CMDR Sakaki Yumiko profile > Flight Log

(Krait Mk II)

50,66 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,66 lyDistance to Sol: 11 182,91 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 052,87 lyEstimated value: 1 217 cr
205,61 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 205,61 lyDistance to Sol: 11 142,11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 100,80 lyEstimated value: 4 811 cr
39,96 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 39,96 lyDistance to Sol: 11 003,72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 290,19 lyEstimated value: 40 815 cr
51,75 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,75 lyDistance to Sol: 10 968,54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 319,23 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
51,36 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,36 lyDistance to Sol: 10 931,58 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 368,70 lyEstimated value: 1 214 cr
51,60 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,60 lyDistance to Sol: 10 897,27 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 410,60 lyEstimated value: 61 541 cr
49,97 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,97 lyDistance to Sol: 10 865,78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 455,88 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
51,70 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,70 lyDistance to Sol: 10 830,34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 503,42 lyEstimated value: 2 429 cr
25,11 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 25,11 lyDistance to Sol: 10 792,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 550,22 lyEstimated value: 6 041 cr
51,54 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,54 lyDistance to Sol: 10 768,65 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 570,67 lyEstimated value: 5 012 cr
49,15 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,15 lyDistance to Sol: 10 727,24 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 620,61 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
50,37 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,37 lyDistance to Sol: 10 682,27 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 666,64 lyEstimated value: 1 217 cr
51,25 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,25 lyDistance to Sol: 10 643,72 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 712,23 lyEstimated value: 2 406 cr
51,67 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,67 lyDistance to Sol: 10 599,81 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 759,30 lyEstimated value: 1 226 cr
51,73 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,73 lyDistance to Sol: 10 557,94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 807,60 lyEstimated value: 2 415 cr
50,30 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,30 lyDistance to Sol: 10 509,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 854,54 lyEstimated value: 2 413 cr
50,25 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,25 lyDistance to Sol: 10 468,29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 903,14 lyEstimated value: 3 611 cr
51,54 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,54 lyDistance to Sol: 10 427,47 ly
Distance to Colonia: 12 952,52 lyEstimated value: 16 063 cr
49,35 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,35 lyDistance to Sol: 10 383,57 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 002,80 lyEstimated value: 18 501 cr
51,65 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,65 lyDistance to Sol: 10 340,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 050,05 lyEstimated value: 3 632 cr
50,91 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,91 lyDistance to Sol: 10 303,80 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 100,99 lyEstimated value: 121 448 cr
51,80 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,80 lyDistance to Sol: 10 257,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 149,50 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
207,34 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 207,34 lyDistance to Sol: 10 215,66 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 200,95 lyEstimated value: 4 898 cr
17,97 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 17,97 lyDistance to Sol: 10 048,03 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 402,35 lyEstimated value: 41 084 cr
51,22 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,22 lyDistance to Sol: 10 034,90 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 420,31 lyEstimated value: 3 616 cr
50,94 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,94 lyDistance to Sol: 9 989,30 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 467,42 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
49,89 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,89 lyDistance to Sol: 9 944,36 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 516,52 lyEstimated value: 1 217 cr
50,17 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,17 lyDistance to Sol: 9 904,30 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 564,01 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
51,66 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,66 lyDistance to Sol: 9 867,55 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 613,78 lyEstimated value: 2 406 cr
51,55 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,55 lyDistance to Sol: 9 824,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 664,13 lyEstimated value: 2 412 cr
51,50 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,50 lyDistance to Sol: 9 787,68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 711,93 lyEstimated value: 6 205 cr
50,80 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,80 lyDistance to Sol: 9 743,47 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 757,82 lyEstimated value: 1 223 cr
51,61 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,61 lyDistance to Sol: 9 703,76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 807,78 lyEstimated value: 1 207 cr
50,82 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,82 lyDistance to Sol: 9 660,46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 856,77 lyEstimated value: 39 965 cr
51,31 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,31 lyDistance to Sol: 9 617,50 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 906,07 lyEstimated value: 1 200 cr
51,34 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,34 lyDistance to Sol: 9 574,59 ly
Distance to Colonia: 13 956,26 lyEstimated value: 9 908 cr
51,75 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,75 lyDistance to Sol: 9 529,83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 002,45 lyEstimated value: 1 219 cr
11,19 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 11,19 lyDistance to Sol: 9 484,02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 051,78 lyEstimated value: 7 214 cr
51,27 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,27 lyDistance to Sol: 9 473,66 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 062,28 lyEstimated value: 2 410 cr
50,45 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,45 lyDistance to Sol: 9 431,35 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 112,91 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
50,97 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,97 lyDistance to Sol: 9 391,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 162,76 lyEstimated value: 1 204 cr
50,91 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,91 lyDistance to Sol: 9 352,96 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 212,44 lyEstimated value: 17 834 cr
51,48 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,48 lyDistance to Sol: 9 313,84 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 260,30 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
50,86 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,86 lyDistance to Sol: 9 267,75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 309,49 lyEstimated value: 2 429 cr
51,63 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,63 lyDistance to Sol: 9 227,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 356,88 lyEstimated value: 1 039 036 cr
51,39 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,39 lyDistance to Sol: 9 182,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 406,53 lyEstimated value: 12 636 cr
51,63 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,63 lyDistance to Sol: 9 141,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 456,71 lyEstimated value: 61 012 cr
51,02 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,02 lyDistance to Sol: 9 104,40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 507,03 lyEstimated value: 2 432 cr
50,80 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,80 lyDistance to Sol: 9 062,27 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 557,29 lyEstimated value: 3 621 cr
51,68 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,68 lyDistance to Sol: 9 021,78 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 605,47 lyEstimated value: 2 409 cr
51,72 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,72 lyDistance to Sol: 8 984,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 655,68 lyEstimated value: 2 408 cr
51,44 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,44 lyDistance to Sol: 8 946,46 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 703,76 lyEstimated value: 2 434 cr
51,77 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 51,77 lyDistance to Sol: 8 906,29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 753,39 lyEstimated value: 1 200 cr
206,96 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 206,96 lyDistance to Sol: 8 861,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 14 803,37 lyEstimated value: 2 406 cr
25,89 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 25,89 lyDistance to Sol: 8 698,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 004,45 lyEstimated value: 29 717 cr
3,19 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 3,19 lyDistance to Sol: 8 687,42 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 023,93 lyEstimated value: 255 063 cr
48,73 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 48,73 lyDistance to Sol: 8 684,62 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 025,42 lyEstimated value: 16 816 cr
49,73 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,73 lyDistance to Sol: 8 636,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 058,29 lyEstimated value: 1 232 cr
50,36 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,36 lyDistance to Sol: 8 588,20 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 099,50 lyEstimated value: 103 080 cr
49,25 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,25 lyDistance to Sol: 8 538,92 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 140,95 lyEstimated value: 40 144 cr
50,24 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,24 lyDistance to Sol: 8 491,05 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 182,19 lyEstimated value: 1 223 cr
50,11 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,11 lyDistance to Sol: 8 441,02 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 219,50 lyEstimated value: 15 514 cr
50,30 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,30 lyDistance to Sol: 8 393,07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 263,42 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
50,29 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,29 lyDistance to Sol: 8 342,94 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 301,27 lyEstimated value: 176 990 cr
201,71 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 201,71 lyDistance to Sol: 8 295,95 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 347,03 lyEstimated value: 73 126 cr
27,50 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 27,50 lyDistance to Sol: 8 096,09 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 505,62 lyEstimated value: 35 944 cr
50,38 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,38 lyDistance to Sol: 8 088,44 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 522,56 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
49,65 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,65 lyDistance to Sol: 8 040,70 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 566,42 lyEstimated value: 1 208 cr
50,12 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,12 lyDistance to Sol: 7 993,25 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 610,09 lyEstimated value: 2 432 cr
49,80 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,80 lyDistance to Sol: 7 943,66 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 649,71 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
49,29 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,29 lyDistance to Sol: 7 897,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 693,64 lyEstimated value: 1 220 cr
50,31 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,31 lyDistance to Sol: 7 849,74 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 735,06 lyEstimated value: 1 202 cr
50,03 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,03 lyDistance to Sol: 7 801,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 777,46 lyEstimated value: 1 200 cr
50,40 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,40 lyDistance to Sol: 7 752,13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 815,32 lyEstimated value: 1 203 cr
50,04 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,04 lyDistance to Sol: 7 705,07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 859,94 lyEstimated value: 1 202 cr
50,13 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,13 lyDistance to Sol: 7 656,28 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 899,92 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
50,42 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,42 lyDistance to Sol: 7 610,04 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 943,62 lyEstimated value: 3 614 cr
50,23 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,23 lyDistance to Sol: 7 561,11 ly
Distance to Colonia: 15 986,16 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
154,99 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 154,99 lyDistance to Sol: 7 512,51 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 022,35 lyEstimated value: 98 338 cr
31,33 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 31,33 lyDistance to Sol: 7 358,52 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 143,72 lyEstimated value: 101 468 cr
50,29 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,29 lyDistance to Sol: 7 333,71 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 174,52 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
49,96 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,96 lyDistance to Sol: 7 288,85 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 221,90 lyEstimated value: 43 330 cr
49,86 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,86 lyDistance to Sol: 7 241,52 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 265,74 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
50,01 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,01 lyDistance to Sol: 7 195,04 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 305,72 lyEstimated value: 53 744 cr
201,50 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 201,50 lyDistance to Sol: 7 147,93 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 350,93 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
44,03 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,03 lyDistance to Sol: 6 954,07 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 526,69 lyEstimated value: 24 005 cr
50,28 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,28 lyDistance to Sol: 6 928,68 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 560,58 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
49,76 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,76 lyDistance to Sol: 6 880,40 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 603,80 lyEstimated value: 1 202 cr
48,94 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 48,94 lyDistance to Sol: 6 831,83 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 644,82 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
50,35 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,35 lyDistance to Sol: 6 785,75 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 688,12 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
201,77 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 201,77 lyDistance to Sol: 6 738,60 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 730,55 lyEstimated value: 1 206 cr
44,98 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 44,98 lyDistance to Sol: 6 542,76 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 902,81 lyEstimated value: 212 780 cr
50,45 ly
Jump distance: 50,45 ly
Distance to Sol: 6 540,54 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 874,44 lyEstimated value: 1 203 cr
49,68 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,68 lyDistance to Sol: 6 492,13 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 918,57 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr
49,89 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,89 lyDistance to Sol: 6 444,45 ly
Distance to Colonia: 16 961,84 lyEstimated value: 1 202 cr
49,85 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,85 lyDistance to Sol: 6 395,34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 17 002,73 lyEstimated value: 1 200 cr
50,33 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,33 lyDistance to Sol: 6 347,59 ly
Distance to Colonia: 17 045,28 lyEstimated value: 1 226 cr
50,42 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,42 lyDistance to Sol: 6 300,34 ly
Distance to Colonia: 17 088,12 lyEstimated value: 2 405 cr
49,59 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 49,59 lyDistance to Sol: 6 251,29 ly
Distance to Colonia: 17 131,07 lyEstimated value: 30 236 cr
50,09 ly
Ship: PURSUIT OF SERENITY (Krait Phantom)
Jump distance: 50,09 lyDistance to Sol: 6 202,89 ly
Distance to Colonia: 17 172,78 lyEstimated value: 1 201 cr