CMDR HalseySpartan2 profile > Flight Log

(Imperial Cutter)

29. elokuuta 2023
26,80 ly
Trianguli Sector KM-W b1-2
29.8.2023 23.05.11
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,80 lyDistance to Sol: 128,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 092,67 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
27,37 ly
Trianguli Sector EL-Y b0
29.8.2023 23.04.22
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,37 lyDistance to Sol: 145,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 119,00 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
15,04 ly
29.8.2023 22.54.14
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 15,04 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
20,78 ly
Trianguli Sector FL-Y b4
29.8.2023 22.53.27
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 20,78 lyDistance to Sol: 159,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 134,56 lyEstimated value: 9 906 cr
0,00 ly
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-5
29.8.2023 22.52.12
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 164,77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 131,38 lyEstimated value: 5 907 cr
25,54 ly
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-5
29.8.2023 22.50.27
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,54 lyDistance to Sol: 164,77 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 131,38 lyEstimated value: 5 907 cr
56,95 ly
Hyades Sector LC-L b8-0
29.8.2023 22.48.43
Jump distance: 56,95 ly
Distance to Sol: 164,03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 114,47 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
16,47 ly
29.8.2023 22.28.24
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 16,47 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
0,00 ly
Trianguli Sector FL-Y b5
29.8.2023 22.27.09
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 154,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 131,07 lyEstimated value: 10 906 cr
25,56 ly
Trianguli Sector FL-Y b5
29.8.2023 22.25.54
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,56 lyDistance to Sol: 154,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 131,07 lyEstimated value: 10 906 cr
22,75 ly
Oxosso Kait
29.8.2023 22.25.01
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 22,75 lyDistance to Sol: 135,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 108,81 lyEstimated value: 22 354 cr
26,92 ly
Trianguli Sector MX-U b2-2
29.8.2023 22.24.02
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,92 lyDistance to Sol: 115,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 086,79 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
25,76 ly
29.8.2023 22.23.14
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,76 lyDistance to Sol: 97,98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 059,93 lyEstimated value: 69 904 cr
27,90 ly
76 Sigma Ceti
29.8.2023 22.21.55
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,90 lyDistance to Sol: 87,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,44 lyEstimated value: 383 430 cr
11,95 ly
Tarach Tor
29.8.2023 22.13.43
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 11,95 lyDistance to Sol: 84,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 009,86 lyEstimated value: 356 491 cr
20,18 ly
Piscium Sector QI-T b3-6
29.8.2023 22.12.46
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 20,18 lyDistance to Sol: 73,84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 006,03 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
26,48 ly
LTT 569
29.8.2023 22.11.43
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,48 lyDistance to Sol: 54,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 003,33 lyEstimated value: 72 997 cr
27,31 ly
Core Sys Sector TO-R a4-0
29.8.2023 22.10.19
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,31 lyDistance to Sol: 32,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 991,29 lyEstimated value: 5 201 cr
22,72 ly
29.8.2023 22.00.01
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 22,72 lyDistance to Sol: 16,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 985,12 lyEstimated value: 320 327 cr
27,59 ly
Teegarden's Star
29.8.2023 21.59.03
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,59 lyDistance to Sol: 12,43 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 007,12 lyEstimated value: 4 701 cr
27,25 ly
LP 715-52
29.8.2023 21.51.59
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,25 lyDistance to Sol: 36,22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 029,58 lyEstimated value: 26 825 cr
27,96 ly
Tascheter Sector ZZ-P a5-2
29.8.2023 21.51.07
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,96 lyDistance to Sol: 62,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 049,74 lyEstimated value: 5 701 cr
27,22 ly
Trianguli Sector JC-V b2-7
29.8.2023 21.50.19
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,22 lyDistance to Sol: 89,31 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 075,19 lyEstimated value: 9 907 cr
27,93 ly
Trianguli Sector FG-Y d82
29.8.2023 21.49.28
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,93 lyDistance to Sol: 116,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 099,00 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
27,94 ly
Trianguli Sector JR-W b1-0
29.8.2023 21.48.41
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,94 lyDistance to Sol: 142,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 120,20 lyEstimated value: 4 707 cr
0,00 ly
29.8.2023 21.47.25
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
27,94 ly
29.8.2023 21.14.59
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,94 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
27,38 ly
Trianguli Sector JR-W b1-0
29.8.2023 21.14.04
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,38 lyDistance to Sol: 142,39 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 120,20 lyEstimated value: 4 707 cr
27,49 ly
GCRV 3204
29.8.2023 21.12.42
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,49 lyDistance to Sol: 117,75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 102,63 lyEstimated value: 716 929 cr
24,67 ly
Trianguli Sector UU-O a6-1
29.8.2023 21.11.53
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 24,67 lyDistance to Sol: 91,05 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 076,91 lyEstimated value: 5 701 cr
28,07 ly
29.8.2023 21.10.31
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 28,07 lyDistance to Sol: 67,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 053,46 lyEstimated value: 10 705 cr
25,67 ly
LFT 377
29.8.2023 21.09.36
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,67 lyDistance to Sol: 39,52 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 031,97 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
28,05 ly
LP 944-020
29.8.2023 21.08.48
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 28,05 lyDistance to Sol: 16,22 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 008,21 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
13,74 ly
29.8.2023 21.01.12
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 13,74 lyDistance to Sol: 16,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 985,12 lyEstimated value: 320 327 cr
26,99 ly
IL Aquarii
29.8.2023 21.00.23
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,99 lyDistance to Sol: 15,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 992,96 lyEstimated value: 32 331 cr
26,97 ly
LTT 9587
29.8.2023 20.59.31
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,97 lyDistance to Sol: 42,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 986,26 lyEstimated value: 2 411 cr
25,11 ly
Piscium Sector DL-Y d117
29.8.2023 20.58.44
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,11 lyDistance to Sol: 66,28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 21 992,71 lyEstimated value: 3 642 cr
17,33 ly
Tarach Tor
29.8.2023 20.52.42
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 17,33 lyDistance to Sol: 84,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 009,86 lyEstimated value: 356 491 cr
22,29 ly
Piscium Sector NC-V b2-3
29.8.2023 20.51.51
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 22,29 lyDistance to Sol: 86,08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 027,03 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
27,81 ly
Ceti Sector CL-X b1-0
29.8.2023 20.51.03
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,81 lyDistance to Sol: 101,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 043,57 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
27,56 ly
29.8.2023 20.50.17
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,56 lyDistance to Sol: 117,50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 070,72 lyEstimated value: 119 156 cr
26,80 ly
Trianguli Sector KM-W b1-2
29.8.2023 20.49.19
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,80 lyDistance to Sol: 128,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 092,67 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
27,37 ly
Trianguli Sector EL-Y b0
29.8.2023 20.48.22
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,37 lyDistance to Sol: 145,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 119,00 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
0,00 ly
29.8.2023 20.47.08
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
16,47 ly
29.8.2023 20.26.30
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 16,47 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
0,00 ly
Trianguli Sector FL-Y b5
29.8.2023 20.25.15
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 154,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 131,07 lyEstimated value: 10 906 cr
25,56 ly
Trianguli Sector FL-Y b5
29.8.2023 20.24.22
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,56 lyDistance to Sol: 154,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 131,07 lyEstimated value: 10 906 cr
22,75 ly
Oxosso Kait
29.8.2023 20.23.28
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 22,75 lyDistance to Sol: 135,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 108,81 lyEstimated value: 22 354 cr
26,92 ly
Trianguli Sector MX-U b2-2
29.8.2023 20.22.30
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,92 lyDistance to Sol: 115,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 086,79 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
25,76 ly
29.8.2023 20.21.41
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,76 lyDistance to Sol: 97,98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 059,93 lyEstimated value: 69 904 cr
27,90 ly
76 Sigma Ceti
29.8.2023 20.20.43
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,90 lyDistance to Sol: 87,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,44 lyEstimated value: 383 430 cr
17,33 ly
Tarach Tor
29.8.2023 20.12.11
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 17,33 lyDistance to Sol: 84,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 009,86 lyEstimated value: 356 491 cr
22,29 ly
Piscium Sector NC-V b2-3
29.8.2023 20.11.26
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 22,29 lyDistance to Sol: 86,08 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 027,03 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
27,81 ly
Ceti Sector CL-X b1-0
29.8.2023 20.10.41
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,81 lyDistance to Sol: 101,19 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 043,57 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
27,56 ly
29.8.2023 20.09.51
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,56 lyDistance to Sol: 117,50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 070,72 lyEstimated value: 119 156 cr
26,80 ly
Trianguli Sector KM-W b1-2
29.8.2023 20.09.03
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,80 lyDistance to Sol: 128,18 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 092,67 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
27,37 ly
Trianguli Sector EL-Y b0
29.8.2023 20.08.15
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,37 lyDistance to Sol: 145,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 119,00 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
15,26 ly
29.8.2023 20.00.51
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 15,26 lyDistance to Sol: 167,73 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 145,47 lyEstimated value: 253 348 cr
0,00 ly
29.8.2023 19.59.35
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 167,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 150,40 lyEstimated value: 17 651 cr
14,20 ly
29.8.2023 19.58.41
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 14,20 lyDistance to Sol: 167,38 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 150,40 lyEstimated value: 17 651 cr
23,43 ly
29.8.2023 0.32.03
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 23,43 lyDistance to Sol: 169,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 152,85 lyEstimated value: 525 522 cr
27,24 ly
Trianguli Sector CA-A c22
29.8.2023 0.31.13
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,24 lyDistance to Sol: 154,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 133,42 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
0,00 ly
Trianguli Sector GW-W b1-5
29.8.2023 0.29.58
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 129,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 111,57 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
27,55 ly
Trianguli Sector GW-W b1-5
29.8.2023 0.28.52
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,55 lyDistance to Sol: 129,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 111,57 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
26,92 ly
Trianguli Sector MX-U b2-2
29.8.2023 0.27.52
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,92 lyDistance to Sol: 115,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 086,79 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
25,76 ly
29.8.2023 0.26.29
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,76 lyDistance to Sol: 97,98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 059,93 lyEstimated value: 69 904 cr
27,90 ly
76 Sigma Ceti
29.8.2023 0.25.25
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,90 lyDistance to Sol: 87,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,44 lyEstimated value: 383 430 cr
28. elokuuta 2023
27,15 ly
Tarach Tor
28.8.2023 22.19.56
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,15 lyDistance to Sol: 84,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 009,86 lyEstimated value: 356 491 cr
28,07 ly
Ceti Sector GR-V b2-6
28.8.2023 22.18.34
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 28,07 lyDistance to Sol: 99,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 033,62 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
27,39 ly
28.8.2023 22.17.38
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,39 lyDistance to Sol: 104,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 060,41 lyEstimated value: 119 720 cr
24,54 ly
Trianguli Sector OS-U b2-2
28.8.2023 22.16.45
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 24,54 lyDistance to Sol: 122,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 083,82 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
27,68 ly
Trianguli Sector IR-W b1-3
28.8.2023 22.15.56
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,68 lyDistance to Sol: 130,11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 104,91 lyEstimated value: 6 797 cr
27,76 ly
HIP 23716
28.8.2023 22.15.02
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,76 lyDistance to Sol: 151,86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 128,76 lyEstimated value: 69 228 cr
23,43 ly
28.8.2023 22.06.27
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 23,43 lyDistance to Sol: 169,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 152,85 lyEstimated value: 525 522 cr
0,00 ly
Trianguli Sector CA-A c22
28.8.2023 22.05.12
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 154,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 133,42 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
27,24 ly
Trianguli Sector CA-A c22
28.8.2023 22.04.01
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,24 lyDistance to Sol: 154,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 133,42 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
27,55 ly
Trianguli Sector GW-W b1-5
28.8.2023 22.02.10
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,55 lyDistance to Sol: 129,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 111,57 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
26,92 ly
Trianguli Sector MX-U b2-2
28.8.2023 22.00.50
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,92 lyDistance to Sol: 115,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 086,79 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
25,76 ly
28.8.2023 21.58.12
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,76 lyDistance to Sol: 97,98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 059,93 lyEstimated value: 69 904 cr
27,90 ly
76 Sigma Ceti
28.8.2023 21.57.10
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,90 lyDistance to Sol: 87,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,44 lyEstimated value: 383 430 cr
27. elokuuta 2023
27,15 ly
Tarach Tor
27.8.2023 21.47.12
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,15 lyDistance to Sol: 84,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 009,86 lyEstimated value: 356 491 cr
28,07 ly
Ceti Sector GR-V b2-6
27.8.2023 21.46.24
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 28,07 lyDistance to Sol: 99,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 033,62 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
27,39 ly
27.8.2023 21.45.40
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,39 lyDistance to Sol: 104,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 060,41 lyEstimated value: 119 720 cr
24,54 ly
Trianguli Sector OS-U b2-2
27.8.2023 21.44.49
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 24,54 lyDistance to Sol: 122,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 083,82 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
27,68 ly
Trianguli Sector IR-W b1-3
27.8.2023 21.43.21
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,68 lyDistance to Sol: 130,11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 104,91 lyEstimated value: 6 797 cr
27,76 ly
HIP 23716
27.8.2023 21.42.29
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,76 lyDistance to Sol: 151,86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 128,76 lyEstimated value: 69 228 cr
0,00 ly
27.8.2023 21.41.14
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 169,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 152,85 lyEstimated value: 525 522 cr
23,43 ly
27.8.2023 21.22.54
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 23,43 lyDistance to Sol: 169,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 152,85 lyEstimated value: 525 522 cr
0,00 ly
Trianguli Sector CA-A c22
27.8.2023 21.21.39
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 0,00 lyDistance to Sol: 154,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 133,42 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
27,24 ly
Trianguli Sector CA-A c22
27.8.2023 21.20.39
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,24 lyDistance to Sol: 154,87 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 133,42 lyEstimated value: 1 213 cr
27,55 ly
Trianguli Sector GW-W b1-5
27.8.2023 21.19.51
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,55 lyDistance to Sol: 129,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 111,57 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
26,92 ly
Trianguli Sector MX-U b2-2
27.8.2023 21.18.53
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 26,92 lyDistance to Sol: 115,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 086,79 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
25,76 ly
27.8.2023 21.18.00
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 25,76 lyDistance to Sol: 97,98 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 059,93 lyEstimated value: 69 904 cr
27,90 ly
76 Sigma Ceti
27.8.2023 21.16.54
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,90 lyDistance to Sol: 87,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 035,44 lyEstimated value: 383 430 cr
27,15 ly
Tarach Tor
27.8.2023 21.09.30
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,15 lyDistance to Sol: 84,53 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 009,86 lyEstimated value: 356 491 cr
28,07 ly
Ceti Sector GR-V b2-6
27.8.2023 21.08.42
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 28,07 lyDistance to Sol: 99,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 033,62 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
27,39 ly
27.8.2023 21.07.49
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,39 lyDistance to Sol: 104,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 060,41 lyEstimated value: 119 720 cr
24,54 ly
Trianguli Sector OS-U b2-2
27.8.2023 21.06.55
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 24,54 lyDistance to Sol: 122,06 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 083,82 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
27,68 ly
Trianguli Sector IR-W b1-3
27.8.2023 21.05.26
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,68 lyDistance to Sol: 130,11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 104,91 lyEstimated value: 6 797 cr
27,76 ly
HIP 23716
27.8.2023 21.04.37
Ship: BUG BUS (Python)
Jump distance: 27,76 lyDistance to Sol: 151,86 ly
Distance to Colonia: 22 128,76 lyEstimated value: 69 228 cr