CMDR Flugenberg profile > Flight Log

43,72 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,72 lyDistance to Sol: 4 140,77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 872,89 lyEstimated value: 4 816 cr
44,06 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,06 lyDistance to Sol: 4 113,42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 835,82 lyEstimated value: 3 616 cr
42,60 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42,60 lyDistance to Sol: 4 083,81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 797,65 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
43,82 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,82 lyDistance to Sol: 4 044,54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 755,37 lyEstimated value: 77 874 cr
41,97 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,97 lyDistance to Sol: 4 004,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 711,74 lyEstimated value: 2 411 cr
40,38 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,38 lyDistance to Sol: 3 970,22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 671,24 lyEstimated value: 19 872 cr
41,19 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,19 lyDistance to Sol: 3 942,97 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 635,32 lyEstimated value: 2 418 cr
44,16 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,16 lyDistance to Sol: 3 903,72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 594,58 lyEstimated value: 1 211 cr
44,48 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,48 lyDistance to Sol: 3 875,30 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 555,97 lyEstimated value: 1 210 cr
43,49 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,49 lyDistance to Sol: 3 847,07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 517,22 lyEstimated value: 47 235 cr
42,22 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42,22 lyDistance to Sol: 3 807,93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 473,82 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
45,02 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45,02 lyDistance to Sol: 3 778,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 435,55 lyEstimated value: 3 637 cr
44,43 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,43 lyDistance to Sol: 3 748,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 395,04 lyEstimated value: 7 241 cr
44,72 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,72 lyDistance to Sol: 3 724,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 358,14 lyEstimated value: 42 604 cr
44,77 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,77 lyDistance to Sol: 3 693,50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 316,85 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
39,69 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,69 lyDistance to Sol: 3 660,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 275,98 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
44,59 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,59 lyDistance to Sol: 3 625,67 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 237,40 lyEstimated value: 24 083 cr
43,77 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,77 lyDistance to Sol: 3 592,57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 197,35 lyEstimated value: 3 610 cr
43,43 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,43 lyDistance to Sol: 3 556,69 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 156,91 lyEstimated value: 112 890 cr
37,78 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 37,78 lyDistance to Sol: 3 520,65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 113,93 lyEstimated value: 1 209 cr
44,31 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,31 lyDistance to Sol: 3 492,81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 078,51 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
40,64 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,64 lyDistance to Sol: 3 468,70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 040,71 lyEstimated value: 2 424 cr
43,55 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,55 lyDistance to Sol: 3 448,13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 25 006,91 lyEstimated value: 5 705 cr
44,32 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,32 lyDistance to Sol: 3 424,90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 971,08 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
44,18 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,18 lyDistance to Sol: 3 390,67 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 929,95 lyEstimated value: 1 224 cr
41,33 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,33 lyDistance to Sol: 3 360,83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 888,24 lyEstimated value: 22 949 cr
43,57 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,57 lyDistance to Sol: 3 328,22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 849,30 lyEstimated value: 2 417 cr
44,66 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,66 lyDistance to Sol: 3 307,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 815,80 lyEstimated value: 2 418 cr
39,17 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,17 lyDistance to Sol: 3 279,78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 774,37 lyEstimated value: 6 706 cr
43,45 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,45 lyDistance to Sol: 3 257,42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 739,09 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
44,98 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,98 lyDistance to Sol: 3 214,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 699,62 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
40,76 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,76 lyDistance to Sol: 3 171,90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 657,38 lyEstimated value: 16 201 cr
43,94 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,94 lyDistance to Sol: 3 156,41 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 624,87 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
43,11 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,11 lyDistance to Sol: 3 130,08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 584,46 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
44,15 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,15 lyDistance to Sol: 3 094,03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 542,23 lyEstimated value: 40 371 cr
44,04 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,04 lyDistance to Sol: 3 081,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 511,12 lyEstimated value: 1 210 cr
38,90 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 38,90 lyDistance to Sol: 3 069,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 477,72 lyEstimated value: 3 612 cr
41,29 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,29 lyDistance to Sol: 3 042,90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 440,36 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
43,57 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,57 lyDistance to Sol: 3 007,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 400,57 lyEstimated value: 5 207 cr
39,99 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,99 lyDistance to Sol: 2 996,91 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 368,02 lyEstimated value: 3 609 cr
43,80 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,80 lyDistance to Sol: 2 983,46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 335,04 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
43,29 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,29 lyDistance to Sol: 2 956,21 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 295,59 lyEstimated value: 1 217 cr
43,02 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,02 lyDistance to Sol: 2 927,79 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 254,02 lyEstimated value: 1 212 cr
43,70 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,70 lyDistance to Sol: 2 896,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 212,32 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
41,91 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,91 lyDistance to Sol: 2 866,04 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 169,02 lyEstimated value: 2 411 cr
43,85 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,85 lyDistance to Sol: 2 852,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 133,79 lyEstimated value: 17 789 cr
44,67 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,67 lyDistance to Sol: 2 826,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 091,15 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
40,68 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,68 lyDistance to Sol: 2 792,37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 046,49 lyEstimated value: 1 227 cr
43,70 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,70 lyDistance to Sol: 2 755,07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 24 008,68 lyEstimated value: 32 146 cr
37,87 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 37,87 lyDistance to Sol: 2 739,34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 973,36 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
44,89 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,89 lyDistance to Sol: 2 713,79 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 935,74 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
43,55 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,55 lyDistance to Sol: 2 680,16 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 891,52 lyEstimated value: 38 857 cr
36,70 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 36,70 lyDistance to Sol: 2 670,86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 856,02 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
179,57 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 179,57 lyDistance to Sol: 2 666,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 829,34 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
30,64 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 30,64 lyDistance to Sol: 2 587,64 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 659,65 lyEstimated value: 74 639 cr
44,54 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,54 lyDistance to Sol: 2 605,40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 653,09 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
44,41 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,41 lyDistance to Sol: 2 582,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 609,41 lyEstimated value: 16 596 cr
43,84 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,84 lyDistance to Sol: 2 546,13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 566,63 lyEstimated value: 2 434 cr
44,56 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,56 lyDistance to Sol: 2 549,22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 538,97 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
44,85 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,85 lyDistance to Sol: 2 531,04 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 497,17 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
44,79 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,79 lyDistance to Sol: 2 510,31 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 454,00 lyEstimated value: 48 429 cr
39,89 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,89 lyDistance to Sol: 2 496,80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 412,12 lyEstimated value: 3 625 cr
45,01 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 45,01 lyDistance to Sol: 2 485,66 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 376,36 lyEstimated value: 472 835 cr
40,36 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,36 lyDistance to Sol: 2 476,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 339,56 lyEstimated value: 3 621 cr
42,54 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42,54 lyDistance to Sol: 2 449,92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 301,64 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
38,91 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 38,91 lyDistance to Sol: 2 429,90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 259,51 lyEstimated value: 7 614 cr
41,64 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,64 lyDistance to Sol: 2 401,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 221,90 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
41,05 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,05 lyDistance to Sol: 2 416,40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 197,36 lyEstimated value: 67 911 cr
44,07 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,07 lyDistance to Sol: 2 446,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 191,63 lyEstimated value: 3 609 cr
40,25 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,25 lyDistance to Sol: 2 429,58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 149,11 lyEstimated value: 1 205 cr
38,71 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 38,71 lyDistance to Sol: 2 427,32 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 120,13 lyEstimated value: 1 212 cr
28,76 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 28,76 lyDistance to Sol: 2 397,37 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 084,01 lyEstimated value: 200 545 cr
39,66 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,66 lyDistance to Sol: 2 404,56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 063,64 lyEstimated value: 654 089 cr
41,13 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,13 lyDistance to Sol: 2 404,92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 23 029,16 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
33,70 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 33,70 lyDistance to Sol: 2 398,91 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 991,02 lyEstimated value: 3 380 cr
44,22 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,22 lyDistance to Sol: 2 403,68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 964,48 lyEstimated value: 1 216 cr
44,11 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,11 lyDistance to Sol: 2 372,22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 922,91 lyEstimated value: 1 230 cr
41,33 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,33 lyDistance to Sol: 2 358,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 882,89 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
41,59 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,59 lyDistance to Sol: 2 335,27 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 844,59 lyEstimated value: 251 089 cr
38,98 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 38,98 lyDistance to Sol: 2 331,24 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 805,67 lyEstimated value: 3 620 cr
40,34 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 40,34 lyDistance to Sol: 2 306,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 769,42 lyEstimated value: 32 529 cr
42,52 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42,52 lyDistance to Sol: 2 299,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 730,07 lyEstimated value: 470 709 cr
44,18 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,18 lyDistance to Sol: 2 305,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 694,91 lyEstimated value: 2 406 cr
43,78 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,78 lyDistance to Sol: 2 318,56 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 659,85 lyEstimated value: 332 777 cr
43,64 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,64 lyDistance to Sol: 2 306,03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 618,89 lyEstimated value: 2 407 cr
44,43 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,43 lyDistance to Sol: 2 297,49 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 575,54 lyEstimated value: 16 025 cr
44,73 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,73 lyDistance to Sol: 2 310,02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 539,12 lyEstimated value: 36 223 cr
41,28 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 41,28 lyDistance to Sol: 2 320,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 500,27 lyEstimated value: 2 407 cr
42,19 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 42,19 lyDistance to Sol: 2 331,69 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 465,68 lyEstimated value: 8 405 cr
29,48 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 29,48 lyDistance to Sol: 2 328,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 425,40 lyEstimated value: 27 070 cr
44,12 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,12 lyDistance to Sol: 2 330,65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 397,56 lyEstimated value: 13 823 cr
44,61 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,61 lyDistance to Sol: 2 324,88 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 353,72 lyEstimated value: 4 205 cr
44,12 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,12 lyDistance to Sol: 2 331,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 313,27 lyEstimated value: 10 492 cr
29,77 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 29,77 lyDistance to Sol: 2 344,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 275,17 lyEstimated value: 5 205 cr
43,38 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 43,38 lyDistance to Sol: 2 352,92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 248,61 lyEstimated value: 4 766 cr
37,39 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 37,39 lyDistance to Sol: 2 353,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 209,46 lyEstimated value: 7 906 cr
39,06 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,06 lyDistance to Sol: 2 359,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 174,73 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
178,37 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 178,37 lyDistance to Sol: 2 361,29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 136,75 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
132,17 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 132,17 lyDistance to Sol: 2 365,21 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 959,46 lyEstimated value: 38 148 cr
37,61 ly
Ship: HMS NUL'DREI (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 37,61 lyDistance to Sol: 2 458,60 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 868,87 lyEstimated value: 24 091 cr