CMDR Tigir profile > Flight Log

Commander name:
Current ship:
[OoE] Benediction [VOID42]
(Federal Corvette)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
19 964
Systems discovered first:
5 700
19 964 systems visited.
  • 18. toukokuuta 2019
  • 26,80 ly

    Pyria Thua SE-T b58-0

    18.5.2019 17.01.49

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 358,20 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 605,05 ly

    Estimated value: 12 405 cr

  • 25,56 ly

    Syneayoi AB-A c1

    18.5.2019 17.01.05

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,56 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 384,10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 628,73 ly

    Estimated value: 2 412 cr

  • 19,50 ly

    Syneayoi GI-Y b0

    18.5.2019 17.00.21

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 19,50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 399,83 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 644,93 ly

    Estimated value: 2 409 cr

  • 26,28 ly

    Syneayoi JO-W b1-0

    18.5.2019 16.58.19

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 418,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 662,61 ly

    Estimated value: 3 613 cr

  • 19,94 ly

    Syneayoi EH-Y c1

    18.5.2019 16.57.35

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 19,94 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 438,34 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 679,11 ly

    Estimated value: 41 586 cr

  • 20,57 ly

    Syneayoi NU-U b2-0

    18.5.2019 16.56.51

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 20,57 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 455,56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 695,44 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 23,31 ly

    Syneayoi VG-R b4-0

    18.5.2019 16.55.56

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,31 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 475,94 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 714,99 ly

    Estimated value: 65 894 cr

  • 18,62 ly

    Syneayoi UG-R b4-0

    18.5.2019 16.55.02

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 18,62 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 486,95 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 721,05 ly

    Estimated value: 3 613 cr

  • 23,93 ly

    Syneayoi XM-P b5-0

    18.5.2019 16.54.17

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,93 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 503,78 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 736,69 ly

    Estimated value: 34 330 cr

  • 17,37 ly

    Syneayoi QG-Y d4

    18.5.2019 16.50.05

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 17,37 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 517,35 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 745,47 ly

    Estimated value: 30 852 cr

  • 44,85 ly

    Syneayoi AT-N b6-0

    18.5.2019 16.39.02

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 44,85 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 520,10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 744,36 ly

    Estimated value: 47 478 cr

  • 44,00 ly

    Syneayoi OZ-S c3-0

    18.5.2019 16.34.16

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 44,00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 539,13 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 753,71 ly

    Estimated value: 4 817 cr

  • 3,10 ly

    Syneayoi SF-R c4-0

    18.5.2019 16.29.13

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 3,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 581,44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 797,04 ly

    Estimated value: 4 817 cr

  • 25,19 ly

    Syneayoi SF-R c4-1

    18.5.2019 16.28.28

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,19 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 583,38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 799,16 ly

    Estimated value: 7 443 cr

  • 17,37 ly

    Syneayoi UM-W d1-2

    18.5.2019 16.27.42

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 17,37 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 597,38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 816,49 ly

    Estimated value: 1 217 cr

  • 23,87 ly

    Syneayoi UM-W d1-1

    18.5.2019 16.26.58

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,87 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 613,92 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 832,35 ly

    Estimated value: 225 776 cr

  • 23,71 ly

    Syneayoi YS-U d2-3

    18.5.2019 16.26.13

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,71 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 636,00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 854,17 ly

    Estimated value: 48 595 cr

  • 50,75 ly

    Syneayoi WL-P c5-1

    18.5.2019 16.21.40

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 50,75 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 651,01 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 864,77 ly

    Estimated value: 120 620 cr

  • 32,04 ly

    Syneayoi EY-L c7-0

    18.5.2019 16.18.41

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 32,04 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 699,11 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 910,36 ly

    Estimated value: 2 412 cr

  • 23,16 ly

    Chua Dryiae SV-H b16-0

    18.5.2019 16.14.26

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,16 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 718,36 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 931,43 ly

    Estimated value: 3 618 cr

  • 20,41 ly

    Chua Dryiae PP-J b15-0

    18.5.2019 16.07.16

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 20,41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 712,73 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 930,93 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 21,01 ly

    Chua Dryiae UV-H b16-0

    18.5.2019 16.06.23

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,01 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 723,25 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 945,12 ly

    Estimated value: 4 205 cr

  • 16,62 ly

    Chua Dryiae YB-G b17-0

    18.5.2019 16.05.31

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 16,62 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 742,68 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 964,61 ly

    Estimated value: 33 238 cr

  • 16,80 ly

    Chua Dryiae DI-E b18-0

    18.5.2019 16.04.35

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 16,80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 756,62 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 978,29 ly

    Estimated value: 3 616 cr

  • 21,24 ly

    Chua Dryiae CI-E b18-0

    18.5.2019 16.03.38

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 773,28 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 994,11 ly

    Estimated value: 3 206 cr

  • 26,72 ly

    Chua Dryiae YU-V d3-2

    18.5.2019 16.02.38

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,72 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 775,87 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 41 991,88 ly

    Estimated value: 1 210 cr

  • 13,19 ly

    Chua Dryiae JU-A b20-0

    18.5.2019 16.01.17

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 13,19 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 796,55 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 008,52 ly

    Estimated value: 6 227 cr

  • 25,07 ly

    Chua Dryiae EC-O c9-0

    18.5.2019 16.00.33

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,07 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 803,96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 014,73 ly

    Estimated value: 586 418 cr

  • 26,58 ly

    Chua Dryiae MA-Z b20-0

    18.5.2019 15.59.48

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 820,43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 027,37 ly

    Estimated value: 550 603 cr

  • 22,64 ly

    Chua Dryiae QG-X b21-0

    18.5.2019 15.59.03

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 22,64 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 846,48 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 053,19 ly

    Estimated value: 4 704 cr

  • 20,72 ly

    Chua Dryiae TM-V b22-0

    18.5.2019 15.54.04

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 20,72 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 859,53 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 061,91 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 19,10 ly

    Chua Dryiae XS-T b23-0

    18.5.2019 15.52.25

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 19,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 880,08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 081,39 ly

    Estimated value: 18 515 cr

  • 11,95 ly

    Chua Dryiae WS-T b23-0

    18.5.2019 15.51.40

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 11,95 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 895,51 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 095,53 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 24,67 ly

    Chua Dryiae AZ-R b24-0

    18.5.2019 15.44.19

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 24,67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 901,52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 099,08 ly

    Estimated value: 19 754 cr

  • 21,10 ly

    Chua Dryiae ZY-R b24-0

    18.5.2019 15.42.24

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 905,08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 097,54 ly

    Estimated value: 41 792 cr

  • 17,59 ly

    Chua Dryiae FH-S d5-3

    18.5.2019 15.41.39

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 17,59 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 908,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 098,64 ly

    Estimated value: 145 582 cr

  • 18,32 ly

    Chua Dryiae FH-S d5-2

    18.5.2019 15.40.46

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 18,32 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 925,87 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 114,69 ly

    Estimated value: 54 830 cr

  • 17,91 ly

    Chua Dryiae QF-H c13-0

    18.5.2019 15.40.01

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 17,91 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 937,95 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 124,37 ly

    Estimated value: 287 849 cr

  • 26,26 ly

    Chua Dryiae IN-Q d6-3

    18.5.2019 15.39.16

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 946,60 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 130,06 ly

    Estimated value: 271 757 cr

  • 25,56 ly

    Chua Dryiae PF-H c13-0

    18.5.2019 15.38.31

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,56 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 970,66 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 155,43 ly

    Estimated value: 1 216 cr

  • 17,70 ly

    Syneayoi IE-Z b27-0

    18.5.2019 15.36.48

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 17,70 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 979,67 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 165,71 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 21,73 ly

    Syneayoi MK-X b28-0

    18.5.2019 15.34.49

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,73 ly

    Distance to Sol: 60 997,34 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 182,72 ly

    Estimated value: 32 833 cr

  • 26,86 ly

    Syneayoi NK-X b28-0

    18.5.2019 15.34.04

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,86 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 001,34 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 191,38 ly

    Estimated value: 4 227 cr

  • 26,72 ly

    Chua Dryiae PI-P a60-0

    18.5.2019 15.33.12

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,72 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 023,00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 215,19 ly

    Estimated value: 1 201 cr

  • 25,48 ly

    Chua Dryiae DW-J a63-0

    18.5.2019 15.32.25

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,48 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 046,96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 237,82 ly

    Estimated value: 1 201 cr

  • 23,37 ly

    Chua Dryiae FW-D b32-0

    18.5.2019 14.55.23

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,37 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 059,26 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 247,20 ly

    Estimated value: 1 705 cr

  • 18,47 ly

    Chua Dryiae JC-C b33-0

    18.5.2019 14.54.27

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 18,47 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 082,38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 270,22 ly

    Estimated value: 80 274 cr

  • 25,07 ly

    Chua Dryiae NI-A b34-0

    18.5.2019 14.53.42

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,07 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 099,37 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 285,97 ly

    Estimated value: 20 538 cr

  • 8,48 ly

    Chua Dryiae OI-A b34-0

    18.5.2019 14.52.57

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 8,48 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 111,34 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 302,53 ly

    Estimated value: 3 609 cr

  • 24,72 ly

    Chua Dryiae SO-Y b34-0

    18.5.2019 14.52.08

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 24,72 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 118,68 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 309,88 ly

    Estimated value: 27 467 cr

  • 22,57 ly

    Chua Dryiae WU-W b35-0

    18.5.2019 14.47.56

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 22,57 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 142,50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 333,51 ly

    Estimated value: 10 143 cr

  • 15,44 ly

    Chua Dryiae AB-V b36-0

    18.5.2019 14.44.21

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 15,44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 162,31 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 353,02 ly

    Estimated value: 5 410 cr

  • 21,44 ly

    Chua Dryiae EH-T b37-0

    18.5.2019 14.37.10

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 177,66 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 367,99 ly

    Estimated value: 7 905 cr

  • 18,39 ly

    Chua Dryiae DH-T b37-0

    18.5.2019 14.36.25

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 18,39 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 192,17 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 380,66 ly

    Estimated value: 2 407 cr

  • 18,81 ly

    Chua Dryiae HN-R b38-0

    18.5.2019 14.35.40

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 18,81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 200,23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 385,64 ly

    Estimated value: 11 905 cr

  • 26,97 ly

    Chua Dryiae GN-R b38-0

    18.5.2019 14.34.54

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,97 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 211,82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 395,13 ly

    Estimated value: 5 905 cr

  • 21,83 ly

    Chua Dryiae KT-P b39-0

    18.5.2019 14.33.52

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 235,65 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 417,94 ly

    Estimated value: 5 206 cr

  • 21,75 ly

    Chua Dryiae OZ-N b40-0

    18.5.2019 14.33.07

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,75 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 256,18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 436,36 ly

    Estimated value: 4 704 cr

  • 21,28 ly

    Chua Dryiae WL-K b42-0

    18.5.2019 14.31.58

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 277,37 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 455,95 ly

    Estimated value: 19 581 cr

  • 19,02 ly

    Chua Dryiae AS-I b43-0

    18.5.2019 14.17.57

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 19,02 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 298,48 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 476,86 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 22,62 ly

    Chua Dryiae EY-G b44-0

    18.5.2019 14.17.13

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 22,62 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 317,41 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 495,62 ly

    Estimated value: 20 981 cr

  • 23,53 ly

    Chua Dryiae EP-P c22-0

    18.5.2019 14.16.27

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,53 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 340,00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 517,68 ly

    Estimated value: 6 028 cr

  • 24,44 ly

    Chua Dryiae HE-F b45-0

    18.5.2019 14.15.42

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 24,44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 339,52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 512,09 ly

    Estimated value: 2 409 cr

  • 23,35 ly

    Chua Dryiae KK-D b46-0

    18.5.2019 14.14.57

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 357,47 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 525,93 ly

    Estimated value: 1 719 cr

  • 23,09 ly

    Chua Dryiae OQ-B b47-0

    18.5.2019 14.13.10

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,09 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 380,53 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 547,69 ly

    Estimated value: 5 204 cr

  • 24,10 ly

    Chua Dryiae CS-H d11-3

    18.5.2019 14.12.14

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 24,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 391,25 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 553,95 ly

    Estimated value: 62 821 cr

  • 21,20 ly

    Chua Dryiae QW-Z b47-0

    18.5.2019 14.11.29

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,20 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 402,30 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 560,99 ly

    Estimated value: 5 704 cr

  • 15,49 ly

    Chua Dryiae UC-Y b48-0

    18.5.2019 14.10.35

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 15,49 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 422,90 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 580,32 ly

    Estimated value: 6 246 cr

  • 26,97 ly

    Chua Dryiae YI-W b49-0

    18.5.2019 14.09.50

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,97 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 438,13 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 595,72 ly

    Estimated value: 6 205 cr

  • 21,11 ly

    Chua Dryiae GY-F d12-1

    18.5.2019 14.09.05

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,11 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 463,28 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 622,04 ly

    Estimated value: 638 287 cr

  • 25,08 ly

    Chua Dryiae GV-S b51-0

    18.5.2019 14.08.01

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,08 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 480,72 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 636,59 ly

    Estimated value: 7 706 cr

  • 17. toukokuuta 2019
  • 21,42 ly

    Chua Dryiae JB-R b52-0

    17.5.2019 19.34.26

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 21,42 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 499,99 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 651,85 ly

    Estimated value: 10 800 cr

  • 22,28 ly

    Chua Dryiae IB-R b52-0

    17.5.2019 19.32.34

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 22,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 502,53 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 649,79 ly

    Estimated value: 3 408 cr

  • 22,54 ly

    Chua Dryiae HB-R b52-0

    17.5.2019 19.31.04

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 22,54 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 508,79 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 651,22 ly

    Estimated value: 7 205 cr

  • 25,86 ly

    Chua Dryiae KH-P b53-0

    17.5.2019 19.30.13

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 25,86 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 518,84 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 656,61 ly

    Estimated value: 19 666 cr

  • 20,81 ly

    Chua Dryiae FB-R b52-0

    17.5.2019 19.29.02

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 20,81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 501,76 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 635,68 ly

    Estimated value: 131 156 cr

  • 46,55 ly

    Chua Dryiae EB-R b52-0

    17.5.2019 19.26.50

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 46,55 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 500,39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 629,79 ly

    Estimated value: 3 611 cr

  • 50,14 ly

    Syneayoi UK-E c25-0

    17.5.2019 19.22.52

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 50,14 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 489,11 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 614,66 ly

    Estimated value: 125 118 cr

  • 30,01 ly

    Syneayoi GR-N e6-0

    17.5.2019 19.12.25

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 30,01 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 527,23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 648,82 ly

    Estimated value: 95 439 cr

  • 52,80 ly

    Syneayoi AC-B c27-0

    17.5.2019 19.07.57

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 52,80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 543,61 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 668,80 ly

    Estimated value: 560 694 cr

  • 9. toukokuuta 2019
  • 19,07 ly

    Syneayoi XQ-C c26-0

    9.5.2019 4.30.21

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 19,07 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 504,84 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 624,09 ly

    Estimated value: 110 246 cr

  • 19,07 ly

    Syneayoi YQ-C c26-0

    9.5.2019 2.44.49

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 19,07 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 511,52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 634,14 ly

    Estimated value: 94 665 cr

  • 30,95 ly

    Syneayoi XQ-C c26-0

    9.5.2019 2.44.01

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 30,95 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 504,84 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 624,09 ly

    Estimated value: 110 246 cr

  • 27,86 ly

    Syneayoi VV-C c26-0

    9.5.2019 2.43.16

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 27,86 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 504,98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 618,69 ly

    Estimated value: 1 215 cr

  • 31,36 ly

    Syneayoi UV-C c26-0

    9.5.2019 2.41.16

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 31,36 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 526,10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 637,03 ly

    Estimated value: 32 847 cr

  • 23,58 ly

    Syneayoi LI-B d13-2

    9.5.2019 2.40.28

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 23,58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 550,11 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 659,24 ly

    Estimated value: 370 159 cr

  • 26,33 ly

    Syneayoi AX-A c27-0

    9.5.2019 2.39.35

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,33 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 573,01 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 682,78 ly

    Estimated value: 45 560 cr

  • 30,17 ly

    Syneayoi PO-Z d13-2

    9.5.2019 2.38.50

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 30,17 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 593,87 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 706,38 ly

    Estimated value: 1 223 cr

  • 29,75 ly

    Syneayoi DI-Z c27-0

    9.5.2019 2.35.45

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 29,75 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 593,80 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 712,16 ly

    Estimated value: 61 928 cr

  • 31,68 ly

    Syneayoi EI-Z c27-0

    9.5.2019 2.34.59

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 31,68 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 613,43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 736,00 ly

    Estimated value: 45 604 cr

  • 26,89 ly

    Syneayoi IO-X c28-0

    9.5.2019 2.34.06

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 26,89 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 641,56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 766,22 ly

    Estimated value: 180 215 cr

  • 18,79 ly

    Puwee PF-A c0

    9.5.2019 2.33.21

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 18,79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 661,81 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 789,48 ly

    Estimated value: 177 692 cr

  • 30,49 ly

    Puwee RA-A c0

    9.5.2019 2.31.30

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 30,49 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 669,98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 800,86 ly

    Estimated value: 2 416 cr

  • 31,06 ly

    Puwee RA-A c1

    9.5.2019 2.30.45

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 31,06 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 689,37 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 821,01 ly

    Estimated value: 98 917 cr

  • 30,83 ly

    Puwee VG-Y c0

    9.5.2019 2.30.00

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 30,83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 703,98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 829,67 ly

    Estimated value: 29 672 cr

  • 27,98 ly

    Nuwo EW-C d3

    9.5.2019 2.29.15

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 27,98 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 725,84 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 849,70 ly

    Estimated value: 296 377 cr

  • 31,26 ly

    Nuwo OJ-C c2-0

    9.5.2019 2.27.18

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 31,26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 749,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 871,28 ly

    Estimated value: 13 611 cr

  • 30,58 ly

    Puwee YM-W c1-0

    9.5.2019 2.26.32

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 30,58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 768,30 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 886,82 ly

    Estimated value: 2 415 cr

  • 32,28 ly

    Puwee CT-U c2-1

    9.5.2019 2.25.38

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 32,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 797,19 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 913,78 ly

    Estimated value: 29 818 cr

  • 24,19 ly

    Puwee QM-W d1-1

    9.5.2019 2.24.51

    Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 24,19 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61 823,03 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 42 937,52 ly

    Estimated value: 203 239 cr