Elite: Dangerous Status
What is EDSM?

EDSM (Elite Dangerous Star Map) was at first a community effort to store and calculate systems coordinates around the Elite: Dangerous galaxy.
It is now the main API used by dozens of software and websites to find systems, coordinates, information (governement, allegiance, faction...) and celestial bodies (types, materials...).

EDSM has become a must-have for all respectable explorers, and commanders in the galaxy, with it you can:

  • Track your flight log
  • Track your fleet
  • Track your ranks
  • Write your logbook
  • Write comments and bookmark explored systems
  • Search commodities in stations
  • Search ships in stations
  • And many more... Fly safe commander!

86 268 483 systems stored.
85 359 705 have known coordinates.
12 183 103 have locked coordinates.

420 129 576 celestial bodies stored.
3 716 routes shared.

220 650 270 entries in 69 218 flight logs
28 408 entries in 5 843 logbooks

0,021567% of the galaxy has been discovered on EDSM, it will take 44 051 years, 0 months, 9 days to discover it entirely.
Current known galactic population: 6 625 104 182 839
Current commodities stock in galactic market: 103 183 665 821 t

Latest trilaterated systems
Qoefio HD-V b8-0 −34 429,5 / −136,625 / 42 640,59375
Exap JL-E b25-0 −14 799,0625 / −23,78125 / 58 358,5
Exap LR-N d6-4 −14 676,90625 / 2,46875 / 58 422,09375
Exap BP-Z c13-1 −14 658,96875 / 6,375 / 58 429,71875
Qoefio HD-V b8-0 −34 429,5 / −136,625 / 42 640,59375