Profil du CMDR Wommit > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
The lady CARISS II [CM3-10]
(Cobra Mk III)
Membre depuis le :
15 août 2020
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
1 227
Systèmes découverts en premier :
It's dark out here

Still out in the black.

Surprising how many systems have already been discovered out here. I think I need to move further out of the galaxy, that worked last time.

Until I met the white dwarf of course. :(

So . . .

I re-spawned back near the bubble, opened the Galaxy Map and OMG, look at all of those route lines. I felt quite claustrophobic for a while.

Still it didn't take me loge to get 1500 LYs away. Now to look for something new.

CMDR Wommit

So . . . I screwed up. BIG TIME!

Stupid Me : Ooh, There's a White Dwarf. Lets go and get an FSD boost.

Slightly Less Stupid Me : No, don't be daft. NEVER do a jump that you can't jump back from.

SM : Ooh shiny.

SLSM : Don't do it!

SM : (flys into WD cone.) Pretty.

SLSM : Oh no, please no.

SM : Engage Jump Drive.

SLSM : No, no, nooooo.

Very Angry Me : (A little while later after exhausting all avenues trying to leave this little star cluster.) Self Destruct.

VAM : mutter mutter . . . 350,000,000CR down the drain. mutter mutter.

First Entry

Well, I just went out for some milk, and sort of forgot to go back.

And now my Cobra mk3 has 2% hull damage from getting in-between a neutron star and its closely coupled red giant partner.

Now I've decided that it might be a good idea to go back to the bubble and I'm trying to cross between the galactic arms. Currently I'm in the Wayfarers Graveyard, doesn't that name just fill you with joy?

I'll try to keep this log updated, but sometimes, in the dark, things just seem to slip my mind.

CMDR Wommit