Actualités galactiques
22 décembre 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
Disgraced politician Juanita Bishop has called for a forthcoming book about the Far God sect to be banned. In a statement, Bishop described the book’s authors as alien sympathisers, and accused them of creating pro-Thargoid propaganda. Gethin Okonkwo, one of the book’s writers, suggested that Bishop’s desire to halt publication was an attempt to prevent a criminal investigation into her own activities.
A range of new asteroid-mining equipment is expected to trigger an increase in the availability of ores and minerals. A spokesperson for the Industrial Mining Guild said the new tools would prompt a surge in private mining activity.
In other news, Princess Aisling Duval has publicly rejected the isolationist group Nova Imperium and its figurehead, Hadrian Duval. Senator Zemina Torval publicly voiced agreement with Princess Duval, but Senator Pal Vespasian said that many senators were willing to recognise Hadrian Duval as Emperor-in-waiting.
In other news, Clinical trials for nanomedicines developed by Vitadyne Labs have delivered outstanding results. Observers from the Interstellar Health Organisation said that the nanomedicines eliminated malignant cells, boosted immune systems and repaired damaged tissue, and said that the product represented a genuine breakthrough.
Imperial senator Simone Leatrix has announced plans for a week of revelry at her palatial residence on Capitol in the Achenar system. In a statement, the senator said she intended to celebrate the end of the year with a sumptuous party at her mountaintop retreat, which would be specially renovated for the occasion. In support of the event, the Cemiess Imperial Society has placed an open order for various commodities.
Finally, the conflict between two opposing factions in the Wally Bei system has ended. The fleets of both Wally Bei Technical and the Wally Bei Constitution Party were significantly reduced in a prolonged series of battles. The leaders of both organisations issued a joint statement, confirming that for humanitarian reasons they would bring hostilities to an end.
And those are the main stories this week.
19 décembre 3304
Call to Ban Far God Book
Disgraced politician Juanita Bishop has called for a forthcoming book about the Far God sect to be banned:
“The authors, Ulyanov and Okonkwo, are known alien sympathisers. One was arrested as a suspected traitor and the other has admitted to being a Far God cultist!”
“What they’re writing is nothing more than pro-Thargoid propaganda. It is an insult to all the brave souls who died trying to keep us safe. The authorities need to prevent this book from contaminating innocent people with its repulsive ideas.”
Journalist Gethin Okonkwo, who spent months undercover in the Far God sect, responded:
“The book includes first-hand accounts of worshippers being attacked by Bishop’s followers. Her desperation to halt its publication is nothing more than an attempt to prevent a criminal investigation into her activities.”
11 décembre 3304
Mamba and Krait Phantom Released
Two new ships marketed towards independent pilots, the Mamba and the Krait Phantom, have just hit the market.
Zorgon Peterson issued the following press release for its new vessel:
“If it’s speed and firepower you want, the Mamba is for you. Based on a racing prototype, it’s the fastest commercially available starship, and it sports enough hardpoints for a range of devastating weaponry. Whether you’re leaving competitors in the dust or running rings around those pesky Thargoids, think Mamba!”
Faulcon DeLacy also released a statement for its latest design:
“The Krait Phantom offers true multi-role capability, allowing it to be customised for combat, mining or trading. And for explorers, its impressive jump range means you really can reach out to the stars. This is a ship that can handle it all.”
1 décembre 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
Exothelogian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has commented on the abandoned Far God outposts recently discovered in the Etain system. In a statement, Dr Ulyanov said that information recovered from the sites would be invaluable to the book he is writing with Gethin Okonkwo about the Far God religion.
Aegis has announced a breakthrough that has effectively neutralised the disruptive effects of Thargoid Sensors on starports. New procedures in the application of meta-alloys mean that extremely small quantities are now sufficient to shield systems from disruption, resulting in a cure for what was once called ‘the technological plague’.
Meanwhile, several Imperial senators have spoken in support of isolationist group Nova Imperium. Senator Pal Vespasian said that Imperator Mordanticus would be invited to address the Senate and detail his policies, and gave his backing to Nova Imperium’s proposal to install a new Emperor.
Aegis has stationed a security force in the Meene system to protect the engineer Ram Tah. Professor Alba Tesreau said the force would provide continual support while allowing Ram Tah’s operation to remain independent. There has been no response from the Sirius Corporation, which recently arrested a cabal of officers from its private fleet for launching an incursion into Meene.
The conflict between two rival factions in the Loha system has now come to an end. Freelance correspondent Karleen Troy reported that it had been a harrowing week for the people of Loha, but said that overall control of the system had finally been established.
Finally, the Achilles Corporation has announced plans to replace all robots destroyed as a result of the recent spy robot scandal. The organisation has placed an open order for quantities of robotics, computer components and microcontrollers, which will be used to produce brand new PA912 administration robots.
And those are the main stories this week.
Senators Support Nova Imperium
Several Imperial senators have spoken in support of isolationist group Nova Imperium.
Senator Pal Vespasian made the following statement:
“Many of us see Nova Imperium not as extremists, but as realists. The citizenry is afraid of both Thargoid invasion and of being weakened by collaboration with foreign systems. They look to the Emperor for salvation…and she offers them none.”
“We intend to invite Imperator Mordanticus to address the Senate and detail his policies. This is a historic opportunity to restore the Empire’s honour and integrity.”
“Furthermore, Nova Imperium’s proposal to install a new Emperor has my full backing.”
30 novembre 3304
Aegis Offers Security to Ram Tah
Aegis has stationed a security force in the Meene system to protect the engineer Ram Tah.
An announcement was made by Professor Alba Tesreau:
“Ram Tah’s research has been enormously beneficial to our understanding of the Thargoids, and resulted in developments that aid us in the conflict. We therefore have a vested interest in protecting his work.”
“We have deployed a security force that will provide continual support while allowing Ram Tah’s operation to remain completely independent. Hopefully this will prevent any further disruption.”
There has been no response from the Sirius Corporation, which recently arrested a cabal of junior officers from its private fleet for launching an incursion into Meene. Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of Sirius Corp, has allegedly withdrawn his offer to work with Ram Tah on Guardian-human technology.
29 novembre 3304
Thargoid-Sensor Disruption Neutralised
Aegis has announced a breakthrough that has effectively neutralised the disruptive effects of Thargoid Sensors on starports.
Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, told the media:
“As we know, Thargoid Sensors can cripple starports for weeks or months at a time, but recent advancements in our study of meta-alloys have resulted in an effective cure for what was once called ‘the technological plague’.”
“New procedures in the application of meta-alloys mean that extremely small quantities are now sufficient to shield systems from disruption.”
“Following this breakthrough, we have made arrangements to ship meta-alloys to all affected stations, to restore them to functionality. It will not be long before every starport in known space is immune to Thargoid Sensor–related interference.”
28 novembre 3304
Ulyanov Discusses Far God Outposts
Exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has commented on the abandoned Far God outposts recently discovered in the Etain system:
“This fascinating discovery implies that the missing chapters of the Far God sect were not arrested or killed, but instead fled to secret outposts to avoid persecution.”
“According to personal logs recovered from the sites, the sect’s members planned to wait in suspended animation for the coming of the Far God. The logs also reveal surprising details about what motivated these individuals to devote themselves to the faith.”
“Evidence suggests that the settlements on Etain 4a and 4c both came under attack, but whether by Thargoids or human forces is unclear. Mysteriously, no trace remains of the inhabitants.”
“I am indebted to the explorers who discovered these sites. This information will significantly contribute to the book I am co-writing with Gethin Okonkwo about the Far God religion.”
24 novembre 3304
Nova Imperium Demands New Emperor
Isolationist group Nova Imperium has declared its intention to install a new Emperor.
The group’s leader, recently identified as ex-navy admiral Duke Kaeso Mordanticus and known as the Imperator, said:
“The Empire has been weakened by collaborating with its enemies. Aegis drains our resources to protect foreign systems from the Thargoids, our security forces are stretched thin defending non-Imperial systems, and Princess Duval sullies her honourable name by dallying with a Federal libertine.”
“Our people demand stronger leadership. We will achieve this by installing a new Emperor – one who will restore the glory of the Empire!”
Political journalist Cassia Carvalho commented in The Imperial Herald:
“Naturally there has been no response from Arissa Lavigny-Duval. But for many citizens, Mordanticus has articulated their unease about inter-superpower cooperation. With support for Nova Imperium increasing rapidly, a silent minority may now have found a voice.”
14 novembre 3304
Report on Nova Imperium Leaked
A report compiled by the Imperial Internal Security Service on isolationist group Nova Imperium has been leaked.
The Rewired news service broadcast the report in full:
“This document compiles our latest intelligence on Nova Imperium, as requested. Although the group has not yet committed any crimes, its threat potential should not be underestimated. Its isolationist message resonates with those fearful of Thargoid invasion, and its rallying cry of ‘Empire for the Imperials’ aligns with the more conservative citizenry.”
“We have identified the group’s leader, the Imperator, as Duke Kaeso Mordanticus, a former naval admiral from a long line of decorated veterans.”
“Evidence suggests that Mordanticus still has contacts and influence in the Imperial Navy. Nova Imperium’s ships are mostly run by ex-naval crews, bound by loyalty to their former commanding officer.”
“We will continue to monitor Nova Imperium and report on any developments.”
10 novembre 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the Meene system. It is understood that the mercenaries’ primary target was Phoenix Base, home of the engineer Ram Tah. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, said the attack demonstrated the precariousness of Ram Tah’s situation.
In related news, security forces in Meene are launching an operation to capture enemy agents. Security Chief Harper Vargas said his forces intended to detain any surviving mercenaries and interrogate them, so they could identify the individuals behind the incursion.
Meanwhile, Lieutenant Inspector Ramesh Thorne, who has been leading an investigation into The Mars Tribune, has been suspended from the Federal Security Service. The news came less than an hour after Thorne made a public appeal for information regarding admin robots fitted with secret surveillance programs, citing the unwillingness of his superiors to pursue the matter.
The isolationist group Nova Imperium has broadcast a message to Imperial citizens. The organisation’s leader, known only as the Imperator, implicitly criticised Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval for ‘weakness’, and said that the Empire would only survive the Thargoid onslaught by severing ties with the other superpowers.
The family and colleagues of author Olav Redcourt have reported him missing. A police investigation has so far failed to determine his whereabouts. Redcourt recently hit the headlines when he terminated his relationship with his publisher, Bonespire Publishing, midway through a promotional tour.
Finally, authorities in the Geras system have confirmed that the conflict between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc has come to an end. Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but in the end there could be only one victor.
And those are the main stories this week.
19 janvier 3304
A Warning from the Imperator
The isolationist group Nova Imperium has broadcast a message to Imperial citizens via public media.
The organisation’s leader, known only as the Imperator, said:
“Imperial citizens, your ruler’s weakness has put you in great danger. If we are to survive the Thargoid onslaught, we must sever ties with the Federation and other, inferior powers, and concentrate on protecting our own systems.”
“I call upon those who care about their Imperial birthright to support Nova Imperium. We vow to restore the Empire’s purity and strength, and to lead it into a glorious future.”
Senator Denton Patreus responded with the following comment:
“These extremists and their seditious agenda are not worthy of attention. So far we have been lenient with them, but this so-called Imperator would be wise not to test our patience any further.”
13 janvier 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
The investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded with no convictions. Alliance Interpol confirmed that Silva’s death was a homicide, but said that all avenues of investigation had been exhausted. Tashmira Silva has now assumed control of her late sister’s corporate empire.
A radical group called Nova Imperium is gaining influence throughout the Empire. The organisation claims that to survive the Thargoid conflict, the Empire must sever contact with all other systems and concentrate on protecting itself. Many traditionalist citizens, unhappy with recent cross-superpower cooperation, have embraced the group’s rhetoric.
Meanwhile, the engineer Ram Tah has rejected an offer from the Sirius Corporation to support the manufacture of Guardian-human technology. In a statement, Ram Tah said the technologies were too important to become corporate products, and reaffirmed that using tech brokers to distribute the designs allowed them to be widely available.
In other news, the Federal Security Service has abruptly terminated its investigation of The Mars Tribune regarding personal administration robots fitted with hidden surveillance programs. It has been alleged that a senior figure in the FSS ordered the task force to focus elsewhere.
Recent reports from the Geras system indicate that after a spate of reciprocal attacks, hostilities between the Geras First and the Ndozins State Inc have escalated into all-out war. The warring organisations have issued calls to independent combat pilots for support. Commanders who participate in the conflict will be generously rewarded by their chosen faction.
Finally, Senator Caspian Leopold has announced that his appeal for aid has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. A spokesperson for the senator said that a humanitarian crisis had been narrowly averted, while assuring refugees at Leopold’s rehabilitation centre that new homes would be found for each and every one of them.
And those are the main stories this week.
1 novembre 3304
The Rise of Nova Imperium
A radical group called Nova Imperium is gaining influence throughout the Empire.
Imperial Herald journalist Cassia Carvalho highlighted the situation:
“Nova Imperium claims that to survive the Thargoid conflict, the Empire must sever contact with all other systems and concentrate on protecting itself. In recent months, the organisation has become a genuine political force.”
“The group’s leader is known only as the Imperator. Dressed in an Imperial Navy uniform, he is a charismatic presence who speaks of ‘a return to the honour of the old days’ and ‘the glory of Achenar’.”
“Many traditionalist citizens, unhappy with recent cross-superpower cooperation, have embraced the Imperator’s rhetoric. On several worlds, Nova Imperium’s followers hold rallies with a distinctly martial feel.”
“So far there has been little response from Imperial authorities, but it is clear that Nova Imperium will soon become impossible to ignore.”
27 octobre 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
The Alliance Assembly has decided not to adopt President Gibson Kincaid’s proposed changes to the constitution, and has ruled against imbuing the role of president with executive powers. The Assembly has agreed to update the role, however, with the creation of a new non-political department known as the Office of the Alliance President. The presidential term has also been extended to three years.
The Sirius Corporation has publicly offered to work with engineer Ram Tah in the development of further Guardian-human technology. Some business analysts have advised Ram Tah to take advantage of the offer to mass-produce his designs, while others have warned that Sirius Corp is seeking a monopoly over Guardian-human technology. As yet there has been no response from Ram Tah.
Several digital crimes, including the theft of a billion credits from Zachary Rackham, have now been attributed to a mysterious criminal organisation known only as the Collective – a band of anti-authority ‘hacktivists’ who believe that all information should be publicly available. Security forces have launched investigations into the group.
Meanwhile, as the Federal Security Service continues its investigation into The Mars Tribune, the newsfeed’s parent company, the Cordova Group, has filed a formal complaint. Kingsley Cordova, billionaire owner of The Mars Tribune, said the accusations were an insult to the publication’s integrity.
Imperial Senator Caspian Leopold has launched an appeal to help those affected by Thargoid attacks. While the senator’s rehabilitation centre has helped hundreds of thousands of refugees, it seems further aid is needed to avert a humanitarian crisis.
Finally, the Palin Institute’s appeal for Thargoid materials has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Professor Cora Shaw thanked those who supported the institute’s latest scientific initiative, which will aim to advance understanding of the Thargoids.
And those are the main stories this week.
20 octobre 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
Gibson Kincaid has been announced as the winner of the Alliance presidential election, and will continue serving as president of the Alliance. Kincaid obtained a small majority of the public vote, defeating Councillor Elijah Beck. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon said the Alliance Assembly was still debating Kincaid’s proposal to imbue the presidential role with executive powers.
An attempt by armed intruders to access Phoenix Base in the Meene system, home of the engineer Ram Tah, has been foiled. Ram Tah said he believed the thwarted raid was an attempt to steal research data or samples of Guardian technology.
In other news, the Federal Security Service has targeted The Mars Tribune as part of its investigation into robots carrying concealed surveillance programs. The development follows news that several of those found to be in possession of ‘spy’ robots were the subject of incriminating articles published by the Tribune. The conglomerate that owns The Mars Tribune has challenged any suggestion of wrongdoing.
Billionaire businessman Zachary Rackham has been targeted by a highly sophisticated hack that withdrew 1 billion credits from his personal account. Rackham Capital Investments confirmed that the criminals left a message encoded in Rackham’s account: ‘The Collective plays to win.’ It has been speculated that the hack was intended to reclaim the billion-credit prize that Rackham won in the Federal Grand Lottery.
Meanwhile, the Palin Institute has announced a new research programme designed to discern the motives behind the Thargoids’ unrelenting aggression. The Institute has asked the galactic community to contribute Thargoid research material to the campaign.
Finally, the Close Encounters Corps has announced that its appeal for commodities has reached a successful conclusion, having received an overwhelming response from the galactic community. The materials delivered to Crown Prospect over the past week will allow the construction of a scientific megaship to research the nebula surrounding the BD-12 1172 system.
And those are the main stories this week.
18 octobre 3304
Palin Institute Campaign
The Palin Institute has announced an accelerated programme of study to analyse a range of xenobiological data, and perhaps discern the motives behind the Thargoids’ unrelenting aggression.
Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute, released the following statement:
“In recent months, the Institute has performed countless studies on alien technology and physiology, and our stock of xenobiological samples is severely depleted. For this robust new study, we require a large amount of Thargoid material to support a wide range of experiments.”
The Ryder Revolutionary Party, which is supporting the campaign, has placed an open order for various Thargoid materials and promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering materials to Ryder Revolutionary Party can do so safely.
The campaign begins on the 18th of October 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
10 octobre 3304
Survivors of the Far God
Independent journalist Gethin Okonkwo has shared more details about his time with the Far God cult:
“After three months of living as a Far God worshipper, I’m now acclimatising to life as an ordinary citizen. There, I was known only as Third Witness of the Tenth Chapter, although that was more of a title than a name. Identical in our robes, we were all nameless servants of the commune.”
“That may sound despotic, but there was a strangely seductive aspect to surrendering one’s identity. At times I almost experienced the tranquillity that true adherents seemed to feel.”
“I’m relieved to see Far God believers returning to their hive-chapels, having survived weeks of persecution. This has been a baptism of fire for the sect, with hundreds dead and several chapters still missing.”
“Many other doomsayer cults have since faded away or, like the Church of Eternal Void, been outlawed. But it seems that the Far God faith will endure, perhaps even beyond our conflict with the Thargoids.”
“I have been contacted by the exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov with a view to combining our research. Together we hope to produce the definitive account of this tenacious religion.”
6 octobre 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
Fazia Silva, one of the three candidates in the Alliance presidential race, has been found dead. There has been speculation that the murder was a political killing, motivated by Silva’s proposed changes to Alliance financial policy. Condolences have been delivered by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and both of Ms Silva’s election rivals, Gibson Kincaid and Elijah Beck.
Technology company Herculean Machines dominated the recent Rackham Ultratech Expo, which took place on Wednesday 3rd October. Billionaire Zachary Rackham was delighted with Herculean’s Duradrive, and agreed to authorise preliminary funding for the device. The Torc, a rival product from Supratech, had a less successful showing.
In other news, the Federal Security Service has discovered more administration robots fitted with secret surveillance programs. In each case, the robot was a PA912 model, manufactured by the Achilles Corporation. The company has announced that it is cooperating with the FSS investigation.
Juanita Bishop has failed to be elected to Federal Congress. Many of Bishop’s followers have abandoned her in the wake of Gethin Okonkwo’s investigation, which found no connection between the Far God sect and the Thargoids, while Congress members have taken a stand against Mrs Bishop for cultivating civil unrest.
Meanwhile, media organisation Broadcast Cobra has announced its intention to build a megaship in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation, which specialises in politics and current events, aims to reach a wider audience with the construction of this mobile studio, and has placed an open order for materials to facilitate construction.
Finally, Mould Federal Mining Incorporated has confirmed that its appeal for commodities to supply an Oktoberfest celebration in the Bhagui system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Leavitt Port, and by protecting traders in the Bhagui system.
And those are the main stories this week.
4 octobre 3304
Bishop’s Congressional Bid Collapses
Juanita Bishop, whose protest movement against the Far God cult gained broad support, has failed to be elected to Federal Congress.
Independent political analyst Vaughan Niven published this summary:
“Many of Juanita Bishop’s followers have abandoned her in the wake of Gethin Okonkwo’s investigation, which found no connection between the Far God sect and the Thargoids. As a result, Mrs Bishop’s congressional campaign has collapsed.”
“There has also been a sea change in attitude within Congress itself. The majority of members have now taken a stand against Mrs Bishop for cultivating civil unrest and violating the Federation’s principles of religious freedom.”
Juanita Bishop gave a forceful statement to the media:
“If Congress can’t see that these people are dangerous, then they’re fools. These Thargoid spies need to be rounded up and executed before they murder us all. History will prove me right!”