CMDR Factabulous Minimus profile > Flight Log

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
22 490
Systems discovered first:
6 635
1 066 303 265 Cr
22 490 systems visited.
  • 6. tammikuuta 2019
  • 46,76 ly

    Struia Eork JQ-F b31-0

    6.1.2019 11.55.05

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,76 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 654,20 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 378,69 ly

    Estimated value: 1 204 cr

  • 44,75 ly

    Struia Eork LN-Q d6-6

    6.1.2019 11.50.39

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,75 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 612,69 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 337,61 ly

    Estimated value: 487 792 cr

  • ?
    46,77 ly

    Struia Eork BH-F c14-1

    6.1.2019 11.49.32

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,77 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 576,84 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 305,90 ly

    Estimated value: 15 869 cr

  • 43,72 ly

    Struia Eork SQ-P b25-0

    6.1.2019 11.48.32

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,72 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 534,59 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 268,79 ly

    Estimated value: 2 409 cr

  • 5. tammikuuta 2019
  • 24,15 ly

    Struia Eork UU-I c12-0

    5.1.2019 20.03.44

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 24,15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 499,25 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 240,16 ly

    Estimated value: 1 209 cr

  • 38,28 ly

    Struia Eork IH-S d5-1

    5.1.2019 20.02.34

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 475,81 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 218,14 ly

    Estimated value: 2 428 cr

  • 26,11 ly

    Struia Eork LI-M c10-0

    5.1.2019 19.59.19

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 26,11 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 441,25 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 180,74 ly

    Estimated value: 619 940 cr

  • 38,53 ly

    Struia Eork MI-M c10-0

    5.1.2019 19.57.59

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,53 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 419,06 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 161,95 ly

    Estimated value: 59 930 cr

  • 34,97 ly

    Struia Eork IC-O c9-1

    5.1.2019 19.56.51

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 34,97 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 380,83 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 125,81 ly

    Estimated value: 17 555 cr

  • 47,08 ly

    Struia Eork EW-P c8-1

    5.1.2019 19.55.48

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 47,08 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 347,41 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 095,46 ly

    Estimated value: 2 419 cr

  • 43,90 ly

    Struia Eork AQ-R c7-0

    5.1.2019 19.54.18

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,90 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 301,93 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 048,94 ly

    Estimated value: 17 000 cr

  • 36,39 ly

    Struia Eork WJ-T c6-0

    5.1.2019 19.53.12

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 36,39 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 259,59 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 45 009,35 ly

    Estimated value: 14 961 cr

  • 44,58 ly

    Struia Eork SD-V c5-0

    5.1.2019 19.51.57

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 223,76 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 974,49 ly

    Estimated value: 2 420 cr

  • 37,57 ly

    Struia Eork OX-W c4-0

    5.1.2019 19.50.40

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 37,57 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 179,24 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 931,59 ly

    Estimated value: 2 414 cr

  • 43,99 ly

    Struia Eork SI-Z d1-0

    5.1.2019 19.49.36

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,99 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 142,70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 895,57 ly

    Estimated value: 2 433 cr

  • 46,93 ly

    Struia Eork GL-A c3-1

    5.1.2019 19.48.26

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,93 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 103,48 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 857,95 ly

    Estimated value: 1 211 cr

  • 48,01 ly

    Struia Eork DP-E b4-0

    5.1.2019 19.47.23

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 48,01 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 063,12 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 823,67 ly

    Estimated value: 2 414 cr

  • 44,10 ly

    Struia Eork BU-D c1-0

    5.1.2019 19.46.30

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 038,66 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 805,68 ly

    Estimated value: 2 421 cr

  • 43,36 ly

    Struia Eork SW-J b1-0

    5.1.2019 19.45.27

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,36 ly

    Distance to Sol: 63 004,24 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 772,24 ly

    Estimated value: 3 612 cr

  • 46,62 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae GO-E b59-0

    5.1.2019 19.44.16

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,62 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 961,07 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 730,70 ly

    Estimated value: 4 583 cr

  • 44,79 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae VG-I b57-0

    5.1.2019 19.43.19

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 925,02 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 691,39 ly

    Estimated value: 2 405 cr

  • 38,83 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae GP-G c27-0

    5.1.2019 19.42.11

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 881,41 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 650,18 ly

    Estimated value: 39 657 cr

  • 45,01 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae HD-P b53-0

    5.1.2019 19.40.47

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 45,01 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 845,64 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 618,08 ly

    Estimated value: 151 904 cr

  • 45,57 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae XV-S b51-0

    5.1.2019 19.39.48

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 45,57 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 804,56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 575,70 ly

    Estimated value: 1 205 cr

  • 44,13 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae RE-W b49-0

    5.1.2019 19.38.59

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,13 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 762,62 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 534,93 ly

    Estimated value: 1 205 cr

  • 48,13 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae RQ-N c23-0

    5.1.2019 19.37.54

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 48,13 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 732,97 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 513,27 ly

    Estimated value: 2 419 cr

  • 45,83 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae BL-D b46-0

    5.1.2019 19.36.47

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 45,83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 686,70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 471,16 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 39,83 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae SY-G b44-0

    5.1.2019 19.35.47

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 39,83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 644,43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 425,94 ly

    Estimated value: 2 410 cr

  • 45,12 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae JE-R c21-1

    5.1.2019 19.34.52

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 45,12 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 629,42 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 409,76 ly

    Estimated value: 1 212 cr

  • 43,82 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae FY-S c20-0

    5.1.2019 19.33.52

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,82 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 584,70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 367,53 ly

    Estimated value: 1 214 cr

  • 40,49 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae EN-U c19-1

    5.1.2019 19.32.44

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,49 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 565,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 357,24 ly

    Estimated value: 2 415 cr

  • 46,25 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae CZ-Q b38-0

    5.1.2019 19.31.44

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,25 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 525,56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 318,29 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 32,30 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae XU-M d8-5

    5.1.2019 19.30.34

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 32,30 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 482,37 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 279,84 ly

    Estimated value: 2 441 cr

  • 47,15 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae SU-Z c16-1

    5.1.2019 19.29.35

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 47,15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 455,17 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 257,26 ly

    Estimated value: 1 210 cr

  • 46,47 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae OO-B c16-1

    5.1.2019 19.28.33

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,47 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 408,72 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 210,94 ly

    Estimated value: 2 414 cr

  • 44,61 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae RT-O d7-2

    5.1.2019 19.23.33

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,61 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 367,71 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 174,85 ly

    Estimated value: 103 711 cr

  • 44,27 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae MZ-I b29-0

    5.1.2019 19.22.35

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,27 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 330,11 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 141,20 ly

    Estimated value: 2 407 cr

  • 42,69 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae AB-H c13-1

    5.1.2019 19.16.00

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 42,69 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 292,50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 099,47 ly

    Estimated value: 19 843 cr

  • 46,63 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae WU-I c12-1

    5.1.2019 19.14.51

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,63 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 250,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 059,19 ly

    Estimated value: 1 213 cr

  • 48,27 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae LT-T b23-0

    5.1.2019 19.13.51

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 48,27 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 206,04 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 44 017,07 ly

    Estimated value: 16 772 cr

  • 48,04 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae EH-X b21-0

    5.1.2019 19.11.50

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 48,04 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 164,00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 981,79 ly

    Estimated value: 1 204 cr

  • 46,81 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae TJ-C b19-0

    5.1.2019 19.10.53

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 118,90 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 934,23 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 46,00 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae BV-V d3-0

    5.1.2019 19.06.31

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 078,32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 894,78 ly

    Estimated value: 325 051 cr

  • 43,88 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae AV-R c7-0

    5.1.2019 19.05.21

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,88 ly

    Distance to Sol: 62 033,98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 851,36 ly

    Estimated value: 2 415 cr

  • 46,23 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae XO-X d2-1

    5.1.2019 19.04.21

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,23 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 991,59 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 811,57 ly

    Estimated value: 2 429 cr

  • 39,59 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae MM-Q b11-0

    5.1.2019 19.03.15

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 39,59 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 957,14 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 771,83 ly

    Estimated value: 1 205 cr

  • 42,28 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae MW-R b10-0

    5.1.2019 19.02.15

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 42,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 924,38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 739,66 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 46,09 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae CP-V b8-0

    5.1.2019 19.01.09

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,09 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 882,48 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 700,05 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 44,21 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae XX-Y b6-0

    5.1.2019 18.59.45

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 846,22 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 669,60 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 34,13 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae QL-C b5-0

    5.1.2019 18.58.42

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 34,13 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 806,31 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 635,34 ly

    Estimated value: 12 406 cr

  • 45,05 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae IZ-F b3-0

    5.1.2019 18.57.39

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 45,05 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 772,48 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 603,16 ly

    Estimated value: 2 412 cr

  • 42,91 ly

    Pyrae Dryoae NR-C d2

    5.1.2019 18.56.33

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 42,91 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 727,78 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 560,07 ly

    Estimated value: 1 225 cr

  • 44,05 ly

    Choi Dryoae VF-C d14-5

    5.1.2019 18.55.17

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,05 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 687,02 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 518,26 ly

    Estimated value: 84 633 cr

  • 30,59 ly

    Choi Dryoae VF-C d14-2

    5.1.2019 18.50.18

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 30,59 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 647,88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 479,07 ly

    Estimated value: 158 630 cr

  • 46,67 ly

    Choi Dryoae TK-C d14-0

    5.1.2019 18.49.17

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 635,55 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 463,13 ly

    Estimated value: 2 439 cr

  • 46,21 ly

    Choi Dryoae PJ-N b54-0

    5.1.2019 18.47.52

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 594,25 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 428,01 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 46,07 ly

    Choi Dryoae PE-E d13-0

    5.1.2019 18.46.42

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,07 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 553,74 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 383,68 ly

    Estimated value: 2 425 cr

  • 47,34 ly

    Choi Dryoae ZV-S b51-0

    5.1.2019 18.45.50

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 47,34 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 525,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 353,42 ly

    Estimated value: 2 406 cr

  • 46,42 ly

    Choi Dryoae ZC-K c25-1

    5.1.2019 18.44.51

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,42 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 507,23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 332,30 ly

    Estimated value: 2 414 cr

  • 33,62 ly

    Choi Dryoae VW-L c24-0

    5.1.2019 18.41.29

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 33,62 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 462,04 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 285,88 ly

    Estimated value: 11 074 cr

  • 46,75 ly

    Choi Dryoae GS-H d11-4

    5.1.2019 18.40.18

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,75 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 431,10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 255,95 ly

    Estimated value: 2 426 cr

  • 43,42 ly

    Choi Dryoae NK-P c22-1

    5.1.2019 18.39.22

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,42 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 386,37 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 213,26 ly

    Estimated value: 1 214 cr

  • 39,17 ly

    Choi Dryoae ST-G b44-0

    5.1.2019 18.38.25

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 39,17 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 369,13 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 191,58 ly

    Estimated value: 1 204 cr

  • 46,56 ly

    Choi Dryoae LH-K b42-0

    5.1.2019 18.36.59

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,56 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 334,39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 162,18 ly

    Estimated value: 6 595 cr

  • 43,26 ly

    Choi Dryoae AS-U c19-1

    5.1.2019 18.34.48

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 290,73 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 115,93 ly

    Estimated value: 23 956 cr

  • 47,48 ly

    Choi Dryoae ZR-U c19-1

    5.1.2019 18.27.34

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 47,48 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 261,34 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 079,91 ly

    Estimated value: 360 606 cr

  • 40,45 ly

    Choi Dryoae WL-W c18-0

    5.1.2019 18.26.35

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,45 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 222,33 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 045,45 ly

    Estimated value: 2 411 cr

  • 40,06 ly

    Choi Dryoae UA-Y c17-0

    5.1.2019 18.25.29

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,06 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 185,40 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 43 009,71 ly

    Estimated value: 1 211 cr

  • 44,44 ly

    Choi Dryoae PU-Z c16-0

    5.1.2019 17.56.28

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 145,45 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 970,49 ly

    Estimated value: 39 898 cr

  • 24,20 ly

    Choi Dryoae KT-B c16-0

    5.1.2019 17.55.29

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 24,20 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 103,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 932,70 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 37,94 ly

    Choi Dryoae HI-D c15-0

    5.1.2019 17.51.57

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 37,94 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 085,54 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 911,14 ly

    Estimated value: 376 505 cr

  • 42,74 ly

    Choi Dryoae NI-Q d6-1

    5.1.2019 17.08.12

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 42,74 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 052,54 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 878,03 ly

    Estimated value: 531 417 cr

  • 42,38 ly

    Choi Dryoae DC-F c14-0

    5.1.2019 17.07.10

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 42,38 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 021,74 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 842,37 ly

    Estimated value: 4 823 cr

  • 40,71 ly

    Choi Dryoae ZV-G c13-0

    5.1.2019 17.06.00

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,71 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 979,46 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 801,62 ly

    Estimated value: 33 899 cr

  • 48,29 ly

    Choi Dryoae VP-I c12-0

    5.1.2019 17.04.24

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 48,29 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 938,92 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 762,91 ly

    Estimated value: 134 715 cr

  • 44,90 ly

    Choi Dryoae QJ-K c11-0

    5.1.2019 17.03.20

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,90 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 905,08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 730,21 ly

    Estimated value: 1 210 cr

  • 38,72 ly

    Choi Dryoae FW-T d4-1

    5.1.2019 17.02.27

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,72 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 873,73 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 692,88 ly

    Estimated value: 32 803 cr

  • 33,06 ly

    Choi Dryoae FW-T d4-2

    5.1.2019 17.01.21

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 33,06 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 843,47 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 667,45 ly

    Estimated value: 2 446 cr

  • 39,41 ly

    Choi Dryoae CW-P c8-0

    5.1.2019 17.00.20

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 39,41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 812,14 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 639,41 ly

    Estimated value: 2 422 cr

  • 40,80 ly

    Choi Dryoae ER-P c8-0

    5.1.2019 16.57.39

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 778,27 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 606,14 ly

    Estimated value: 2 416 cr

  • 34,19 ly

    Choi Dryoae BQ-V d3-3

    5.1.2019 16.45.01

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 34,19 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 784,10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 621,46 ly

    Estimated value: 193 671 cr

  • 43,97 ly

    Choi Dryoae CL-R c7-0

    5.1.2019 16.43.58

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,97 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 775,44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 620,39 ly

    Estimated value: 15 377 cr

  • 40,24 ly

    Choi Dryoae DL-R c7-0

    5.1.2019 16.42.52

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 745,04 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 596,39 ly

    Estimated value: 1 212 cr

  • 38,79 ly

    Choi Dryoae YJ-X d2-1

    5.1.2019 16.39.47

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 710,18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 565,56 ly

    Estimated value: 3 253 cr

  • 44,25 ly

    Choi Dryoae YJ-T c6-0

    5.1.2019 16.38.58

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,25 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 703,39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 566,59 ly

    Estimated value: 1 210 cr

  • 46,94 ly

    Choi Dryoae VD-Z d1-3

    5.1.2019 16.32.47

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 46,94 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 661,26 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 528,82 ly

    Estimated value: 248 549 cr

  • 36,32 ly

    Choi Dryoae RX-W c4-0

    5.1.2019 16.30.04

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 36,32 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 626,71 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 503,05 ly

    Estimated value: 1 215 cr

  • 43,36 ly

    Choi Dryoae NR-Y c3-0

    5.1.2019 16.29.03

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,36 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 590,43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 467,50 ly

    Estimated value: 1 215 cr

  • 38,76 ly

    Rhooloea EI-Z d1-0

    5.1.2019 16.18.19

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,76 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 590,43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 478,05 ly

    Estimated value: 1 229 cr

  • 37,53 ly

    Rhooloea JQ-Y c3-0

    5.1.2019 16.17.20

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 37,53 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 589,74 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 486,56 ly

    Estimated value: 3 619 cr

  • 41,79 ly

    Rhooloea FK-A c3-0

    5.1.2019 16.12.13

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 41,79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 552,47 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 450,38 ly

    Estimated value: 19 740 cr

  • 38,39 ly

    Rhooloea BE-C c2-0

    5.1.2019 16.11.13

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 38,39 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 511,08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 411,64 ly

    Estimated value: 1 210 cr

  • 36,51 ly

    Rhooloea ZS-D c1-0

    5.1.2019 16.07.29

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 36,51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 496,88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 406,10 ly

    Estimated value: 44 089 cr

  • 35,87 ly

    Rhooloea AT-D c1-0

    5.1.2019 15.58.27

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 35,87 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 474,46 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 384,75 ly

    Estimated value: 2 414 cr

  • 28,38 ly

    Rhooloea WM-F c0

    5.1.2019 15.57.11

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 28,38 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 466,82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 385,40 ly

    Estimated value: 13 665 cr

  • 40,78 ly

    Rhooloea XM-F c0

    5.1.2019 15.55.36

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 40,78 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 443,65 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 366,52 ly

    Estimated value: 1 213 cr

  • 43,91 ly

    Pyrooe Eork OZ-O e6-0

    5.1.2019 15.50.37

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 43,91 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 413,04 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 343,23 ly

    Estimated value: 265 814 cr

  • 44,92 ly

    Pyrooe Eork IF-C d14-1

    5.1.2019 15.49.26

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 44,92 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 396,68 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 334,71 ly

    Estimated value: 2 439 cr

  • 39,89 ly

    Pyrooe Eork PP-E c28-0

    5.1.2019 15.48.29

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 39,89 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 359,01 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 304,11 ly

    Estimated value: 2 424 cr

  • 39,61 ly

    Pyrooe Eork QP-E c28-0

    5.1.2019 15.47.33

    Ship: Krait Katsby (Krait Mk II)
    Jump distance: 39,61 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 362,24 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 317,05 ly

    Estimated value: 2 417 cr