CMDR Tigir profile > Flight Log

(Federal Corvette)

28. huhtikuuta 2019
37,02 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 37,02 lyDistance to Sol: 51 829,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 427,51 lyEstimated value: 2 407 cr
15. huhtikuuta 2019
7,64 ly
Smootoae QY-S d3-202 (Luna's Shadow)
15.4.2019 19.52.31
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 7,64 lyDistance to Sol: 51 798,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 391,92 lyEstimated value: 646 017 cr
7,64 ly
Smootoae VL-U b16-0
15.4.2019 18.32.24
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 7,64 lyDistance to Sol: 51 792,59 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 386,84 lyEstimated value: 15 254 cr
13. huhtikuuta 2019
16,20 ly
Smootoae QY-S d3-202 (Luna's Shadow)
13.4.2019 17.14.36
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 16,20 lyDistance to Sol: 51 798,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 391,92 lyEstimated value: 646 017 cr
42,71 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,71 lyDistance to Sol: 51 782,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 375,94 lyEstimated value: 203 398 cr
43,15 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,15 lyDistance to Sol: 51 742,69 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 333,54 lyEstimated value: 151 541 cr
42,13 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,13 lyDistance to Sol: 51 699,57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 292,13 lyEstimated value: 5 704 cr
43,74 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,74 lyDistance to Sol: 51 658,10 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 251,22 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
42,51 ly
Smootoae KI-K b8-6
13.4.2019 17.09.22
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,51 lyDistance to Sol: 51 614,97 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 210,25 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
42,39 ly
Smootoae EG-Y d64
13.4.2019 17.08.22
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,39 lyDistance to Sol: 51 574,01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 169,11 lyEstimated value: 409 607 cr
43,70 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,70 lyDistance to Sol: 51 532,98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 127,25 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
43,03 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,03 lyDistance to Sol: 51 490,02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 085,43 lyEstimated value: 44 011 cr
42,92 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,92 lyDistance to Sol: 51 447,65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 042,77 lyEstimated value: 2 416 cr
43,67 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,67 lyDistance to Sol: 51 405,33 ly
Distance to Colonia: 33 002,82 lyEstimated value: 1 209 cr
43,68 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,68 lyDistance to Sol: 51 362,34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 960,09 lyEstimated value: 63 614 cr
43,90 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,90 lyDistance to Sol: 51 319,50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 919,30 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
43,57 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,57 lyDistance to Sol: 51 277,61 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 875,40 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
43,76 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,76 lyDistance to Sol: 51 234,61 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 834,11 lyEstimated value: 2 423 cr
43,08 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,08 lyDistance to Sol: 51 191,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 790,91 lyEstimated value: 3 643 cr
42,58 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,58 lyDistance to Sol: 51 149,75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 750,25 lyEstimated value: 1 211 cr
43,53 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,53 lyDistance to Sol: 51 107,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 709,58 lyEstimated value: 3 632 cr
42,25 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,25 lyDistance to Sol: 51 064,70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 670,36 lyEstimated value: 2 407 cr
42,57 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,57 lyDistance to Sol: 51 022,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 630,01 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
43,14 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,14 lyDistance to Sol: 50 980,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 589,62 lyEstimated value: 14 862 cr
42,47 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,47 lyDistance to Sol: 50 937,79 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 551,30 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
43,33 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,33 lyDistance to Sol: 50 895,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 510,85 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
42,66 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,66 lyDistance to Sol: 50 852,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 472,18 lyEstimated value: 2 437 cr
43,97 ly
Plaa Briae MU-X c14-8
13.4.2019 16.51.05
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,97 lyDistance to Sol: 50 810,34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 430,87 lyEstimated value: 1 211 cr
43,13 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,13 lyDistance to Sol: 50 766,47 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 389,78 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
43,93 ly
Plaa Briae KB-B b27-1
13.4.2019 16.47.25
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,93 lyDistance to Sol: 50 723,84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 348,61 lyEstimated value: 26 553 cr
43,55 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,55 lyDistance to Sol: 50 680,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 305,28 lyEstimated value: 4 812 cr
31,91 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 31,91 lyDistance to Sol: 50 636,97 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 264,00 lyEstimated value: 3 645 cr
43,67 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,67 lyDistance to Sol: 50 605,26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 232,66 lyEstimated value: 1 215 cr
41,99 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,99 lyDistance to Sol: 50 562,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 192,96 lyEstimated value: 15 081 cr
43,52 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,52 lyDistance to Sol: 50 521,36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 151,49 lyEstimated value: 56 782 cr
41,12 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,12 lyDistance to Sol: 50 477,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 110,29 lyEstimated value: 3 617 cr
42,01 ly
Ploi Briae RV-Z b13-0
13.4.2019 16.27.45
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,01 lyDistance to Sol: 50 437,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 069,33 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
42,68 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,68 lyDistance to Sol: 50 396,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 32 028,12 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
43,45 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,45 lyDistance to Sol: 50 354,36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 986,67 lyEstimated value: 3 609 cr
42,67 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,67 lyDistance to Sol: 50 311,07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 945,42 lyEstimated value: 50 132 cr
43,89 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,89 lyDistance to Sol: 50 268,77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 905,07 lyEstimated value: 28 996 cr
43,91 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,91 lyDistance to Sol: 50 226,04 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 861,74 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
43,92 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,92 lyDistance to Sol: 50 183,05 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 818,16 lyEstimated value: 22 540 cr
42,76 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,76 lyDistance to Sol: 50 143,68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 778,91 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
43,62 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,62 lyDistance to Sol: 50 102,77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 742,46 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
42,57 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,57 lyDistance to Sol: 50 060,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 705,26 lyEstimated value: 31 324 cr
43,13 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,13 lyDistance to Sol: 50 018,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 665,42 lyEstimated value: 19 372 cr
42,11 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,11 lyDistance to Sol: 49 977,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 623,81 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
43,20 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,20 lyDistance to Sol: 49 935,33 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 583,40 lyEstimated value: 3 612 cr
43,67 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,67 lyDistance to Sol: 49 893,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 540,96 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
43,98 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,98 lyDistance to Sol: 49 850,81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 499,88 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
43,70 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,70 lyDistance to Sol: 49 807,37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 457,64 lyEstimated value: 1 219 cr
43,16 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,16 lyDistance to Sol: 49 763,71 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 416,54 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
43,78 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,78 lyDistance to Sol: 49 721,64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 373,54 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
42,78 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,78 lyDistance to Sol: 49 677,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 332,42 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
42,43 ly
Jump distance: 42,43 ly
Distance to Sol: 49 635,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 291,14 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
43,78 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,78 lyDistance to Sol: 49 594,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 248,74 lyEstimated value: 1 212 cr
43,23 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,23 lyDistance to Sol: 49 552,23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 211,07 lyEstimated value: 3 607 cr
25,87 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 25,87 lyDistance to Sol: 49 509,14 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 170,75 lyEstimated value: 1 215 cr
42,19 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,19 lyDistance to Sol: 49 483,58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 146,20 lyEstimated value: 40 834 cr
42,32 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,32 lyDistance to Sol: 49 442,91 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 106,15 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
43,07 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,07 lyDistance to Sol: 49 401,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 068,37 lyEstimated value: 2 413 cr
43,02 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,02 lyDistance to Sol: 49 359,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 31 025,68 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
43,06 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,06 lyDistance to Sol: 49 317,05 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 983,38 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
42,26 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,26 lyDistance to Sol: 49 274,42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 943,95 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
43,21 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,21 lyDistance to Sol: 49 232,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 904,88 lyEstimated value: 61 792 cr
43,40 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,40 lyDistance to Sol: 49 193,46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 868,49 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
40,82 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 40,82 lyDistance to Sol: 49 150,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 826,37 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
12. huhtikuuta 2019
40,99 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 40,99 lyDistance to Sol: 49 111,02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 787,86 lyEstimated value: 11 615 cr
42,04 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,04 lyDistance to Sol: 49 070,54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 749,38 lyEstimated value: 1 224 cr
42,43 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,43 lyDistance to Sol: 49 028,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 709,37 lyEstimated value: 2 411 cr
42,14 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,14 lyDistance to Sol: 48 986,75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 671,65 lyEstimated value: 2 407 cr
43,37 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,37 lyDistance to Sol: 48 945,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 630,15 lyEstimated value: 1 210 cr
35,06 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 35,06 lyDistance to Sol: 48 903,16 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 590,43 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
41,90 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,90 lyDistance to Sol: 48 870,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 555,70 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
42,98 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,98 lyDistance to Sol: 48 831,00 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 519,09 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
43,09 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,09 lyDistance to Sol: 48 788,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 477,50 lyEstimated value: 2 420 cr
43,05 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,05 lyDistance to Sol: 48 745,64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 436,14 lyEstimated value: 1 209 cr
43,31 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,31 lyDistance to Sol: 48 702,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 394,60 lyEstimated value: 1 215 cr
42,50 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,50 lyDistance to Sol: 48 661,36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 359,04 lyEstimated value: 19 190 cr
43,05 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,05 lyDistance to Sol: 48 620,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 316,80 lyEstimated value: 3 619 cr
42,49 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,49 lyDistance to Sol: 48 577,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 275,55 lyEstimated value: 36 294 cr
42,42 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,42 lyDistance to Sol: 48 535,21 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 235,75 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
43,83 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,83 lyDistance to Sol: 48 494,84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 193,41 lyEstimated value: 2 407 cr
43,26 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,26 lyDistance to Sol: 48 452,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 152,75 lyEstimated value: 1 212 cr
41,69 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,69 lyDistance to Sol: 48 410,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 116,02 lyEstimated value: 199 036 cr
42,75 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,75 lyDistance to Sol: 48 369,08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 078,74 lyEstimated value: 2 435 cr
40,49 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 40,49 lyDistance to Sol: 48 327,84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 041,21 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
40,71 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 40,71 lyDistance to Sol: 48 288,11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 30 001,33 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
43,13 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,13 lyDistance to Sol: 48 247,65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 962,17 lyEstimated value: 3 624 cr
40,32 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 40,32 lyDistance to Sol: 48 208,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 919,65 lyEstimated value: 66 299 cr
43,21 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,21 lyDistance to Sol: 48 168,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 882,97 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
41,05 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,05 lyDistance to Sol: 48 126,00 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 842,87 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
43,39 ly
Wruethoo ML-P d5-1
12.4.2019 19.27.04
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 43,39 lyDistance to Sol: 48 086,10 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 801,98 lyEstimated value: 3 624 cr
42,65 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,65 lyDistance to Sol: 48 043,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 759,52 lyEstimated value: 2 205 cr
42,66 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,66 lyDistance to Sol: 48 000,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 720,02 lyEstimated value: 10 938 cr
41,59 ly
Wruethoo EZ-S d3-45
12.4.2019 19.22.41
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,59 lyDistance to Sol: 47 959,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 681,75 lyEstimated value: 1 219 cr
41,90 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 41,90 lyDistance to Sol: 47 917,91 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 642,97 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
42,33 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 42,33 lyDistance to Sol: 47 882,99 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 616,64 lyEstimated value: 1 211 cr
40,05 ly
Ship: [OoE] Benediction (Federal Corvette)
Jump distance: 40,05 lyDistance to Sol: 47 843,90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 29 579,91 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr