CMDR Daemonhunter Kees profile > Flight Log

(Imperial Cutter)

10. maaliskuuta 2018
27,34 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 27,34 lyDistance to Sol: 1 158,33 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 293,89 lyEstimated value: 30 000 cr
33,96 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 33,96 lyDistance to Sol: 1 131,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 280,11 lyEstimated value: 9 566 cr
34,88 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 34,88 lyDistance to Sol: 1 102,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 281,58 lyEstimated value: 30 901 cr
35,88 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 35,88 lyDistance to Sol: 1 080,46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 282,71 lyEstimated value: 20 385 cr
38,17 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 38,17 lyDistance to Sol: 1 048,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 280,30 lyEstimated value: 1 706 cr
27,90 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 27,90 lyDistance to Sol: 1 020,72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 269,34 lyEstimated value: 1 230 cr
28,67 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 28,67 lyDistance to Sol: 998,46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 271,34 lyEstimated value: 1 216 cr
26,49 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 26,49 lyDistance to Sol: 978,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 261,37 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
33,82 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 33,82 lyDistance to Sol: 963,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 276,85 lyEstimated value: 23 113 cr
34,62 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 34,62 lyDistance to Sol: 932,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 271,76 lyEstimated value: 1 210 cr
35,41 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 35,41 lyDistance to Sol: 897,94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 263,52 lyEstimated value: 6 416 cr
37,11 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,11 lyDistance to Sol: 865,63 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 262,91 lyEstimated value: 4 829 cr
36,26 ly
Wredguia IC-F b27-0
10.3.2018 3.33.47
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,26 lyDistance to Sol: 832,79 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 238,56 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
37,50 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,50 lyDistance to Sol: 798,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 238,52 lyEstimated value: 1 224 cr
35,20 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 35,20 lyDistance to Sol: 767,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 225,07 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
32,46 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 32,46 lyDistance to Sol: 734,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 217,50 lyEstimated value: 2 411 cr
34,57 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 34,57 lyDistance to Sol: 703,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 200,58 lyEstimated value: 9 502 cr
37,23 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,23 lyDistance to Sol: 671,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 186,41 lyEstimated value: 1 215 cr
32,58 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 32,58 lyDistance to Sol: 634,52 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 174,58 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
33,59 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 33,59 lyDistance to Sol: 602,42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 163,33 lyEstimated value: 16 160 cr
36,96 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,96 lyDistance to Sol: 569,94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 152,48 lyEstimated value: 133 268 cr
35,10 ly
Wredguia QX-N b35-1
10.3.2018 3.17.06
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 35,10 lyDistance to Sol: 533,28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 137,92 lyEstimated value: 108 070 cr
37,66 ly
Wredguia JW-T c17-7
10.3.2018 3.13.39
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,66 lyDistance to Sol: 501,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 137,31 lyEstimated value: 214 830 cr
37,75 ly
Wredguia MR-T c17-1
10.3.2018 3.11.40
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,75 lyDistance to Sol: 463,69 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 129,87 lyEstimated value: 32 050 cr
35,60 ly
Wredguia LB-I b38-0
10.3.2018 3.09.58
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 35,60 lyDistance to Sol: 428,92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 109,83 lyEstimated value: 43 634 cr
37,18 ly
Col 285 Sector VF-V c3-2
10.3.2018 3.08.10
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,18 lyDistance to Sol: 393,76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 101,13 lyEstimated value: 62 103 cr
36,48 ly
Col 285 Sector PA-S b6-0
10.3.2018 3.06.28
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,48 lyDistance to Sol: 360,28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 100,91 lyEstimated value: 5 705 cr
36,57 ly
Col 285 Sector ZM-O b8-2
10.3.2018 3.04.32
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,57 lyDistance to Sol: 325,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 090,33 lyEstimated value: 46 728 cr
37,67 ly
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,67 lyDistance to Sol: 291,82 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 067,03 lyEstimated value: 43 114 cr
34,76 ly
Col 285 Sector NP-K b10-3
10.3.2018 3.00.53
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 34,76 lyDistance to Sol: 254,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 061,40 lyEstimated value: 38 614 cr
38,18 ly
Col 285 Sector UQ-I b11-0
10.3.2018 2.59.12
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 38,18 lyDistance to Sol: 221,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 055,58 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
37,71 ly
Lyncis Sector CL-Y d68
10.3.2018 2.57.14
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,71 lyDistance to Sol: 185,26 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 056,84 lyEstimated value: 534 076 cr
38,05 ly
10.3.2018 2.55.51
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 38,05 lyDistance to Sol: 148,80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 037,34 lyEstimated value: 57 195 cr
38,07 ly
Col 285 Sector PU-C b14-2
10.3.2018 2.53.09
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 38,07 lyDistance to Sol: 112,71 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 022,33 lyEstimated value: 6 204 cr
38,23 ly
BD+81 297
10.3.2018 2.51.02
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 38,23 lyDistance to Sol: 75,14 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 019,56 lyEstimated value: 2 422 cr
37,50 ly
LHS 2126
10.3.2018 2.49.31
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,50 lyDistance to Sol: 37,50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 013,62 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
9. maaliskuuta 2018
22,51 ly
9.3.2018 13.14.32
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 22,51 lyDistance to Sol: 0,00 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 000,47 lyEstimated value: 605 867 cr
36,71 ly
9.3.2018 13.13.29
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,71 lyDistance to Sol: 22,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 008,66 lyEstimated value: 93 242 cr
33,20 ly
LHS 142
9.3.2018 13.02.57
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 33,20 lyDistance to Sol: 58,28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 008,93 lyEstimated value: 403 875 cr
37,18 ly
9.3.2018 13.01.58
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,18 lyDistance to Sol: 33,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 998,40 lyEstimated value: 6 197 cr
27,89 ly
LHS 450
9.3.2018 12.55.41
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 27,89 lyDistance to Sol: 14,78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 997,12 lyEstimated value: 47 147 cr
12,86 ly
9.3.2018 12.12.15
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 12,86 lyDistance to Sol: 14,01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 005,87 lyEstimated value: 201 203 cr
12,86 ly
RR Caeli
9.3.2018 11.24.06
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 12,86 lyDistance to Sol: 26,52 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 011,87 lyEstimated value: 68 868 cr
12,58 ly
9.3.2018 11.05.49
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 12,58 lyDistance to Sol: 14,01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 005,87 lyEstimated value: 201 203 cr
12,58 ly
9.3.2018 10.30.53
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 12,58 lyDistance to Sol: 15,48 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 014,00 lyEstimated value: 72 996 cr
8. maaliskuuta 2018
9,50 ly
8.3.2018 13.30.35
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,50 lyDistance to Sol: 14,01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 005,87 lyEstimated value: 201 203 cr
9,50 ly
8.3.2018 13.15.54
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,50 lyDistance to Sol: 15,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 011,74 lyEstimated value: 18 682 cr
5,77 ly
8.3.2018 13.00.21
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 5,77 lyDistance to Sol: 14,01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 005,87 lyEstimated value: 201 203 cr
5,77 ly
82 Eridani
8.3.2018 12.55.03
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 5,77 lyDistance to Sol: 19,71 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 007,69 lyEstimated value: 50 776 cr
14,01 ly
8.3.2018 12.32.56
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 14,01 lyDistance to Sol: 14,01 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 005,87 lyEstimated value: 201 203 cr
7,17 ly
8.3.2018 12.19.53
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 7,17 lyDistance to Sol: 0,00 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 000,47 lyEstimated value: 605 867 cr
7,17 ly
WISE 0855-0714
8.3.2018 12.04.32
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 7,17 lyDistance to Sol: 7,17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 001,39 lyEstimated value: 15 079 cr
7,17 ly
8.3.2018 11.51.42
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 7,17 lyDistance to Sol: 0,00 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 000,47 lyEstimated value: 605 867 cr
11,21 ly
WISE 0855-0714
8.3.2018 11.34.47
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 11,21 lyDistance to Sol: 7,17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 001,39 lyEstimated value: 15 079 cr
11,21 ly
8.3.2018 11.15.53
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 11,21 lyDistance to Sol: 15,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 011,74 lyEstimated value: 18 682 cr
126,14 ly
WISE 0855-0714
8.3.2018 10.58.18
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 126,14 lyDistance to Sol: 7,17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 001,39 lyEstimated value: 15 079 cr
13. toukokuuta 2017
20,60 ly
13.5.2017 0.37.06
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 20,60 lyDistance to Sol: 131,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 096,31 lyEstimated value: 114 801 cr
24,81 ly
Col 285 Sector KH-A b15-5
13.5.2017 0.35.47
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 24,81 lyDistance to Sol: 120,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 082,71 lyEstimated value: 6 023 cr
23,02 ly
Col 285 Sector AA-A a30-3
13.5.2017 0.34.20
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 23,02 lyDistance to Sol: 111,23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 067,33 lyEstimated value: 6 215 cr
30,21 ly
LTT 2412
13.5.2017 0.32.50
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 30,21 lyDistance to Sol: 113,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 055,38 lyEstimated value: 16 615 cr
29,94 ly
ICZ AV-X b1-2
13.5.2017 0.31.16
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 29,94 lyDistance to Sol: 112,42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 030,63 lyEstimated value: 5 707 cr
12. toukokuuta 2017
18,61 ly
12.5.2017 23.52.30
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 18,61 lyDistance to Sol: 128,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 015,59 lyEstimated value: 904 921 cr
37,76 ly
12.5.2017 23.51.33
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 37,76 lyDistance to Sol: 114,40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 021,49 lyEstimated value: 856 301 cr
36,60 ly
Anek Wango
12.5.2017 23.49.58
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,60 lyDistance to Sol: 106,76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 041,94 lyEstimated value: 102 776 cr
36,47 ly
Col 285 Sector ZE-A a30-0
12.5.2017 23.48.32
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 36,47 lyDistance to Sol: 116,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 070,57 lyEstimated value: 2 403 cr
30,97 ly
12.5.2017 23.31.04
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 30,97 lyDistance to Sol: 131,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 096,31 lyEstimated value: 114 801 cr
30,74 ly
Col 285 Sector VY-B a29-1
12.5.2017 23.29.29
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 30,74 lyDistance to Sol: 116,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 082,06 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
30,66 ly
Hyades Sector UE-G b11-3
12.5.2017 23.27.38
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 30,66 lyDistance to Sol: 115,65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 070,07 lyEstimated value: 6 208 cr
31,22 ly
12.5.2017 23.25.51
Ship: Rubicon (Asp Explorer)
Jump distance: 31,22 lyDistance to Sol: 119,47 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 049,16 lyEstimated value: 85 604 cr
9,85 ly
12.5.2017 10.22.06
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,85 lyDistance to Sol: 124,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 023,85 lyEstimated value: 139 336 cr
4,97 ly
ICZ BQ-X b1-3
12.5.2017 10.21.15
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 4,97 lyDistance to Sol: 119,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 030,54 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
9,37 ly
ICZ BV-Y c19
12.5.2017 10.20.16
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,37 lyDistance to Sol: 120,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,23 lyEstimated value: 3 626 cr
4,69 ly
12.5.2017 10.19.28
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 4,69 lyDistance to Sol: 120,36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 043,19 lyEstimated value: 37 822 cr
8,56 ly
AG Doradus
12.5.2017 10.18.17
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 8,56 lyDistance to Sol: 115,94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 042,81 lyEstimated value: 3 613 cr
12,00 ly
12.5.2017 10.07.01
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 12,00 lyDistance to Sol: 114,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 049,73 lyEstimated value: 45 380 cr
3,14 ly
12.5.2017 10.05.52
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 3,14 lyDistance to Sol: 118,58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 042,22 lyEstimated value: 39 970 cr
6,27 ly
CD-51 881
12.5.2017 10.04.34
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 6,27 lyDistance to Sol: 118,57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 039,84 lyEstimated value: 120 124 cr
10,09 ly
ICZ BV-Y c19
12.5.2017 10.03.09
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 10,09 lyDistance to Sol: 120,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,23 lyEstimated value: 3 626 cr
4,40 ly
Ling Deti
12.5.2017 10.02.18
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 4,40 lyDistance to Sol: 122,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 027,19 lyEstimated value: 10 881 cr
13,01 ly
12.5.2017 9.45.18
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 13,01 lyDistance to Sol: 124,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 023,85 lyEstimated value: 139 336 cr
13,01 ly
12.5.2017 9.27.47
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 13,01 lyDistance to Sol: 118,02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 018,89 lyEstimated value: 18 898 cr
9,59 ly
12.5.2017 9.14.49
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,59 lyDistance to Sol: 124,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 023,85 lyEstimated value: 139 336 cr
9,59 ly
12.5.2017 9.00.35
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,59 lyDistance to Sol: 120,23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 026,61 lyEstimated value: 17 891 cr
11. toukokuuta 2017
9,59 ly
11.5.2017 11.15.50
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,59 lyDistance to Sol: 124,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 023,85 lyEstimated value: 139 336 cr
9,59 ly
11.5.2017 11.08.41
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 9,59 lyDistance to Sol: 120,23 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 026,61 lyEstimated value: 17 891 cr
10,20 ly
11.5.2017 9.19.11
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 10,20 lyDistance to Sol: 124,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 023,85 lyEstimated value: 139 336 cr
10. toukokuuta 2017
15,97 ly
10.5.2017 11.53.56
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 15,97 lyDistance to Sol: 128,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 015,59 lyEstimated value: 904 921 cr
20,69 ly
10.5.2017 11.49.30
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 20,69 lyDistance to Sol: 119,92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 022,96 lyEstimated value: 91 575 cr
30,63 ly
LHS 199
10.5.2017 11.47.59
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 30,63 lyDistance to Sol: 120,82 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 038,09 lyEstimated value: 503 255 cr
30,73 ly
10.5.2017 11.43.44
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 30,73 lyDistance to Sol: 115,58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 053,75 lyEstimated value: 20 106 cr
31,81 ly
Col 285 Sector ON-Y b15-1
10.5.2017 11.42.23
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 31,81 lyDistance to Sol: 117,86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 070,46 lyEstimated value: 5 234 cr
26,15 ly
10.5.2017 11.12.27
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 26,15 lyDistance to Sol: 131,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 096,31 lyEstimated value: 114 801 cr
25,71 ly
Col 285 Sector LH-A b15-0
10.5.2017 11.10.16
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 25,71 lyDistance to Sol: 121,68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 076,84 lyEstimated value: 5 207 cr
26,63 ly
Col 285 Sector FG-Y a30-3
10.5.2017 11.09.14
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 26,63 lyDistance to Sol: 122,17 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 064,19 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
26,85 ly
10.5.2017 11.08.21
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 26,85 lyDistance to Sol: 120,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 054,32 lyEstimated value: 124 282 cr
26,49 ly
Han Xiang
10.5.2017 11.07.06
Ship: Julia II (Dolphin)
Jump distance: 26,49 lyDistance to Sol: 120,70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 031,13 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
10,20 ly
10.5.2017 10.45.13
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 10,20 lyDistance to Sol: 128,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 015,59 lyEstimated value: 904 921 cr
10,20 ly
10.5.2017 10.01.47
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 10,20 lyDistance to Sol: 124,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 023,85 lyEstimated value: 139 336 cr
9. toukokuuta 2017
12,95 ly
9.5.2017 12.29.58
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 12,95 lyDistance to Sol: 128,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 015,59 lyEstimated value: 904 921 cr
3,72 ly
9.5.2017 11.51.20
Ship: Pharsalus (Fer-de-Lance)
Jump distance: 3,72 lyDistance to Sol: 124,64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 026,23 lyEstimated value: 15 214 cr