Profil du CMDR Eksar > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
stargaze [EK-12K]
(Krait Phantom)
Membre depuis le :
24 janv. 2017
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
4 331
Systèmes découverts en premier :
3 616
The beginning of the end

I've traveled all the way to Sag A without a single problem other than my own stupidity, succesfully reached Colonia for a little break. Today I decided to continue my adventure towards the famous Beagle point. After aproximately 15 jumps, my journey could've ended prematurely. Jumping to system Eol Prou VO-R e4-2705, upon exiting Hyperspace my ship ended up in a Type G star that is in close orbit around a larger Type B star. It was a terrifying experience, I managed to get out of it without taking any damage and losing only a single heatsink. However the psychological effect was harsh, I will continue to jump forward although fearful of the journey that awaits me, I hope the universe is not against me in this journey if so I will meet a tragic end.

Note to other travelers beware of system Eol Prou VO-R e4-2705!

CMDR Eksar

Going Sunny