot of stations also.. and an engineer. need to find me some CZ's to get access to this guy.